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Investig. desar ; 32(1): 35-67, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575105


Resumen La presente investigación indaga por la persistencia de la vida campesina en Los Chenchos, una comunidad ribereña del Pacífico colombiano de 50 habitantes. A partir de un enfoque de bienestar social se examinan dimensiones materiales, relacionales y subjetivas que han permitido a esta comunidad mantener sus medios de vida en un entorno cambiante. Para esto se siguió una metodología mixta basada en observación participante, entrevistas etnográficas y una evaluación cuantitativa-descriptiva de las tres dimensiones del bienestar social en cada uno de los 18 hogares de la comunidad. Se encontró que las decisiones de las personas están motivadas por ciertas preferencias adaptativas, tales como conseguir la estabilidad productiva del hogar, asumir una forma de vida valorada y preservar una red de relaciones familiares, las cuales soportan y posibilitan la vida campesina.

Abstract This manuscript provides insights about the persistence ofpeasant life in Los Chenchos, a riverine community in the Colombian Pacific. Following a social wellbeing approach, we examine the material, relational and subjective dimensions underlying the persistence of this community in their ancestral territory despite profound social and economic challenges marked by regional land use change and the emergence of illegal and extractive economies. We followed a sequential mixed-methods approach based on participant observation, ethnographic interviews and a descriptive census of the three dimensions of social wellbeing in the 18 households that make the community. Employing the social wellbeing approach provided an understanding of how achieving a desired way of life is an adaptive response that draws on values associated with small-scale agricultural production and family networks.

PhytoKeys ; 242: 307-316, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38903848


Recent exploratory field expeditions to the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes resulted in the discovery of a new species of Amalophyllon (Gesneriaceae). Amalophyllonmiraculum J.L.Clark, sp. nov. is described from two localities in the Centinela region in the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province. The new species is differentiated from congeners by the pendent habit, basal rosette of leaves, leaf blades with deeply serrate margins, and miniature size. Based on IUCN guidelines, a preliminary conservation status is assigned as Critically Endangered (CR).

ResumenRecientes expediciones exploratorias de campo a las laderas occidentales de los Andes ecuatorianos dieron como resultado el descubrimiento de una nueva especie de Amalophyllon (Gesneriaceae). Amalophyllonmiraculum J.L.Clark, sp. nov. se describe de dos localidades de la región de Centinela en la provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. La nueva especie se diferencia de otros congéneres por el hábito colgante, la roseta basal de las hojas, las láminas foliares con márgenes profundamente aserrados y su tamaño en miniatura. Según las directrices de la UICN, se le asigna el estado de conservación preliminar de En Peligro Crítico (CR).

Zookeys ; 1175: 187-221, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37636530


Neacomys is a genus of small spiny or bristly sigmodontine rodents that are common components of mammalian faunas in multiple biomes on Central and South America. Recent studies on this group have demonstrated that there is cryptic diversity yet to be discovered within currently recognized species that have not received comprehensive revisions, as well as in areas that have been overlooked. Here we ratify this assertion by describing a new species previously misidentified as the Narrow-footed Spiny Mouse (Neacomystenuipes) from the Chocó biogeographic region in northwestern Ecuador, Neacomysmarci Brito & Tinoco, sp. nov. Distinctiveness of this entity is supported by the combination of the following morphological characters: small size (head-body length 65-85 mm); long tail (69-126% longer than head-body length); pale buff-colored but gray-based belly fur; white throat; hypothenar pad usually absent; long nasals; and a condylar process higher than the coronoid process. Likewise genetic distance analyses and phylogenetic reconstructions based on cytochrome-b (Cytb) sequence data indicate a clear divergence from typical populations of N.tenuipes, and a sister relationship between them. The results presented here increase the diversity of Neacomys to 24 species, placing it among the most diverse genera within the sigmodontine rodents.

Zookeys ; 1166: 49-90, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37323475


The Colombian Pacific coast is an amazing natural region, immersed in one of the most unknown biodiversity hotspots in the world. An expedition carried out in the north of this area, at the Jardín Botánico del Pacífico (JBP) in Bahía Solano, Chocó, focused on studying the diversity of the mygalomorph spider fauna, allowed us to discover four new species included in the families Halonoproctidae and Theraphosidae. The trapdoor species Ummidiasolanasp. nov., and the theraphosids species Euthycaeluscunampiasp. nov. (Schismatothelinae), Melloinapacificasp. nov. (Glabropelmatinae), and Neischnocolusmecanasp. nov. (Theraphosinae) are illustrated, diagnosed, and described in detail. Photographs of somatic features and copulatory organs and a distribution map are provided. Morphological, taxonomical, and biogeographical aspects are discussed for each species. All these taxonomic novelties represent the first records of these genera for the region, expanding the range of geographic distribution of each of them. This work constitutes the first effort focused on characterizing the community of Mygalomorphae species in the Chocó Biogeographic Region.

PhytoKeys ; 227: 9-24, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37287938


Piperquinchasense is described and illustrated as a new species occurring in the understory of wet montane forest of the middle Magdalena Valley in Colombia, the easternmost portion of the Chocó Region. Its relationships are discussed with related taxa from the Macrostachys clade. An identification key for 35 Neotropical Piper species with peltate leaves is provided.

ResumenPiperquinchasense se describe e ilustra como una nueva especie que ocurre en el sotobosque de bosques húmedos montanos del valle medio del Magdalena en Colombia, la porción más oriental del Chocó Biogeográfico. Se discuten sus relaciones con otras especies del clado Macrostachys. Se presenta una clave de identificación para 35 especies de Piper Neotropical con hojas peltadas.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551113


El género Corallus contiene serpientes esbeltas y arbóreas, que habitan en bosques tropicales y que presentan una amplia distribución; sin embargo, Corallus blombergi es una especie poco común en Colombia, con un número limitado de reportes. En este estudio se presenta el primer registro de C. blombergi para el departamento del Chocó, a partir de dos hembras, colectadas en zonas de bosque pluvial tropical, en los corregimientos de salero y Pacurita, convirtiéndose en la tercera y cuarta localidad donde se registra la presencia de esta especie. Los nuevos registros, amplían la distribución de la especie a 471,50 km, desde su último registro en Tumaco.

The corallus genus contains slender and arboreal snakes which inhabit tropical forests and have a wide distribution; however, Corallus blombergi is an uncommon specie in Colombia with a limited number of reports. This study presents the first record of C. blombergi for the department of Choco from two females, both collected in tropical rain forest areas, in the townships of Salero and Pacurita. becoming the third and fourth locality where the presence of this species is recorded. The new records extend the distribution of the species to 471.50 km since its last record in Tumaco.

Data Brief ; 46: 108784, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36569540


This data paper summarizes the data of a first survey of terrestrial ferns at Mashpi Biodiversity Reserve, an Ecuadorian Chocó forest relict, one of the most biodiverse areas in the world. We established 10 permanent plots of 400 m2 distributed in two elevational levels (800 and 1000 m a.s.l.) to register all species per plot and the abundance per species. In addition, we measured two morphological leaf functional traits of the species. We include a file with three tables, the first one includes a species list with scientific names and vouchers. The second one includes the abundance of each species per plot. The third one contains measurements of the leaf length and leaf thickness of several leaf samples of 28 species, representing the leaf functional traits of the species. This article also includes a table with coordinates and elevations of the plots and five figures with information about the number of genus and species per family, geographic location of plots and, the methodology for data collection. These data can be useful for plant ecologists to assess future changes of fern species composition and leaf functional traits of ferns caused by climate change and other threats at the study area.

Zookeys ; 1186: 185-205, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38312860


Two novel species of Psalmopoeus Pocock, 1895 are described from the north-western and central-western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes mountain range in Ecuador. The new species are easily differentiated from other congeners of Psalmopoeus by spermathecae and male palpal bulb morphology and a comparatively distant distribution to the type localities of the geographically nearest known congeners. The diagnosis of P.ecclesiasticus Pocock, 1093 is revised and updated, considering the novel species and observations on spermatheca of this species. Likewise, an evaluation is provided for the new species in terms of conservation due to the various threats impacting ecosystems and ecosystem services of their type localities. Finally, the importance of theraphosid spiders in Ecuador and South America and their possible conservation requirements are discussed and assessed.

Agora USB ; 22(2): 550-566, jul.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420012


Resumen Las emociones favorecen las movilizaciones, pero también las dificultan y que la narración constituye un enfoque privilegiado para entender las dinámicas de los movimientos sociales y sus integrantes. Desde un enfoque narrativo, se describe el entorno sociocultural que da lugar al nacimiento y participación de mujeres en movimientos de reivindicaciones de género y acciones de emprendimiento colaborativo e identifica y se analiza emociones negativas y positivas, aisladas y secuenciales, que movilizan la acción y generan solidaridades, como la ira, la impotencia y la tristeza o el orgullo y la alegría en lideresas comunitarias afro- descendientes en el departamento del Chocó (Colombia).

Abstract Emotions favor mobilizations, but they also hinder them, and that narrative constitutes a privileged approach to understand the dynamics of social move ments and their members. From a narrative approach, we describe the sociocul tural environment, which gives rise to the birth and participation of women in movements of gender claims and collaborative entrepreneurship actions and to identify and to analyze negative and positive emotions, isolated and sequential, which mobilize action and generate solidarity, such as anger, helplessness, and sadness or pride and joy in Afro-descendant community leaders in the depart ment of Chocó, Colombia.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 28(1): 33-45, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389142


Resumen Objetivo: Describir la convergencia de fuerzas biosociales que interactúan para producir y exacerbar la mortalidad materna en el departamento de Chocó. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de la mortalidad materna y los factores asociados en el Chocó. Se solicitó autorización para revisión de fichas de vigilancia epidemiológica de todos los casos de muertes maternas entre 2013 y 2019. Se garantizó la confidencialidad usando códigos y número de historia clínica, para identificación. Además, se revisó la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud ENDS 2015 y los informes de control prenatal en el departamento del Chocó para identificar factores asociados a la mortalidad materna. Resultados: Se registró un total de 96 muertes maternas durante el período 2013-2019. El grupo comprendido entre 30-34 años de edad aportó el mayor número de casos de muerte materna (17 muertes). El 90% de los fallecimientos maternos pertenecían al Sistema General de Seguridad Social, 10% correspondía a población pobre no asegurada. El 94% (68) de los fallecimientos obstétricos corresponde a mujeres que desempeñaban labores en el hogar y 6% (4) empleadas del sector público. La principal causa de mortalidad materna se relacionó con trastornos hipertensivos en el embarazo. Se evidenció que solo el 72% de las gestantes recibieron control prenatal por médico en Chocó y el 6.6% de los controles fue realizado por enfermeras. En 2020, se reportó que el porcentaje máximo de nacidos vivos con más de 4 consultas de control prenatal fue 79.49%. Conclusiones: La situación observada sugiere la implementación de estrategias que mejoren el acceso a servicios de salud integrales de calidad. Se debe garantizar una articulación entre las autoridades de salud, actores de prestación de servicios del sistema de salud, actores comunitarios locales y la academia.

Abstract Objective: To describe the convergence of biosocial forces that interact to produce and exacerbate maternal mortality in the department of Chocó. Materials and methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study of maternal mortality and its associated factors in Chocó. Authorization was requested to review the epidemiological surveillance files of all cases of maternal deaths between 2013 and 2019. Confidentiality was guaranteed by using codes and medical record numbers for identification. In addition, the National Survey of Demography and Health (NSDH) 2015 and prenatal control reports from the department of Chocó were reviewed to identify factors associated with maternal mortality. Results: A total of 96 maternal deaths were registered during the 2013-2019 period. The group between 30-34 years of age contributed with the highest number of cases of maternal death (17 deaths). 90% of maternal deaths (65) were affiliated with the General Social Security System, 10% (7) corresponded to the uninsured population. Finally, 94% of obstetric deaths (68) correspond to women who performed household chores, and 6% (4) to public sector employees. The main cause of maternal mortality was related to hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. It was evidenced that only 72% of pregnant women received prenatal check-ups by a doctor in Chocó and that the nurses attended 6.6% of them. In 2020, it was reported that the maximum percentage of live births with more than 4 prenatal check-ups was 79.49%. Conclusions: The observed situation suggests the implementation of strategies that improve access to quality integral health services. Thus, an articulation between health authorities, health system service providers, local community actors, and academia must be guaranteed.

PhytoKeys ; 194: 33-46, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35586327


We report the rediscovery of the Critically Endangered cloud forest herb Gasteranthusextinctus, not seen since 1985. In 2019 and 2021, G.extinctus was recorded at five sites in the western foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes, 4-25 km from the type locality at the celebrated Centinela ridge. We describe the species' distribution, abundance, habitat and conservation status and offer recommendations for further research and conservation efforts focused on G.extinctus and the small, disjunct forest remnants it occupies.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(4)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387692


Resumen Introducción: Los bosques y sistemas agroforestales (SAF) suministran bienes y servicios ecosistémicos para la sociedad, tal como la mitigación del cambio climático. Objetivo: Se estimó el potencial de reducción de emisiones y captura de carbono en bosques y SAF con cacao de la subcuenca del río Munguidó, Colombia. Métodos: Se seleccionaron tres sistemas de uso del suelo (bosque primario, bosque secundario y SAF con cacao). Se establecieron 18 parcelas temporales de muestreo, seis por sistema, para medir los árboles (diámetro a la altura del pecho -dap ≥ 10 cm) y arbustos de cacao. Se cuantificó la biomasa aérea con ecuaciones alométricas y una fracción de carbono de 0.5. Se estimó la fijación de carbono en el bosque secundario y el SAF con cacao como la razón entre el carbono almacenado y su edad. La pérdida de carbono del bosque primario se estimó con base en la deforestación para Chocó y dicha subcuenca (0.6 y 0.3 %/año, respectivamente). Se realizó un análisis de varianza y comparación de medias LSD Fisher para determinar las diferencias en el almacenamiento y la fijación de carbono entre los usos. Resultados: El bosque primario almacenó más carbono que el bosque secundario y el SAF con cacao (190.1, 22.3 y 5.3 Mg/ha, respectivamente). La fijación de carbono del bosque secundario y el SAF con cacao no difirieron (2.23 vs 1.33 Mg/ha/año). En 20 años, el bosque primario presentaría una reducción de emisiones de 1.4-2.6 Tg CO2; y el bosque secundario y el SAF con cacao presentarían una captura de 100.8 y 30.7 Gg CO2, respectivamente. Conclusiones: En la subcuenca del río Munguidó es posible establecer proyectos para la reducción de emisiones en bosque primario y captura de carbono en bosques secundarios y SAF con cacao, con lo cual se podría emitir 1.4-2.6 millones de toneladas de CO2.

Abstract Introduction: Forests and agroforestry systems (AFS) provide ecosystem goods and services for society, such as climate change mitigation. Objective: The potential for emission reductions and carbon sequestration in forests and cocoa agroforestry systems in the Munguidó river sub-basin in Colombia was estimated. Methods: Three land use systems were selected (primary forest, secondary forest and AFS with cocoa). Eighteen temporary sampling plots were established, six per system, to measure trees (diameter at breast height -dbh ≥ 10 cm) and cocoa shrubs. Aboveground biomass was quantified with allometric equations and a carbon fraction of 0.5. Carbon fixation in secondary forest and AFS with cocoa was estimated as the ratio of carbon stored to its age. Carbon loss from primary forest was estimated based on deforestation for Chocó and that sub-basin (0.6 and 0.3 %/year, respectively). An analysis of variance and LSD Fisher mean comparison was performed to determine differences in carbon storage and carbon sequestration between uses. Results: Primary Forest stored more carbon than secondary forest and AFS with cocoa (190.1, 22.3 and 5.3 Mg/ha, respectively). The carbon fixation of secondary forest and AFS with cocoa did not differ (2.23 vs. 1.33 Mg/ha/year). In 20 years, the primary forest would present an emission reduction of 1.4-2.6 Tg CO2; and the secondary forest and the PFS with cocoa would present a sequestration of 100.8 and 30.7 Gg CO2, respectively. Conclusion: In the Munguidó river sub-basin, it is possible to establish projects for the reduction of emissions in primary forest and carbon sequestration in secondary forests and AFS with cocoa, which could emit 1.4-2.6 million tons of CO2.

Agricultura Florestal , Ciclo do Carbono , Cacau , Colômbia , Biomassa , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Zookeys ; 1057: 185-208, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552372


We describe a new species of Leucostethus from Gorgona Island, a small (13 km2) island located 35 km from the Pacific coast of southern Colombia. The new species most resembles L.argyrogaster and L.fugax from western Amazonia at 340-870 m elev. in Peru and Ecuador, with which it shares pale ventral coloration and orange suffusion of the axilla, groin and concealed surfaces of the hind limb, but it is most closely related to L.bilsa from ca. 340 km SW in the southern Chocó at 420-515 m elev., northwestern Ecuador. We report miniscule white spots on the posteroventral surface of the thighs of the new species and, on the basis of our preliminary assessment of their taxonomic distribution, hypothesize that their presence is a synapomorphy of Dendrobatoidea with subsequent losses in a few groups. Given the apparent restriction of the new species to Gorgona Island, it is Vulnerable according to IUCN Red List criteria. In addition to naming the new species, we also propose the following new combinations: L.alacris (Rivero and Granados-Díaz, 1990) comb. nov., L.dysprosium (Rivero and Serna, 2000) comb. nov., and L.yaguara (Rivero and Serna, 1991) comb. nov.

PhytoKeys ; 178: 147-170, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34140828


Otoba is the third largest genus of Myristicaceae in the Neotropics with 12 species, nine of them native to Colombia. Two new species from the department of Antioquia, O. scottmorii sp. nov. and O. squamosa sp. nov., are described and illustrated. Otoba scottmorii occurs in humid, lowland forests, while O. squamosa occurs in premontane forest. Previously, Otoba scottmorii was confused with O. acuminata (which here is considered restricted to Costa Rica and Panama), while O. squamosa was confused with O. gordoniifolia. The similarities and differences between these and other species are discussed.

PhytoKeys ; 187: 141-159, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35068972


Two new species of Rubus (Rosaceae) from the western Andes of northern Ecuador are described. Rubuslongistipularis D.A. Espinel-Ortiz & Romol. is a scandent or climbing shrub found in the mountain forests of Chocó Andino from northern Ecuador. Rubusmaquipucunensis D.A. Espinel-Ortiz & Romol. is a vine or climbing shrub found in the rainforests of Chocó Andino from Pichincha and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. The species mentioned here are morphologically differentiated from all the Rubus species from Ecuador with a detailed botanical description, illustrations and photographs. We also report, for the first time, possible hybridisation between R.longistipularis and R.boliviensis Focke, as the samples reviewed showed mixed characteristics from both species.

PeerJ ; 8: e10247, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33240614


The Andean cloud forests of western Colombia and Ecuador are home to several endemic mammals; members of the Oryzomyini, the largest Sigmodontinae tribe, are extensively represented in the region. However, our knowledge about this diversity is still incomplete, as evidenced by several new taxa that have been described in recent years. Extensive field work in two protected areas enclosing remnants of Chocó montane forest recovered a high diversity of small mammals. Among them, a medium-sized oryzomyine is here described as a new genus having at least three new species, two of them are named and diagnosed. Although externally similar to members of the genera Nephelomys and Tanyuromys, the new genus has a unique molar pattern within the tribe, being characterized by a noticeable degree of hypsodonty, simplification, lamination, and third molar compression. A phylogeny based on a combination of molecular markers, including nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and morphological data recovered the new genus as sister to Mindomys, and sequentially to Nephelomys. The new genus seems to be another example of a sigmodontine rodent unique to the Chocó biogeographic region. Its type species inhabits cloud forest between 1,600 and 2,300 m in northernmost Ecuador (Carchi Province); a second species is restricted to lower montane forest, 1,200 m, in northern Ecuador (Imbabura Province); a third putative species, here highlighted exclusively by molecular evidence from one immature specimen, is recorded in the montane forest of Reserva Otonga, northern Ecuador (Cotopaxi Province). Finally, the new genus is also recorded in southernmost Colombia (Nariño Department), probably represented there also by a new species. These species are spatially separated by deep river canyons through Andean forests, resulting in marked environmental discontinuities. Unfortunately, Colombian and Ecuadorian Pacific cloud forests are under rapid anthropic transformation. Although the populations of the type species are moderately abundant and occur in protected areas, the other two persist in threatened forest fragments.

PeerJ ; 8: e9934, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33062424


We describe two new species of salamanders of the genus Oedipina, subgenus Oedopinola, from two localities on the northwestern foothills of Ecuador, at elevations between 921 and 1,067 m. These are the southernmost members of the genus. We examined different museum collections and we found just three specimens of Oedipina from Ecuador, obtained throughout the history of herpetological collections in the country. We identify two of the three specimens as new species, but refrain from assigning a specific identity to the third, pending further study. Oedipina villamizariorum sp. n. is a medium-sized member of the genus, with a narrow, relatively pointed head and blunt snout; dorsolaterally oriented eyes, moderate in size; and digits that are moderately long and having pointed tips. Oedipina ecuatoriana sp. n., somewhat larger, has a narrow head and broadly rounded snout; this new species differs from all known Oedipina by the distinctive presence of paired prefrontal bones and a reduced phalangeal formula: 0-0-1-0; 0-1-2-1-1. We provide detailed descriptions of the osteology of both new species. Finally, we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus, including one of the two new species, based on partial sequences of mitochondrial DNA.

PhytoKeys ; 162: 71-80, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117071


A new species of the genus Besleria (Gesneriaceae), endemic to the department of Cauca, Colombia, is described and illustrated here. The new species, Besleria santaclarensis Clavijo & Sánchez-Taborda, was discovered in the Regional Protective Forest Reserve "Serranía El Pinche", Cordillera Occidental of the Colombian Andes. B. santaclarensis is distinguished by the epedunculate inflorescences, usually in the leafless axils near the base, with up to eight orange flowers, and by the magenta calyx that covers 2/3 of the corolla.

PhytoKeys ; 160: 131-139, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32982554


A new species collected in the lowland forests of the Chocó region of Ecuador, Sloanea cayapensis, is described and illustrated and its morphological similarities with other species of Sloanea are discussed.

Data Brief ; 31: 105845, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32637474


This data reports a list of all trees DBH > 10 cm in four 50 × 50 m (0.25 ha) permanent plots at Mashpi Rainforest Biodiversity Reserve in the Ecuadorian Chocó forest. Plots were established within an altitudinal gradient from 800 to 1200 m. We collected, labelled, measure and identify all trees found within the plots. All voucher specimens are available at the herbarium of Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (HUTI) in Quito, Ecuador. We found a total 133 stems representing 93 species and 36 families. Each plot had between 27 and 40 trees. Our list of species includes four threatened species under IUCN criteria. We also report the number of individuals of each species and its diameter at breast height (DBH) and height. This information is a baseline for further studies to contribute to the conservation of the Chocó, one of the 35 biodiversity hotspots is the Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena. Even though this area is one of the most biodiverse in the planet, the botanical composition of the Chocó is still poorly known.