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Plants (Basel) ; 11(11)2022 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35684275


The coffee plant, with more than 40 billion shrubs, 9 million tons of grains produced, and 80% of its production accounted for by small-scale producers, has been severely damaged since the emergence of Hemileia vastatrix and Hypothenemus hampei. Despite technological support, these pests have caused 20% to 40% production losses, a 50% to 60% deficit in performance, and a cost of between USD 70 million and USD 220 million to the world economies, which forces us to rethink actions centered on people as the key elements to develop appropriate solutions. For this, the present study presents a technological proposal centered on small indigenous coffee producer requirements for introducing Industry 5.0 technologies, considering roadmapping, knowledge management, statistical analysis, and the social, productive, and digital contexts of five localities in Mexico. The results show a correlation between monitoring and control, soil analysis, the creation of organic fertilizers, accompaniment, and coffee experimentation, as the actions to be implemented, proposing the introduction of a mobile application; sensors, virtual platforms, dome-shaped greenhouses, and spectrophotometric technology as relevant technologies centered on indigenous coffee producers' requirements. This study is important for policymakers, academics, and producers who wish to develop strategies centered on people in Mexico and the world.

Neotrop Entomol ; 50(1): 46-52, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33501631


The optimal defense theory stipulates that a plant prioritizes the defense of young tissue against herbivory, which may affect the spatial distribution of the attacking insect and its impact on plant performance. In this study, we evaluated the feeding and oviposition site preferences of the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), when comparing different parts of the canopy of two coffee varieties as well as its fertility and life history parameters. We evaluated the feeding preference, oviposition site choice, and the distribution of different development stages of P. citri on different strata (apical, median, base, and trunk regions) of two coffee varieties, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, as well as the associated variations in life history parameters and fertility. The citrus mealybug preferred to feed and oviposit on young leaves despite the presence of high levels of defense compounds. On average, more than 38% of P. citri preferred the apical leaves of cv. Coffea arabica compared to the other parts of the plant. However, in cv. C. canephora, the proportion that preferred the apical leaves was greater than 55%. The net reproduction rate (R0) and the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of P. citri reared on C. canephora were significantly higher than those seen on C. arabica. The generation time (T) of P. citri reared on C. arabica was significantly longer than that observed on C. canephora. The estimated population growth rate of mealybugs on C. canephora varieties over 15 generations was more than twice that of the population on C. arabica. The dispersion ability and choice of the most nutritious plant strata by nymphs and adults on coffee plants are fundamental to the fitness of these mealybugs. Mealybugs showed a distinct preference for C. canephora.

Coffea , Comportamento Alimentar , Hemípteros/fisiologia , Oviposição , Animais , Feminino , Herbivoria , Ninfa , Folhas de Planta
Exp Appl Acarol ; 80(2): 215-226, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31907695


Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae), commonly known as the southern red mite, or as the coffee red spider mite in Brazil, is one of the main species of herbivorous mites that causes serious damage to coffee plants (Coffea spp.) and thus negatively affects coffee production. Among the biocontrol agents, predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae play an important role in many biological control programs worldwide due to their potential as suppressor of mite populations mainly from the family Tetranychidae. One of the phytoseiid mites usually associated with O. ilicis is Euseius concordis (Chant), which often occurs abundantly in the coffee crops of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This study was conducted to assess the predation potential of E. concordis feeding on the larvae and nymph stages of O. ilicis on coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.). Logistic regression analysis revealed a Holling type II functional response, showing that the number of O. ilicis killed by E. concordis increased gradually as the density of O. ilicis increased. Average daily oviposition also increased with prey densities above 6.3 mites/cm2, indicating that maximum oviposition rate is about 1 egg/day. Results of this study suggest that E. concordis has the potential to reduce O. ilicis populations, and this predatory mite can therefore be considered an important natural enemy of the pest O. ilicis in coffee plantations.

Coffea/parasitologia , Ácaros/fisiologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Tetranychidae , Animais , Brasil , Feminino , Oviposição , Comportamento Predatório
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(5): 1146-1153, Sept.-Oct. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-567326


Existem poucas informações sobre a fauna de ácaros predadores (Phytoseiidae) em ambientes naturais brasileiros adjacentes a agroecossistemas cafeeiros (Coffea spp.) ou sobre a influência que essa vegetação exerce como reservatório de ácaros predadores. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a diversidade destes organismos em cafeeiros e fragmentos florestais adjacentes. Coletaram-se amostras das espécies Calyptranthes clusiifolia (Miq.) O. Berg (Myrtaceae), Esenbeckia febrifuga (A. St.-Hil.) A. Juss. ex Mart. (Rutaceae), Metrodorea stipularis Mart. (Rutaceae) e Allophylus semidentatus (Miq.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae), em oito fragmentos florestais, de 5 a 51 ha, e cafezais adjacentes, nos meses de junho (final período chuvoso) e outubro (final período seco) nos anos 2004 e 2005, na região Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais. Ácaros foram extraídos das folhas, utilizando o método de lavagem e, em seguida, montados em lâminas de microscopia em meio de Hoyer, para identificação específica. No total foram identificados 2.348 fitoseídeos, sendo 2.090 nos fragmentos florestais e 258 espécimes nos cafezais adjacentes, pertencentes a 38 espécies. Servindo-se de análise faunística, a espécie Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, 1972 apresentou os melhores índices no agroecossistema cafeeiro, sendo muito frequente e constante nas épocas estudadas. Nos fragmentos florestais Amblyseius herbicolus Chant, 1959, Iphiseiodes affs. neonobilis Denmark & Muma, 1978, Leonseius regularis DeLeon, 1965 e Euseius alatus DeLeon, 1966 foram dominantes, muito abundantes, muito frequentes e constantes nas épocas estudadas. Podemos concluir que a vegetação nativa abriga ácaros predadores, inimigos naturais de ácaros-praga, que ocorrem na cultura cafeeira, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de programas de manejo ecológico com áreas de vegetação natural e agroecossistemas cafeeiros adjacentes.

There is little information about the fauna of predatory mites (Phytoseiidae) in Brazilian natural environments, adjacent to coffee agroecosystems (Coffea spp.), or about the influence exerted by neighbor vegetation as a reservoir of predatory mites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of these organisms in coffee plantations and adjacent forest fragments. Samples of the species Calyptranthes clusiifolia (Miq.) O. Berg (Myrtaceae), Esenbeckia febrifuga (A. St.-Hil.) A. Juss. ex Mart., Metrodorea stipularis Mart. (Rutaceae) and Allophylus semidentatus (Miq.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae) were collected in eight forest fragments, from 5 to 51ha, adjacent to coffee plantations, in June (end of the rainy season) and October (end of the dry season) in the years of 2004 and 2005, in the Southern region of State of Minas Gerais. Leaf mites were extracted using the wash method, mounted in microscopy slides with Hoyer's medium for identification. A total of 2.348 phytoseiids was collected, being 2.090 in the forest fragments and 258 in adjacent coffee plantations, belonging to 38 species. According to fauna analysis, Iphiseiodes zuluaguai Denmark & Muma, the year of 1972 presented the best indexes in the coffee agroecosystem, being very frequent and constant in those periods. In the forest fragments, Amblyseius herbicolus Chant, 1959, Iphiseiodes affs. neonobilis Denmark & Muma, 1978, Leonseius regularis DeLeon, 1965 and Euseius alatus DeLeon, 1966 were dominant, very abundant, very frequent and constant in those periods. One may conclude that the native vegetation shelters predator mite, natural enemies of mite-pests that still occur in coffee culture, making possible ecological management program development involving areas of natural vegetation and adjacent coffee agroecosystems.

Neotrop. entomol ; 39(3): 391-399, May-June 2010. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-556525


Five Coccus on Coffea arabica from the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais were studied. Females were prepared and mounted in Canada balsam. Coccus brasiliensis Fonseca and Coccus lizeri (Fonseca) were redescribed and Coccus alpinus De Lotto, Coccus celatus De Lotto and Coccus viridis (Green) were characterized. A key to species and illustration of all of them are included. Coccus alpinus and C. celatus are new records for Brazil and the Neotropical Region.

Animais , Feminino , Coffea/parasitologia , Hemípteros/anatomia & histologia , Hemípteros/classificação , Brasil
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 23(2): 61-69, abr.-jun. 2007. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-469387


A irrigação localizada por gotejamento tem sido utilizada na cafeicultura irrigada em virtude de algumas vantagens, quando comparada a outros métodos, como a alta uniformidade de aplicação de água, maior eficiência operacional, economia de água e menor necessidade de mão-de-obra. Este sistema pode amenizar o problema de escassez de água, porém, técnicas de manejo são necessárias para melhor controle da quantidade de água aplicada, garantindo o bom desenvolvimento do cafeeiro. Irrigação deficitária ou em excesso pode acarretar perda de produtividade e redução na lucratividade.

The drip irrigation system has been used on coffee crop for some advantages, when compared with other methods, as the high uniformity of water application, greater operational efficiency, water economy and minor manual work necessity. This system can reduce the problem of water scarcity, however management techniques are necessary for a great control of the amount of water applied, guaranteeing the good development of the coffee plants. Deficit irrigation or excess irrigation can cause losses in the productivity and reduction of the profitability.

Coffea , Irrigação por Gotejamento
Neotrop. entomol ; 33(1): 57-63, Jan.-Feb. 2004. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-512648


Coffee plants have domatia on their leaves harboring mites, and the predatory mites can also use such structures. Here we evaluated the effect of the domatia on the predatory miteIphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, manipulating these structures on the leaves of Coffea arabica L. var. Catuaí. The tests were done using arenas made of coffee leaves placed up side downinside petri dishes. The survivorship of I. zuluagai was evaluated when released on leaves with closed domatia (T1); leaves with open domatia plus prey (T2) and leaves with open domatia withoutprey (T3). The experiment was checked every 24h, measuring the number of alive adults, oviposition site and the number of I. zuluagai eggs/treatment. Significant difference was found between treatments. Mites were alive until the end of the experiments on leaves with open domatia (T2 andT3), which did not happen on leaves with closed domatia (T1). The predators oviposited preferentially inside the domatia on treatments with open domatia, and on the edge of the leaves, next to the moist cotton bordering the leaves, on the treatment with closed domatia. The results indicate the role ofdomatia on the survivorship of the predators on the coffee plants, suggesting a possible mutualist interactions plant-predator. On coffee crops, a mutualistic plant-predator interaction mediated by domatia could be used in practices of natural biological control, selecting coffee plants with domatia to harbor predatory mites and thereby protecting plants against harmful herbivore mites.

Os cafeeiros apresentam domácias em suas folhas que abrigam ácaros, inclusive ácaros predadores que podem também fazer uso dessas estruturas. Neste estudo foi avaliado o efeito dasdomácias sobre o predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, através da manipulação dessas estruturas em folhas de Coffea arabica L. var. Catuaí. Os testes foram realizados em arenas constituídas por folhas de cafeeiro com a face abaxial voltada para cima. Foi avaliada a sobrevivência de I. zuluagaiem folhas com domácias fechadas (T1); domácias abertas contendo alimento (T2) e domácias abertas vazias (T3). Foram feitas observações a cada 24h, contabilizando-se o número de adultos vivos, local de oviposição e quantidade de ovos de I. zuluagai / tratamento. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Nas folhas com domácias abertas (T2 e T3) foram encontrados ácaros vivos até o final do experimento, não ocorrendo o mesmo nas folhas com domácias fechadas (T1). No que se refere à oviposição de I. zuluagai, nos tratamentos em que as domácias se encontravam abertas (T2 e T3), o ácaro ovipositou preferencialmente dentro destas estruturas, enquanto nas folhas com domácias fechadas a oviposição foi feita preponderantemente à margem das folhas em contato com o algodão úmido. Os resultados indicam a importância das domácias como fonte de sobrevivência para os ácaros predadores nas plantas, sugerindo uma interação mutualística plantapredador. No café, o mutualismo planta-predador intermediado por domácias poderia ser explorado em estratégias de controle biológico natural, ao se selecionarem espécies de cafeeiro com domácias que favoreçam a presença dos ácaros predadores nas mesmas, protegendo-as contra o ataque de ácaros herbívoros nocivos.

Neotrop. entomol ; 32(3): 461-467, July-Sept. 2003. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-513641


Ácaros da família Phytoseiidae são os inimigos naturais de ácaros-praga mais importantes e estudados. Uma questão freqüentemente levantada é se os fitoseídeos podem reduzir altas densidades de ácaros fitófagos a baixos níveis. Os estudos da resposta funcional e numérica podem contribuir para responder essa pergunta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de predação de Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark e Muma e Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) como agentes de controle biológico do ácaro fitófago Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), vetor do vírus da leprose-dos-citros e da mancha-anular do cafeeiro. Bioensaios foram realizados em laboratório. Fêmeasadultas de cada predador foram individualizadas em arenas de folha de citros com 3 cm de diâmetro. Fases imaturas de B. phoenicis foram oferecidas, como presas, nas seguintes quantidades/arena: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 e 35 (com sete repetições), 45 (quatro repetições), 55 (três repetições) e 70, 100, 125, 200 e 300 (duas repetições). O número de presas mortas e de ovos colocados pelo predador foram avaliadosa cada 24h, durante oito dias. As presas mortas foram diariamente substituídas por novas presas. Para ambos os ácaros predadores foi constatada uma correlação positiva e altamente significativa entre o número de presas oferecidas e mortas. A oviposição média diária também aumentou em função donúmero de presas mortas. Nas densidades mais baixas, E. alatus matou mais B. phoenicis do que I. zuluagai, e o contrário foi observado nas densidades mais altas. É possível que E. alatus possa reduzir a população de B. phoenicis mesmo em baixas densidades do ácaro fitófago, e que I. zuluagai possafazer o mesmo nas mais altas. O fato de E. alatus necessitar de menos presas que I. zuluagai sugere que sua sobrevivência possa ser maior do que a de I. zuluagai sob baixa densidade de presa.

Phytoseiidae mites are the most important and studied natural enemies of pest mites. A question frequently raised is whether phytoseiid may reduce high densities of phytophagous mites.Studies of functional and numerical responses may help to answer this question. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential predation success of Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark and Muma and Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tnuipalpidae), vectorof the citrus leprosis and the coffee ringspot viruses. Bioassays were performed in the laboratory. Adult females of each predator were isolated in arenas made with citrus leaves (3-cm diameter). Immature stages of B. phoenicis were offered as prey, at the following numbers/arena: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 35 (seven replicates), 45 (four replicates), 55 (three replicates) and 70, 100, 125, 200 and 300 (tworeplicates). The number of killed prey and of eggs laid by the predators was evaluated every 24h, during eight days. Killed prey was replaced daily by new prey. For both predatory mites, a positive and highly significant correlation was found between the numbers of prey offered and killed. The average daily oviposition rate also increased with the number of killed prey. At the lower densities, E. alatuskilled and ate more B. phoenicis than I. zuluagai. The opposite was observed at the highest densities. It is possible that E. alatus can reduce B. phoenicis population even at low prey densities, and I. zuluagai can do the same also at high densities. The fact that E. alatus requires less prey than I. zuluagai suggests that its survivorship may be higher than that of I. zuluagai at low prey densities.

Neotrop. entomol ; 31(3): 463-467, July-Sept. 2002. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-514169


Chemical control has been preferentially used to suppress pests by farmers mainly due to low price of the products and immediate action on target organisms. However, wide action range of the compounds, undesirable effects on non target organisms and the contamination of the environment areamong the disadvantages of this method of control. This study evaluated the action of the insecticides chlorpyrifos, disulfoton, ethion and methyl-parathion, normally used to control the coffee leaf-miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville), on the predaceous mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma,a control agent of the phytophagous mites Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) in coffee plantation. Discriminatory concentrations (LC99), established on the 3rd instar of L. coffeella, by means of the method of dry insecticide residues impregnated in filter paper, were used toverify the selectivity of the insecticides on the predaceous mite. The insecticide chlorpyrifos caused 100% of mortality in I. zuluagai. Ethion and methyl-parathion showed mortality of 34% and 19%, respectively. Disulfoton presented the highest selectivity for the mite, with no lethal action on the predator. The different effects found on the insecticides’ action show that it is possible to use the selective insecticidesin coffee plantation to preserve populations of I. zuluagai, thus favouring the biological control on phytophagous mite.

O controle químico apresenta vantagens como economicidade e rapidez de ação, e tem sido preferencialmente usado no controle de pragas pelos agricultores. Em contrapartida, entre as desvantagensdestaca-se o largo espectro de ação dos compostos, que atingem espécies não-alvos, como inimigos naturais, além de contaminarem o meio ambiente. O presente trabalho avaliou a ação dos inseticidas clorpirifós, dissulfotom, etiom e paratiom-metílico, normalmente usados para controlar o bicho-mineirodo-cafeeiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville), sobre o ácaro predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, agente de controle dos ácaros fitófagos Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) e Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em agroecossistema cafeeiro. Para verificar o efeito seletivo dos compostos sobre oácaro predador, concentrações discriminatórias (CLs99) dos quatros inseticidas foram determinadas parao 3o instar larval de L. coffeella, através do método de bioensaios de concentração-mortalidade em papelfiltro,impregnado com resíduo seco de inseticidas. O clorpirifós causou 100% de mortalidade dos ácaros testados; o etiom e o paratiom-metílico causaram 34% e 19% de mortalidade, respectivamente. Dissulfotom foi o mais seletivo em favor do predador, não mostrando ação letal. O efeito diferenciado dos inseticidas foi desta forma verificado, e tal informação possibilita a utilização dos inseticidas seletivos no agroecossistema cafeeiro, preservando populações de I. zuluagai e favorecendo o controle biológico exercido pelo ácaro predador.