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Summa psicol. UST ; 18(1): 8-14, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401076


Se realizó una intervención con 35 estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Derecho Universidad de Atacama, con la finalidad de favorecer el aprendizaje de estrategias de afrontamiento para la ansiedad ante las evaluaciones académicas. Ésta constó de seis talleres psicoeducativos donde se abordaron temáticas como el afrontamiento orientado al problema y a la emoción, el autoconcepto académico y las estrategias de aprendizaje. De esta manera, se buscó ayudar a los estudiantes a ampliar y mejorar sus recursos de afrontamiento como medio para preparar y rendir evaluaciones académicas. Esta intervención generó una contribución directa en el afrontamiento de las evaluaciones académicas. En este sentido, los estudiantes ampliaron y mejoraron su abanico de respuestas frente a la ansiedad, reforzando y potenciando técnicas que ya utilizaban en su día a día. Adicionalmente, se entregaron nuevas herramientas que permiten afrontar de manera adaptativa la situación evaluativa, contribuyendo a que ésta no sea una experiencia desagradable, aversiva y generadora de evitación.

An intervention was carried out with 35 first-year law students at the University of Atacama to promote coping strategies for assessment-related anxiety through psychoeducational workshops. These workshops addressed issues such as problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping and academic self-concept and learning strategies, helping students expand and improve their coping resources to prepare for and take academic assessments. This intervention generates a direct contribution in coping with academic assessments, where students expanded and improved their range of responses to anxiety, reinforcing and enhancing techniques that they already used in their daily lives, in addition to providing new tools to cope adaptively with the assessment situation, helping to ensure that this is not an unpleasant experience, aversive and generating avoidance.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Ansiedade/terapia , Estudantes/psicologia , Avaliação Educacional , Autoimagem , Adaptação Psicológica , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Aprendizagem
Suma psicol ; 27(1): 27-34, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1139662


Resumen Estudios previos muestran diferencias de género en el rendimiento de matemáticas y lengua, principalmente en adolescentes. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las diferencias de género en autoconcepto, valor subjetivo, expectativas y rendimiento académico; analizar las relaciones entre las variables y conocer el papel que ellas desempeñan en la explicación del rendimiento en lengua y matemáticas. Participaron 406 estudiantes de 4º y 5º de primaria en Colombia. Los resultados muestran que las niñas presentan mayores expectativas de rendimiento en matemáticas y lengua, así como un rendimiento en lengua superior a los niños. No se encontraron diferencias de género en el autoconcepto y el valor subjetivo de la tarea. El autoconcepto, las expectativas de rendimiento y la edad, explicaron el rendimiento tanto en matemáticas como en lengua. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la disminución de la brecha de género en el aprendizaje. Como este estudio es un primer intento de explorar las relaciones entre las creencias de expectativa y valores de las tareas en matemática y lengua con base en el Modelo de Expectativa-Valor en estudiantes hispanos en primaria, se necesita más investigación para apoyar o refutar estos hallazgos.

Abstract Previous studies show gender differences in math and language performance, mainly in adolescents. In this study, we aim to evaluate gender differences in self-concept, subjective value, expectations and academic performance, to analyze the relationships between the variables, and to understand their role in explaining performance in language and mathematics. A total of 406 4th and 5th grade students from Colombia participated in this study. The results show that girls have higher performance expectations in mathematics and language, as well as higher performance in language than boys. No gender differences were found in self-concept and the subjective value of the task. Self-concept, performance expectations and age explained performance in both mathematics and language. We discuss the implications of these results for narrowing the gender gap in learning. Because this study is the first attempt to explore the relationships between expectations and task-value beliefs in language and mathematics in Hispanic primary school students based on the Expectancy-Value Model, more research is needed to support or refute our findings.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Caracteres Sexuais , Estereotipagem de Gênero , Instituições Acadêmicas , Autoimagem
Suma psicol ; 27(1): 35-42, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1139663


Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore gender differences regarding theory of mind and empathy abilities in a sample of adolescents with conduct disorder (n=46; males=28 and females=18). Empathy (cognitive and emotional dimensions) and theory of mind (reading the mind through the eyes) were tested based on an observational method with a crosssectional design. Statistical analysis included: description of variables according to their type, assessment of quantitative correlations and logistic multivariate modelling for identifying variables that differentiate female from male patients. The results demonstrated significant gender differences in empathy and theory of mind evaluations. Particularly, women showed different scores for cognitive/emotional empathy and in the Reading the Mind through the Eyes test, with a lower number of behavioural symptoms. The results are discussed in light of the current empirical evidence, and some future directions in the study of conduct disorder are suggested.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las diferencias de género en habilidades de teoría de la mente y empatía en una muestra de adolescentes con trastorno de conducta (n=46; 28 hombres y 18 mujeres). Se determinó un abordaje observacional con un diseño de corte transversal mediante el cual se evaluó la empatía (dimensiones cognitiva y afectiva) y teoría de la mente (lectura de la mirada). El análisis estadístico incluyó la descripción de las variables de acuerdo con su naturaleza, la evaluación de correlaciones cuantitativas, y el diseño de un modelo logístico multivariado para identificar las variables que diferencian los pacientes según su género. Los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas por género tanto en empatía como en teoría de la mente. Las mujeres presentaron de manera consistente diferencias en los niveles de empatía cognitiva/afectiva y test de la mirada, con un menor número de síntomas de conducta. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de la evidencia empírica actual y se sugieren algunas direcciones futuras en el estudio del trastorno de conducta.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Caracteres Sexuais , Estereotipagem de Gênero , Autoimagem , Empatia
Interdisciplinaria ; 25(2): 143-179, ago.-dic. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633439


En el estudio que se informa se investigaron las relaciones entre progreso de aprendizaje (valor agregado), motivación y autoconcepto académico del alumno en Matemática, en el marco de los efectos de las características socioeconómicas y académicas del alumno y de su escuela. Para la medición del valor agregado se utilizaron los resultados de dos pruebas estandarizadas de Matemática aplicadas a una cohorte de alumnos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (República Argentina) en dos momentos diferentes (séptimo y noveno años de Educación General Básica - EGB). Las mediciones de motivación y de autoconcepto se basaron en respuestas a ítemes binarios de actitudes con respecto a Matemática y fueron definidas utilizando el análisis de la componente principal, a partir de la matriz de correlación tetracórica (método heurístico). Para el análisis de las correlaciones se utilizó la técnica estadística de modelos multinivel. El presente estudio relaciona los resultados empíricos con la teoría del habitus de Bourdieu. Inicialmente, el autoconcepto resulta significativa y positivamente asociado con el puntaje en la prueba y con el progreso de aprendizaje posterior. Este efecto continúa siendo significativo aun cuando se controlan los efectos del nivel socioeconómico y del género del alumno. Sin embargo, su capacidad explicativa es muy tenue desde el punto de vista práctico. Si bien este resultado confirmaría la hipótesis central de la teoría de la reproducción, indica un sendero a través del cual podrían producirse transformaciones. Uno de los desafíos del sistema educativo es promover el habitus escolar cultivado (autoconcepto) más allá de las determinaciones sociales, culturales y económicas.

The project examines the relationship between achievement, motivation and academic self-concept connected to Mathematic, related to the effect of academic and socioeconomic characteristics of both student and school. The study analyzes the results of two standardized Mathematic tests applied to students in General Basic Education of the Province of Buenos Aires (República Argentina) at two different stages (7th and 9th years), adopting the added value approach to learning progress. The structure of the data and the purpose of measuring the contextual effect of each school or group of students require adopting a multi-level strategy for statistical analysis. From a theoretical point of view, this study is an empirical proof of the hypothesis on habitus-determination (Bourdieu, 1977, 1988, 1989) in relation to both achievement and learning progress in Mathematic. The main components of the student's habitus, which are analyzed here, are self-concept and academic motivation. One relevant result of this study is that students' academic self-concept is significantly and positively associated to differences in learning achievement among students and schools. The higher the self-concept, the higher the achievement in Mathematic. Inter-school variations reflect the grade of institutional segmentation or school habitus. As to attitudes towards Mathematics at the initial stage (7th year) it was possible to explain 65.4% and 24.3% of the variation intra-school and inter-school, respectively, in the final academic achievement or learning progress at the final stage (9th year). Although the effect of self-concept overlaps with that of socioeconomic level and gender, its incidence is important. The stronger that attitude is, the stronger the progress of the student's later learning. The rate of students' progress increases with a more favourable social origin or male gender. The contextual analysis also allowed contrasting some hypothesis of this field of study. The initial achievement average (7th year) of students impacts positively on their subsequent progress average: the higher their initial level of achievement, the faster their later progress. This inference, however, did not obtain when the socioeconomic context of the school was included in the analysis. These results confirm the central hypotheses of reproduction theory. Although statistically significant, the characteristic effect of individual self-concept upon academic achievement and learning progress is very weak when students' social origin is taken into account. The school doesn't seem to promote the increase of individual deviations from a certain state of probabilities that are objectively granted by society to the student. The school aggregation of individual habitus merely overlaps and accompanies the explanation provided by the socioeconomic composition of the school. Differences in internal institutional processes of schools influenced by various dimensions, such as curricular goals, an organizational style of management, the culture and capabilities of educators and administrators, if they exist, cannot account for the differences and inequalities in the learning progress of students. Results illustrate the rationality of the educational system in secondary basic education. At the same time, they suggest paths whereby transformations could take place. Aspects of the cultivated habitus, affective or non-cognitive dimensions as academic self-concept, are relevant to understand the level of achievement and learning progress. The challenge for the system of education is to promote them beyond social, cultural and economic factors.