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Soc Sci Med ; 355: 117090, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39018996


Housing is a pressing problem worldwide and a key determinant of health and wellbeing. The right to adequate housing, as a pillar of the right to an adequate standard of living, means more than a roof to live under. Adequate means the dwelling must fulfill material functions and psychosocial functions, thus contributing to dwellers health and wellbeing. Social housing policies aim to fulfill the right to housing, but frequently fail in fulfilling the right to it being adequate. This study capitalizes on the implementation of a national urban regeneration program in two social housing villas in central Chile (one in Santiago, in the central valley, the other in Viña del Mar, a coastal city) to run a natural experiment assessing the impact of dwelling renovation on several dimensions of perceived habitability and housing satisfaction among the -mostly female-household homemakers. We use 5 waves of survey data collected with a step-wedge design to estimate the association between a time-varying exposure status (the intervention) and 7 binary outcomes for habitability and 5 for housing dissatisfaction, including overall housing satisfaction. We use Poisson regression models with robust variance and a random intercept at the respondent level. At baseline, reports of poor habitability and dissatisfaction across all features were markedly high, the highest levels of dissatisfaction being with acoustic insulation and dwelling size in both villas, and with indoor temperature in Santiago. The intervention resulted in statistically significant and markedly large improvements in reported habitability and dissatisfaction relative to those housing components targeted by the intervention, as well as with overall dwelling satisfaction in both study cases. Implications are, first, that the policy response to quantitative housing deficits must not overlook housing quality; second, that housing renovation appears as a promising intervention for qualitative housing crises; third, that while improvements in habitability and satisfaction are specific to the interventions in place, overall housing satisfaction can improve in more limited, tailored, dwelling renovation interventions. Social housing renovation in Latin America appears as a promising intervention to improve quality of life among the urban poor dwellers and reduce inequalities in health related to housing conditions.

Satisfação Pessoal , Habitação Popular , Humanos , Chile , Feminino , Masculino , Habitação Popular/estatística & dados numéricos , Habitação Popular/normas , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reforma Urbana , Habitação/estatística & dados numéricos , Habitação/normas , Inquéritos e Questionários
PhytoKeys ; 237: 201-218, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38317828


Two new species of Haplopappus (Asteraceae) from central Chile are described in this article. Haplopappuscolliguayensissp. nov. is restricted to La Chapa hill, Colliguay, Valparaíso Region, and is most similar to H.undulatus but differs from the latter in its stem indumentum, leaf shape and margin, and synflorescence arrangement. Haplopappusteillierisp. nov. has been recorded from four high-Andean localities in the Choapa, Petorca, Rocín and Aconcagua river basins, and is most similar to H.punctatus but differs from the latter in its leaf length and margin, number of peduncles per twig, width of outer phyllaries, number of ray florets per capitulum, and achene dimensions. Additionally, we propose the reinstatement of H.kingii in agreement with an exhaustive revision of type material and protologues, as well as the study of herbarium specimens. Haplopappuskingii is restricted to mountainous areas in the southern portion of the Atacama Region, and resembles H.parvifolius and H.retinervius but differs from both by its leaf margin and apex, besides additional differences from each. We provide morphological descriptions, field images, distributional maps, conservation assessments, and taxonomic notes for the three species treated, as well as illustrations for the novel taxa.

PhytoKeys ; 237: 117-139, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38292077


Chile's distinctive flora, geographical isolation, and complex topography collectively contribute to a notable endemic species diversity, particularly within central regions identified as critical areas for biodiversity conservation. The cactus genus Eriosyce, as currently circumscribed, encompasses seven sections, with Eriosycesect.Horridocatus presenting a notably complex species group. This study investigates the E.curvispina complex, a member of the Notocacteae tribe common in central Chile, by incorporating new populations and examining phylogenetic relationships using four plastid and one nuclear molecular marker. The phylogenetic analysis of sampled individuals identified nine independent lineages, each warranting recognition at the species rank. Despite minimal morphological differences among taxa, morphological characters were utilized to support and stabilize the DNA-based phylogenetic hypothesis. The results highlight the high taxonomic diversity in these cactus lineages and have implications for the classification of the E.curvispina complex, including new combinations and proposals of conservation status.

ResumenLa flora distintiva de Chile, su aislamiento geográfico y topografía compleja contribuyen colectivamente a una notable diversidad de especies endémicas, particularmente dentro de las regiones centrales identificadas como áreas críticas para la conservación de la biodiversidad. El género de cactus Eriosyce, tal como está circunscrito actualmente, abarca siete secciones, presentando Eriosycesect.Horridocatus un grupo de especies notablemente complejo. Este estudio investiga el complejo E.curvispina, un miembro de la tribu Notocacteae común en Chile central, incorporando nuevas poblaciones y examinando las relaciones filogenéticas utilizando cuatro marcadores moleculares del cloroplasto y uno nuclear. El análisis filogenético de las poblaciones muestreadas identificó nueve linajes independientes, cada uno mereciendo reconocimiento a nivel de especie. A pesar de las mínimas diferencias morfológicas entre los taxones, se utilizaron caracteres morfológicos para apoyar y estabilizar la filogenia basada en ADN. Los resultados resaltan la alta diversidad taxonómica en estos linajes de cactus y tienen implicaciones para la clasificación del complejo E.curvispina, incluyendo nuevas combinaciones y propuestas de estado de conservación.

Sci Total Environ ; 905: 166907, 2023 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37704148


In recent years, Chile has experienced an extraordinary drought that has had significant impacts on both the livelihoods of people and the environment, including the Andean glaciers. This study focuses on analyzing the surface processes of Universidad Glacier, a benchmark glacier for the Dry Andes. Multiple remote sensing datasets are used alongside a novel spectral index designed for mapping of rock material located on the glacier's surface. Our findings highlight the precarious state of the glacier, which serves as a crucial water source for the region. The glacier exhibits locally varied debris accumulation and margin retreat. The most significant impacts are observed on the tongue and secondary accumulation cirques, with the latter at risk of disappearing. The debris cover on the tongue is expanding, reaching higher elevations, and is accompanied by glacier retreat, especially at higher altitudes. The equilibrium line is rapidly shifting upglacier, although the mid-season snow cover still frequently reaches the 2013 equilibrium line, even in 2020. Changes in stream density on the glacier tongue indicate an increased water supply in this area, likely due to enhanced melting of glacial ice. These observed processes align well with meteorological data obtained from reanalysis products. The behavior of dust and debris is influenced by precipitation amount, while the rate of retreat is linked to air temperature.

J Plant Res ; 136(6): 827-839, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37486392


The ecological niche centrality hypothesis states that population abundance is determined by the position in the ecological niche, expecting higher abundances towards the center of the niche and lower at the periphery. However, the variations in the conditions that favor the persistence of populations between the center and the periphery of the niche can be a surrogate of stress factors that are reflected in the production of metabolites in plants. In this study we tested if metabolomic similarity and diversity in populations of the tree species Eucryphia cordifolia Cav. vary according to their position with respect to the structure of the ecological niche. We hypothesize that populations growing near the centroid should exhibit lower metabolites diversity than plants growing at the periphery of the niche. The ecological niche of the species was modeled using correlative approaches and bioclimatic variables to define central and peripheral localities from which we chose four populations to obtain their metabolomic information using UHPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS. We observed that populations farther away from the centroid tend to have higher metabolome diversity, thus supporting our expectation of the niche centrality hypothesis. Nonetheless, the Shannon index showed a marked variation in metabolome diversity at the seasonal level, with summer and autumn being the periods with higher metabolite diversity compared to winter and spring. We conclude that both the environmental variation throughout the year in combination with the structure of the ecological niche are relevant to understand the variation in expression of metabolites in plants.

Ecossistema , Metaboloma , Estações do Ano , Árvores , Plantas
Sci Total Environ ; 895: 165055, 2023 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37348727


A hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out to understand the hydrogeological functioning of a small alluvial aquifer in central Chile in a context of mega-drought and intensive exploitation of its waters. Additionally, two mine tailings dams from porphyry copper mining are situated in the area. The prolonged mega-drought, which has lasted for over thirteen years, has resulted in a significant decrease in rainfall recharge and a drop of up to 50 m in piezometric levels, although no serious groundwater contamination problems have yet been detected, except for a rise in nitrate contents (ranging between 23 and 45 mg/L NO3) attributed to return irrigation. Groundwaters are calcium-bicarbonate and calcium-sodium-bicarbonate in composition. The values of δ18O and δ2H of the alluvial aquifer indicate fractionation by evaporation that would be explained by the recirculation of water that occurs in the agricultural areas of the basin, where the excess irrigation water that go back to the aquifer presents fractionation by evaporation. The δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulfate point to pyrite oxidation, which could be related to the pyrite present in the copper porphyry and recognized in the Andes Cordillera. The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values of the alluvial aquifer waters are close to the isotopic fingerprint of the volcanic rocks of the Abanico Formation. However, the water from the wells located further downstream in the basin and close to the tailing dams show δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulfate and 87Sr/86Sr consistent with Miocene intrusive mineralogies of the copper porphyry type. The groundwater chemistry does not show water seepage from the tailings dam. Therefore, a minor contribution of minerals related to the intrusive rocks is proposed, which would originate from the movement of fine particles by the wind from the dams to the valley floor. The 14C activities indicate that groundwater is recent.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37261876


Onion (Allium cepa L) is an important vegetable crop in Chile with 3.675 ha (ODEPA, Since 2017, a series of symptoms has been increasingly observed, mainly in mature bulbs which include water-soaked lesions on mature leaves and external and central cataphylls, which evolve to necrotic lesions and rot, reducing yields and affecting the postharvest life. As the season progresses over 90% incidence has been estimated in severely affected fields. Symptomatic plants were collected for disease identification in summer (February 2022) in Santa Cruz, O´Higgins, Chile, (34º41'32"S and 71º27'17"W). Isolations were done on semi-selective OEM medium (Zaid et al. 2012) and isolated colonies were transferred and maintained on King's B (KB) medium. Colonies on OEM medium were yellow slightly green in the center, circular to irregular shape, elevated, smooth margin, and mucoid texture (Tho et al. 2015). On KB medium colonies were yellow cream, slightly darker in the center, with smooth margins and circular or slightly irregular. Two isolates (CHS B3, CHS B1), obtaining in three different onion fields, were further identified by PCR amplification of partial 16S rRNA using primers 27F/1492R (Frank et al., 2008). The resulting sequencing were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers OP934962.1 and OP934961.1. A BLAST search of GenBank showed that these sequences exhibited 99,89 to 100 % nucleotides similarities with multiple Pantoea agglomerans sequences. Three isolates were used to test pathogenicity on detached cataphylls and onion plants tests in the laboratory and greenhouse, respectively. Cataphylls (n=10) were surface disinfected with 2% NaOCl for 2 min, placed in sterile Petri dishes, and injected with 50 µL (106 UFC/mL) inoculum suspension with the aid of a hypodermic syringe. Cataphylls were incubated in humid chamber at 22 + 2ºC for 14 days. Additionally, three-month-old onion plants (n=10), growing in pod, were inoculated by injecting leaves with 1 mL inoculum suspension (106 UFC/mL). Plant were incubated under greenhouse for 30 days to 28ºC. An equal number of cataphylls and onion plants, injected with sterile water, were left as controls. Water soaked lesions on inoculated cataphylls appeared five days after inoculation. While onions plants develop water soaked lesion 1- 4 days after inoculation. Blight and bulb rot were observed only on inoculated plants. Symptoms were identical to those previously observed in the field. Reisolations were accomplished for 100% of the inoculated cataphylls and leaves fulfilling Koch's postulates (Biochemical characterization and PCR amplification of partial 16S rRNA). Previously, Pectobacterium carotovorum was reported causing a similar disease in Chile (Acuña 2008). However, to our knowledge this is the first report of P. agglomerans causing onion leaf blight and bulb rot in O'Higgins Region, Chile. In agreement with other reports (De Armas et al. 2015, Tho et al. 2015), leaf blight and bulb has been a very aggressive disease in Chile. These results do not exclude the possibility that other Pantoea species (Armas et al. 2015) may be involved in the leaf blight and bulb rot of onions.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(8)2022 Apr 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35448793


To understand the factors that limit invasive expansion in alien species, it is critical to predict potential zones of colonization. Climatic niche can be an important way to predict the potential distribution of alien species. This correlation between niche and geographic distribution is called Hutchinson's duality. A combination of global and regional niches allows four invasive stages to be identified: quasi-equilibrium, local adaptation, colonization and sink stage. We studied the invasive stages of six alien leguminous species either in the niche or the geographical space. In five of the six species, a higher proportion of populations were in the quasi-equilibrium stage. Notably, Acacia species had the highest proportion of populations in local adaptation. This picture changed dramatically when we projected the climatic niche in the geographic space: in all species the colonization stage had the highest proportional projected area, ranging from 50 to 90%. Our results are consistent with Hutchinson's duality, which predicts that small areas in the niche space can be translated onto large areas of the geographic space. Although the colonization stage accounted for a low proportion of occurrences, in all species, the models predicted the largest areas for this stage. This study complements invasive stages, projecting them in geographic space.

Genes (Basel) ; 13(2)2022 01 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35205285


Unraveling the processes involved in the origin of a substantial fraction of biodiversity can be a particularly difficult task in groups of similar, and often convergent, morphologies. The genus Eriosyce (Cactaceae) might present a greater specific diversity since much of its species richness might be hidden in morphological species complexes. The aim of this study was to investigate species delimitation using the molecular data of the globose cacti "E. curvispina", which harbor several populations of unclear evolutionary relationships. We ran phylogenetic inferences on 87 taxa of Eriosyce, including nine E. curvispina populations, and by analyzing three plastid noncoding introns, one plastid and one nuclear gene. Additionally, we developed 12 new pairs of nuclear microsatellites to evaluate the population-level genetic structure. We identified four groups that originated in independent cladogenetic events occurring at different temporal depths; these groups presented high genetic diversity, and their populations were genetically structured. These results suggest a complex evolutionary history in the origin of globular cacti, with independent speciation events occurring at different time spans. This cryptic richness is underestimated in the Mediterranean flora of central Chile, and thus unique evolutionary diversity could be overlooked in conservation and management actions.

Cactaceae , Biodiversidade , Evolução Biológica , Chile , Filogenia
Conserv Biol ; 35(1): 274-284, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32510666


Vinecology, the integration of ecological and viticultural practices, focuses on the working landscapes of the Mediterranean-climate biomes to make wine-grape production compatible with species conservation. We examined how maintaining remnant native vegetation and surrounding natural areas in and around vineyards, two primary practices of vinecology, may influence bird community richness and composition across a vineyard landscape. We conducted bird surveys over spring and summer (October-January) at 120 sites across a wine-grape growing region in central Chile. The sites were equally divided across vineyards with and without remnant native vegetation, and sites had varying amounts of adjacent natural land cover. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine individual species responses to remnant vegetation in the vineyard at plot scale (within a 50-m radius) in the surrounding natural area (within a 500-1000 m radius). We used the Horn similarity index to explore overall community differences to quantify variations in endemic species, guild detection levels, and species richness between site types. At the plot scale, 9 out of 30 species were positively associated with the proportion of remnant vegetation and 3 species were negatively associated. Six were positively influenced by the proportion of native vegetation in the surrounding landscape and 3 species were negatively associated with proportion of native vegetation. Although overall total detections and richness were significantly greater in continuous mixed Mediterranean forest, 84.9% of these species were also detected in forest remnants within vineyards. Endemics, insectivores, granivores, and omnivores were all more abundant in vineyards with remnant native vegetation than in vineyards without remnant native vegetation. Our results show the value of maintaining and restoring natural vegetation remnants in vineyards as a tool for bird conservation that can be applied in working landscapes of the New World Mediterranean climate regions.

Campos Vitivinícolas Amigables con las Aves mediante Viñedos Diversificados Resumen La vinecología, la integración de prácticas ecológicas y vinícolas, se enfoca en los paisajes productivos de los biomas pertenecientes al clima mediterráneo para lograr que la producción de uvas sea compatible con la conservación de especies. Analizamos cómo la conservación de la vegetación nativa remanente y las áreas naturales vecinas dentro y alrededor de los viñedos, dos prácticas primordiales de la vinecología, pueden influir sobre la riqueza y composición comunitaria de aves en todo un paisaje vinícola. Realizamos censos de aves durante la primavera y el verano (octubre - enero) en 120 sitios a través de una región en la que se cultivan uvas en la zona central de Chile. Los sitios estuvieron divididos de manera igualitaria en viñedos con y sin vegetación nativa remanente. Los sitios también tuvieron cantidades variables de cobertura natural de suelo adyacente. Usamos modelos lineales mixtos generalizados para examinar las respuestas individuales por especie a la vegetación remanente en el viñedo a escala de parcela (dentro de un radio de 50m) en el área natural vecina (dentro de un radio de 500-1000m). Usamos el índice de similitud de Horn para explorar las diferencias comunitarias generales para cuantificar las variaciones en las especies endémicas, los niveles de detección de gremios y la riqueza de especies entre los tipos de sitio. A escala de parcela, nueve de cada 30 especies estuvieron asociadas positivamente con la proporción de vegetación remanente y tres especies estuvieron asociadas negativamente. Seis especies fueron influenciadas positivamente por la proporción de la vegetación nativa en el paisaje vecino y tres especies estuvieron asociadas negativamente con la proporción de vegetación nativa. Aunque el total general de detecciones y de la riqueza fueron significativamente mayores en el bosque mediterráneo mixto continuo, el 84.9% de estas especies también fue detectada en los bosques remanentes dentro de los viñedos. Las especies endémicas, insectívoras, granívoras y omnívoras fueron más abundantes en los viñedos con vegetación nativa remanente que en los viñedos sin ésta. Nuestros resultados muestran la importancia de la conservación y restauración de los remanentes de vegetación nativa en los viñedos como herramientas para la conservación de aves que pueden ser aplicadas en paisajes funcionales en las regiones con clima mediterráneo del Nuevo Mundo.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Vinho , Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves , Chile , Ecossistema , Fazendas
J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 126(11): e2021JB022252, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865107


We compiled a novel microseismicity catalog for the Central Chile megathrust (29°-35°S), comprising 8,750 earthquakes between April 2014 and December 2018. These events describe a pattern of three trenchward open half-ellipses, consisting of a continuous, coast-parallel seismicity band at 30-45 km depth, and narrow elongated seismicity clusters that protrude to the shallow megathrust and separate largely aseismic regions along strike. To test whether these shapes could outline highly coupled regions ("asperities") on the megathrust, we invert GPS displacement data for interplate locking. The best-fit locking model does not show good correspondence to seismicity, possibly due to lacking resolution. When we prescribe high locking inside the half-ellipses, however, we obtain models with similar data fits that are preferred according to the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). We thus propose that seismicity on the Central Chile megathrust may outline three adjacent highly coupled regions, two of them located between the rupture areas of the 2010 Maule and the 2015 Illapel earthquakes, a segment of the Chilean margin that may be in a late interseismic stage of the seismic cycle.

Plants (Basel) ; 9(11)2020 Nov 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33198222


Rising temperatures and increasing drought in Mediterranean-type climate areas are expected to affect plant-pollinator interactions, especially in plant species with specialised pollination. Central Chile experienced a mega drought between 2010 and 2020 which reached an extreme in the austral summer of 2019-2020. Based on intensive pollinator sampling and floral studies we show that the subalpine form of Mutisia subulata (Asteraceae) is a specialised hummingbird-pollinated species. In a two-year study which included the severest drought year, we quantified visitation frequency, flower-head density, flower-head visitation rates, two measures of floral longevity, nectar characteristics and seed set and monitored climatic variables to detect direct and indirect climate-related effects on pollinator visitation. Flower-head density, nectar standing crop and seed set were significantly reduced in the severest drought year while nectar concentration increased. The best model to explain visitation frequency included flower-head density, relative humidity, temperature, and nectar standing crop with highly significant effects of the first three variables. Results for flower-head density suggest hummingbirds were able to associate visual signals with reduced resource availability and/or were less abundant. The negative effect of lower relative humidity suggests the birds were able to perceive differences in nectar concentration. Reduced seed set per flower-head together with the availability of far fewer ovules in the 2019-2020 austral summer would have resulted in a major reduction in seed set. Longer and more intense droughts in this century could threaten local population persistence in M. subulata.

Ecology ; 101(11): e03165, 2020 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32798321


Understanding the drivers of geographical variation in species distributions, and the resulting community structure, constitutes one of the grandest challenges in ecology. Geographical patterns of species richness and composition have been relatively well studied. Less is known about how the entire set of trophic and non-trophic ecological interactions, and the complex networks that they create by gluing species together in complex communities, change across geographical extents. Here, we compiled data of species composition and three types of ecological interactions occurring between species in rocky intertidal communities across a large spatial extent (~970 km of shoreline) of central Chile, and analyzed the geographical variability in these multiplex networks (i.e., comprising several interaction types) of ecological interactions. We calculated nine network summary statistics common across interaction types, and additional network attributes specific to each of the different types of interactions. We then investigated potential environmental drivers of this multivariate network organization. These included variation in sea surface temperature and coastal upwelling, the main drivers of productivity in nearshore waters. Our results suggest that structural properties of multiplex ecological networks are affected by local species richness and modulated by factors influencing productivity and environmental predictability. Our results show that non-trophic negative interactions are more sensitive to spatially structured temporal environmental variation than feeding relationships, with non-trophic positive interactions being the least labile to it. We also show that environmental effects are partly mediated through changes in species richness and partly through direct influences on species interactions, probably associated to changes in environmental predictability and to bottom-up nutrient availability. Our findings highlight the need for a comprehensive picture of ecological interactions and their geographical variability if we are to predict potential effects of environmental changes on ecological communities.

Biota , Ecossistema , Chile , Temperatura
Mar Pollut Bull ; 152: 110881, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32479273


In this study, we characterized plastic debris (PD) found on beaches from Concepción Bay in central Chile during spring 2017 and summer 2018. The identification of polymers was carried out using FT-IR. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were extracted with hexane using an ultrasonic bath and further quantified through GC-MS. The highest abundance of PD was obtained during the summer (4.1 ±â€¯3.7 items/m2), with the most common size range between 2.5 and 10 cm (42%) and the most frequent shape were plastic fragments (44%). FT-IR analysis showed that polypropylene was the most recurrent plastic polymer found. The ∑10PBDEs ranged from 2.1 to 1300 ng/g in spring 2017 and 392 to 3177 ng/g in summer 2018. ∑7PCBs ranged from 0.9 to 93 ng/g during the spring 2017 and 0.3 to 4.5 ng/g for summer 2018. This study is the first with information on POPs occurrence in the plastic debris of central Chile.

Poluentes Ambientais , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Praias , Chile , Monitoramento Ambiental , Plásticos , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Resíduos/análise
Ann Bot ; 126(5): 891-904, 2020 10 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32578853


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Mediterranean-type forest of central Chile is considered a 'biodiversity hotspot' and a relic of a wider ancient distribution produced by past climatic oscillations. Nothofagus macrocarpa, commonly known as 'roble de Santiago', is a threatened palaeoendemic of this forest, poorly represented in the protected area system. This tree has been repeatedly misidentified as the sister species N. obliqua, which has affected its recognition and protection. Only a few populations of N. macrocarpa remain within a matrix of intensive land use that has been affected by recent forest fires. We tested the hypothesis that current populations of N. macrocarpa are a relic state of a previously widespread range, with the aim of contributing to its identification, its biogeographical history and the design of conservation measures using genetic information. METHODS: We analysed remnant N. macrocarpa forests using nuclear (nDNA) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences, conducted phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses to reconstruct its biogeographical history, and assessed microsatellites [simple sequence repeats (SSRs)] to determine contemporary patters of diversity within and among all remnant populations. We also examined the degree of past, current and potential future isolation of N. macrocarpa populations using ecological niche models (ENMs). KEY RESULTS: The species N. macrocarpa was confirmed by nDNA sequences, as previously suggested by chromosomal analysis. Small isolated populations of N. macrocarpa exhibited moderate to high genetic diversity according to SSRs. cpDNA analysis revealed a marked past latitudinal geographical structure, whereas analysis of SSRs did not find such current structure. ENM analyses revealed local expansion-contraction of the N. macrocarpa range during warmer periods, particularly in the northern and central ranges where basal-most cpDNA haplotypes were detected, and recent expansion to the south of the distribution. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic patterns confirm that N. macrocarpa is a distinct species and suggest a marked latitudinal relic structure in at least two evolutionarily significant units, despite contemporary among-population gene flow. This information must be considered when choosing individuals (seeds and/or propagules) for restoration purposes, to avoid the admixture of divergent genetic stocks.

DNA de Cloroplastos , Variação Genética , Chile , Haplótipos , Filogenia , Filogeografia
PeerJ ; 7: e7865, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31608183


BACKGROUND: Sympatric congeneric plants might share pollinators, or each species might avoid competition by evolving specialized traits that generate partitions in pollinator assemblages. In both cases, pollen limitation (a decrease in the quality and quantity of compatible reproductive pollen) can occur, driving the plant mating system to autogamy as a mechanism of reproductive assurance. We assessed the relationships between pollinator assemblages and mating systems in a group of sympatric congeneric plants. We attempted to answer the following questions: (i) How similar are pollinator assemblages among sympatric cactus species? (ii) Which mating systems do sympatric cactus species use? METHODS: We studied sympatric Eriosyce taxa that inhabit a threatened coastal strip in a mediterranean-type ecosystem in central Chile. We performed field observations on four taxa and characterized pollinators during the years 2016 and 2017. We estimated differences in the pollinator assemblages using the Bray-Curtis index. To elucidate the mating systems, we conducted hand-pollination experiments using three treatments: manual cross-pollination, automatic self-pollination, and control (unmanipulated individuals). We tested differences in seed production for statistical significance using Kruskal-Wallis analysis. RESULTS: Eriosyce subgibbosa showed a distinctive pollinator assemblage among the sympatric species that we studied (similarity ranged from 0% to 8%); it was visited by small bees and was the only species that was visited by the giant hummingbird Patagona gigas. Pollinator assemblages were similar between E. chilensis (year 2016 = 4 species; 2017 = 8) and E. chilensis var. albidiflora (2016 = 7; 2017 = 4); however, those of E. curvispina var. mutabilis (2016 = 7; 2017 = 6) were less similar to those of the aforementioned species. E. curvispina var. mutabilis showed the highest interannual variation in its pollinator assemblage (18% similarity). Reproduction in E. subgibbosa largely depends on pollinators, although it showed some degree of autogamy. Autonomous pollination was unfeasible in E. chilensis, which depended on flower visitors for its reproductive success. Both E. chilensis var. albidiflora and E. curvispina var. mutabilis showed some degree of autogamy. DISCUSSION: We observed differences in pollinator assemblages between E. subgibbosa and the remaining Eriosyce taxa, which depend on hymenopterans for pollen transfer. Pollinator assemblages showed considerable interannual variation, especially those of E. subgibbosa (ornithophilous syndrome) and E. curvispina var. mutabilis (melitophilous syndrome). Autogamous reproduction in these taxa may act as a reproductive assurance mechanism when pollinator availability is unpredictable. Our study contributes to improving our understanding of the reproductive systems of ecological interactions between threatened species in a Chilean mediterranean-type ecosystem.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 146: 442-453, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31426179


This paper reports long-term concentration records of metals and organic halogenated compounds in tissues of 49 species of marine organisms from Eastern South Pacific coast, Biobio region, Chile during a marine monitoring program developed between 2006 and 2015. Principal component (PCA) and generalized linear model (GLM) analyses indicated significant differences in the concentrations of metals and organic halogenated compounds among taxonomic and functional groups. The strongest relationships exist between species that share similar feeding habits rather than between species of the same taxonomic group or habitat. The significant differences between these groups were maintained over time; thus concentrations detected are, in general, within the ranges reported at genus level for Chile and the rest of the world. Since there is no evidence of any pollution process in the area, this information can be used as an environmental reference to establish natural concentrations for the parameters and organisms analyzed.

Organismos Aquáticos/química , Monitoramento Ambiental , Halogênios/análise , Metais Pesados/análise , Oligoelementos/análise , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Biota , Cádmio/análise , Chile , Halogenação , Chumbo/análise , Mercúrio/análise , Compostos Orgânicos/análise , Dibenzodioxinas Policloradas/análise , Zinco/análise
Ecol Evol ; 9(13): 7562-7573, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31346422


AIM: Tree invasions are a threat to biodiversity conservation, and although it is hard to predict the future spread of invasive tree species, there are tools available which could allow some estimations. The magnitude of spatial spread (a proxy of invasiveness) can be predicted from species climatic requirement (climatic niche) and can be represented by species distribution models (SDMs). We aimed to assess whether Acacia dealbata conserves its niche in the new environment of south-central Chile, and also, to estimate the invasive stage of the species. LOCATION: South-central area of Chile, between the O'Higgins (34°0″0'S) and Aysen Regions (47°0″0'S). METHODS: We used a combination of global, native, and regional data to improve the estimation of the potential distribution of A. dealbata, which has been considered one of the most invasive species of the genus, being registered in at least 34 countries in all the Continents. RESULTS: Our results show that A. dealbata does not conserve its niche in the study area, invading areas with climatic conditions different from those of the native range. It is also not at equilibrium with the environment. According to the global versus regional SDM comparisons, populations present in south-central Chile present different invasion stages. There are some stable populations, but there are other populations colonizing new areas, occupying unsuitable habitats and some of them are adapting to new climatic conditions. Climatic factors, such as precipitation seasonality, could be acting behind the expansion to new environments, and biotic factors or dispersal limitations could be preventing the species to colonize suitable areas. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: The invasion process of A. dealbata is far from stabilizing, and management options should focus on prevention, avoiding, for example, the introduction of the species to Patagonia where the species has not spread yet. More research is needed to complement our results and enhance the development of effective management strategies.

Int J Biometeorol ; 63(4): 499-510, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30706207


Climate change has profound environmental and socio-economic implications. To analyze climate change in relation to crops, a wide variety of agro-climatic indices has been proposed by the scientific community. In this study, changes in a set of 12 agro-climatic indices related to temperature were investigated in Central Chile over a 56-year period (1961-2016). The indices were computed based on data referring to daily maximum and minimum temperatures (TX and TN). They were organized in two categories: (1) cold- and (2) heat-related indices. Cold-related indices consisted of first frost day (FFD), last frost day (LFD), frost period (FP), number of frost days (FD), accumulated frost (AF), and number of days when TN is below - 2 °C (FD-2). Heat-related indices included the growing degree day (GDD) index, calculated based on four thresholds which measure the available heat resources for a wide variety of plants with different thermal requirements, and two heat stress indices which quantify the number of days with TX above 25 °C (plant heat stress (PHS)) and above 30 °C (plant high heat stress (PHHS)). Changes in agro-climatic indices were investigated using the Mann-Kendall test and the Sen's slope estimator. The main results revealed that the FFD occurred later, while LFD occurred earlier, thus determining a shortening of the FP in the northern half of the studied area. Trends in FD, AF, and FD-2 indices generally indicated warmer conditions in terms of TN during the cold period of the year. Agro-climatic indices related to heat showed important changes in Central Chile. Thus, statistically, the majority of trends become significant and indicated enhanced condition for crops in respect of GDD indices. However, from the heat stress perspective, the analyzed indices showed that conditions become worse in most of the studied locations for crops sensible to temperatures higher than 25 and 30 °C.

Mudança Climática , Agricultura , Chile , Temperatura Baixa , Temperatura Alta , Estações do Ano
Sci Total Environ ; 652: 822-835, 2019 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30380489


Rivers and streams continuously shape and reform their channels through the transport of sediment. One of the most important parameter used to assess this transformation is the threshold for incipient grain motion. To date, limited studies have reported that several biotic and abiotic factors can affect this parameter. However, the effects of tufa precipitation on sediment entrainment and dynamics are still unexplored. The Estero Morales is an Andean stream in Central Chile affected by the phenomenon of tufa precipitation during the winter. Along the wetted channels, tufa precipitate creates a thin solid layer that covers the sediments. A series of field surveys and flume experiments were conducted to analyze the effect of tufa precipitation on the initiation of motion and sediment dynamics. Along the wetted areas of the river, a portable dynamometer was used to explore the force needed to dislocate the grains affected by tufa precipitation from the surrounding sediments. Flume experiments were conducted to compare the incipient motion of sediment covered by tufa precipitation with unaffected sediment. Geochemical analyses were conducted to study the precipitate chemistry, mineralogy and texture. The results demonstrate that greater force is needed to move sediment particles affected by tufa precipitation compared to unaffected ones. In addition, lower sediment transport rates were measured on sediment affected by tufa precipitation, especially for the largest sediment size. These results could have important implications for studies concerning sediment dynamics and contaminant fate in the environment. Moreover, the results allow us to make some assumptions regarding the long-term role that tufa precipitation can play in rivers. Such analysis can help us to better understand and predict the changes in sediment transport rates due to tufa precipitation.