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Cult Relig ; 12(4): 355-372, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22500141


Religious beliefs have had a key role in shaping local responses to HIV and AIDS. As the world's largest Catholic country, Brazil is no exception. Yet little research has been conducted to document how the religious doctrine is enacted in practice among its lay leaders and followers. In this article, we present ethnographic research from Recife, Brazil, conducted to understand the way in which religious doctrines are interpreted on a local level. Contextualized within the sociology of contemporary Brazilian Catholicism, we draw on interviews with clergy members, lay leaders and parishioners in order to discuss how the Catholic Church's vision of sexuality translates into the everyday lives of its followers by. We explore the disjuncture between the Catholic ideals of fidelity and delaying sex until marriage with the everyday reality of the Church's followers, highlighting the role that gender plays in defining sexual roles and expectations. We conclude posing questions for future research and HIV prevention strategies considering the formal institutional response of the Brazilian Catholic Church to AIDS on one hand, and the social and cultural contexts in which Catholics live their daily lives on the other.

Vibrant ; 7(1): 25-52, 2010 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21822456


This study focuses on Catholics' views towards homosexuality. The discussion is based on an ethnographic survey involving interviews with priests and lay leaders as well as participant observation of daily life in a working-class neighborhood in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. The analysis points to persistent prejudice against homosexuality in the neighborhood and among Catholic clergy and lay leaders interviewed in the study. The priests base their assertions on the dialectics between desire/practice and chastity/reproduction. This interplay allows them to distinguish between "homosexuality," condition of desire, and "homosexualism," a sin of the flesh. Based on this understanding, they produce an attitude of tolerance towards homosexuals. Laypeople prove to be more intolerant and focus their assertions on the difference between the sexes as the condition for good, natural, and sanctified sexual interaction. This attitude appears to be consistent with the way the sex/gender system operates in the neighborhood, where homosexuality is evaluated in terms masculinity and femininity. In this setting, it is interesting to observe how the discourses of homosexual movements challenge lay people and destabilize their religious certainties.

Debates NER ; 9(14): 135-156, 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21765650


Neste artigo discutimos a visão da Igreja Católica sobre sexualidade na interface com a epidemia do HIV/AIDS. Nossa reflexão está embasada em pesquisa etnográfica que envolveu dois meses de observação participante do cotidiano de católicos de um bairro popular da Região Metropolitana do Recife, além de contar com entrevistas a onze dos leigos engajados nos serviços religiosos da igreja do bairro e a oito sacerdotes que realizam seus trabalhos religiosos em outras localidades. Nelas abordamos diferentes temáticas relacionadas ao enfrentamento da epidemia da AIDS. Nesse contexto, conjugalidade e fidelidade se afiguram como importantes analisadores de como aqueles lidam com a epidemia, em uma variedade de re-descrições práticas e de re-interpretações conceptuais das assertivas do discurso moral religioso - ainda que, muitos impasses permaneçam em aberto em termos das prerrogativas da Igreja e seus possíveis rebatimentos na saúde sexual dos adeptos.