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Front Psychol ; 13: 998977, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36389483


The COVID-19 pandemic has driven organizations to implement various flexible work arrangements. Due to a lack of longitudinal studies, there is currently no consensus in specialized literature regarding the consequences of flexible work arrangements on employee mental health, as well any long term potential impacts. Using the Job Demand-Resource Model, this study documents consequences of the implementation of two types of flexible work arrangement: work schedule flexibility and teleworking on employee mental health over time, and the mediating role played by work overload during the accelerated implementation of flexible work arrangements in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a longitudinal design and probabilistic sampling, 209 workers participated in this study, twice answering a flexible work arrangement and mental health questionnaire during the pandemic. Findings of this moderated-mediation suggest that work schedule flexibility generates positive effects on mental health over time due to decreased work overload, but only for employees not working from home. These results offer theoretical and practical implications applicable to organizations considering implementation of flexible work arrangements, particularly with regard to how these flexible practices could support a balance between demand and resources, their impact on work overload, and employee mental health over time.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(4): 1177-1187, Out.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1156842


Employability and career adaptability are two related constructs that are considered significant factors in career success. Career adaptability is the readiness to cope with current and anticipated career-related tasks, transitions, and changes, whereas employability is the ability to retain or obtain a job in the labor market. This paper presents a Spanish translation of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) and analyses the relative importance of career adaptability and employability in predicting career success (job performance and job satisfaction) in a sample of 160 young Mexican working adults. Our results supported the internal consistency and factor structure of CAAS. Relative weights and commonality analysis indicated that both constructs shared explained outcome variance, but they had different importance in predicting career outcomes. Thus, employability is still relevant despite the rising importance of career adaptability. Career adaptability should be included in employability programs, refining the two concepts into a more parsimonious measure.

Empregabilidade e adaptabilidade na carreira são dois construtos relacionados que são considerados fatores significativos para o sucesso na carreira. Adaptabilidade de carreira é a disposição para lidar com tarefas, transições e mudanças atuais e previstas relacionadas à carreira, enquanto empregabilidade é a capacidade de manter ou obter um emprego no mercado de trabalho. Este artigo apresenta uma tradução para o espanhol da Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) e analisa a importância relativa da adaptabilidade e empregabilidade na carreira de predizer o sucesso na carreira (desempenho e satisfação no trabalho) em uma amostra de 160 jovens trabalhadores adultos mexicanos. Nossos resultados apoiaram a consistência interna e a estrutura fatorial do CAAS. Pesos relativos e análise de semelhança indicaram que ambos os construtos compartilhavam a variância explicada dos resultados, mas tinham importância diferente na previsão dos resultados da carreira. Assim, a empregabilidade ainda é relevante, apesar da importância crescente da adaptabilidade à carreira. A adaptabilidade de carreira deve ser incluída nos programas de empregabilidade, refinando os dois conceitos em uma medida mais parcimoniosa.

La empleabilidad y la adaptabilidad de carrera son dos constructos relacionados que se consideran factores importantes para el éxito profesional. La adaptabilidad de carrera es la disposición para hacer frente a las tareas, las transiciones y los cambios actuales y previstos relacionados con la carrera, mientras que la empleabilidad es la capacidad de conservar u obtener un empleo en el mercado laboral. Este artículo presenta una traducción al español de la Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) y analiza la importancia relativa de la adaptabilidad de carrera y la empleabilidad para predecir el éxito profesional (desempeño y satisfacción laboral) en una muestra de 160 jóvenes adultos trabajadores mexicanos. Nuestros resultados respaldaron la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial de CAAS. Las ponderaciones relativas y el análisis de similitudes indicaron que ambos constructos compartían la varianza explicada de los resultados, pero tenían una importancia diferente en la predicción de los resultados profesionales. Por tanto, la empleabilidad sigue siendo relevante a pesar de la creciente importancia de la adaptabilidad de carrera. La adaptabilidad profesional debe incluirse en los programas de empleabilidad, refinando los dos conceptos en una medida más parsimoniosa.

Front Psychol ; 10: 799, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31031675


Workforce ageing and the need to work longer implies several challenges worldwide. Due to the potential for career prolongation, one such implication is to understand how age and perceived employability buffers relationship effects between job insecurity and job satisfaction. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the moderating roles of perceived employability and age on the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction. Hypotheses were tested using a three-way interaction model based on a cross-sectional design with a representative sample of 1,116 Chilean workers. Results show that age plays an important role in employees with high perceived employability; however, it has no effect on employees with low perceived employability. Younger workers with high perceived employability suffer less than do older employees with high perceived employability in terms of intrinsic job satisfaction. From a theoretical point of view, perceived employability in older workers does not reduce the unfavorable consequences of job insecurity. Regarding practical implications, organizations should manage and develop older workers by focusing on intrinsic aspects of their careers and on retirement preparation, as this will improve control and other positive resources in this population.