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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(4): 714-720, 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1412407


Las enfermedades diarreicas constituyen la principal causa de morbimortalidad en niños menores de cinco años, con alrededor de 1.700 millones de casos y 1,5 millones de muertes por año a nivel mundial. Para el año 2010, en la Sierra de Ecuador se registró un alto porcentaje de infantes fallecidos a causa de enfermedades diarreicas agudas (EDA), incluyendo la provincia de Chimborazo; mientras que, para el año 2016, se registraron en Ecuador 590.523 casos de EDA, siendo más afectados los niños de sectores de mayor pobreza. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en pacientes pediátricos con episodios diarreicos que acudieron a centros de salud de los cantones rurales de la provincia Chimborazo. Se realizó análisis coprológico y coproparasitológico en 258 muestras; se identificaron bacterias enteropatógenas mediante pruebas bioquímicas y de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, se realizó diagnóstico parasitológico mediante análisis macroscópico y microscópico y para detección de virus se emplearon pruebas inmunológicas. Se observó un mayor número de casos de EDA en los cantones Alausí (50%) y Chunchi (19%). De los pacientes con EDA, los rotavirus son el principal agente etiológico aislado (24,8%), seguido por Shigella (17,8%); mientras que Giardia intestinalis (8,5%) y Salmonella (10,1%) son los microorganismos que se aislaron con menor frecuencia en las muestras. Los resultados del presente estudio, permiten tener un panorama etiológico de las EDA en la provincia de Chimborazo y contribuir en la vigilancia epidemiológica, ejecución de programas sanitarios y de vacunación, para disminuir la vulnerabilidad de la población infantil ante dichas infecciones(AU)

Diarrheal diseases are the main cause of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age, with around 1.7 billion cases and 1.5 million deaths per year worldwide. For the year 2010, in the Sierra de Ecuador a high percentage of infants died due to acute diarrheal diseases (ADD), including the province of Chimborazo; while, for the year 2016, 590,523 cases of ADD were registered in Ecuador, with children from the poorest sectors being more affected. A descriptive study was carried out in pediatric patients with diarrheal episodes who attended health centers in the rural cantons of Chimborazo province. Coprological and coproparasitological analysis was performed on 258 samples; Enteropathogenic bacteria were identified by biochemical and antimicrobial susceptibility tests, a parasitological diagnosis was made by macroscopic and microscopic analysis, and immunological tests were used to detect viruses. A greater number of ADD cases was observed in the Alausí (50%) and Chunchi (19%) cantons. Of patients with ADD, rotaviruses are the main etiological agent isolated (24.8%), followed by Shigella (17.8%); while Giardia intestinalis (8.5%) and Salmonella (10.1%) are the microorganisms that were isolated less frequently in the samples. The results of this study allow us to have an etiological panorama of EDA in the province of Chimborazo and contribute to epidemiological surveillance, execution of health and vaccination programs, to reduce the vulnerability of the child population to these infections(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Diarreia Infantil/etiologia , Salmonella , Shigella , Bactérias , Giardia lamblia , Rotavirus , Monitoramento Epidemiológico
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;41: e43447, 20190000. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460858


Thousands of people living in semi-arid regions face problems of drought and loss of water quality. In addition, high incidence of acute diarrheal diseases related to water consumption has been responsible for a high number of deaths and high economic costs for human health. Many of the diseases can be caused by the presence of enterobacteria in reservoirs that serve for multiple purposes. This study aimed to confirm the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, which was highlighted in other articles, and to reveal non-identified genera by culture-dependent methods and pyrosequencing. Twenty-three genera of the Enterobacteriaceae family were detected, with emphasis on Escherichia genus and confirmation of the presence of species such as Salmonella enterica and Enterobacter cloacae. The abundance of heterotrophic prokaryotes and the physical and chemical data show an expected average for this type of environment due to the numbers historically presented in previous articles. The unprecedented detection of the presence of some potentially pathogenic species can alert and raise awareness of the populations that use stored water in the semi-arid regions. Consequently, as a result of the peculiar characteristics of reservoirs under this climate influence, there is a cosmopolitanism of enterobacteria that may be related to the alarming numbers of infections from Waterborne Diseases.

Enterobacteriaceae/química , Poluição da Água/análise , Poluição da Água/legislação & jurisprudência , Água/análise
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 41: e43447, abr. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22374


Thousands of people living in semi-arid regions face problems of drought and loss of water quality. In addition, high incidence of acute diarrheal diseases related to water consumption has been responsible for a high number of deaths and high economic costs for human health. Many of the diseases can be caused by the presence of enterobacteria in reservoirs that serve for multiple purposes. This study aimed to confirm the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, which was highlighted in other articles, and to reveal non-identified genera by culture-dependent methods and pyrosequencing. Twenty-three genera of the Enterobacteriaceae family were detected, with emphasis on Escherichia genus and confirmation of the presence of species such as Salmonella enterica and Enterobacter cloacae. The abundance of heterotrophic prokaryotes and the physical and chemical data show an expected average for this type of environment due to the numbers historically presented in previous articles. The unprecedented detection of the presence of some potentially pathogenic species can alert and raise awareness of the populations that use stored water in the semi-arid regions. Consequently, as a result of the peculiar characteristics of reservoirs under this climate influence, there is a cosmopolitanism of enterobacteria that may be related to the alarming numbers of infections from Waterborne Diseases.(AU)

Enterobacteriaceae/química , Água/análise , Poluição da Água/análise , Poluição da Água/legislação & jurisprudência
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 10(3): 31-40, sep.-dic. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-739545


Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y longitudinal con el propósito de describir la presencia de algunos factores epidemiológicos asociados a las Enfermedades Diarreicas Agudas. Se estudiaron 250 niños menores de 12 meses ingresados por esta causa en el Servicio de Gastroenterología Aguda del Hospital Docente Pediátrico Provincial "Pepe Portilla" de Pinar del Río, durante el período comprendido de Enero a Diciembre del año 2005, utilizando como fuente de información las encuestas realizadas a las madres, además de revisar las historias clínicas de estos casos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que la edad menor de 6 meses constituyó un factor de riesgo, no viéndose diferencias importantes en cuanto al sexo. La malnutrición proteico - energética no representó un problema. La escasa administración de Lactancia Materna Exclusiva y las condiciones de la vivienda deficientes fueron otro factor asociado a las diarreas. Para el análisis estadístico utilizamos media porcentual y prueba de hipótesis Chí Cuadrado.

A descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out, aimed at describing the presence of some epidemiological factors associated with acute diarrhoea deseases. A sample of 250 infants under 12 months of age were admitted to Gastroenterology Service a "Pepe Portilla" Provinicial Pediatric Teaching Hospital in inar del Río during January to December 2005, using the surveys done on mothers. The clinical charts of those cases were also reviewed. According to the results obtained it was demostrated that age under 6 months represented a risk factor, no important difference according to sex were observed. The protein-energy malnutrition was not a problem. The poor administration of Exclusive Breast Feeding as well as the poor home conditions were another factor associated to diarrhoea diseases. For the statistical analysis the percentage mean and the Chi square hypothesis test were used.

Rev. Soc. Boliv. Pediatr ; 44(2): 75-82, jun. 2005. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738338


Un total de 1163 muestras de heces, fueron recolectadas de niños con enfermedades diarreicas agudas (EDA) menores a 5 años del Hospital Albina Patiño y otros centros de salud de la ciudad de Cochabamba en el período 2001-2002. La infección por rotavirus presentó una prevalencia general del 19 % (220) presentándose en un 24% en pacientes hospitalizados y en el 17% (143) en ambulatorios. Las infecciones por rotavirus se presentaron a lo largo de todo el período de estudio, las frecuencias mas altas de infección se observaron en los meses de invierno: abril (24%), mayo (34%) y junio (28%) y las más bajas (8-15%) en los meses de febrero, agosto y septiembre. El análisis de asociación de la infección por rotavirus. con parámetros climáticos, mostró que los picos más altos de infección. correlacionan con la época mas seca y fría. El mayor número de casos de infección por rotavirus se presentó en niños entre 7-12 meses de edad (36,3%). Los síntomas clínicos más comúnmente asociados a la diarrea rotaviral fueron: la deshidratación moderada. seguida de vómitos, y fiebre, siendo la primera más frecuente en pacientes hospitalizados que ambulatorios. El análisis de la distribución de genotipos G y P mediante el ensayo de reverso trascripción (RT-PCR), reveló la presencia de los genotipos G1 (44%), G2(6%) y P[8] (24%), P[6] (IS%). Se observó una coinfección P[8]P[6] en tres muestras (4%) y asociación del genotipo P[6] con los casos de procedencia ambulatoria. En conjunto estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia del rotavirus como causa de las EDA y permiten inferir que las vacunas anti-rotavirales actualmente vigentes, brindarían protección contra las cepas circulantes encontradas en la ciudad de Cochabamba.

In the period of 2001-2002, a total of 1163 fecal samples were collected from children less than five years of age with diarrhea, at the Hospital Albina Patiño and other health centers in Cochabamba city. Rotavirus infection general prevalence was 19 % (220), distributed among hospitalized children 24% (77) and outpatients 17% (143). Rotavirus infections were observed along the whole study period, with highest prevalence in coldest months: April (24 %), May (34%) and June (28%) and lowest frequencies (8-15%) in February, August, and September. Major rotavirus outbreak was significantly associated with the driest and colder season. The highest percentage of rotavirus infections (36,3%) was found among children between 7-12 months of age. Moderate dehydration, vomits and fever were the clinical symptoms more frequently associated with rotavirus acute gastroenteritis, being dehydration more cornmon in hospitalized patients. The distribution of' P and G genotypes analyzed by RT-PCR was: G1 (44%), G2 (6%), P[8] (24%) and P4 (15%). A co-infection P[8]P[6] was observed in 3 samples (4%). Genotype P[6] was found associated to outpatients. These findings, highlight that rotavirus is an important cause of acute gastroenteritis and that any of the currently available vaccines would potentially be protective against circulating strains found in the city of Cochabamba.