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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(67): 1-12, mai-ago.2025.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572519


A comunicação buco-sinusal, uma conexão direta entre boca e seios maxilares, ocorre comumente pela extração de dentes próximos ao seio maxilar e outros procedimentos. O diagnóstico precoce é crucial para prevenir complicações graves. A abordagem terapêutica varia conforme o tamanho do defeito, presença de infecção e localização específica. Realizou-se uma breve revisão de literatura qualitativa abordando as principais complicações da comunicação buco sinusal na cirurgia bucal e como intervi-las. Buscou-se artigos científicos indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: Google Scholar, Pubmed e Biblioteca Scielo com lapso temporal de 2013 a 2023. Foram utilizados para esta busca os seguintes descritores: Comunicação buco-sinusal; Complicações; Seio maxilar. Os critérios de inclusão desta pesquisa foram artigos em inglês, português e espanhol, sendo selecionados 26 trabalhos. Os principais critérios de exclusão foram artigos com mais de 10 anos de publicação. A prevenção e gestão eficaz das complicações na comunicação oral em cirurgias são essenciais. Identificar fatores de risco, usar técnicas cirúrgicas precisas e agir imediatamente diante de sinais de comunicação com os seios da face são medidas cruciais para garantir a segurança do paciente e aprimorar os resultados cirúrgicos.

Oral-sinusal communication, a direct connection between the mouth and maxillary sinuses, commonly occurs due to the extraction of teeth close to the maxillary sinus and other procedures. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent serious complications. The therapeutic approach varies according to the size of the defect, presence of infection and specific location. A brief qualitative literature review was carried out looking at the main complications of oral sinus communication in oral surgery and how to intervene. We searched for scientific articles indexed in the following databases: Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo Library with a time span from 2013 to 2023. The following descriptors were used for this search: Oral-sinus communication; Complications; Maxillary sinus. The inclusion criteria for this study were articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish, and 26 papers were selected. The main exclusion criteria were articles published more than 10 years ago. The prevention and effective management of oral communication complications during surgery are essential. Identifying risk factors, using precise surgical techniques and acting immediately in the event of signs of communication with the sinuses are crucial measures to ensure patient safety and improve surgical outcomes.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550687


Introducción: El cateterismo urinario es un procedimiento frecuente y en ocasiones es utilizado por fuera de las indicaciones aceptadas para el mismo. Esto aumenta el riesgo de complicaciones vinculadas a su uso, por lo que pueden ser prevenibles. El objetivo del estudio es conocer las características del uso de cateterismo urinario en pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados de un hospital universitario del tercer nivel de atención, determinar la frecuencia, duración e indicaciones más frecuentes, así como evaluar la presencia de complicaciones asociadas al mismo Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en salas de cuidados moderados de un hospital terciario y universitario de Montevideo, Uruguay, el 21 de diciembre de 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes hospitalizados que presentaban o presentaron catéter vesical en la presente internación y se completó la recolección de variables mediante la revisión de la historia clínica. Resultados: De 155 pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados, a 26 (16,7%) les fue colocado un catéter urinario. La mediana de edad fue 61 años, 80% eran de sexo masculino. La mediana de internación fue de 22 días. En todos los pacientes se utilizó sonda vesical y el 54% fue colocado en el Departamento de Emergencia. En el 46% de los pacientes no se encontró indicación escrita de colocación en la historia clínica. En 50% de los casos no está especificado el motivo de indicación de sonda vesical, mientras que las indicaciones identificadas más frecuentes fueron el control de diuresis (27%) y la desobstrucción de vía urinaria baja (23%). La duración de cateterismo fue de una mediana de 13,5 días, mientras que el 27% de los pacientes la usaron más de 30 días. 35% de los pacientes presentaron complicaciones vinculadas a la sonda vesical, en su mayoría no infecciosas (27%) y 15% presentaron infección urinaria. Estos pacientes tuvieron una duración de cateterismo mayor a los que no presentaron complicaciones (23 vs 10 días, p=0,411). Conclusiones: El catéter vesical fue utilizado en un porcentaje no despreciable de pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados, de forma prolongada y frecuentemente sin indicación precisa, lo cual expone a un riesgo aumentado de complicaciones vinculadas.

Introduction: Urinary catheterization is a frequent procedure and is sometimes used outside of its accepted indications. This increases the risk of complications related to its use, so they may be preventable. The objective of this study is to know the characteristics of the use of urinary catheterization in patients admitted to moderate care wards of a tertiary care university hospital, to determine the frequency, duration and most frequent indications, as well as to evaluate the presence of associated complications. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, carried out in moderate care wards of a tertiary care and university hospital in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 21, 2022. Hospitalized patients who present or presented a bladder catheter during the present hospitalization were included, and the collection of variables was completed by reviewing the medical history. Results: Of 155 patients admitted to moderate care wards, 26 (16.7%) had a urinary catheter placed. The median age was 61 years, 80% were male. The median hospitalization was 22 days. In all patients a bladder catheter was used and 54% were placed in the Emergency Department. In 46% of the patients, no written indication for placement was found in the clinical history. In 50% of cases, the reason for indicating the bladder catheter is not specified, while the most frequent indications identified were diuresis control (27%) and lower urinary tract obstruction (23%). The duration of catheterization was a median of 13.5 days, while 27% of the patients used it for more than 30 days. 35% of the patients presented complications related to the bladder catheter, mostly non-infectious (27%) and 15% presented urinary tract infection. These patients had a longer duration of catheterization than those without complications (23 vs 10 days, p=0,411). Conclusions: The bladder catheter was used in a non-negligible percentage of patients admitted to moderate care wards, for a long time and often without a precise indication, which exposes them to an increased risk of related complications.

Introdução: O cateterismo urinário é um procedimento frequente e às vezes é usado fora de suas indicações aceitas. Isso aumenta o risco de complicações relacionadas ao seu uso, portanto, podem ser evitáveis. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as características do uso do cateterismo urinário em pacientes internados em enfermarias de cuidados moderados de um hospital universitário terciário, determinar a frequência, duração e indicações mais frequentes, bem como avaliar a presença de complicações associadas ao mesmo. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, realizado em quartos de cuidados moderados de um hospital terciário e universitário em Montevidéu, Uruguai, em 21 de dezembro de 2022. Foram incluídos pacientes que apresentaram ou apresentaram sonda vesical durante a internação atual e a coleta de variáveis ​​foi concluída .revisando o histórico médico. Resultados: Dos 155 pacientes admitidos em enfermarias de cuidados moderados, 26 (16,7%) tiveram um cateter urinário colocado. A idade média foi de 61 anos, 80% eram do sexo masculino. A mediana de internação foi de 22 dias. Em todos os doentes foi utilizada sonda vesical e 54% foram internados no Serviço de Urgência. Em 46% dos pacientes, nenhuma indicação escrita para colocação foi encontrada na história clínica. Em 50% dos casos não é especificado o motivo da indicação da sonda vesical, enquanto as indicações mais frequentes identificadas foram controle da diurese (27%) e desobstrução do trato urinário inferior (23%). A duração do cateterismo foi em média de 13,5 dias, enquanto 27% dos pacientes o utilizaram por mais de 30 dias. 35% dos pacientes apresentaram complicações relacionadas ao cateter vesical, em sua maioria não infecciosas (27%) e 15% apresentaram infecção urinária. Esses pacientes tiveram uma duração mais longa de cateterismo do que aqueles sem complicações (23 vs 10 dias, p=0,411). Conclusões: A sonda vesical foi utilizada em percentual não desprezível de pacientes internados em quartos de cuidados moderados, por tempo prolongado e muitas vezes sem indicação precisa, o que os expõe a um risco aumentado de complicações associadas.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e74792, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554732


Objetivo: analisar as características e os desfechos obstétricos adversos em gestantes/puérperas infectadas pelo SARS-CoV-2 em serviço de referência. Método: série de casos retrospectiva entre gestantes com Covid-19 em um hospital universitário em Minas Gerais, Brasil, atendidas no serviço de 2020 a 2021, coletados em abril de 2022, empregando-se estatística descritiva para análise dos dados através do Statistical Package for the Social Science. Resultados: incluídas 26 gestantes, em sua maioria brancas, que tiveram como principais desfechos obstétricos adversos a internação em UTI (43,5%), parto prematuro (34,6%), dado reestratificado de semanas para dias para investigar o encurtamento da gestação, onde constatou-se média de 38,6 dias potenciais de gravidez perdidos dos 280 dias ideais, e ainda 15,4% evoluíram para óbito materno. Conclusão: o estudo proporcionou evidenciar a necessidade de vigilância e atenção às gestantes com foco nos principais desfechos adversos, podendo-se intervir em tempo oportuno para diminuir adversidades.

Objective: to analyze the characteristics and adverse obstetric outcomes in pregnant/puerperal women infected by SARS-CoV-2 at a reference service. Method: a retrospective case series conducted among pregnant women with Covid-19 in a university hospital from Minas Gerais, Brazil, treated at the service from 2020 to 2021. The cases were collected in April 2022 employing descriptive statistics for data analysis in the Statistical Package for the Social Science. Results: a total of 26 pregnant women were included, mostly white-skinned, whose main adverse obstetric outcomes were admission to the ICU (43.5%), premature birth (34.6%) and data restratified from weeks to days to investigate shortening of pregnancy, where a mean of 38.6 potential days of pregnancy were lost out of the ideal 280 days, and 15.4% resulted in maternal death. Conclusion: the study provided evidence of the need for surveillance and care for pregnant women with a focus on the main adverse outcomes, enabling timely intervention to reduce adversities.

Objetivo: analizar las características y resultados obstétricos adversos en gestantes/puérperas infectadas por SARS-CoV-2 en un servicio de referencia. Método: serie de casos retrospectiva entre gestantes con Covid-19 en un hospital universitario de Minas Gerais, Brasil, atendidas en el servicio de 2020 a 2021. Los datos se recolectaron en abril de 2022, se utilizó estadística descriptiva para analizar los datos mediante el Statistical Package for the Social Science. Resultados: se incluyeron 26 gestantes, la mayoría de raza blanca, cuyos principales resultados obstétricos adversos fueron ingreso a UCI (43,5%), parto prematuro (34,6%), dato reestratificado de semanas a días para investigar el acortamiento de la gestación, que arrojó como resultado un promedio de 38,6. Se comprobó que se perdieron en promedio 38,6 días potenciales de embarazo de los 280 días ideales, y muerte materna (15,4%). Conclusión: la evidencia que proporcionó el estudio indica que es necesario vigilar y atender a las gestantes enfocándose en los principales resultados adversos, lo que permite intervenir de forma oportuna para reducir adversidades.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 670-680, Septiembre 16, 2024. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571838


Introducción. Las complicaciones quirúrgicas son un tema relevante, difícil de abordar e inmerso en una cultura punitiva y vergonzosa hacia el médico. La ausencia de una medición sistemática, confiable y socializada es un desafío para los servicios quirúrgicos. El desconocimiento de las medidas de frecuencia y el impacto de las complicaciones quirúrgicas en las instituciones, y a su vez, dentro de los servicios quirúrgicos, evidencia la necesidad de abordar el tema desde una perspectiva de mejoramiento continuo. Métodos. Se hizo un análisis crítico y reflexivo sobre la conceptualización de las complicaciones quirúrgicas, los avances en su proceso de evaluación y su utilidad como indicador de calidad en los servicios quirúrgicos. Se ilustraron las metodologías con ejemplos clínicos que facilitan su entendimiento y aplicabilidad. Resultados. El trabajo inicial de los doctores Clavien & Dindo se ha fortalecido al considerar integralmente el proceso de atención quirúrgica como un indicador de calidad de la atención en salud. El desarrollo del Índice Integral de Complicaciones (CCI), para los eventos en el período posoperatorio, representa un paso adicional en el abordaje del problema. Su potencialidad en el análisis de los eventos ofrece una oportunidad para la implementación y la investigación en el tema. Conclusiones. Las complicaciones quirúrgicas representan un indicador robusto que permite evaluar el desempeño individual y grupal en un servicio quirúrgico. Hay metodologías recientes que deben ser incorporadas en la actividad asistencial de los cirujanos. Representan un insumo en la educación médica a todo nivel e, igualmente, un elemento de crecimiento personal y académico para todo cirujano.

Introduction. Surgical complications are a relevant topic, difficult to address and immersed in a punitive and shameful culture towards the doctor. The absence of systematic, reliable, and socialized measurement is a challenge for surgical services. The lack of knowledge of frequency measurements and the impact of surgical complications in institutions, and in turn, within surgical services, shows the need to address the issue from a perspective of continuous improvement. Methods. A critical and reflective analysis was carried out on the conceptualization of surgical complications, the advances in their evaluation process and their usefulness as an indicator of quality in surgical services. The methodologies were illustrated with clinical examples that facilitate their understanding and applicability. Results. The initial work of doctors Clavien & Dindo has been strengthened by comprehensively considering the surgical care process as an indicator of quality of health care. The development of the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI), for events in the postoperative period, represents an additional step in addressing the problem. Its potential in the analysis of events offers an opportunity for implementation and research on the topic. Conclusions. Surgical complications represent a robust indicator that allows evaluating individual and group performance in a surgical service. There are recent methodologies that must be incorporated into the care activity of surgeons. They represent an input in medical education at all levels and equally, an element of personal and academic growth for every surgeon.

Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Indicadores Básicos de Saúde , Garantia da Qualidade dos Cuidados de Saúde , Avaliação de Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Gravidade do Paciente
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 728-737, Septiembre 16, 2024. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571913


Introducción. Los pacientes octogenarios y nonagenarios conforman un grupo etario en progresivo crecimiento. La hernia inguinal es una patología que aumenta progresivamente con la edad. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo conocer los resultados quirúrgicos de los pacientes mayores de 80 años a quienes se les realizó herniorrafía inguinal. Métodos. De acuerdo con las guías PRISMA, se realizó una revisión sistemática de PubMed, Embase y Google Scholar. Se incluyeron estudios que reportaron la incidencia de complicaciones y mortalidad después de una herniorrafía inguinal en los pacientes octogenarios y nonagenarios. Se calculó la proporción de pacientes con complicaciones después de una herniorrafía inguinal según los datos presentados, con su respectivo intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados. Catorce estudios reportaron un total de 19.290 pacientes, entre quienes se encontró una incidencia acumulada de infección del sitio operatorio de 0,5 % (IC95% 0,460 - 0,678), seroma de 8,7 % (IC95% 6,212 - 11,842), hematoma de 2,6 % (IC95% 2,397 - 2,893), dolor crónico de 2,1 % (IC95% 0,778 - 4,090) y recidiva de 1,2 % (IC95%0,425 - 2,284), para una morbilidad de 14,7 % (IC95% 9,525 - 20,833). Conclusión. Las complicaciones de la herida quirúrgica, el dolor crónico y la recidiva en los pacientes mayores de 80 años a quienes se les realiza herniorrafia inguinal son comparables con las de la población general.

Introduction. Octogenarian and nonagenarian patients constitute a progressively growing age group. Inguinal hernia is a pathology that increases with age. This study aims to understand the surgical outcomes of inguinal herniorrhaphy in patients over 80 years of age. Methods. A systematic review of PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Studies reporting the incidence of complications and mortality after inguinal herniorrhaphy in octogenarian and nonagenarian patients were included. The proportion of patients with complications after inguinal herniorrhaphy was calculated based on the data presented, with its respective 95% confidence interval. Results. Fourteen studies reported a total of 19,290 patients, among whom a cumulative incidence of surgical site infection of 0.5 (95% CI 0.460 ­ 0.678), seroma of 8.7% (95% CI 6.212 ­ 11.842), hematoma of 2.6% (95% CI 2.397 ­ 2.893), chronic pain 2.1% (95% CI 0.778 ­ 4.090), recurrence 1.2% (95% CI 0.425 ­ 2.284), and morbidity 14.7% (95% CI 9.525 ­ 20.833) were found. Conclusion. Surgical wound complications, chronic pain, and recurrence in patients over 80 years of age undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy are comparable to those in the general population.

Humanos , Herniorrafia , Hérnia Inguinal , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Recidiva , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Metanálise
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 738-744, Septiembre 16, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571922


Introducción. El trasplante hepático es el tratamiento indicado en aquellas enfermedades del hígado en las cuales ya se han agotado otras medidas terapéuticas, y es un procedimiento complejo. Las complicaciones postquirúrgicas se relacionan con alta morbimortalidad y pueden llevar a desenlaces fatales; las complicaciones vasculares son las de mayor mortalidad, por lo que es crucial la detección temprana y el tratamiento oportuno. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los pacientes que presentaron complicaciones vasculares posterior a trasplante hepático. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con seguimiento a los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático en la Fundación Cardiovascular, entre los años 2013 y 2023, que presentaron complicaciones vasculares. Se evaluó el tipo de complicación, los factores de riesgo y los desenlaces postquirúrgicos. Resultados. Se incluyeron en total 82 pacientes trasplantados, con un predominio del sexo masculino 59,8 % (n=49); la principal indicación del trasplante fue el alcoholismo (21,9 %). Veinte pacientes presentaron complicaciones vasculares; la más frecuente fue trombosis de arteria hepática, en el 45 % (n=9). En tres de estos casos se requirió nuevo trasplante. Conclusión. Las complicaciones vasculares empeoran la evolución clínica postoperatoria de los pacientes y están relacionadas con alta morbimortalidad, por lo cual es crucial la valoración multidisciplinaria, el diagnóstico oportuno y la intervención temprana para disminuir los desenlaces fatales.

Introduction. Liver transplant is the treatment indicated for those liver diseases in which other therapeutic measures have already been exhausted, and it is a complex procedure. Post-surgical complications are related to high morbidity and mortality and can lead to fatal outcomes. Vascular complications are the ones with the highest mortality, so early detection and timely treatment are crucial. The objective of this study was to characterize patients who presented vascular complications after liver transplantation. Methods. Descriptive, retrospective study, with follow-up of patients undergoing liver transplant at the Fundación Cardiovascular, between 2013 and 2023, who presented vascular complications. The type of complication, risk factors and postsurgical outcomes were evaluated. Results. A total of 82 transplant patients were included, with a predominance of males with 59.8% (n=49); the main indication for transplant was alcoholism (21.9%). Twenty patients presented vascular complications; the most frequent was hepatic artery thrombosis 45% (n=9). In three of these cases a new transplant was required. Conclusion. Vascular complications worsen the postoperative clinical course of patients and are associated with high morbidity and mortality, which is why multidisciplinary assessment, diagnosis and early intervention are crucial to reduce fatal outcomes.

Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Transplante de Fígado , Reoperação , Mortalidade , Fígado
BMC Oral Health ; 24(1): 871, 2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090743


BACKGROUND: The aim of this research was to analyse the current literature on displaced dental implants in the mandibular body, including local and systemic variables related to their cause, and to identify the most frequent location. METHODS: The study conducted a search of three databases (Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science) using specific index terms such as 'dental implant', 'displacement', 'dislocation', 'displaced', and 'mandible'. The analysis focused on the direction of displacement and the characteristics of the bone tissue (bone quality, density, and quantity) in cases where dental implants were displaced. RESULTS: A total of 371 articles were obtained. Thirteen of these articles were selected and read in full. To define bone quality, the Lekholm and Zarb classification, modified by Rosas et al., was used. The type II-B bone, which is characterized by thick cortical bone surrounding cancellous bone with extremely wide medullary spaces, presented the largest number of complications. Twenty-two cases were found in which the displacement direction was horizontal. Of these, four were displaced vestibularly, fourteen lingually, and four remained in the center. Additionally, 24 cases presented vertical displacement, with 12 displaced towards the inferior border of the mandible, 9 towards the middle or adjacent to the inferior dental nerve canal, and 3 above the inferior dental nerve canal. CONCLUSION: The accidental displacement of implants within the mandibular body is associated with various risk factors, including the characteristics of the bony trabeculum and the size of the medullary spaces. It is reasonable to suggest that only an adequate pre-surgical diagnostic evaluation, with the help of high-resolution tomographic images that allow a previous evaluation of these structures, will help to have better control over the other factors, thus minimizing the risk of displacement.

Implantes Dentários , Mandíbula , Humanos , Implantes Dentários/efeitos adversos , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Fatores de Risco , Migração de Corpo Estranho/prevenção & controle , Migração de Corpo Estranho/etiologia , Densidade Óssea , Falha de Restauração Dentária
Acta Ortop Bras ; 32(3): e276513, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086848


Objective: Throughout microsurgical anastomosis, many surgeons use topical vasodilators in order to reduce pathological vasospasm. It was carried out an experimental study comparing the effectiveness of topical use of Nitroglycerin, Papaverine, Magnesium sulfate over a control group in the femoral artery and vein of rats, in reducing prolonged vasospasm. Methods: Randomized comparative experimental study in 15 rats, divided into four groups. The external diameter of the vases soaked in the randomized solution was measured. For statistical analysis, it was calculated the percentual increase in the external diameter of the vessels. Results: A statistically significant increase in arterial dilation was observed after 10 minutes of topical application of 10% magnesium sulfate compared to the control group, with p = 0.044 . No other drug showed a vasodilator effect superior to the control group. Magnesium sulfate at 10% is still not used in microsurgery and costs 15 times less than papaverine, the standard drug for topical vasodilation in clinical cases at our service. Conclusion: Magnesium sulfate had better vasodilating effects over the control group after 10 minutes of arterial microanastomosis. None of the tested drugs have presented superior vasodilating effects over each other nor the control group after venous microanastomosis. Level of evidence II, Experimental study, Randomized Trial.

Objetivo: Durante a anastomose microcirúrgica, muitos cirurgiões utilizam vasodilatadores tópicos para reduzir o vasoespasmo prolongado patológico, assim reduzindo o risco de complicações vasculares. Entretanto, ainda faltam dados experimentais para identificação da droga padrão-ouro para vasodilatadores tópicos em microcirurgia e sua avaliação de análise de custo, já que a droga geralmente utilizada para este objetivo é baseada, na maior parte dos casos, na experiência do cirurgião. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo randomizado, avaliando a eficácia do uso tópico de Nitroglicerina, Papaverina e Sulfato de Magnésio em relação a um grupo controle, na redução do vasoespasmo na artéria e veia femoral de ratos. Foram avaliados o diâmetro externo dos vasos embebidos em solução randomizada dos fármacos para vasodilatação. Após cálculo do aumento percentual no diâmetro externo dos vasos, foi realizada análise estatística. Resultados: Observou-se aumento estatisticamente significativo da dilatação arterial após 10 minutos de aplicação tópica de sulfato de magnésio a 10% em relação ao grupo controle, com p = 0,044. Nenhuma outra droga apresentou efeito vasodilatador superior ao grupo controle. O sulfato de magnésio a 10% ainda não é utilizado em microcirurgia e apresenta custo até 15 vezes menor quando comparado com a papaverina, droga padrão para vasodilatação tópica em casos clínicos em nosso serviço. Conclusão: O sulfato de magnésio apresentou melhor efeito vasodilatador quando comparado ao grupo controle, após 10 minutos da microanastomose arterial. Nenhum dos fármacos testados apresentou efeito vasodilatador superior após a microanastomose venosa. Nível de Evidência II, Estudo experimental, Ensaio Randomizado.

Acta Ortop Bras ; 32(3): e278420, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119247


OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcomes of surgical stabilization of pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures with the use of crossed Kirschner wires versus divergent lateral pinning wires. METHODS: This is a systematic review with meta-analysis carried out by searching the MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Direct and Scielo databases. In these, the search for journals was carried out between January and August 2023, where 695 studies were found. To assess the quality of the studies, the Jadad and the MINORS scales were used.. The selection and reading of relevant articles were carried out by the researchers and 11 studies met the selection criteria. RESULTS: From the 11 selected studies, 963 patients who met the criteria for the surgical treatment of these fractures were grouped. After the statistical analysis, we found that the ulnar nerve injury had a higher incidence when the crossed-K wire technique was used; and the lateral fixation is safer for the ulnar nerve. CONCLUSION: Both fixation techniques determine good functional results. However, fixation with lateral Kirschner wires proves to be safer considering the risk of iatrogenic injury to the ulnar nerve. Crossed-K wire fixation is more effective in terms of stability and maintenance of fracture reduction. Level of Evidence II, Systematic Review of Level II or Level I Studies with discrepant results.

Objetivo: Comparar os desfechos da estabilização cirúrgica das fraturas supracondilianas do úmero pediátricas com o uso de fios de Kirschner cruzados versus fios laterais divergentes. Métodos: Trata-se de uma Revisão Sistemática com metanálise realizada pela pesquisa nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Direct e Scielo. Nessas, a busca dos periódicos foi realizada entre janeiro e agosto de 2023, e foram encontrados 695 estudos. Para a avaliação da sua qualidade, foram utilizadas a escala de Jadad e a escala MINORS. A seleção e a leitura dos artigos pertinentes foram realizadas pelos pesquisadores e 11 estudos preencheram os critérios de escolha. Resultados: Dos estudos selecionados, agrupamos 963 pacientes que preenchiam os critérios para o tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas. Após a análise estatística, observamos que maior incidência de lesão do nervo ulnar quando foi utilizada a técnica de pinagem cruzada; e a fixação lateral demonstrou ser mais segura para tal. Conclusão: Ambas as técnicas de fixação determinam bons resultados funcionais. Entretanto, a fixação com fios de Kirschner laterais demonstra ser mais segura, considerando o risco de lesão iatrogênica do nervo ulnar. A fixação com fios cruzados é mais eficaz, levando em conta a estabilidade e a manutenção da redução das fraturas. Nível de evidência II, Revisão sistemática de Estudos de Nível II ou Nível I com resultados discrepantes.

Prim Care Diabetes ; 18(5): 539-546, 2024 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152087


AIMS: To evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) and its associated factors in Brazilian patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). METHODS: This cross-sectional, multicentre study was conducted in 14 public clinics in ten Brazilian cities. From 1760 patients, 1712 were included (97.3 %): 953 females (55.7 %), 930 (54.3 %) Caucasians, aged 29.9 ±11.9 years and with diabetes duration of 15.4 ± 9.2 years. CAN was evaluated using cardiovascular autonomic reflex tests. RESULTS: The prevalence of CAN was 23.4 %. Multivariable hierarchical logistic regression showed CAN associated with age, smoking, lower socioeconomic status, higher yearly medical appointments, insulin therapeutic regimens, higher levels of HbA1c, total cholesterol, uric acid, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate, presence of retinopathy, diabetic kidney disease and a tendency to be associated with severe hypoglycemia. Lower health-related quality of life was also found in univariate analysis in these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with T1D presented an important prevalence of CAN that was associated with other diabetes-related chronic complications, and also with demographic, clinical and laboratorial traditional risk factors. Considering lack of formal policy, our data could be used for guiding public health approach to awareness and CAN's screening, diagnosis and clinical management in patients with T1D in Brazil.

Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 , Neuropatias Diabéticas , Humanos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/epidemiologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/diagnóstico , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Neuropatias Diabéticas/epidemiologia , Neuropatias Diabéticas/diagnóstico , Fatores de Risco , Adulto Jovem , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/epidemiologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/diagnóstico , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/fisiopatologia , Adolescente , Doenças Cardiovasculares/epidemiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/diagnóstico , Biomarcadores/sangue , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida
Int Orthop ; 48(10): 2499-2504, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39107627


PURPOSE: To analyse the time-to-surgery of a centre of excellence in hip fractures of the elderly and its influence on inpatient mortality and postoperative complications. METHODS: A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted. The sample universe consisted of 4,364 patients admitted to a university clinic in Chía, Colombia during the year 2018 to 2023 with ICD-10 diagnoses corresponding to femur fractures. After eliminating duplicates and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample included was 269 patients. Qualitative and quantitative variables were analysed, such as: sex, age, age group, type of fracture, type of surgical procedure, time-to-surgery, time to discharge, inpatient mortality and postoperative complications. RESULTS: The mean time-to-surgery from admission was 70.16 h or 2.92 days (IQR 37-87). Patients were divided into three subgroups of time in which they were taken to surgery: <24 h (11.89%), 24-48 h (33.82%) and > 48 h (54.27%). The overall mortality rate was 1.85% for a total of five deceased patients, two of whom belonged to the 24-48-hour group and three to the > 48 h group. Higher rates of postoperative complications were observed in the > 48-hours group (n: 39, 14.49%), followed by the 24-48-hour group (n: 25, 9.29%) and the < 24-hour group (n: 7, 2.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients operated for a hip fracture in > 48 h since admission had a slightly higher rate of postoperative complications. No significant difference was observed regarding inpatient mortality when compared to the 24-48-hour group.

Fraturas do Quadril , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Tempo para o Tratamento , Humanos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Fraturas do Quadril/cirurgia , Fraturas do Quadril/mortalidade , Idoso , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Tempo para o Tratamento/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Int Braz J Urol ; 50(5): 561-571, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106114


PURPOSE: to identify risk factors for urinary septic shock in patients who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from PCNL procedures performed between January 2009 and February 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. The study included all patients over 18 years old with kidney stones larger than 15 mm who underwent PCNL. Patients who underwent mini-PCNL or combined surgeries, such as ureteroscopy or bilateral procedures, were not included in the study. Logistic regression was conducted to determine the risk factors for urinary septic shock within 30 days post-operation in patients who underwent PCNL. RESULTS: Urinary septic shock was observed in 8 out of the 1,424 patients analyzed (0.56%). The presence of comorbidities, evaluated using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) (OR 1.46 [CI 95% 1.15-1.86], p=0.01), larger stones (41.0 mm [IQR 30.0-47.5 mm] vs. 24.0 mm [IQR 17.0-35.0 mm], OR 1.03 [CI 95% 1.01-1.06], p=0.04), and a positive preoperative urine culture (OR 8.53 [CI 95% 1.71-42.45], p < 0.01) were shown to significantly increase the risk of postoperative urinary septic shock. Patients with a CCI > 2, larger stones (≥ 35 mm), and a positive preoperative urine culture were at even higher risk of urinary septic shock (OR 15.40 [CI 95% 1.77-134.21], p=0.01). CONCLUSION: Patients with larger stones, positive preoperative urine culture, and a higher CCI are at risk for urinary septic shock after PCNL. These findings are of utmost importance for optimizing the perioperative care of these patients to prevent life-threatening complications.

Cálculos Renais , Nefrolitotomia Percutânea , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Choque Séptico , Humanos , Choque Séptico/etiologia , Nefrolitotomia Percutânea/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Masculino , Fatores de Risco , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cálculos Renais/cirurgia , Adulto , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Idoso , Modelos Logísticos
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 250-260, Ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570285


Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de complicaciones materno-perinatales y factores clínicos asociados a estos resultados en estantes con lupus. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles a partir de historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico en embarazo, entre 2010-2022 en una institución de salud en Medellín-Colombia. Éstas se clasificaron como casos (pacientes con resultados adversos materno-perinatales) y controles (pacientes sin resultados adversos). Resultados: Se incluyó un total de 67 pacientes (35 casos y 32 controles). Las complicaciones maternas más frecuentes fueron los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo (71,4 %), incluyendo preeclampsia y una presentación importante de partos pretérmino (68,6 %). La nefritis lúpica previa y durante el embarazo, fue más frecuente en los casos que en los controles (31,4 % versus 9,4 %). Los compromisos cardiovasculares, de mucosas y musculo-esquelético, fueron más frecuentes durante el embarazo (31,4 %, 40 % y 34,3 %, respectivamente), coincidiendo con mayor actividad del lupus, principalmente durante el embarazo. El compromiso cardiovascular y de mucosas durante el embarazo, así como tener síndrome antifosfolípido se relacionaron con desenlace materno-perinatal adverso. Conclusión: Componentes clínicos propios de la enfermedad como la nefritis lúpica, el síndrome antifosfolípido, el compromiso cardiovascular, y de mucosas podrían predisponer a desenlaces maternos y/o perinatales adversos como trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo, pretérmino, restricción de crecimiento fetal, entre otros(AU)

Objective: To determine the frequency of maternal-perinatal complications and the clinical factors associated with these outcomes in pregnant women with lupus. Methods: A case-control study was conducted using the medical records of patients diagnosed with pregnancy and lupus in a healthcare institution in Medellin, Colombia, between 2010 and 2022. The patients were classified as cases (patients with adverse maternal-perinatal outcomes) and controls (patients without adverse outcomes). Results: A total of 67 patients (35 cases and 32 controls) were included. The most frequent maternal complications were pregnancyassociated hypertensive disorders (71.4%), including preeclampsia and a significant presentation of preterm deliveries (68.6%). Lupus nephritis prior to and during pregnancy was more frequent in cases than in controls (31.4% versus 9.4%). Cardiovascular, mucosal and musculoskeletal compromises were more frequent during pregnancy (31.4%, 40% and 34.3%, respectively), coinciding with greater lupus activity, mainly during pregnancy. Cardiovascular and mucosal involvement during pregnancy, as well as having antiphospholipid syndrome, were related to adverse maternal-perinatal outcome. Conclusion: Clinical components of the disease such as lupus nephritis, antiphospholipid syndrome, cardiovascular and mucosal involvement, are factors that may predispose these patients to adverse maternal and/or perinatal outcomes, such as hypertensive disorders associated with pregnancy, low birth weight, preterm, fetal growth restriction, among others(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Complicações na Gravidez , Artrite/etiologia , Doenças Autoimunes , Hipertensão Induzida pela Gravidez , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico/complicações , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/etiologia , Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Gestantes
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(4): 491-502, Jul.-Aug. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563703


Abstract Background Skin modification through tattoos is as old as humanity itself. However, this trend is on the rise, and with the use of different types of pigments and application practices, both cutaneous and systemic complications can arise. Adverse reactions can be grouped into five classes: inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, aesthetic, and miscellaneous. On histopathology, inflammatory reactions can exhibit a lichenoid pattern or present as spongiotic dermatitis, granulomatous reactions, pseudolymphoma, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, or scleroderma/morphea-like changes. This article reviews tattoo complications, including their clinical and histopathological characteristics. Methods An open search was conducted on PubMed using the terms "tattoo", "complications", and "skin". No limits were set for period, language, or publication type of the articles. Results Reactions to tattoos are reported in up to 67% of people who get tattooed, with papulonodular and granulomatous reactions being the most common. Some neoplastic complications have been described, but their causality is still debated. Any pigment can cause adverse reactions, although red ink is more frequently associated with them. Patients with pre-existing dermatoses may experience exacerbation or complications of their diseases when getting tattoos; therefore, this procedure is not recommended for this patient group. Conclusions Dermatological consultation is recommended before getting a tattoo, as well as a histopathological examination in case of complications. In patients who develop cutaneous inflammatory reactions following tattooing, additional studies are recommended to investigate systemic diseases such as sarcoidosis, pyoderma gangrenosum, atopic dermatitis, and neoplasms. It is important for physicians to be trained in providing appropriate care in case of complications.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39009336


BACKGROUND: The relationship between the number and type of postoperative complications and mortality in the setting for surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) remains underexplored despite its critical role in the failure-to-rescue (FTR) metric. METHODS: This retrospective study used data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgical Database on ATAAD surgeries performed between January 2018 and December 2022. Patients were categorized based on their number of major complications. The primary outcome was FTR. We used multilevel regression and classification and regression tree models. RESULTS: We included 19,243 patients (33% females), with a median age of 61 years. Regarding complications, 47.7% of patients had 0, 20.2% had 1, 12.7% had 2, and 19.4% experienced 3 or more. The most frequently reported complications were prolonged mechanical ventilation (30.3%), unplanned reoperation (19.5%), and renal failure (17.2%). Cardiac arrest occurred in 7.1% of cases. FTR increased from 13% in patients with 1 complication to >30% in those with 4 or more complications. Cardiac arrest (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 10.9) and renal failure (aOR, 5.3) had the highest odds for mortality, followed by limb ischemia (aOR, 2.7), stroke (aOR, 2.6), and gastrointestinal complications (aOR, 2.4). Hospitals in the top performance quartile consistently showed lower FTR rates across all levels of complication. CONCLUSIONS: The study validates a dose-response association between postoperative complications and mortality in patients undergoing surgery for ATAAD. Top-performing hospitals consistently show lower FTR rates independent of the number of complications. Future research should focus on the timing of complications and interventions to reduce the burden of complications.

J Endovasc Ther ; : 15266028241266208, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39082386


PURPOSE: This report presents the endovascular strategies adopted to treat a kidney calculus venous embolism after percutaneous nephrolithotomy and the versatility of endovascular techniques to manage even the most unexpected renovascular complications after urological intervention. According to the literature available in PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO, and repositories, this is the first case to our knowledge of renal vein calculus embolism as a complication of percutaneous treatment of kidney stones. CASE REPORT: A 62-year-old woman underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy to treat a left kidney 2.8-cm staghorn calculi. The stone cracked, leaving a residual fragment in the ureteropelvic junction. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a 0.9-mm extrarenal calculus located inside the left retroaortic renal vein. Calculus was captured using a basket catheter system through a 6F 45-cm sheath positioned in the left common femoral vein (CFV) and accessed by dissection to safely conclude the calculus extraction by venous cut down. The patient was asymptomatically discharged 48 hours after the endovascular procedure, under a rivaroxaban anticoagulation regimen, with no symptoms or renal function impairment until the 6 months of follow-up. CONCLUSION: The endovascular strategy proposed in this case was effective for calculus rescue and venous flow restoration. CLINICAL IMPACT: This case reinforces the adaptability of endovascular therapy in an unexpected scenario. A potentially life-threatening extremely rare adverse event following a common urological procedure could be treated with minimally invasive hybrid treatment, preserving renal function and maintaining venous vascular patency. This report may add a discussion of procedures to manage similar events and bring to the literature a possible strategy to solve the problem.

Surg Endosc ; 38(9): 4965-4975, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38981882


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate morbidity and mortality in patients taken to conversion to open procedure (CO) and subtotal laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SLC) as bailout procedures when performing difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. METHOD: This observational cohort study retrospectively analyzed patients taken to SLC or CO as bailout surgery during difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy between 2014 and 2022. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify prognostic factors for morbimortality. RESULTS: A total of 675 patients were included. Of the 675 patients (mean [SD] age 63.85 ± 16.00 years; 390 [57.7%] male) included in the analysis, 452 (67%) underwent CO and 223 (33%) underwent SLC. Overall, neither procedure had an increased risk of major complications (89 [19.69%] vs 35 [15.69%] P.207). However, CO had an increased risk of bile duct injury (18 [3.98] vs 1 [0.44] P.009), bleeding (mean [SD] 165.43 ± 368.57 vs 43.25 ± 123.42 P < .001), intestinal injury (20 [4.42%] vs 0 [0.00] P.001), and wound infection (18 [3.98%] vs 2 [0.89%] P.026), while SLC had a higher risk of bile leak (15 [3.31] vs 16 [7.17] P.024). On the multivariable analysis, Charlson comorbidity index (odds ratio [OR], 1.20; CI95%, 1.01-1.42), use of anticoagulant agents (OR, 2.56; CI95%, 1.21-5.44), classification of severity of cholecystitis grade III (OR, 2.96; CI95%, 1.48-5.94), and emergency admission (OR, 6.07; CI95%, 1.33-27.74) were associated with presenting major complications. CONCLUSIONS: SLC was less associated with complications; however, there is scant evidence on its long-term outcomes. Further research is needed on SLC to establish if it is the safest in the long-term as a bailout procedure.

Colecistectomia Laparoscópica , Conversão para Cirurgia Aberta , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Humanos , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Conversão para Cirurgia Aberta/estatística & dados numéricos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Idoso , Estudos de Coortes
Braz J Microbiol ; 55(3): 2643-2654, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955981


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical-laboratory profile and analyze the factors associated with the severity of COVID-19. METHODS: A prospective cohort study involving patients with COVID-19 admitted to a tertiary hospital in Recife, Brazil. All cases were confirmed by RT-PCR and classified according to severity criteria. A descriptive statistical analysis of the population's characteristics was conducted. Risk factors associated with the outcome of the case according to severity were analyzed by calculating the odds ratio (OR) using the general equation estimation (GEE) model. RESULTS: Among the 75 cases included, 64% were female, and 62.7% were aged 65 years or older. The median length of stay was 9 days (6 - 14). Hypertension (65.3%) and Diabetes Mellitus (36%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Severe forms of COVID-19 constituted 41.3% of the sample. The factors associated with severity were a history of asthma (OR=4.58, 95%CI:1.13 - 18.7), report of anorexia (OR=1, 12, 95%CI:1.01-1.24), and laboratory changes that included elevated platelets (OR=1.00, 95% CI:1.00-1.01), elevated D'Dimer (OR=1, 26, 95% CI:1.04-1.52), elevated aspartate aminotransferase (OR=1.00, 95% CI:1.00-1.01), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (OR=1.22, IC95 %:0.98-1.51), hypernatremia (OR=1.31, 95%CI:1.12-1.52), and hyperkalemia (OR=1.21, 95% CI:1.04-1.41). CONCLUSION: Multisystemic involvement with a tendency for thrombophilia, electrolyte disturbances, and hepatic aggression, reflected by laboratory changes, were factors associated with the severity of COVID-19.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/diagnóstico , Feminino , Brasil/epidemiologia , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores de Risco , SARS-CoV-2/genética , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , Adulto , Comorbidade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Centros de Atenção Terciária/estatística & dados numéricos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38978302


BACKGROUND: Congenital uterine anomalies include a wide diversity of uterine malformations that can compromise reproductive potential. Uterus transplantation (UTx) proposes an innovative treatment for absolute uterine factor infertility; however, there is a lack of standardized protocols to guide clinical management among this population. OBJECTIVES: To describe recipient and donor characteristics and obstetric outcomes in patients undergoing UTx. SEARCH STRATEGY: We performed a literature search using the PubMed database to retrieve available scientific articles. We analyzed the references of included articles to assess additional articles that could be eligible to be included in the review. Likewise, we identified further studies using other methods, including Google Scholar. SELECTION CRITERIA: Titles and abstracts were screened in duplicate to select original reports with information available for the outcomes of interest. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: This review assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques used, patient characteristics, obstetric and non-obstetric complications, functional duration of the organ, and neonatal outcomes. MAIN RESULTS: Among the 36 reports included in this review we found 55 pregnancies and 38 live births following UTx and a higher success rate for in vivo uterine donations. The most common obstetric complications reported included miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, and gestational hypertension. The most common non-obstetric complications reported include episodes of rejection, acute kidney injury, anemia, and cholestasis. Living donors required a comprehensive preoperative workup, decreasing organ rejection, infection, and vascular complications. CONCLUSIONS: More studies are needed to standardize the UTx procedure and improve obstetric, fetal, and neonatal outcomes. Further understanding of which recipient and donor characteristics minimize complications will significantly decrease the risk of adverse outcomes.

Langenbecks Arch Surg ; 409(1): 202, 2024 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958771


PURPOSE: We aim to evaluate the impact of surgical wound complications in the first 30 postoperative days after incisional hernia repair on the long-term quality of life of patients. In addition, the impact of the surgical technique and preoperative comorbidities on the quality of life of patients will also be evaluated. METHOD: Prospective cohort study, which evaluates 115 patients who underwent incisional hernioplasty between 2019 and 2020, using the onlay and retromuscular techniques. These patients were initially assessed with regard to surgical wound outcomes in the first 30 postoperative days (surgical site infection (SSI) or surgical site occurrence (SSO)), and then, assessed after three years, through a specific quality of life questionnaire, the Hernia Related Quality of Life Survey (HerQLes). RESULTS: After some patients were lost to follow-up during the study period, due to death, difficulty in contact, refusal to respond to the questionnaire, eighty patients were evaluated. Of these, 11 patients (13.8%) had SSI in the first 30 postoperative days and 37 (46.3%) had some type of SSO. The impact of both SSI and SSO on quality of life indices was not identified. When analyzing others variables, we observed that the Body Mass Index (BMI) had a significant impact on the patients' quality of life. Likewise, hernia size and mesh size were identified as variables related to a worse quality of life outcome. No difference was observed regarding the surgical techniques used. CONCLUSION: In the present study, no relationship was identified between surgical wound outcomes (SSO and SSI) and worse quality of life results using the HerQLes score. We observed that both BMI and the size of meshes and hernias showed an inversely proportional relationship with quality of life indices. However, more studies evaluating preoperative quality of life indices and comparing them with postoperative indices should be carried out to evaluate these correlations.

Herniorrafia , Hérnia Incisional , Qualidade de Vida , Infecção da Ferida Cirúrgica , Cicatrização , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Hérnia Incisional/cirurgia , Herniorrafia/efeitos adversos , Herniorrafia/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Telas Cirúrgicas , Estudos de Coortes