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Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 12(4): 346-351, out.-dez. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366849


Introdução: a queimadura é uma lesão tecidual que afeta o convívio social e os relacionamentos. Complicações de queimaduras levam à ruptura das relações sociais e, consequentemente, à disfunção social. Objetivo: este estudo objetiva determinar o efeito do treinamento multimídia no comportamento social de pacientes queimados no hospital Shahid Motahhari em Teerã. Métodos: este estudo clínico investigou 100 pacientes queimados. O grupo de intervenção recebeu, na alta hospitalar, um treinamento de autocuidados em multimídia num CD, além das informações de rotina. A função social da qualidade de vida foi examinada em ambos os grupos antes da intervenção, três meses e seis meses após a intervenção. Conclusões: os resultados mostraram que, antes da intervenção, o escore médio da função social da qualidade de vida no grupo intervenção e controle foi de 1/55 ± 0/46 e 1/92 ± 0/6, respectivamente, o que foi estatisticamente significativo (p<0,001). A média e o desvio-padrão da função social da qualidade de vida nos grupos intervenção e controle três e seis meses após a intervenção foram 2/47±0/56, 4/05±0/77, 2/15±0/39 e 29/3±0/95, respectivamente, também estatisticamente significativo (p<0,001)

Introduction: Burn is a tissue injury and affects social functioning and relationships. Complications of burns lead to disruption of social relationships and, consequently, social dysfunction. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of multimedia training on burned patients' social functioning in Shahid Motahhari hospital in Tehran. Methods: This clinical trial study assessed 100 burned patients. The intervention group received multimedia self-care discharge training on a CD in addition to the standard education. The social function of the quality of life was examined in both groups before the intervention, 3 months and 6 months after the intervention. Conclusions: Results showed that before the intervention, the mean score of social function of quality of life in intervention and control group was 1/55± 0/46, 1/92± 0/6, respectively, which was statistically significant (p <0.001). Mean and standard deviation of social function of quality of life in the intervention and control groups three and six months after intervention were2/47± 0/56, 4/05± 0/77, 2/15±0/39, 3/29 ± 0/95, also statistically significant (p<0.001).

Rev. salud bosque ; 10(1): 1-9, 2020. Ilus, Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1104089


Introducción. Las terapias ofrecidas a los pacientes con cáncer, incluidos los medicamentos citotóxicos, generan un alto riesgo para los profesiona-les de la salud involucrados en el proceso de atención del paciente; por tanto, todo el personal, incluido el de enfermería, debe contar con las medidas de seguridad necesarias para evitar la aparición o el aumento de efectos no deseados para su salud.Objetivo. Describir las medidas de bioseguridad adecuadas para la ma-nipulación de medicamentos citotóxicos y los signos clínicos y síntomas producto de la exposición a estos fármacos en el personal de enfermería de una institución de salud para adultos de Envigado, Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte trans-versal en el personal de enfermería que tuviera a su cargo el cuidado de pacientes oncológicos en una institución de salud de alta complejidad del municipio de Envigado durante el primer semestre del 2018. A los partici-pantes se les aplicó una encuesta autodiligenciable, en la cual se registra-ron datos sociodemográficos, laborales, de salud y medidas de protección personal para la administración y manipulación de citostáticos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos.Resultados. Participaron 51 trabajadores con una mediana de edad de 33 años (RIQ=8); el 90 % pertenecía al servicio de hospitalización. Los síntomas manifestados más frecuentes fueron cefalea (64,7 %), dolor ab-dominal (25,5 %) y mareo (25,5 %). El 98 % de los participantes contaba con los suministros y elementos personales para la manipulación de cito-tóxicos, pero solo el 19,6 % había recibido capacitación sobre el manejo de estos medicamentos.Conclusiones. Se deben realizar capacitaciones al personal de salud para que identifiquen en su área de trabajo los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestos y así adopten las medidas de bioseguridad necesarias para des-empeñar sus labores diarias.

Introduction: Therapies currently being offered to cancer pa-tients such as cytotoxic drugs, generate a high risk for health ca-re staff involved in patient-caring process. Consequently, Nur-sing staff must have the necessary safety measures to avoid the appearance and, or increase of adverse effects on their healthObjective: To describe the biosafety measures for handling cytotoxic drugs, signs, and symptoms of risk exposure in nur-sing staff at a health institution for adults in Envigado, Colombia Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in nursing staff caring for cancer patients at a high-com-plexity health institution in the city of Envigado during the first semester of 2018. A survey was conducted to collect sociode-mographic, employment, and health data as well as personal protection measures for management and handling of cytosta-tic drugs. Descriptive analysis of the data was presented.Results: There were 51 participants. The median age was 33 years (IQR 8) and 90% of the participants in this study worked in hospitalization services. The most frequent signs and symp-toms included headache (64.7%), abdominal pain (25.5%), and dizziness (25.5%). 98% of the participants in this study had the necessary supplies and personal elements to handle cyto-toxic drugs and 19.6% expressed having undergone training for handling of cytotoxic drugs.Conclusions: Health care staff training ought to be focused on risk-identification in their work area, allowing for the imple-mentation of all necessary biosafety measures.

Introdução. As terapias oferecidas aos pacientes com câncer, incluindo drogas citotóxicas, criam um alto risco para os pro-fissionais de saúde envolvidos no processo de atendimento ao paciente; portanto, todos os trabalhadores da saúde, incluin-do enfermeiros, devem ter as devidas medidas de segurança necessárias para evitar o aparecimento ou aumento de efeitos indesejados à sua saúde.Objetivo. Descrever as medidas apropriadas de biossegurança para o manuseio de medicamentos citotóxicos e os sinais e sin-tomas resultantes da exposição a esses medicamentos na equi-pe de enfermagem de uma instituição de saúde de adultos em Envigado, Colômbia.Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo de corte transversal na equipe de enfermagem encarregada do cuidado de pacientes com câncer em uma instituição de saúde de alta com-plexidade no município de Envigado durante o primeiro semestre de 2018. Informações sociodemográficas, trabalhistas, de saúde e de proteção individual no manuseio de citostáticos, foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos dados obtidos em questionario. Resultados. Participaram 51 trabalhadores com uma media de idade de 33 anos (RIQ = 8); 90% pertenciam ao serviço de hospitalização. Os sinais e sintomas mais frequentes foram ce-faleia (64,7%), dor abdominal (25,5%) e tontura (25,5%). 98% dos participantes possuíam suprimentos e itens pessoais para o manuseio de medicamentos citotóxicos, mas apenas 19,6% ha-viam recebido treinamento no manuseio desses medicamentos.Conclusões. O pessoal de saúde deve ser treinado para que possa identificar os riscos a que se expõe e adotar as medidas de biossegurança necessárias para realizar suas tarefas diárias.

Humanos , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos , Enfermagem , Colômbia , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos , Categorias de Trabalhadores , Enfermeiros
Braz. dent. sci ; 23(2,supl): 1-8, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1100310


Background: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) belongs to a heterogeneous group of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions involving the temporomandibular joint complex, musculature and adjacent components. These conditions can generate signs and symptoms and be influenced by an altered biopsychosocial condition. Objective: This study aims to seek information to assist the patient in the presence of TMD signs and symptoms and Orofacial Pain, associated with the period of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: For the preparation of this manual, a bibliographic search was performed in the databases PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), BBO (BVS), Scopus, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library, using the keywords: orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism, stress, anxiety, biopsychosocial, diagnosis, self-care with important information on how to reduce and control the signs and symptoms of TMD and Orofacial Pain in this moment of pandemic that we are experiencing a social detachment. Results: The results show that the pandemic of COVID-19 and the need for social isolation, generates psychological impact that raises the pattern of anxiety and can directly affect patients with bruxism and TMD. Conclusion: Psychological factors associated with the pandemic can lead to an increased risk of developing, worsening and perpetuating bruxism, especially waking bruxism and TMD, so dentists should be aware of the occurrence of signs and symptoms to manage the multifactorial aspects of this condition. At that time, individual self-management strategies are advised for the patient, which consist of self-massage techniques, body education, exercise practices, sleep hygiene, meditation also the use of mobile apps and online tools that facilitate this activity. (AU)

Introdução: A Desordem Temporomandibular (DTM) pertence a um grupo heterogêneo de condições musculoesqueléticas e neuromusculares envolvendo o complexo articular temporomandibular, a musculatura e os componentes adjacentes. Essas condições podem gerar sinais e sintomas e serem influenciadas por uma condição biopsicossocial alterada. Objetivo: Esse estudo teve como objetivo buscar informações que possam auxiliar ao paciente na presença de sinais e sintomas de DTM e Dor Orofacial associado ao período de isolamento social durante a pandemia do COVID -19. Material e Métodos: Para a elaboração deste manual, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), BBO (BVS), Scopus, Web of Science e The Cochrane Library, utilizando as palavras-chaves: dor orofacial, desordem temporomandibular, bruxismo, estresse, ansiedade, biopsicossocial, diagnóstico e autocuidados, com informações importantes sobre como reduzir e controlar os sinais e sintomas de DTM e Dor Orofacial nesse momento de pandemia que estamos vivenciando um distanciamento social. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que a pandemia de COVID-19 e a necessidade de isolamento social, gera impacto psicológico que eleva o padrão de ansiedade e pode afetar diretamente pacientes com bruxismo e DTM. Conclusão: Fatores psicológicos associados à pandemia podem levar a um maior risco de desenvolver, piorar e perpetuar o bruxismo, principalmente bruxismo de vigília e DTM, por isso os cirurgiões-dentistas devem estar atentos a ocorrência de sinais e sintomas para gerenciar os aspectos multifatoriais dessa condição. Aconselha-se, nesse momento, estratégias individualizadas de autogerenciamento para o paciente que consistem em técnicas de automassagem, educação corporal, práticas de exercícios, higiene do sono e meditação. Além do uso de aplicativos digitais e ferramentas online facilitadores dessa atividade (AU)

Ansiedade , Autocuidado , Dor Facial , Bruxismo , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular , Infecções por Coronavirus , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Diagnóstico
Hansen. int ; 41(1/2): 37-45, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-ILSLPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-972894


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se indivíduos acometidos pela hanseníase realizavam adequadamente a prática do autocuidado e possíveis fatores interferentes. Trata-se de um estudo documental, observacional e descritivo de inquérito domiciliar. A amostra abrangeu todos os onze pacientes detectados durante um ano, em um município com 120.000 habitantes no interior do estado de SP. Foram coletados os dados clínicos e cuidados prescritos dos prontuários. A entrevista e a observação das práticas de autocuidado foram realizadas no domicílio. Foi solicitado aos participantes para identificarem os problemas decorrentes da doença, descreverem quais, como e quando faziam o autocuidado, o qual foi classificado como: realizado adequadamente, parcialmente ou não realizado. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (Nº 06/2007). Dos cinco que apresentavam grau 2 de incapacidades, três realizavam parcialmente e dois não realizavam o autocuidado. Demonstraram dificuldades em aceitar o comprometimento físico e de incorporar as práticas diárias por fatores multicausal o mesmo aconteceu com aqueles com grau 1. A necessidade da manutenção do trabalho laboral, com exposição a traumas físicos e em período integral, pode levar a ocultação da doença, seja para si ou para a sociedade, e dificultar as ações de autocuidado, tanto pela falta de tempo quanto pela não aceitação da doença. O modelo paternalista, fragmentador e mecânico da assistência em saúde, sugere uma tendência à dependência dos serviços institucionais, desconstruindo a autonomia e a responsabilidade individual sobre seu estado de saúde, desmotivando as ações do autocuidado domiciliar.

This study aimed to determine whether individuals affected by leprosy properly performed self-carepractice and possible interfering factors. It is a documentary, observational and descriptive study of household survey.The sample covered all the eleven patients during one year, of a municipality with120.000 inhabitants in SP state. Clinical data and prescription care records were obtained from the medical forms. The interview and observation of self-care practices were held at home.The participants were asked to identify the problems resulting from the disease, describing which, how and when theydid the necessary self-care, being classified as: held properly, partially or not performed. The study was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research (Nº 06/2007). Of the five who presented level 2 disabilities, three partially performed; two did not perform self-care. They demonstrated difficulties in accepting the physical commitment and incorporate the daily practices for multiple causes factors, sodid those with level 1. The need for maintaining labor work, with full-time exposure to physical trauma, can lead to concealment of disease, either for themselves or for society, and hinder self-careactions, either by lack of time as for not accepting the disease.The paternalistic model, fragmenting andmechanical of health care, suggests a tendency by leading to rely on institutional services, deconstructing the autonomy and individual responsibility for their health status, discouraging self-careactions at home.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Educação em Saúde , Hanseníase/complicações , Autocuidado/estatística & dados numéricos , Autocuidado , Pessoas com Deficiência/reabilitação , Hanseníase/reabilitação
Enferm. univ ; 9(3): 25-43, jul.-sept. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: lil-706943


El uso de un lenguaje común es una característica que distingue a los profesionales. Así, la conformación y el uso de un lenguaje técnico coadyuva al desarrollo gremial, en este sentido hacer uso de las teorías del cuidado y de clasificaciones validadas por asociaciones internacionales de profesionales sintetizan y facilitan la comprensión y el avance del conocimiento. Cuando los profesionales de enfermería aplican teorías y clasificaciones para discutir sobre la gestión del cuidado, el nivel de comunicación mejora y los pacientes se ven beneficiados con la continuidad de su tratamiento. El propósito de éste trabajo, es mostrar de manera explícita como se puede vincular la teoría del autocuidado de Orem, con los diagnósticos de enfermería propuestos por la Asociación Norteamericana de Diagnósticos de Enfermería; la Clasificación de Resultados de Enfermería; y la Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería. Con base en lo anterior, se proponen cuatro esquemas que pueden ser aplicables al cuidado de adultos mayores ambulatorios con hipertensión arterial.

A characteristic among professionals is the use of common language. Therefore the conformation of a technical language usage contributes to professional development, in this way, the use of care theories and classifications validated by international professional associations summarize and facilitate the comprehension and advance of knowledge. When nursing professionals apply theories and classifications to discuss about care management, the level of communication improves and patients get favored with the continuity of their treatment. The purpose of this paper work is to show in an explicit manner how Orem's theory of self care can be linked with nursing diagnosis purposed by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, the Nursing Outcomes Classification and the Nursing Interventions Classification. Based on previous said, five diagrams are suggested to be applied in the care of elderly outpatients with high blood pressure.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais
Salud ment ; Salud ment;32(2): 107-115, mar.-abr. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632695


The use of therapeutic methods and assistance different from the officially recognized ones, in addition to self-care practices, has remained constant throughout history. The extensive interest in so-called alternative or complementary medicine (ACM) has occurred as a result of their growing use in various countries. International literature reports the growing use of alternative and/or complementary treatments by persons with emotional disorders, particularly depression or anxiety. Commonly mentioned alternatives include relaxation techniques, physical therapies, herbal treatment, chiropractice and spiritual healing. The National Survey on Psychiatric Epidemiology undertaken in Mexico (2002) reported that 6.5% of the individuals with affective disorders in the 12 months prior to the study used some kind of alternative medicine. This occurred in 7.3% of the individuals with anxiety disorders and 3.9% of those with disorders associated with substance use. Information from surveys conducted in Mexico City showed that from 18% to 20% of the individuals with depressive disorders, 18% had physical disorders and over a quarter of those with anxiety problems seek a solution to their suffering in various types of alternative medicine. The aim of this study is therefore to determine the therapeutic resources used by the population to treat emotional problems and to analyze the prevalence of these practices in individuals with anxiety or depressive disorders. Method The study was conducted on the inhabitants of six neighborhoods in Mexico City. They were all selected on the basis of the criteria established in a multi-stage, stratified random sample design. The stratification variable used was socio-economic level. The questionnaire included four sections: 1) socio-demographic characteristics; 2) use of 10 self-care and/or alternative service resources related to the presence of emotional disorder; 3) characteristics of the resources or services use and 4) prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders. The ethical guidelines followed in this research included obtaining verbal informed consent and providing a clear explanation about the objectives of the research, and the way the dwelling and the persons were selected. The researchers stressed the interviewee's freedom to cancel the interview and guaranteed the confidential handling of the information. The diagnoses of mental disorders were obtained on the basis of the ICD-1 0 criteria. For the analysis of service use, the therapies were grouped into two categories, self care (home remedies, self-medication, physical activities, etc.) and alternative and/or complementary services (self-help groups, traditional Mexican medicine, clergy, etc.). Results Of the 361 of the individuals interviewed, 45.9% were men and 54.1% women, the mean age being 45 years old. The 54% of participants represent the high-middle class, and the 46% the low class. Nineteen point two percent of the sample met the diagnostic criteria for one or more disorders, at least once in their lifetime (12.7% in the men's group and 25.1% in the women's group). The prevalence of depressive episodes for women was 9.2% as opposed to 3.0% for men. In the case of anxiety disorders, the prevalence was 16.3% and 9.0%, respectively. Of the total sample 52.5% engaged in some form of self-help, while 28.2% had resorted to alternative systems for coping with emotional disorders at least once in their lives. Among the most commonly used self-help strategies were: enrolling in a physical activity (33.5%), seeking help from informal networks (28.5%) and using household remedies (16.1%). The use of alternative services included visiting a clergy (11.1%) and attending self-help groups (10.2%). The use of self-help and alternative therapies was more common among women. An analysis was undertaken of the type of service used among persons that had met the diagnostic criteria for one or more disorders and those that failed to do so. The group characterized by the presence of disorders undertook more self-help actions than those with no disorders (72.9% and 47.6%). The same trend was observed in the use of alternative services (52.9% and 22.1%). An analysis of the disorders, divided into two main groups, anxiety disorder and depressive episodes, showed that the prevalence of self-care practices (76.6% and 72.7% respectively) and the use of alternative medicines (53.2% and 59.1%) was similar. Most of the group with anxiety disorders reported that it used informal support networks (59.6%) and engaged in physical activities (53.2%). The 45.5% of those that experienced depressive episodes engaged in physical activities, 47.8% visited relatives and friends and 26.1% consulted a priest. The prevalence of self-care practices conducted in the 12 months prior to the survey showed a similar pattern throughout lifetime. Two logistic regression models were used to analyze factors related to the practice of self-care and the use of alternative and/or complementary therapies. The variables included in the models were sex, age, educational level, occupation and the presence of an anxiety or depression disorder. The logistic regression analysis showed that the probability of using self-care practices is higher in persons with an anxiety disorder (OR=3.11), women (OR= 1.74) and persons with a higher educational level (OR=1.93). The likelihood of using an alternative or complementary medicine increases among people experiencing a depressive episode (OR = 3.23) and anxiety disorders (OR=3.45). The people that sought help from relatives, friends or a priest stated that their reasons were <>, <> or <> The reasons for visiting the self-help groups were feeling sad or depressed, or trying to deal with problems related to their alcohol consumption. Those who used home remedies sought to soothe their <> and overcome their insomnia. The main reason for engaging in physical activity or performing curative practices adapted from other cultures, such as Bach Flowers or Reiki was to relax and <> Interviewees used vitamins or food supplements to cope with the <> or <> all of which are concepts underlying the idea of <> their state or condition. Discussion The use of self-care practices in response to the perception of emotional disorders is common in the interviewed population. This suggests that this type of practices could be regarded as a significant component of mental health care and should therefore be examined with more detail. The main focus should be the link between individuals' perception of their emotional illness or problems and the orientation of their self-care actions. An analysis of the group with disorders showed that a significant percentage of the population with one or more depressive episodes (26.1%) and anxiety disorders (26.1%) used alternative therapies in the 12 months previous to the study. The analysis conducted throughout this study suggests the need for health personnel to have basic knowledge of self-care practices and alternative medicine and to find out about the use of the latter by patients. It has been shown that having this knowledge can significantly improve the doctor-patient relationship, have a positive impact on treatment and help prevent potentially damaging interactions between conventional and alternative treatments. It also provides a better understanding of people's concepts of health and illness, and what they seek in the various medical systems. However, we still have a great deal to learn about the needs, expectations and demands of those that engage in these practices.

El uso de instancias asistenciales y terapéuticas diferentes a las oficialmente reconocidas, además de las prácticas de autocuidado, han mostrado su vigencia a lo largo de la historia. En la bibliografía nacional e internacional se reporta un creciente uso de medicinas alternativas y/o complementarias, principalmente entre personas con trastornos de depresión o ansiedad. Derivado de lo anterior, el objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer, mediante una encuesta en hogares, cuáles son los recursos terapéuticos y asistenciales que utiliza la población para tratar problemas emocionales, así como analizar la prevalencia de estas prácticas en personas con trastornos de ansiedad o depresión. Método La investigación se realizó entre los habitantes de seis colonias de la Ciudad de México. El trabajo de campo comprendió el periodo de agosto de 2006 a marzo de 2007. La selección de los entrevistados se hizo con un diseño muestral aleatorio estratificado y multietápico. La variable de estratificación fue el nivel socioeconómico. Originalmente se planteó la inclusión de tres niveles con el objetivo de hacer comparaciones entre ellos. Sin embargo, debido a la dificultad de acceder a la población de estrato alto, se seleccionaron colonias representativas de nivel socioeconómico bajo y medio alto. El instrumento estuvo conformado por cuatro secciones:1) datos sociodemográficos; 2) uso de diez recursos de autoatención y/o servicios alternativos ante la presencia de malestares emocionales; 3) características de los recursos o servicios utilizados y 4) prevalencia de trastornos depresivos y de ansiedad (a partir de los criterios del ICD-10). Entre los cuidados éticos se consideró el consentimiento informado de manera verbal y se enfatizó en la libertad del entrevistado para suspender la entrevista. Se aseguró el manejo confidencial de la información. Para el análisis del uso de servicios, las terapias se agruparon en dos categorías: prácticas de autocuidado (remedios caseros, automedicación, actividades físicas, etc.) y servicios alternativos y/o complementarios (grupos de autoayuda, medicina tradicional mexicana, consejeros espirituales, etc.). Resultados De las 361 personas entrevistadas, el 45.9% fueron hombres y el 54.1 % mujeres. La media de edad fue de 45 años, el 54% representó al estrato medio-alto y el 46% al bajo. El 19.5% de la muestra cumplió los criterios diagnósticos de uno o más trastornos alguna vez en la vida (12.7% hombres y 25.1% mujeres). La prevalencia de episodios depresivos fue de 9.2% para las mujeres y 3.0% para los hombres, y de trastornos de ansiedad 16.3% y 9.0%, respectivamente. En relación con la prevalencia de uso de servicios alguna vez en la vida, ante un malestar emocional, el 52.5% del total de la muestra realizó alguna práctica de autocuidado y el 28.2% recurrió a los sistemas alternativos. El uso de autocuidados y terapias alternativas fue más frecuente entre las mujeres. Se encontró que el grupo caracterizado por la presencia de trastornos realizó acciones encaminadas a los autocuidados (72.9%) en mayor proporción a aquellos sin trastornos (47.6%). La misma tendencia se observó en el uso de servicios alternativos (52.9% y 22.1% respectivamente). Además, se realizó un análisis de regresión logística cuyos resultados mostraron que existe una mayor probabilidad de realizar prácticas de autocuidado entre las mujeres (OR=1.74), cuando el nivel de escolaridad es mayor o igual a bachillerato (OR=1.93) y cuando se presenta algún trastorno de ansiedad (OR =3.11). La probabilidad de usar alguna medicina alternativa o complementaria aumenta 3.23 veces en personas con depresión y 3.45 con ansiedad. Discusión Los resultados de este trabajo hacen evidente la necesidad de capacitar al personal de salud sobre las medidas de autocuidado y las medicinas alternativas. Estos conocimientos pueden mejorar la relación médico-paciente e impactar positivamente en el tratamiento. Asimismo, los resultados de esta investigación permiten comprender mejor los conceptos que tienen las personas sobre salud y enfermedad, y las razones para acudir a los diversos sistemas médicos. Sin embargo, todavía tenemos que aprender mucho sobre las necesidades, las expectativas y las demandas de las personas que buscan esta ayuda.

Enferm. univ ; 4(3): 27-31, Sept.-dic. 2007. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1028466


Introducción. La Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DM2) es una enfermedad crónica degenerativa que afecta a la población de nuestro país; el Sistema Nacional de Salud ha creado estrategias para fomentar el autocuidado de las personas con esta enfermedad. El personal de Enfermería es integrante clave en los equipos multidisciplinarios en el desarrollo de estas estrategias, por ello es importante estudiar los elementos que conforman y promueven el autocuidado, entre los que se consideran como los más importantes el nivel de conocimientos de la enfermedad y el apoyo familiar (en este caso determinado por la Salud-Competencia Familiar) con la que cuenta la persona con DM2. Propósito: Identificar la influencia de la Salud-Competencia Familiar en el autocuidado y el nivel de conocimientos que tenga el paciente con DM2 Metodología: Investigación transversal, descriptiva, con una muestra representativa no probabilística de 30 personas con DM2. El análisis de datos se llevó a cabo con el paquete estadístico SPS. Discusión y Conclusiones: El estudio concuerda con resultados de otras investigaciones realizadas. El Nivel de Salud Competencia Familiar y el nivel de conocimientos de la enfermedad influyen en el auto cuidado, puesto que el Nivel de Salud Competencia Familiar es un muro de contención para que el paciente pueda llevar a cabo su Autocuidado, si la persona con DM2 cuenta con un medio familiar estable entonces la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y medico será mejor.

Introduction. The Diabetes Mellitus Tip 2 (DM2) is a degenerative chronic disease that affects the population of our country; the National System of Health has created strategies to foment the self care one of the people with this disease. The infirmary personnel is integral key in the multidisciplinary equipment in the development of these strategies, for that reason it is important to study the elements that conform and promote the self care one, between that consider themselves as the most important level of knowledge of the disease and the familiar support (in this case determined by Familiar HealthCompetition) with which counts the person with DM2. Objective: To identify the influence of Familiar Health-Competition in self care and the level of knowledge that the patient with DM2 has. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive investigation, with nonprobabilística a representative sample of 30 people with DM2. The analysis of data was carried out with statistical package SPS. Discussion and Conclusions: The study agrees with results of other made investigations. The Level of Health Familiar. Competition and the level of knowledge of the disease influence in the taken care of car, since the Level of Health Familiar. Competition is a retaining wall so that the patient can carry out his self care, if the person with DM2 has an average then stable relative the adhesion to the pharmacologic treatment and medical it is better.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Autocuidado , Conhecimento , Família