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BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1859, 2024 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38992653


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the rate of gestational syphilis (GS) based on temporal trends over 11 years, as well as the spatial distribution of GS in Brazil, based on the identification of spatial clusters. METHODOLOGY: An ecological, using Brazil and its regions as an analysis unit, based on gestational syphilis data reported in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), from 2011 to 2020. Thematic maps were built for spatial data analysis, and the Prais-Winsten autoregressive model was used to verify the trend. Spatial analysis identified the distribution of clusters (high-high; low-low; high-low and low-high) of distribution of GS across Brazilian municipalities, using a 5% significance level. RESULTS: Gestational syphilis experienced a considerable increase in cases during the studied period, with a peak of 37,436 cases in 2018. The spatial distribution of the disease is heterogeneous in the country. A growing trend was observed in all states of Brazil, except for Espírito Santo, where it remained stationary, with a monthly variation of 10.32%. CONCLUSION: The spatial and temporal trend analysis point to syphilis as an important public health problem. The numbers are alarming and show the urgent need for measures to prevent and control syphilis during pregnancy.

Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Sífilis , Humanos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Gravidez , Feminino , Sífilis/epidemiologia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Análise Espacial , Análise Espaço-Temporal
Reprod Health ; 20(Suppl 2): 189, 2024 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632645


BACKGROUND: The "Adequate Childbirth Program" (PPA) is a quality improvement project that aims to reduce the high rates of unnecessary cesarean section in Brazilian private hospitals. This study aimed to analyze labor and childbirth care practices after the first phase of PPA implementation. METHOD: This study uses a qualitative approach. Eight hospitals were selected. At each hospital, during the period of 5 (five) days, from July to October 2017, the research team conducted face to face interviews with doctors (n = 21) and nurses (n = 28), using semi-structured scripts. For the selection of professionals, the Snowball technique was used. The interviews were transcribed, and the data submitted to Thematic Content Analysis, using the MaxQda software. RESULTS: The three analytical dimensions of the process of change in the care model: (1) Incorporation of care practices: understood as the practices that have been included since PPA implementation; (2) Adaptation of care practices: understood as practices carried out prior to PPA implementation, but which underwent modifications with the implementation of the project; (3) Rejection of care practices: understood as those practices that were abandoned or questioned whether or not they should be carried out by hospital professionals. CONCLUSIONS: After the PPA, changes were made in hospitals and in the way, women were treated. Birth planning, prenatal hospital visits led by experts (for expecting mothers and their families), diet during labor, pharmacological analgesia for vaginal delivery, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding in the first hour of life are all included. To better monitor labor and vaginal birth and to reduce CS without a clinical justification, hospitals adjusted their present practices. Finally, the professionals rejected the Kristeller maneuver since research has demonstrated that using it's harmful.

Brazil has high Cesarean Section (CS) rates, with rates far from the ideal recommended by the World Health Organization and a model of care that does not favor women's autonomy and empowerment. In 2015, a quality improvement project, called "Projeto Parto Adequado" (PPA), was implemented in Brazilian private hospitals to reduce unnecessary cesarean section, in addition to encouraging the process of natural and safe childbirth. One of the components of this project was to reorganize the model of care in hospitals to prepare professionals for humanized and safe care. The data were collected in 8 hospitals with interviews with 49 professionals, approximately two years after the beginning of the project in the hospitals. There were changes in the hospital routine and in the care of women after the project. The professionals incorporated practices such as skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding; diet during labor; non-invasive care technologies, especially to relieve pain during labor; birth plan; pregnancy courses with guided tours in hospitals (for pregnant women and family); and analgesia for vaginal labor. There was adaptation of existing practices in hospitals to reduce CS that had no clinical indication; better monitoring of labor, favoring vaginal delivery. And finally, the professionals rejected the practice that presses the uterine fundus, for not having shown efficacy in recent studies. We can conclude that the hospitals that participated in this study have made an effort to change their obstetric model. However, specific aspects of each hospital, the organization of the health system in Brazil, and the incentive of the local administration influenced the implementation of these changes by professionals in practice.

Cesárea , Trabalho de Parto , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Brasil , Parto Obstétrico , Hospitais Privados , Parto
Protein Expr Purif ; 216: 106415, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38104791


Cutinases are serine esterases that belong to the α/ß hydrolases superfamily. The natural substrates for these enzymes are cutin and suberin, components of the plant cuticle, the first barrier in the defense system against pathogen invasion. It is well-reported that plant pathogens produce cutinases to facilitate infection. Fusarium verticillioides, one important corn pathogens, is an ascomycete upon which its cutinases are poorly explored. Consequently, the objective of this study was to perform the biochemical characterization of three precursor cutinases (FvCut1, FvCut2, and FvCut3) from F. verticillioides and to obtain structural insights about them. The cutinases were produced in Escherichia coli and purified. FvCut1, FvCut2, and FvCut3 presented optimal temperatures of 20, 40, and 35 °C, and optimal pH of 9, 7, and 8, respectively. Some chemicals stimulated the enzymatic activity. The kinetic parameters revealed that FvCut1 has higher catalytic efficiency (Kcat/Km) in the p-nitrophenyl-butyrate (p-NPB) substrate. Nevertheless, the enzymes were not able to hydrolyze polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Furthermore, the three-dimensional models of these enzymes showed structural differences among them, mainly FvCut1, which presented a narrower opening cleft to access the catalytic site. Therefore, our study contributes to exploring the diversity of fungal cutinases and their potential biotechnological applications.

Ascomicetos , Fusarium , Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico/genética , Hidrolases de Éster Carboxílico/química , Fusarium/genética
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(4): 33-50, out.-dez.2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523332


Objetivo: refletir sobre o acesso a serviços de saúde para infertilidade e reprodução humana assistida durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19, na perspectiva da justiça reprodutiva. Metodologia: utilizou-se dados do inquérito online da pesquisa Pandemia de COVID-19e práticas reprodutivas de mulheres no Brasil, que obteve 8.313 respostas de mulheres residentes em todas as regiões do país, de 18 anos ou mais. O questionário autoaplicável circulou entre julho e outubro de 2021, contendo questões fechadas e abertas. A análise descritiva das respostas objetivas de 242 mulheres que referiram buscar atendimento para infertilidade contou com o cálculo de frequências simples das variáveis. Já os textos escritos nos espaços abertos do questionário foram submetidos à análise temática. Resultados: o estudo verificou a existência de barreiras institucionais e não institucionais para os cuidados da infertilidade, ambas incrementadas pela pandemia. Conclusão: recomenda-se a efetivação de política pública que garanta acesso pleno a todas as pessoas, haja vista que o tratamento para infertilidade e reprodução assistida tende a se restringir a mulheres cisgênero, de camadas médias e altas, mais escolarizadas e majoritariamente brancas.

Objective: to critically examine access to health services for infertility and assisted human reproduction during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the perspective of reproductive justice. Methods: data for analysis were derived from the online survey titled COVID-19 Pandemic and Women's Reproductive Practices in Brazil, garnering 8,313 responses from women aged 18 years or older residing in all regions of the country. The self-administered questionnaire circulated from July to October 2021 and comprised both closed and open-ended questions. Descriptive analysis of the objective responses obtained from 242 women actively seeking infertility care involved the calculation of simple frequencies for relevant variables. Responses provided in the open-ended sections of the questionnaire underwent thematic analysis. Results: revealed the presence of both institutional and non-institutional barriers to infertility care, with a notable exacerbation during the pandemic. Conclusion: given that infertility and assisted reproduction treatment predominantly cater to cisgender women from middle and upper socio-economic strata, characterized by higher education levels and mostly white, there is a compelling need for the implementation of public policies that ensure equitable access for all individuals.

Objetivo: reflexionar sobre el acceso a los servicios de salud para la infertilidad y la reproducción humana asistida durante el período de la pandemia de COVID-19, desde la perspectiva de la justicia reproductiva. Metodología: se utilizaron datos de la encuesta en línea de la Pandemia de COVID-19y prácticas reproductivas de las mujeres en Brasil, que obtuvo 8.313 respuestas de mujeres residentes en todas las regiones del país, con edad igual o superior a 18 años. El cuestionario autoaplicado circuló entre julio y octubre de 2021, conteniendo preguntas cerradas y abiertas. El análisis descriptivo de las respuestas objetivas de 242 mujeres que relataron buscar atención por infertilidad implicó el cálculo de frecuencias simples de las variables. Los textos escritos en los espacios abiertos del cuestionario fueron sometidos a análisis temático. Resultados:el estudio verificó la existencia de barreras institucionales y no institucionales para la atención de la infertilidad, ambas aumentadas por la pandemia. Conclusión: se recomiendala implementación de una política pública que garantice el pleno acceso a todas las personas, dado que el tratamiento de la infertilidad y reproducción asistida tiende a estar restringido a mujeres cisgénero de clase media y alta, con mayor educación y en su mayoría blancas.

Direito Sanitário
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(4): 103-119, out.-dez.2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523544


Objetivo: compreender como a pandemia de COVID-19 afetou a vida e a saúde das mulheres, com ênfase nos aspectos da saúde sexual e reprodutiva, e refletir sobre os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e a justiça reprodutiva no contexto da crise sanitária. Metodologia: utilizou-se questionário online com 113 perguntas objetivas e uma questão aberta para comentários. De 8.313 mulheres que responderam ao questionário, 1.838 relataram suas vivências durante a pandemia na questão aberta. Esse material passou por técnicas de análise narrativa e temática e de construção de memória. Resultados: evidenciou-se a ampliação das dificuldades de acesso a serviços de saúde, em especial de saúde sexual e reprodutiva; o aprofundamento das iniquidades na divisão sexual do trabalho, com sobrecarga de trabalho doméstico e profissional; a insegurança econômica; o tensionamentos das relações afetivo-sexuais e maior exposição à violência; e importantes repercussões na saúde psicoemocional. Todos esses aspectos afetaram as experiências de saúde e adoecimento; a vida sexual; e os planos e experiências reprodutivas nos primeiros anos de pandemia. Conclusão: no Brasil, na sobreposição da emergência sanitária com a crise democrática de direitos, fatos sociais e fatos fisiológicos se misturam e se totalizam na experiência histórica e material do corpo sexual e reprodutivo das mulheres, seguindo as linhas de força das precariedades e injustiças de gênero, de raça e de classe. Os relatos das mulheres contribuem para a construção de uma memória coletiva ­não necessariamente unívoca e linear ­da pandemia. Memórias que podem não apenas ilustrar o momento presente, como contribuir para o entendimento e enfrentamento de crises semelhantes futuras.

Objective: this study seeks to comprehend the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women's lives and health, with a particular focus on sexual and reproductive health, andto reflect on sexual and reproductive rights and reproductive justice within the context of the health crisis.Methods:employing an online questionnaire featuring 113 objective questions and one open-ended question for free comments, the study gathered responses from 8,313 women. Out of these, 1,838 utilized the open question to articulate their experiences during the pandemic. The collected material underwent analysis using narrative and thematic approaches, along with memory construction techniques.Results:the findings indicate heightened challenges in accessing health services, particularly for sexual and reproductive health. The pandemic deepened inequities in the sexual division of labor, leading to increased domestic and professional workloads, economic insecurity, elevated tensions in affective-sexual relationships, greater exposure to violence, and notable repercussions on psycho-emotional health. These factors collectively influenced women's health/illness experiences, sexual lives, and reproductive plans during the initial years of the pandemic. Conclusion: the intersection of the health crisis with a democratic crisis in rights has intertwined social and physiological factors into the historical and material experiences of women's sexual and reproductive bodies. These experiences follow the trajectories of gender, race, and class-based precariousness and injustices. Women's accounts contribute to the construction of a collective memory of the pandemic that is not necessarily uniform or linear. Beyond illustrating the present moment, these memories aid in understanding and addressing similar crises in the future.

Objetivo: comprender cómo la pandemia de COVID-19 afectó la vida y la salud de las mujeres, con énfasis en aspectos de salud sexual y reproductiva y reflexionar sobre los derechos sexuales y reproductivos y la justicia reproductiva, en el contexto de la crisis sanitaria. Metodología:se utilizó un cuestionario online con 113 preguntas objetivas y una pregunta abierta para comentarios libres al final. De 8.313 mujeres que respondieron el cuestionario, 1.838 relataron sus experiencias durante la pandemia, en este espacio abierto. Este material fue analizado mediante técnicas análisis de narrativa y temática y de construcción de memoria. Resultados: hubo aumento de las dificultades para acceder a los servicios de salud, especialmente de salud sexual y reproductiva, profundización de las inequidades en la división sexual del trabajo, con sobrecarga de trabajo doméstico y profesional, inseguridad económica, tensiones en las relaciones afectivo-sexuales y mayor exposición. a la violencia, e importantes repercusiones en la salud psicoemocional. Todos estos aspectos afectaron las experiencias de salud/enfermedad, la vida sexual, los planes y experiencias reproductivas, en los primeros años de la pandemia. Conclusión: en Brasil, en el solapamiento de la crisis sanitaria con la crisis democrática y de derechos, hechos sociales y hechos fisiológicos se mezclan y totalizan en la experiencia histórica y material de los cuerpos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres, siguiendo las líneas de fuerza de la precariedad y las injusticias. de género, raza y clase. Las narrativas de las mujeres contribuyen a la construcción de una memoria colectiva ­no necesariamente unívoca y lineal ­ de la pandemia. Memorias que no sólo pueden ilustrar el momento presente, sino que también contribuyen a comprender y afrontar crisis futuras similares.

Direito Sanitário
PLoS One ; 18(11): e0288099, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37943811


OBJECTIVE: Hearing loss has been pointed out as a potential predictor for cognitive decline. This study conducted a systematic review to evaluate the scientific evidence on the association between hearing loss in the elderly and cognitive decline, as well as whether race/color influences this relationship. METHOD: The search for studies was performed in the following electronic databases: MedLine/PubMed Web of Science, Scopus and Virtual Health Library, and MedRkiv up to August 2022. Studies with epidemiological designs that assess the association between hearing loss and cognitive decline in the elderly were eligible for inclusion. Three independent reviewers performed the selection, data extraction and evaluation of the quality of the studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. A meta-analysis using a random effects model estimated the global association measurements (Beta coefficient: ß) and their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), and the Higgins and Thompson indicator (I2) was also estimated to assess statistical heterogeneity among the studies. RESULTS: 5,207 records were identified in the database surveys, of which only 18 were eligible studies, totaling 19,551 individuals. Hearing loss was associated with cognitive decline in the elderly, with statistical significance: ß = -0.13; 95%CI = -0.23 to -0.04; I2 = 98.70%). For black individuals, the magnitude of the association increased: ß = -0.64; 95%CI = -3.36 to 2.07; I2 = 95.65%, but it was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The findings of this systematic review showed the existence of a significant relationship between hearing loss and cognitive decline in the elderly, as well as signaling that among black individuals the magnitude of the association can be increased.

Disfunção Cognitiva , Surdez , Perda Auditiva , Humanos , Idoso , Disfunção Cognitiva/epidemiologia , Perda Auditiva/complicações , Perda Auditiva/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Bases de Dados Factuais
Braz J Microbiol ; 54(3): 2103-2116, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37594655


Canastra Minas Artisanal Cheese is produced in the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais using raw milk, rennet, and pingo, a natural endogenous starter culture (fermented whey) collected from the previous day's production. Due to the use of raw milk, the product can carry microorganisms that may cause foodborne diseases (FBD), including Staphylococcus aureus. Genomic characterization of S. aureus is an important tool to assess diversity, virulence, antimicrobial resistance, and the potential for causing food poisoning due to enterotoxin production. This study is aimed at exploring the genomic features of S. aureus strains isolated from Canastra Minas Artisanal Cheeses. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) classified these strains as ST1, ST5, and a new profile ST7849 (assigned to the clonal complex CC97). These strains belonged to four spa types: t008, t127, t359, and t992. We identified antimicrobial resistance genes with phenotypic correlation against methicillin (MRSA) and tetracycline. Virulome analysis revealed genes associated with iron uptake, immune evasion, and potential capacity for adherence and biofilm formation. The toxigenic potential included cyto- and exotoxins genes, and all strains presented the genes that encode for Panton-Valentine toxin and hemolysin, and two strains encoded 4 and 8 Staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes. The results revealed the pathogenic potential of the evaluated S. aureus strains circulating in the Canastra region, representing a potential risk to public health. This study also provides useful information to monitor and guide the application of control measures to the artisanal dairy food production chain.

Queijo , Infecções Estafilocócicas , Humanos , Staphylococcus aureus/genética , Tipagem de Sequências Multilocus , Genômica , Enterotoxinas/genética
Reprod Health ; 20(Suppl 2): 19, 2023 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36694218


BACKGROUND: In Brazil, childbirth practices are strongly marked by surgical events and particularly in the private sector cesarean sections reach rates above 80%. The National Supplementary Health Agency proposed the Adequate Childbirth Project (PPA), a quality improvement project developed at Brazilian hospitals with the aim of changing the current model of childbirth care and reducing unnecessary cesarean sections. The objective of this study is to assess how the participation of women in the process of improving quality childbirth care occurred in two hospitals participating in the PPA. METHOD: Qualitative study, based on interviews with 102 women attended at two hospitals that took part in the first and second stages of the "Healthy Birth", an evaluative hospital-based research, conducted in 2017-2018, that assessed the degree of implementation and the effects of PPA. After thematic content analysis, supported by MaxQda software, three categories emerged: (1) how women gathered knowledge about the PPA, (2) how women perceived it, and (3) which are their suggestions for the PPA improvement. RESULTS: The PPA was unknown to most women before delivery. A polysemy of terms, including adequate childbirth, promotes recognition of the "new" model of care. Visits to the maternity hospital and antenatal care groups for pregnant women are opportunities for contacts that change the perception of what childbirth can be. Women have expectations of a relationship with maternity that is not limited to the moment of delivery. The listening channels established between hospitals and women are fragile and not systematized. By increasing the supply of listening spaces, one can also increase the request to leave their suggestions and contributions, and thus gain more allies in improving the project. Women are not yet included as PPA agents and their voices are silenced. CONCLUSIONS: Women's participation to improve childbirth care is relevant and necessary. The women's voice in the PPA is still incipient, and maternity hospitals and health plan operators should create strategies to insert and engage them. Women's voices should be listened to not only during but also before and after childbirth.

In Brazil, childbirth practices are strongly marked by surgical events and particularly in the private sector cesarean sections reach rates above 80%. The Adequate Childbirth Project (PPA) is a quality improvement project developed at Brazilian hospitals with the aim of changing the current model of childbirth care and reducing unnecessary cesarean sections. A qualitative study was developed in order to understand how hospitals have included the participation of women in the PPA. Based on interviews with 102 women, the present study shows that the PPA was unknown to most women before delivery. A polysemy of terms, including adequate childbirth, promotes recognition of the "new" model of care. Visits to the hospital and antenatal care groups for pregnant women are opportunities for contacts that change the perception of what childbirth can be. Women's participation to improve childbirth care is relevant and necessary. The women's voice in the PPA is still incipient and women are not yet included as agents of change, and their voices are silenced. Hospitals and health plan operators should create strategies to engage them. Women's voices may be listened to not only during but also before and after childbirth.

Cesárea , Parto , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Brasil , Gestantes , Hospitais Privados , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Parto Obstétrico
Reprod Health ; 20(Suppl 2): 14, 2023 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36635687


BACKGROUND:  The Adequate Childbirth Project (PPA) is a quality improvement project that aims to enhance normal delivery and reduce cesarean sections with no clinical indication in the Brazilian supplementary health care system. This study aims to analyze the care model of the first postpartum hour in hospitals that participated in the PPA. METHODS: Qualitative analysis based on the narrative of 102 women attended at two hospitals participating in the evaluative "Healthy Birth" research that analyzed the degree of implementation and the effects of the PPA. We assessed three practices within the first hour after delivery: skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding and appropriate clamping of the umbilical cord. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews by telephone and submitted to thematic content analysis. RESULTS: The categories that emerged from the analysis of the results were "Dimension of time and care expressed in the lived experience" and "Interferences in care in the first hour of life". In the first category, women reported that in the first hour after delivery the newborn was placed on the mother's chest, but the length of time of the newborn's stay in skin-to-skin contact was less than one hour. This experience, even in a shorter period of time, was said to be positive by the women interviewed. Two barriers were observed: interruption of skin-to-skin contact for neonatal care and the transfer to the recovery room, both separating baby from mother without observing the duration of the "golden hour". It was identified that a process of improvement of the quality of care for childbirth is underway, with a gradual incorporation of recommended practices for care in newborn's first hour of life. CONCLUSIONS: Women reported access to the three care practices at two hospitals participating in the PPA quality improvement project. All practices were valued by women as a positive experience and should be promoted. Information during antenatal care to increase women´s autonomy, review of hospital practices to reduce barriers, and support from health care providers during the first hour after birth are needed to improve the implementation of these practices and access to their health benefits.

This study aims to analyze the care model of the first postpartum hour offered by two hospitals participating in the Adequate Childbirth Project (PPA), a quality improvement project to enhance normal delivery and reduce unnecessary cesarean sections in Brazilian private hospital. It is a qualitative analysis, based on the narrative of 102 women attended at two hospitals participating in the PPA. Categories that emerged from the analysis: "First hour; dimension of time and care expressed in the lived experience" and "Interferences in care in the first hour of life". Most women expressed a chronological time of skin-to-skin contact far from the ideal recommended in the first postpartum hour; however, they valued the experience and its meaning. Two barriers were observed in this care process: the interruption of skin-to-skin contact for neonatal care and the transfer to the recovery room, without observing the duration of the "golden hour". We can conclude that women evaluated the service positively, with indications that point to the sustainability of the PPA. Information during antenatal care to increase women´s autonomy are needed to improve the implementation of these practices and access to their health benefits.

Parto Obstétrico , Parto , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Cesárea , Mães , Hospitais
World J Microbiol Biotechnol ; 39(3): 82, 2023 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36658370


Biosurfactants are amphipathic molecules that can be applied in a wide range of areas. The cost of production limits the industrial application of biosurfactants. Nevertheless, the biosurfactant productivity can be easily enhanced by inducers. This work aimed to investigate the effect of hydrophobic inducers on surfactin production by B. subtilis ATCC 6633 using cassava wastewater as low-cost culture medium. The submerged cultivation was carried out at 30 °C, 150 rpm for 72 h. The fermentation parameters used were bacterial growth, consumption of sugars, and surfactin production, including surfactin homologues. The surface tension decreased by 40% after 12 h, when compared to control. Depletion of sugars was observed in all experiments. Palmitic acid led to the highest yield in terms of surfactin production (≈ 1.3 g·L- 1 of pure surfactin). The inducers triggered the production of new surfactin homologues, that represent, potentially, new biological activities.

Bacillus subtilis , Manihot , Águas Residuárias , Manihot/química , Lipopeptídeos , Peptídeos Cíclicos , Açúcares , Tensoativos/química
Reprod Health ; 20(Suppl 2): 9, 2023 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36609380


BACKGROUND: In 2015, a quality improvement project called "Projeto Parto Adequado-PPA" was implemented in Brazilian private hospitals to reduce unnecessary high rates of cesarean sections. This study aimed to analyze the decision-making process of managers and care leaders to adhere to the PPA. METHODS: The Healthy Birth study is evaluative research that used mixed methods to evaluate the implementation and effects of the Adequate Childbirth Program in 12 hospitals that participated in the program. Eight out of 12 hospitals were selected for a qualitative approach. We interviewed ten managers and 24 care leaders from July to October 2017. The interviews were transcripted, and data was systematized using the MaxQda software, with Thematic Content Analysis, to identify the facilitators and barriers for adherence to the Adequate Childbirth Program. We used the conceptions of the Diffusion of Innovation as an analytical reference. RESULTS: The main reasons to adhere to the Adequate Childbirth Program were the absence of other quality improvements programs in Brazilian private services using multifaceted interventions, social and market status for participating; commitment to quality of care; and the possibility of structural reforms related to the Adequate Childbirth Program implementation. In addition, inviting hospital influencers to learn about the objectives and intentions of the project before joining was considered an important strategy to motivate hospitals. CONCLUSION: Social, cultural, and economic constructs motivated adherence. The invitation strategy used by the Adequate Childbirth Program coordination, through socially respected members in Brazil, such as doctors, was highly valued by the leaders of the hospital team and encouraged adherence to the Program.

In 2015, a quality improvement program, called the "Adequate Childbirth Program" (PPA), was recommended by the National Supplementary Health Agency so that Brazilian private hospitals could, through a change in the care model, reduce unnecessary cesarean sections and stimulate the natural and safe process in childbirth. The process of adhering to the PPA was studied in this article. Ten managers and 24 assistant leaders were interviewed in 08 private hospitals in Brazil. The main reasons for joining the PPA were the absence of other quality improvement programs; for being a program considered necessary in the country's midwifery, which could increase the prestige of hospitals in the view of women and families; for proposing an improvement in the quality of care; and for stimulating of structural and ambiance reforms. Social, cultural, and economic values motivated hospital adherence. The invitation strategy used by the PPA coordination, through socially respected members in Brazil, such as medical professionals, was highly valued by the hospital's leaders and encouraged adherence to the Program.

Parto Obstétrico , Parto , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Brasil , Parto Obstétrico/métodos , Cesárea , Hospitais Privados
J Biol Inorg Chem ; 28(1): 101-115, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36484824


Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is the causative agent of chikungunya fever, a disease that can result in disability. Until now, there is no antiviral treatment against CHIKV, demonstrating that there is a need for development of new drugs. Studies have shown that thiosemicarbazones and their metal complexes possess biological activities, and their synthesis is simple, clean, versatile, and results in high yields. Here, we evaluated the mechanism of action (MOA) of a cobalt(III) thiosemicarbazone complex named [CoIII(L1)2]Cl based on its in vitro potent antiviral activity against CHIKV previously evaluated (80% of inhibition on replication). Furthermore, the complex has no toxicity in healthy cells, as confirmed by infecting BHK-21 cells with CHIKV-nanoluciferase in the presence of the compound, showing that [CoIII(L1)2]Cl inhibited CHIKV infection with the selective index of 3.26. [CoIII(L1)2]Cl presented a post-entry effect on viral replication, emphasized by the strong interaction of [CoIII(L1)2]Cl with CHIKV non-structural protein 4 (nsP4) in the microscale thermophoresis assay, suggesting a potential mode of action of this compound against CHIKV. Moreover, in silico analyses by molecular docking demonstrated potential interaction of [CoIII(L1)2]Cl with nsP4 through hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The evaluation of ADME-Tox properties showed that [CoIII(L1)2]Cl presents appropriate lipophilicity, good human intestinal absorption, and has no toxicological effect as irritant, mutagenic, reproductive, and tumorigenic side effects.

Febre de Chikungunya , Vírus Chikungunya , Humanos , Febre de Chikungunya/tratamento farmacológico , Febre de Chikungunya/metabolismo , Vírus Chikungunya/metabolismo , Proteínas não Estruturais Virais/metabolismo , Proteínas não Estruturais Virais/farmacologia , Proteínas não Estruturais Virais/uso terapêutico , Cobalto/farmacologia , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Antivirais/farmacologia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico
Crit Rev Biotechnol ; 43(8): 1150-1171, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36162829


The development of technologies to ferment carbohydrates (mainly glucose and xylose) obtained from the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of second-generation ethanol (2G ethanol) has many economic and environmental advantages. The pretreatment step of this biomass is industrially performed mainly by steam explosion with diluted sulfuric acid and generates hydrolysates that contain inhibitory compounds for the metabolism of microorganisms, harming the next step of ethanol production. The main inhibitors are: organic acids, furan, and phenolics. Several strategies can be applied to decrease the action of these compounds in microorganisms, such as cell immobilization. Based on data published in the literature, this overview will address the relevant aspects of cell immobilization for the production of 2G ethanol, aiming to evaluate this method as a strategy for protecting microorganisms against inhibitors in different modes of operation for fermentation. This is the first overview to date that shows the relation between inhibitors, cells immobilization, and fermentation operation modes for 2G ethanol. In this sense, the state of the art regarding the main inhibitors in 2G ethanol and the most applied techniques for cell immobilization, besides batch, repeated batch and continuous fermentation using immobilized cells, in addition to co-culture immobilization and co-immobilization of enzymes, are presented in this work.

Etanol , Lignina , Fermentação , Etanol/metabolismo , Lignina/metabolismo , Glucose/metabolismo , Hidrólise , Biomassa
J Sci Food Agric ; 103(1): 37-47, 2023 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35775374


Biosurfactants can be applied in the formulation of personal care products, as food additives, and as biocontrol agents in the agricultural sector. Glycolipids and lipopeptides represent an important group of microbial-based biosurfactants with biostimulating properties. Among them, the mannosylerythritol lipids also presented antimicrobial activity, mostly against Gram-positive bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. In this sense, mannosylerythritol lipids are a potential safer green alternative for partially replacing synthetic pesticides. This review aimed to critically discuss the current state of the art and future trends of mannosylerythritol lipids as green pesticides and biostimulants for seed germination and plant growth. Due to their chemical structure, mannosylerythritol lipids are likely related to energy pathways such as glycolysis and Krebs cycle, i.e. a direct cellular biostimulant potential. In this case, experimental evidence from other glycolipids indicated that structural and chemical changes as a potential drug vehicle due to morphological changes caused by biosurfactant-membrane interaction. In addition, like other biosurfactants, mannosylerythritol lipids can trigger self-defense mechanisms, leading to a lower frequency of phytopathogen infections. Therefore, mannosylerythritol lipids have the potential for biostimulation and antiphytopathogenic action, despite that to date no data are available on mannosylerythritol lipids as biostimulants and green pesticides simultaneously. Based on the current state of the art, mannosylerythritol lipids have great potential for a biotechnological advance toward more sustainable agriculture. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

Praguicidas , Praguicidas/metabolismo , Tensoativos/química , Glicolipídeos/química , Fungos/metabolismo , Bactérias Gram-Positivas/metabolismo
Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr ; 63(24): 6777-6796, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35191785


Anthocyanins are naturally occurring bioactive compounds found mainly in fruits, vegetables, and grains. They are usually extracted due to their biological properties and great potential for technological applications. These compounds have characteristic pH-dependent colorations that are natural dyes since they come in different colors. However, they are susceptible to processing conditions, remarkably light, temperature, and oxygen. The acylated anthocyanins showed better stability characteristics, and therefore, an acylation process of these compounds could improve their applications. The enzymatic acylation was effective and showed promising results. The current review provides an overview of the works that performed enzymatic acylation of anthocyanins and studies on the stability, antioxidant activity, and lipophilicity. In general, enzymatically acylated anthocyanins showed better stability to light and temperature than non-acylated compounds. In addition, they were liposoluble, a characteristic that allows their addition to products with lipid matrices. The results showed that these compounds formed by enzymatic acylation have perspectives of application mainly as natural colorants in food products. Therefore, the enzymatic acylation of anthocyanins appears viable to increase the industrial applicability of anthocyanins. There are still some gaps to be filled in process optimization, the reuse of enzymes, and toxicity analysis of the acylated compounds formed.

Antocianinas , Antioxidantes , Antocianinas/metabolismo , Temperatura , Acilação , Frutas/metabolismo
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol ; 107(1): 71-80, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36418544


Novel rapid methodologies for the detection of bacteria have been recently investigated and applied. In hospital environments, infections by pathogens are very common and can cause serious health problems. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most common bacteria, which can grow in hospital equipment such as catheters and respirators. Even at low concentrations, it can cause severe infections as it is resistant to antibiotics and other treatments. Based on this subject's relevance, this work aimed to develop a colorimetric biosensor using aptamer-functionalized gold nanoparticles for identifying P. aeruginosa. The detection mechanism is based on the color change of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) from red to blue-purple through NaCl induction after bacteria incubation and aptamer-target binding. First, AuNPs were synthesized and characterized. The influence of aptamer and sodium chloride concentration on the agglomeration of AuNPs was investigated. Optimization of aptamer concentration and salt addition were performed. The best condition for detection was 5 µM aptamers and 200 mM of NaCl. In this case, P. aeruginosa was detected after 5 h for concentrations from 108 to 105 CFU mL-1, being 105 and 104 CFU mL-1 the detection limit for color change by the naked eye and UV-Vis spectrometry, respectively. In addition, other bacteria such as E. coli, S. typhimurium, and Enterobacteriaceae bacterium were also detected with color changing from red to gray. Finally, it was confirmed that the salt incubation time can be 2 h, and that the ideal aptamer concentration is 5 µM. Thus, the colorimetric analysis can be a simple and fast detection method for P. aeruginosa in the range of 108 to 105 CFU mL-1 to the naked eye. KEY POINTS: • A new method for rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa • Aptamers conjugated with gold nanoparticles allow pathogen detection by colorimetry • No need for previous surface modification of nanoparticles.

Aptâmeros de Nucleotídeos , Técnicas Biossensoriais , Nanopartículas Metálicas , Ouro/química , Colorimetria/métodos , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Nanopartículas Metálicas/química , Cloreto de Sódio/química , Escherichia coli , Técnicas Biossensoriais/métodos , Limite de Detecção
World J Microbiol Biotechnol ; 39(2): 65, 2022 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36583818


The global production of cassava was estimated at ca. 303 million tons. Due to this high production, the cassava processing industry (cassava flour and starch) generates approximately ca. 0.65 kg of solid residue and ca. 25.3 l of wastewater per kg of fresh processed cassava root. The composition of the liquid effluent varies according to its origin; for example, the effluent from cassava flour production, when compared to the wastewater from the starch processing, presents a higher organic load (ca. 12 times) and total cyanide (ca. 29 times). It is worthy to highlight the toxicity of cassava residues regarding cyanide presence, which could generate disorders with acute or chronic symptoms in humans and animals. In this sense, the development of simple and low-cost eco-friendly methods for the proper treatment or reuse of cassava wastewater is a challenging, but promising path. Cassava wastewater is rich in macro-nutrients (proteins, starch, sugars) and micro-nutrients (iron, magnesium), enabling its use as a low-cost culture medium for biotechnological processes, such as the production of biosurfactants. These compounds are amphipathic molecules synthesized by living cells and can be widely used in industries as pharmaceutical agents, for microbial-enhanced oil recovery, among others. Amongst these biosurfactants, surfactin, rhamnolipids, and mannosileritritol lipids show remarkable properties such as antimicrobial, biodegradability, demulsifying and emulsifying capacity. However, the high production cost restricts the massive biosurfactant applications. Therefore, this study aims to present the state of the art and challenges in the production of biosurfactants using cassava wastewater as an alternative culture medium.

Manihot , Águas Residuárias , Humanos , Manihot/química , Glicolipídeos , Verduras , Cianetos , Tensoativos/química
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36498066


An ultra-fast method for the simultaneous determination of heavy metals in Passiflora incarnata tea by capillary electrophoresis (CE) using a short-end injection combined with multivariate analysis was proposed. Separation was conducted by hydrodynamic injection (5 s at 0.5 psi) using the short-end injection procedure in a fused uncoated silica capillary (50 cm total length, 10.2 cm effective length, 50 µm i.d.) with separation time less than 2 min. An indirect UV detection at 214 nm was employed by using imidazole as a chromophore. The buffer used was 6 mmol/L hydroxybutyric acid (HIBA). The optimum conditions by full factorial with a central point were achieved by 18-crown-6 concentration (23.3 mmol L−1), voltage (+11.4 kV), methanol concentration (3.8%), and temperature (20 °C). The method showed good linearity (R2 > 0.998) for both Cd and Pb, inter-day precision of less than 14.49%, and an adequate limit of quantification only for Cd (LOQ < 0.5 µg mL−1 for Cd) based on the US Pharmacopeial Convention limit requirements for elemental impurities. After method validation, the method was applied to Passiflora incarnata tea samples from a local market. Furthermore, the developed method showed great potential for the determination of metals in other samples with proper sample preparation procedures.

Passiflora , Cádmio , Eletroforese Capilar/métodos , Análise Multivariada
Emerg Infect Dis ; 28(12): 2528-2533, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36417964


We detected arenavirus RNA in 1.6% of 1,047 bats in Brazil that were sampled during 2007-2011. We identified Tacaribe virus in 2 Artibeus sp. bats and a new arenavirus species in Carollia perspicillata bats that we named Tietê mammarenavirus. Our results suggest that bats are an underrecognized arenavirus reservoir.

Arenavirus , Quirópteros , Animais , Arenavirus/genética , Brasil/epidemiologia
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 4299, 2022 03 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35277556


Scaffolds used to receive stem cells are a promising perspective of tissue regeneration research, and one of the most effective solutions to rebuild organs. In the near future will be possible to reconstruct a natural tooth using stems cells, but to avoid an immune-defensive response, sterilize the scaffold is not only desired, but also essential to be successful. A study confirmed stem cells extracted from rat's natural teeth, and implanted into the alveolar bone, could differentiate themselves in dental cells, but the scaffold's chemistry, geometry, density, morphology, adherence, biocompatibility and mechanical properties remained an issue. This study intended to produce a completely sterilized dental scaffold with preserved extracellular matrix. Fifty-one samples were collected, kept in formaldehyde, submitted to partial demineralization and decellularization processes and sterilized using four different methods: dry heating; autoclave; ethylene-oxide and gamma-radiation. They were characterized through optical images, micro-hardness, XRD, EDS, XRF, SEM, histology and sterility test. The results evidenced the four sterilization methods were fully effective with preservation of ECM molecular arrangements, variation on chemical composition (proportion of Ca/P) was compatible with Ca/P proportional variation between enamel and dentine regions. Gamma irradiation and ethylene oxide presents excellent results, but their viability are compromised by the costs and technology's accessibility (requires very expensive equipment and/or consumables). Excepted gamma irradiation, all the sterilization methods more than sterilizing also reduced the remaining pulp. Autoclave presents easy equipment accessibility, lower cost consumables, higher reduction of remaining pulp and complete sterilization, reason why was considered the most promising technique.

Materiais Biocompatíveis , Óxido de Etileno , Animais , Matriz Extracelular , Raios gama , Temperatura Alta , Ratos , Esterilização/métodos