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Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 50(2): e30033, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008333


The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between pupil diameter and facial attractiveness. Participated in the study 60 young adults (30 men and 30 women) between 18 and 26 years of age (M=20.65, SD=2.20). Ten different unfamiliar neutral faces (five men and five women) were used as stimuli. The pupil diameter of each face was manipulated with pupil diameters of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6mm (10 faces x5 pupil diameters=50 stimuli). A two-step study was carried out with the same sample and the same sets of faces, seeking to understand the difference of responses between subjects of both sexes. In phase I, result indicated a significant difference in relation to the pupil diameter factor for both the men (ꭓ²=21.93, p<.05) and the women (ꭓ²=44.73, p<.05). In phase II, the results indicated significant differences in relation to the pupil size [F(1, 234)=19.06, p<0.05]. The post-hoc Tukey HSD test showed that both the men and the women differently judged the faces with a pupil diameter of 2mm in relation to the faces with pupil diameters of 3, 4, 5 and 6mm (p<.05). Also, a significant difference between the diameter of 5mm in relation to the diameter of 3mm (p<.05). In general, the results indicate that the pupil diameter is a structural component of the human face that plays an important role in the process of judging facial attractiveness.

O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre o diâmetro da pupila e a atratividade facial. Participaram da pesquisa 60 jovens com idade entre 18 e 26 anos. Foram utilizadas dez faces de adultos jovens, manipulou-se o diâmetro de cada pupila com variações de 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6mm. Realizou-se um estudo em duas etapas: na fase I, o resultado indicou diferença significativa para o fator de diâmetro pupilar tanto para homens quanto para mulheres (p<0,05). Na fase II, os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas em relação ao tamanho da pupila (p<0,05). O teste post-hoc Tukey mostrou que tanto os homens quanto as mulheres avaliaram diferentemente as faces com diâmetro pupilar de 2mm (p<0,05). Em geral, os resultados indicam que o diâmetro da pupila é um componente da face humana que desempenha um importante função no processo de julgamento da atratividade facial.

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si existe una relación entre el diámetro pupilar y el atractivo facial. Participaron en la estudio 60 adultos jóvenes (30 hombres y 30 mujeres) entre 18 y 26 años de edad (M=20.65, DE=2.20). Se utilizaron como estímulos diez rostros neutrales desconocidos diferentes (cinco hombres y cinco mujeres). El diámetro de la pupila de cada cara se manipuló con diámetros de pupila de 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6mm (10 caras x5 diámetros de pupila=50 estímulos). Se realizó un estudio en dos etapas con la misma muestra y los mismos conjuntos de caras buscando entender la diferencia de respuestas entre sujetos de ambos sexos. En la fase I, el resultado indicó una diferencia significativa en relación al factor de diámetro de la pupila tanto para los hombres (ꭓ²=21.93, p <0.05) como para las mujeres (ꭓ²=44.73, p<0.05). En la fase II, los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas en relación al tamaño de la pupila [F(1, 234)=19,06, p<0,05]. La prueba post-hoc de Tukey HSD mostró que tanto los hombres como las mujeres evaluaron de manera diferente las caras con un diámetro pupilar de 2mm con respecto a las caras con diámetros pupilares de 3, 4, 5 y 6mm (p<0,05). Se observó una diferencia significativa entre el diámetro de 5mm en relación al diámetro de 3mm (p<0,05). En general, los resultados indican que el diámetro de la pupila es un componente estructural de la cara humana que desempeña una importante función en el proceso de juicio del atractivo facial.

Pupila , Relações Interpessoais , Olho , Face
Univ. psychol ; 16(1): 208-220, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-904626


RESUMEN El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la activación de información estereotípica en contextos de selección de personal. Las hipótesis fueron contrastadas mediante un diseño experimental 2 (sexo del aplicante) x 2 (atractivo del aplicante) x 2 (sexo de la persona reclutadora) en un grupo de reclutadores profesionales. Los resultados indicaron un efecto significativo tanto del sexo como del atractivo de los estímulos. Estos efectos fueron moderados por el sexo de las personas reclutadoras y parcialmente mediados por las atribuciones de calidez y habilidad. Los resultados se discuten considerando el impacto del estereotipo de "lo bello es bueno" y los estereotipos sobre los roles tradicionales asignados a cada sexo.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the activation of stereotypical information in personnel selection contexts. Hypotheses were tested via a 2 (applicant's sex) x 2 (applicant's appeal) x 2 (sex of the recruiter) experimental design among professional recruiters. Results show a significant effect of both, sex and attractiveness of the stimuli. These effects were moderated by the sex of the recruiter and partially mediated by attributions of warmth and ability. Results are discussed in the light of the impact of the "beautiful is good" effect and the stereotypes of traditional sex roles.

Seleção de Pessoal/ética , Atrativos Sexuais
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 6(1): 45-50, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-773416


Con el propósito de describir el nivel de atractivo corporal que consideran tener los jóvenes mexicanos y argentinos, se trabajó una muestra no probabilística intencional, compuesta por 272 universitarios repartidos equitativamente por nacionalidad y por sexo de las ciudades de Toluca (México) y Mendoza (Argentina). Se utilizó el instrumento de "evaluación de atractivo corporal", que evalúa el atractivo de las partes visibles que constituyen el cuerpo humano del 0 al 100%. Los resultados por nacionalidad muestran que los mexicanos presentan más partes del cuerpo valoradas favorablemente en comparación con los argentinos. Las diferencias por sexo indican que los hombres mexicanos tienden a considerar atractivas más partes del cuerpo que las mujeres mexicanas. Sin embargo, en la muestra argentina no hay diferencia en el número de partes del cuerpo evaluadas como atractivas. En ambas nacionalidades, se observa una tendencia a valorarse con referencia en las partes consideradas como masculinas para los hombres y femeninas para las mujeres. De manera general, se observa que el cuerpo es y seguirá siendo un importante medio de expresión y el valor que se le dé establecerá el grado de seguridad que se tenga al relacionarse con la psicosociocultura particular.

In order to describe the level of physical attractiveness that mexican and argentine consider having, we worked with an intentional non-probabilistic sample composed of 272 university students shared equally by nationality and gender from the cities of Toluca (Mexico) and Mendoza (Argentina). The instrument used was "physical attractiveness assessment", which evaluates the attractiveness of the visible body parts from 0 to 100%. The research findings by nationality show that mexican people value more their body parts compared with argentinean. Sex differences indicate that mexican men tend to consider more attractive their body parts than mexican women. However, argentinean people show no difference in the number of body parts evaluated as attractive. In both nationalities, there is a tendency to put a higher value on body parts considered masculine by men and feminine by women. In general, it appears that the body is and will remain an important mean of expression and the value that it is given will establish the degree of security that people has to relate to their particular psychological, sociological and cultural context.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 24(1): 219-233, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-751212


El presente estudio pretendió diseñar y validar el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal para Personas con Discapacidad Física. La muestra incidental estuvo conformada por 114 personas de 18 a 50 años, residentes en Bogotá, que presentaban una discapacidad física. Se diseñaron 40 ítems, evaluados por jueces expertos, se aplicaron a la muestra y se definieron los criterios de calificación. El análisis factorial evidenció la existencia de tres factores constituyentes del constructo de imagen corporal: atractivo, funcionalidad y satisfacción. El cuestionario cumplió con las condiciones de confiabilidad y validez necesarias, por lo que se concluye que es posible utilizarlo, aunque es preciso continuar con el proceso de validación.

The objective of this study was to design and validate the Body Image Questionnaire for Physically Disabled Persons. The incidental sample was composed by 114 persons aged 18 to 50 and residing in Bogotá, who had some type of physical disability. 40 items evaluated by expert judges were designed and administered to the sample, and scoring criteria were defined. Factor analysis showed the existence of three factors that constitute the body image construct: attractiveness, functionality, and satisfaction. Results show that the questionnaire met the necessary conditions of reliability and validity, although it is necessary to continue with the validation process.

O presente estudo pretendeu desenhar e validar o Questionário de Imagem Corporal para Pessoas com Necessidades Físicas Especiais. A amostra incidental esteve conformada por 114 pessoas de 18 a 50 anos, residentes em Bogotá, que apresentavam uma necessidade física especial. Desenharam-se 40 itens, avaliados por especialistas, que foram aplicados à amostra e definiram-se os critérios de qualificação. A análise fatorial evidenciou a existência de três fatores constituintes do construto de imagem corporal: atrativo, funcionalidade e satisfação. O questionário cumpriu com as condições de confiabilidade e validade necessárias, razão pela qual se conclui que é possível utilizá-lo, embora seja preciso continuar com o processo de validação.

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 25-43, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130333


Las investigaciones sobre el papel de los sentidos en la elección de pareja que hacen hombres y mujeres han confirmado la presencia de procesos a nivel neurofisiológico cuya influencia va más allá de las decisiones conscientes que pudieran tomarse en cuanto a la pareja con la que deciden estar. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las investigaciones realizadas hasta ahora tienen un enfoque en parejas heterosexuales y son pocos los estudios que examinan el papel de los sentidos en la elección de pareja que hacen las personas homosexuales. El objetivo del estudio realizado fue evaluar la importancia y la relación que tienen el olfato y la visión en la atracción de hombres homosexuales hacia hombres, tanto hetero como homosexuales. Un grupo de 14 hombres homosexuales evaluó el atractivo de fotografías y camisetas (remera de algodón de mangas cortas) provenientes de hombres hetero y homosexuales. Los resultados indicaron que el olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres homosexuales resultó significativamente más atractivo que el olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres heterosexuales en las evaluaciones realizadas. Por otra parte, se realizaron análisis de regresión múltiple y sus resultados mostraron que el atractivo del olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres homosexuales predice significativamente el atractivo global de estos hombres. Estos resultados sugieren la presencia de una capacidad en hombres homosexuales para distinguir inconscientemente a hombres heterosexuales de hombres homosexuales a partir de estímulos olfativos, lo que a su vez apunta a una constitución neurofisiológica en particular, invitando a realizar más investigaciones en el tema.(AU)

Previous works about the role of the senses in mating choices made by men and women have confirmed the existence of neurophysiologic processes which influence our decisions about whom wed like to have a relationship with, well beyond our conscious capacity to select. Most of these works, however, are developed from a focus on Evolutionary Psychology, whose theoretical axis is the transmission of genes from one generation to another by means of reproduction. Therefore, they have centered exclusively on the evaluations of attractiveness made by heterosexual people, thus disregarding the role of the senses in the mating choices of their homosexual counterparts. Our goal in the present study was to evaluate the relationship between smell and sight, as well as their influence on the attraction felt by homosexual men towards heterosexual and homosexual men. A group of 14 homosexual men assessed the attractiveness of a series of stimuli that came from homosexual and heterosexual males. Subjects ranged from 16 to 26 years of age (M = 21.21; SD = 2.6), participated voluntarily and were selected through accidental, non probability sampling. All of them were recruited in a meeting of the Jóvenes LGBT México Group, thanks to the support of one of its coordinators, with the objective of accommodating the schedules of the population under study. The stimuli consisted of facial pictures of homosexual and heterosexual men, as well as cotton tee shirts previously worn by the same subjects. All stimuli were collected from 10 men between 21 and 25 years of age (M = 22.3; SD = 1.49), acquaintances of the researchers. Invitations were sent via e-mail. Participants were informed that the objective of the study was to assess the importance of the senses in the mating choices of human males. Findings may be summarized as follows: the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts and the visual attractiveness of the pictures did not correlate for either of the two groups; only the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts differed significantly depending on the sexual orientation of the wearers; both the visual attractiveness of the pictures and the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts predicted the global attractiveness of heterosexual subjects, though the visual attractiveness of the pictures did so more significantly; and, finally, only the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts predicted the global attractiveness of homosexual subjects. In other words, the smell of the tee shirts worn by homosexual men resulted significantly more attractive to the homosexual evaluators than did the smell of the tee shirts worn by heterosexual men. On the other hand, only the attractiveness of the smell of the tee shirts worn by homosexual men predicted significantly the global attractiveness of those men. This suggests that the homosexual men who participated as evaluators were able to distinguish, without being conscious of it, the sexual orientation of the men who wore the shirts, parting from their olfactory attractiveness. The most important implication of our findings is that homosexual people may function in a different neurophysiologic manner than their heterosexual counterparts, at least in regards to the influence of sensory perception on the mating choices they make. In particular, that factors independent from reproduction may have a role in human mating choices. Therefore, in future research conducted on the matter, the sexual orientation of the subjects should be considered, additionally to their biological sex.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 25-43, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708510


Las investigaciones sobre el papel de los sentidos en la elección de pareja que hacen hombres y mujeres han confirmado la presencia de procesos a nivel neurofisiológico cuya influencia va más allá de las decisiones conscientes que pudieran tomarse en cuanto a la pareja con la que deciden estar. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las investigaciones realizadas hasta ahora tienen un enfoque en parejas heterosexuales y son pocos los estudios que examinan el papel de los sentidos en la elección de pareja que hacen las personas homosexuales. El objetivo del estudio realizado fue evaluar la importancia y la relación que tienen el olfato y la visión en la atracción de hombres homosexuales hacia hombres, tanto hetero como homosexuales. Un grupo de 14 hombres homosexuales evaluó el atractivo de fotografías y camisetas (remera de algodón de mangas cortas) provenientes de hombres hetero y homosexuales. Los resultados indicaron que el olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres homosexuales resultó significativamente más atractivo que el olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres heterosexuales en las evaluaciones realizadas. Por otra parte, se realizaron análisis de regresión múltiple y sus resultados mostraron que el atractivo del olor de las camisetas utilizadas por hombres homosexuales predice significativamente el atractivo global de estos hombres. Estos resultados sugieren la presencia de una capacidad en hombres homosexuales para distinguir inconscientemente a hombres heterosexuales de hombres homosexuales a partir de estímulos olfativos, lo que a su vez apunta a una constitución neurofisiológica en particular, invitando a realizar más investigaciones en el tema.

Previous works about the role of the senses in mating choices made by men and women have confirmed the existence of neurophysiologic processes which influence our decisions about whom we'd like to have a relationship with, well beyond our conscious capacity to select. Most of these works, however, are developed from a focus on Evolutionary Psychology, whose theoretical axis is the transmission of genes from one generation to another by means of reproduction. Therefore, they have centered exclusively on the evaluations of attractiveness made by heterosexual people, thus disregarding the role of the senses in the mating choices of their homosexual counterparts. Our goal in the present study was to evaluate the relationship between smell and sight, as well as their influence on the attraction felt by homosexual men towards heterosexual and homosexual men. A group of 14 homosexual men assessed the attractiveness of a series of stimuli that came from homosexual and heterosexual males. Subjects ranged from 16 to 26 years of age (M = 21.21; SD = 2.6), participated voluntarily and were selected through accidental, non probability sampling. All of them were recruited in a meeting of the Jóvenes LGBT México Group, thanks to the support of one of its coordinators, with the objective of accommodating the schedules of the population under study. The stimuli consisted of facial pictures of homosexual and heterosexual men, as well as cotton tee shirts previously worn by the same subjects. All stimuli were collected from 10 men between 21 and 25 years of age (M = 22.3; SD = 1.49), acquaintances of the researchers. Invitations were sent via e-mail. Participants were informed that the objective of the study was to assess the importance of the senses in the mating choices of human males. Findings may be summarized as follows: the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts and the visual attractiveness of the pictures did not correlate for either of the two groups; only the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts differed significantly depending on the sexual orientation of the wearers; both the visual attractiveness of the pictures and the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts predicted the global attractiveness of heterosexual subjects, though the visual attractiveness of the pictures did so more significantly; and, finally, only the olfactory attractiveness of the tee shirts predicted the global attractiveness of homosexual subjects. In other words, the smell of the tee shirts worn by homosexual men resulted significantly more attractive to the homosexual evaluators than did the smell of the tee shirts worn by heterosexual men. On the other hand, only the attractiveness of the smell of the tee shirts worn by homosexual men predicted significantly the global attractiveness of those men. This suggests that the homosexual men who participated as evaluators were able to distinguish, without being conscious of it, the sexual orientation of the men who wore the shirts, parting from their olfactory attractiveness. The most important implication of our findings is that homosexual people may function in a different neurophysiologic manner than their heterosexual counterparts, at least in regards to the influence of sensory perception on the mating choices they make. In particular, that factors independent from reproduction may have a role in human mating choices. Therefore, in future research conducted on the matter, the sexual orientation of the subjects should be considered, additionally to their biological sex.

Suma psicol ; 18(1): 97-106, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657162


Esta investigación experimental tuvo como objetivo poner a prueba el efecto de bloqueo de Kamin en el condicionamiento clásico de preferencias. Se diseñaron tres partes: Estudio 1, Experimento 1 y Experimento 2. El Estudio preliminar (n = 54) consistió en la elección de los estímulos condicionados (marcas publicitarias ficticias) y del estímulo incondicionado (figura femenina con una proporción controlada de la medida de cintura/ cadera). En el Experimento 1 (n = 60) se efectuó el entrenamiento en condicionamiento clásico de preferencias. Finalmente, en el Experimento 2 (n = 40), se examinó el efecto de bloqueo en el condicionamiento clásico de preferencias con pruebas de tipo cognoscitivo y afectivo. Participaron estudiantes universitarios de diferentes carreras entre 17 y 25 años. Los resultados indican que se manifestó un efecto de bloqueo en tres de las cuatro pruebas utilizadas para evaluar dicho fenómeno. Se plantea, a manera de conclusión, que este efecto potencialmente explica diferentes fenómenos en los campos de la publicidad y el mercadeo, especialmente en lo que concierne a competencia de marcas.

This experimental research was aimed to test Kamin's blocking effect in classical conditioning of preferences applied in the advertisement area. This study was divided into three parts: preliminary Study, Experiment 1, and Experiment 2. In the preliminary Study, both conditioned (a false publicity brand) and unconditioned stimuli (female figure with a controlled waist-to-hip ratio) were selected. Experiments 1 and 2 consisted of training in classical conditioning of preferences and blocking effect. 17-25 year-old undergraduate students of different careers participated in the present study. According to the results, a blocking effect was observed, suggesting an explanation for different phenomena in fields such as marketing or advertisement, especially when implying brands competition.