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Int J Inf Secur ; : 1-12, 2023 Feb 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37360929


This paper proposes a blockchain solution for some activities currently performed by notary offices under the Civil Law judiciary that is technically viable. The architecture is also planned to accommodate Brazil's legal, political, and economic requirements. Notaries are responsible for providing various intermediation services for civil transactions, where their primary role is to be the trusted party capable of guaranteeing the authenticity of these transactions. This type of intermediation is common and demanded in Latin American countries, such as Brazil, which is regulated by a Civil Law judiciary. The lack of adequate technology to meet such legal demands leads to an excess of bureaucracy, dependence on manual document and signature checks, and centralized and face-to-face actions in the physical dependence of the notary. To deal with this scenario, this work presents a blockchain-based solution to make some of the activities performed by notaries automatic, guaranteeing non-modification and adherence to civil laws. Thus, the suggested framework was evaluated in accordance with Brazilian legislation and provides an economic evaluation of the proposed solution.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law ; 50(4): 618-625, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36223940


All American jurisdictions have laws protecting children from abuse and neglect. Mandated reporters, including health professionals, whether their suspicions ultimately are substantiated or unfounded, are entitled to immunity when their reports are entered in good faith. When harm takes the form of medical child abuse (MCA, also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy or factitious disorder imposed on another), its origin is ambiguous, at least initially. Questions arise as to whether the caregiver intended to deceive medical professionals and if the condition improved when the child was separated from the caregiver. Clinicians may have an obligation to report MCA in difficult-to-diagnose cases or those where parents press for hospitalizations and procedures. Substantiated cases may lead to removal of children from homes and criminal prosecution of parents. This can result in backlash against the reporter by the parents, with claims of malpractice, official misconduct, intentional harm, fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud, defamation (libel or slander), or all of the above. This article examines case law regarding alleged departures from good-faith reporting of MCA and explores potential limitations to immunity provided to mandated reporters. The findings include no significant instances in which the immunity shield for good-faith reporting was pierced.

Maus-Tratos Infantis , Transtornos Autoinduzidos , Síndrome de Munchausen , Criança , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Hospitalização
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 6(1): [47-61], jan-abr 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-998864


O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a possibilidade ou não da participação, no ato pericial, de pessoas diversas, além dos assistentes técnicos devidamente qualificados, durante os procedimentos. O assunto gera discussão por controvérsias muitas vezes não normatizadas em detalhes nas normativas e leis que regem o assunto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na legislação buscando o entendimento a cerca da questão discutida. É indispensável o conhecimento da legislação por parte dos peritos, pois assim, terão o embasamento para atuar sem restrição de sua liberdade profissional, mas também, sem deixar de lado, o bom andamento processual

The present study aims analyzing the possibility, or not, of the participation in the technical inspection, different people, besides the technical assistants, properly qualified during the procedures. The subject causes discussions by contests, many times, not established in details of patterns and law, that manages the subject. A research has been accomplished in the legislation, looking for the perception about the discussed matter. It's essential the knowledge of legislation on the part of the experts, so that they can have the basis to actuate without restrictions of their professional liberty, as well as, not leaving behind a good procedural course

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Direitos Civis , Legislação , Responsabilidade Civil , Odontologia Legal , Jurisprudência
Entramado ; 12(1)jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534353


Este artículo compara la novela Dolores, de la escritora colombiana Soledad Acosta de Samper (1833-1913) con la norma jurídica vigente para la época en que se escribió dicho texto. El objetivo es acompasar la escritura legal con la ficcional para determinar que ambas reflejan la realidad social y que, en el caso de la autora, sus escritos proponen la modificación de las estructuras civilistas que privilegiaron la desigualdad de las mujeres y su exclusión de la vida pública. En este sentido, afectar a la protagonista de la novela con la enfermedad de la lepra es una estrategia literaria poderosa para cuestionar el único destino posible para la mujer: la maternidad y el matrimonio. Adicionalmente, el hecho de permitirle expresar desde su aislamiento sus más íntimas reflexiones facilita deducir la intención velada de animar a sus lectoras a romper los esquemas tradicionales para encontrar en la vida intelectual alternativas al modelo legal y al esquema literario francés.

Este artigo compara o romance Dolores do escritor colombiano Soledad Acosta (1833-1913) com a norma legal em vigor durante o tempo em que o texto foi escrito. O objectivo é abranger escrita legal com ficcional para determinar que tanto refletem a realidade social e, no caso do autor seus escritos sugerem modificando as estruturas civilistas que privilegiava a desigualdade das mulheres e sua exclusão da vida pública. Neste sentido, afetam o protagonista do romance com a doença da lepra é uma estratégia literária poderosa para questionar o único destino possível para as mulheres: a maternidade e casamento. Além disso, o facto de permitir manifestar o seu isolamento a partir de suas reflexões mais íntimas facilita deduzir a intenção velada para incentivar seus leitores para quebrar os esquemas tradicionais de encontrar vida intelectual alternativa no modelo jurídico e esquema literário francês.

This article compares the novel Dolores by the colombian writer Soledad Acosta de Samper (1833-1913) with the prevailing legal standard for the time when the text was written. The aim is to encompass legal writing with the fictional to determine that both reflect the social reality and, in the case of the author, that her writings suggest changing the structures that privileged civilist inequality of women and their exclusion from public life. In this sense, affect the protagonist of the novel with the disease of leprosy is a powerful literary strategy to question the only possible role for women: motherhood and marriage. Additionally the fact of allowing the protagonist express her most intimate reflections allow us to deduce the veiled intention to encourage hers readers to break the traditional schemes to find alternative intelectual life in the legal and french literary model.

Rev. CEP-PA ; 19: 23-30, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-55373


La autora refl exiona a partir de la temática propuesta, la incidencia del lugar de origen y de las singulares condiciones de existencia de los jóvenes a la hora de ubicar dentro de que lógica se inscriben los límites y las transgresiones en ese tiempo de recapitulación e inauguración queconstituye la adolescencia. En ese sentido considera conveniente diferenciar la producción psicopatológica puberal adolescente de las modalidades de producción de subjetividad que promueve el nuevo orden social mundial que habitamos. Se toman varios casos en los cuales jóvenes sufrieron vejamientos, muerte y desaparición de parte de instituciones que tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar de ellos. Estos casos se dan en un escenario donde la marginalidadsocioeconómica ha acumulado dos o más generaciones de miembros impedidos a acceder a efectivas oportunidades de movilidad social. La lógica salvaje que subyace a este modelo es que aquello que parentemente se nos muestra como una falla de la globalización, es en realidad necesario para su sostenimiento. Se propone que la expulsión social, característica de estos tiempos de globalización, reintroduce el signifi cante del desaparecido bajo una nuevaforma. Quedar expulsado implica quedar por fuera del sistema simbólico que la ley legitima, despojamiento que deja a los sujetos expuestos al lado más feroz de lo insensato de la ley, objeto de sometimiento y explotación. Considera este trabajo que estas características sociales construyen subjetividad tanto en los pacientes como en los analistas, pertenezcan a la clase social que pertenezcan y propone interrogarnos acerca de cuáles son las nuevas condiciones en las que nos encontramos como sujetos y desde que posición intervenimos. (AU)

The author reflects from the proposed theme, the incidence of the place of origin and the unique living conditions of young people when they locate within logical limits and enroll at that time transgressions and wrap nauguration is adolescence. In that context, it considers appropriate to diff erentiate the production pubertal adolescent psychopathological patterns of production of subjectivity that promotes the new global social order we inhabit. They take several cases in which young women were vejamientos, death and disappearance of institutions that have the responsibility to care for them. Th ese cases are in a scenario where the socioeconomic marginalization has accumulated two or more generations of disabled members eff ective access to social mobility opportunities. Th e savage logic behind this model is that what apparently shows a failure of globalization, it is actually necessary for their sustenance. It is proposed that social expulsion characteristic of these times of globalization, the signifi er of the missing reintroduced in a new form. Getting sent off means left out of thesymbolic system that legitimizes law, stripping leaving the exposed side fi ercest foolishness of the law, under subjugation and exploitation. Th is paper considers these social features built subjectivity in both patients and analysts, belong to the social class they belong and proposes wonder about what the new circumstances in which we fi nd ourselves as subjects and from that position intervene. (AU)