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J Vasc Bras ; 22: e20220121, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37333754


Background: The great saphenous vein is the major superficial vein of the lower limb, and also the most often used as arterial graft material for lower limb revascularization. Prior knowledge of the quality of the vein can guide choice of therapeutic strategy, avoiding surgery that is doomed to failure. Discrepancies between intraoperative findings of the quality of the great saphenous vein and imaging tests are also frequently observed. Objectives: To evaluate the diameter of the great saphenous vein using two imaging methods (Duplex Ultrasound and Computed Tomography) and the gold-standard (intraoperative direct measurement of the vein), comparing the results. Methods: Prospective, observational study of data obtained during routine medical procedures performed by the Vascular Surgery team. Results: 41 patients were evaluated, with a 12-month follow-up. 27 (65.85%) were male and mean age was 65.37 years. 19 (46.34%) patients had femoropopliteal grafts and 22 (53.66%) had distal grafts. Preoperative saphenous vein internal diameters measured with the patient supine were on average 16.4% smaller on CT and 33.8% smaller on US than the external diameters measured after intraoperative hydrostatic dilatation. There were no statistical differences in measurements when sex, weight, and height were considered. Conclusions: Saphenous vein diameters were underestimated by preoperative US and CT scans when compared to intraoperative measurements. Thus, in patients undergoing graft planning for revascularization, the choice of conduit should take this data into consideration, so that use of the saphenous vein is not ruled out unnecessarily during planning.

J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;22: e20220121, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440479


Resumo Contexto A veia safena interna é a principal veia superficial do membro inferior, sendo também a mais utilizada para cirurgias de enxerto arterial para revascularização de membros inferiores. O conhecimento prévio da qualidade da veia pode orientar a mudança da estratégia terapêutica, evitando cirurgias fadadas ao insucesso. Observou- se, com frequência, a discrepância entre achados intraoperatórios e exames de imagem. Objetivos Avaliar e comparar o calibre da veia safena interna através de dois métodos de imagem [ultrassonografia (USG) dúplex e angiotomografia computadorizada (angio TC)] e do padrão-ouro (medida no intraoperatório). Métodos Tratou-se de estudo prospectivo observacional. Os dados coletados foram obtidos dos procedimentos médicos de rotina realizados pela equipe de Cirurgia Vascular. Resultados Foram avaliados 41 pacientes, seguidos clinicamente por 12 meses, sendo 27 (65,8%) do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 65,37 anos. Dezenove (46,3%) pacientes foram submetidos a enxerto fêmoro-poplíteo, e 22 (53,7%) a enxertos distais. Os diâmetros da veia safena foram em média 16,4% menores na TC e 33,8% menores na USG, quando medidos em decúbito dorsal no pré-operatório, comparados ao diâmetro externo após dilatação hidrostática no intraoperatório. Não houve diferença estatística das medidas da cirurgia quando se comparou sexo, peso e altura. Conclusões A avaliação do calibre da veia safena foi subestimada pelos exames de USG e TC pré-operatórias com o paciente em decúbito dorsal, em relação à medida intraoperatória. Em pacientes em programação de enxerto para revascularização, a escolha do conduto deve levar esse dado em consideração para que não ocorra exclusão precipitada do uso da veia safena no planejamento.

Abstract Background The great saphenous vein is the major superficial vein of the lower limb, and also the most often used as arterial graft material for lower limb revascularization. Prior knowledge of the quality of the vein can guide choice of therapeutic strategy, avoiding surgery that is doomed to failure. Discrepancies between intraoperative findings of the quality of the great saphenous vein and imaging tests are also frequently observed. Objectives To evaluate the diameter of the great saphenous vein using two imaging methods (Duplex Ultrasound and Computed Tomography) and the gold-standard (intraoperative direct measurement of the vein), comparing the results. Methods Prospective, observational study of data obtained during routine medical procedures performed by the Vascular Surgery team. Results 41 patients were evaluated, with a 12-month follow-up. 27 (65.85%) were male and mean age was 65.37 years. 19 (46.34%) patients had femoropopliteal grafts and 22 (53.66%) had distal grafts. Preoperative saphenous vein internal diameters measured with the patient supine were on average 16.4% smaller on CT and 33.8% smaller on US than the external diameters measured after intraoperative hydrostatic dilatation. There were no statistical differences in measurements when sex, weight, and height were considered. Conclusions Saphenous vein diameters were underestimated by preoperative US and CT scans when compared to intraoperative measurements. Thus, in patients undergoing graft planning for revascularization, the choice of conduit should take this data into consideration, so that use of the saphenous vein is not ruled out unnecessarily during planning.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(3): e125, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407374


Abstract: Introduction: Human Anatomy is an essential subject for medical education. In addition to the theoretical content, practice is an irreplaceable way of learning. However, the COVID-19 pandemic brought up new challenges to the teaching of Anatomy. Therefore, new strategies were implemented aiming to adapt the medical curriculum. Experience report: At UNICAMP, Anatomy was taught virtually, through synchronous and asynchronous activities. For practical sessions, teachers and teaching assistants recorded lessons using real anatomical structures. The students had tutoring sessions with content review and quizzes. The anatomy final exams were taken on Google Forms. At the end of each semester, questionnaires were applied so that the students could evaluate the teaching tools. Discussion: The new method had both positive and negative aspects, but it was important to assure the maintenance of the teaching-learning process. All tools were approved by the students and the objectives of the course were achieved with no additional funding. Conclusion: This experience demonstrated that a teaching team consisting of teachers and monitors is of great value in the learning process. Furthermore, it showed that low-cost technology tools are helpful in overcoming adversities. Nevertheless, this model does not replace face-to-face teaching.

Resumo: Introdução: A anatomia humana é uma disciplina indispensável para a formação médica. Além do conteúdo teórico, sabe-se que o aprendizado por meio da prática é insubstituível. Entretanto, a pandemia de Covid-19 impôs desafios ao ensino de anatomia. Por isso, novas estratégias de ensino foram desenvolvidas para adaptar o currículo médico. Relato de experiência: Na Unicamp, o conteúdo de anatomia foi oferecido virtualmente por meio de atividades síncronas e assíncronas. Para as práticas, professores e monitores gravaram aulas com peças anatômicas verdadeiras. Os alunos também tiveram monitorias com revisão de conteúdo e quizzes. As provas finais foram feitas em formulários do Google Forms. Ao fim de cada semestre letivo, aplicaram-se questionários para que os estudantes avaliassem as novas ferramentas de ensino. Discussão: O novo método teve pontos positivos e negativos, mas foi importante para garantir a manutenção do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Todas as ferramentas foram aprovadas pelos alunos, e atingiram-se os objetivos do curso sem financiamento adicional. Conclusão: Essa experiência demonstrou que a união entre professores e monitores é de grande valia para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Além disso, revelou que ferramentas tecnológicas de baixo custo podem ser úteis nesse contexto. Entretanto, esse modelo não substitui o ensino presencial.