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Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564493


Fundamento: la comunicación es esencial en el proceso de formación y desarrollo de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en estudiantes de Medicina. Objetivo: caracterizar la dimensión comunicacional de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en estudiantes de Medicina. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva con un diseño mixto del tipo explicativo secuencial, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos en enero-marzo de 2022. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e histórico-lógico; empíricos: cuestionario, observaciones a actividades docentes y grupos focales; y matemático-estadísticos para el análisis de los datos, y el software Atla.ti para el análisis cualitativo de la información. Resultados: se constató que el 65,5 % de los estudiantes afirman que utilizan la comunicación asertiva, mientras que el 43,9 % expresan los mensajes verbales y extraverbales de forma asequible a las otras personas. En los grupos focales los estudiantes aceptaron tener insuficiencias en la formación de las habilidades y presentar limitaciones en sus indicadores, lo que se corresponde con la información obtenida en las observaciones a las actividades docentes. Conclusiones: se caracterizó la dimensión comunicacional de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en estudiantes de Medicina con un nivel medio de comunicación asertiva e insuficiencias en la expresión de mensajes verbales y extraverbales de forma asequible a las otras personas.

Background: communication is essential in the process of training and development of learning-to-learn skills in medical students. Objective: to characterize the communication dimension of the skills of learning to learn in medical students. Methods: a descriptive research with a mixed design of the sequential explanatory type was carried out at Cienfuegos University of Medical Sciences from January to March 2022. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and historical-logical; empirical ones: questionnaire, observations of teaching activities and focal groups; and mathematical-statistical for the analysis of the data, and the Atla.ti software for the qualitative analysis of the information. Results: it was found that 65.5% of the students affirm that they use assertive communication, while 43.9% express verbal and extraverbal messages in a way that is accessible to other people. In the focal groups, the students accepted that they had deficiencies in the training of skills and had limitations in their indicators, which corresponds to the information obtained in the observations of teaching activities. Conclusions: the communication dimension of skills learning-to-learn was characterized in medical students with a medium level of assertive communication and insufficiencies in the expression of verbal and extraverbal messages in a way that is accessible to other people.

Medisur ; 21(4)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514578


Fundamento: la autonomía permite a los estudiantes pensar por sí mismos, con sentido crítico e independencia, tener en cuenta diferentes puntos de vista y actuar en correspondencia con ellos. Constituye un indicador necesario en el estudio de las habilidades de aprender a aprender. Objetivo: caracterizar la autonomía como indicador de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en estudiantes de medicina. Métodos: se empleó un diseño mixto de investigación del tipo explicativo secuencial. La investigación se realizó de octubre de 2021 a marzo de 2022 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos. La muestra no probabilística, intencionada, quedó constituida por 255 estudiantes del primer año de la carrera de Medicina. Para la recolección de información se utilizó el cuestionario que evalúa el nivel de formación de las habilidades de aprender a aprender, observaciones a actividades docentes y grupos focales. Resultados: la autonomía está presente en el 45,4 % de los estudiantes, según cuestionario. En los grupos focales algunos estudiantes reconocen presentar insuficiencias en algunos indicadores de la autonomía, lo que se corresponde con los datos obtenidos en las observaciones a las actividades docentes. Conclusiones: la autonomía como indicador clave de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en los estudiantes del primer año de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos se caracterizó por una baja expresión en los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de medicina.

Background: autonomy allows students to think for themselves, critically and independently, take into account different points of view and act accordingly. It constitutes a necessary indicator in the study of learning-to-learn skills. Objective: to characterize autonomy as an indicator of learning-to-learn skills in medical students. Methods: a mixed research design of the sequential explanatory type was used. The research was carried out from October 2021 to March 2022 at the Cienfuegos University of Medical Sciences. The intentional, non-probabilistic sample was made up of 255 Medicine first-year students. The questionnaire that evaluates the learning to learn skills training level, observations of teaching activities and focus groups were used to collect information. Results: autonomy is present in 45.4% of the students, according to the questionnaire. In the focus groups, some students acknowledge presenting deficiencies in some autonomy indicators, which corresponds to the data obtained in the observations of teaching activities. Conclusions: autonomy as a learning to learn skills key indicator in the Cienfuegos Medical Sciences University first-year students, was characterized by a low expression in the medical students' learning processes.

Front Glob Womens Health ; 2: 634088, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34816192


The resurgence of COVID-19 could deepen the psychological impacts of the pandemic which poses new challenges for mental health professionals. Among the actions that should be prioritized is the monitoring of the groups that have shown greater psychological vulnerability during the first stage of the pandemic. The first aim of our study is to explore the fear reactions to COVID-19 between genders during the second wave of the outbreak in Cuba. Second, establish possible predictors of fear of COVID-19 in relation to gender. Specifically, we will evaluate how anxiety related to COVID-19, health self-perception, and worry about the resurgence of COVID-19 predict fear reactions among women and men in the Cuban population. A cross-sectional online study was designed. The research was conducted between August 16 and October 18, 2020. A total of 373 people completed the online survey. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale and the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale were used. An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare the fear, worry, anxiety and self-perceived health scores, between genders. The relationship between those variables and fear of COVID-19, was investigated using Pearson correlation coefficient. Finally, multiple linear regression was used to evaluate the possible associations (predictors) related to fear of COVID-19. In our study, women, compared to men, presented greater fear reactions, greater concern about resurgence of COVID-19 and poorer self-perceived health. Anxiety reactions in our sample showed no differences between genders. In women, anxiety of COVID-19, worry about resurgence of COVID-19, and self-perceived health are associated with fear reactions to COVID-19. In the case of men, the self-perceived health showed no associations with fear reactions. Our results confirm the results of several related investigations during the first wave of the pandemic where women have shown greater psychological vulnerability compared to men. However, we cannot rule out that the real impact of the pandemic on mental health in men is much greater than that described by the studies conducted to date. Additional studies are needed on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on men.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(2): 305-314, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279423


RESUMEN La lógica difusa trata de copiar la forma en que los humanos toman decisiones. Específicamente en el área médica, se utiliza desde hace varios años en estudios aplicados a áreas como: ingeniería biomédica, sistemas expertos, modelos epidemiológicos y sistemas diagnósticos. Se confeccionó un cuestionario para medir la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral en adolescentes cubanos; se utilizó la lógica difusa en el proceso de validación por expertos, mediante el software PROCESA_CE (2013). En el nivel de concordancia de los expertos se rechazó la hipótesis nula de que no existe comunidad de preferencia entre ellos, para un nivel de significación de 0,01; esto garantizó, con un 99% de confiabilidad, que es posible hacer valoraciones a partir del consenso de estos expertos. Además, se corroboró la existencia de un consenso de 5 en todos los ítems.

ABSTRACT Fuzzy logic tries to copy the way humans make decisions. It has been used for several years, specifically in the medical field, in studies applied to areas such as biomedical engineering, expert systems, epidemiological models and diagnostic systems. A questionnaire was prepared to measure the quality of life related to oral health in Cuban adolescents; Fuzzy logic was used in the validation process based on expert criteria, using the PROCESA_CE (2013) software. According to expert agreements, the null hypothesis that there is no community of preference among them was rejected, for a significance level of 0.01; this guaranteed, with 99% reliability, that it is possible to make assessments based on their consensuses. In addition, the existence of a consensus of five in all items was corroborated.

Revisão por Pares , Lógica Fuzzy , Medicina Bucal
Psychol Russ ; 14(3): 119-131, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36733543


Background: The study of aspects related to positive mental health and well-being in the general population with a gender approach is a necessity in the current context imposed by COVID-19. Objective: To explore gender as a predictor of subjective well-being during COVID-19 in a sample of the Cuban population. Design: A cross-sectional web-based survey design was adopted. The sample consisted of 129 Cuban participants. The Subjective Well-being-Reduced Scale (SW-RS) was used to explore subjective well-being in the sample. Descriptive statistics were used to explore the participants' characteristics. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify variables independently associated with the participants' subjective well-being. Results: The gender of participants significantly predicted subjective well-being levels. The probability of males having middle or high levels of subjective well-being, rather than low levels, was 4.16 times greater than in females. The probability of males having a high self-image instead of a low one was 4.35 times greater than in females. According to the self-satisfaction dimension, the odds of males having high rather than low self-satisfaction were five times more than in females. In this sample, gender did not predict whether participants had middle or high levels of the hedonic dimension. Conclusion: Our results corroborated international studies that have indicated the coincidence of lower well-being and greater psychosocial risk in women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results also indicated the need to dig deeper into the experiences of subjective well-being from a gender perspective, and to strengthen the sufficiency and effectiveness of the actions and guidance that are offered to the population from psychological care services, the media, and public policies.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(4): e846, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156509


Introducción: Ante la presencia del SARS-CoV-2, nuevo coronavirus y agente causal de la COVID-19, se ha desencadenado a nivel mundial una pandemia traducida en millones de enfermos y altas tasas de letalidad. Esta crisis presenta desafíos a todos los niveles, de ahí que la Psicología como ciencia del comportamiento, tenga la función no solo de predecir cómo va a afectar a las personas, sino cómo ayudar a reducir su impacto emocional. Objetivo: Proponer Boletines de autoayuda como herramientas de apoyo psicológico para el fomento de estrategias de afrontamiento ante la crisis generada por la COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo mediante un diseño de investigación - acción, este se estructuró como un proceso de difusión de innovaciones y siguió tres etapas de trabajo: conocimiento de la innovación, persuasión para la adopción de la innovación y decisión de adopción de la innovación Resultados: Hasta el cierre de este informe, se alcanzó un promedio de 23 930 visitas para la totalidad de los 10 boletines publicados. Se manifestó el predominio de visualizaciones en las féminas, sin embargo, coinciden hombres y mujeres en las edades comprendidas entre 25 - 34 años. Se valoraron de forma favorable los temas relacionados con el cuidado y el autocuidado; la familia; alteraciones en el comportamiento y adultos mayores. Conclusiones: Los comentarios realizados por los beneficiarios de las acciones de autoayuda propuestas, muestran la pertinencia para la situación de crisis actual. Se identificó una dinámica de cambio favorecedora a nivel reflexivo - vivencial y conductualAU)

Introduction: In the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus and causative agent of COVID-19, a pandemic has been triggered worldwide, resulting in millions of patients and high fatality rates. This crisis presents challenges at all levels, hence Psychology as a behavioral science, has the function not only of predicting how it will affect people, but also how to help reduce their emotional impact. Objective: Propose self-help bulletins as psychological support tools to promote coping strategies in the face of the crisis generated by COVID-19. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted through an action-research design, this was structured as a process of diffusion of innovations and followed three stages of work: knowledge of innovation, persuasion for adoption of innovation and decision to adopt innovation Results: Until the closing of this report, an average of 23930 visits were reached for the totality of the 10 published bulletins. The predominance of visualizations in females was manifested, however, men and women between the ages of 25-34 years coincide. Issues related to care and self-care; family; behavioral alterations and older adults were favorably evaluated. Conclusions: The comments made by the beneficiaries of the proposed self-help actions show the relevance for the current crisis situation. A favorable dynamic of change was identified at the reflective-experiential and behavioral levelAU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Autocuidado/psicologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/psicologia , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
Medisur ; 18(4): 621-630, jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125245


RESUMEN Fundamento: la universidad médica tiene dentro de sus objetivos desarrollar la autogestión del conocimiento en los estudiantes, propósito que puede lograrse mediante la formación y desarrollo de las habilidades de aprender a aprender. Objetivo: valorar la formación de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en los estudiantes de medicina en la Universidad Médica de Cienfuegos desde los criterios de los profesores de la disciplina de Psicología. Métodos: investigación de desarrollo a partir de un diseño descriptivo de corte trasversal, realizada durante el mes de febrero del 2018 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos, empleando como métodos esenciales analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y la encuesta para la recolección de información. El universo lo constituyeron los nueve profesores que imparten la disciplina de Psicología. Se exploraron siete variables: forma en que los estudiantes autogestionan el conocimiento; estimulación de la autogestión del conocimiento; actividades de los estudiantes; habilidades del pensamiento; vías por las que construyen el conocimiento los estudiantes; funciones del profesor como mediador del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje; habilidades conformadoras del desarrollo personal. Resultados: los estudiantes autogestionan el conocimiento solo en algunas ocasiones, la preparación para las evaluaciones es insuficiente, pobre uso de las diferentes vías para la búsqueda de información. Conclusiones: los profesores consideran que es insuficiente el desarrollo de las habilidades de aprender a aprender en los estudiantes de Medicina.

ABSTRACT Foundation: the medical university has among its objectives to develop the self-management of knowledge in students, a purpose that can be achieved by training and developing the skills of learning to learn. Objective: to assess the skills formation of learning to learn in medical students at the Medical University of Cienfuegos from the criteria of the professors of the Psychology discipline. Methods: development research based on a descriptive cross-sectional design carried out during the month of February 2018 at the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos, using essentially analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and survey methods for collecting information. The universe was made up of the nine professors who teach the discipline of Psychology. Seven variables were explored: how students self-manage knowledge; stimulation of self-management of knowledge; student activities; thinking skills; ways in which students build knowledge; functions of the teacher as mediator of the teaching-learning process; shaping skills of personal development. Results: students self-manage knowledge only in some occasions, preparation for evaluations is insufficient and there is a poor use of the different means for searching information. Conclusions: professors consider that development of the learning to learn skill in the medical students is insufficient.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 24(2): 301-316, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-766929


Este estudio desarrolló la validación de constructo del Cuestionario de Creencias Epistemológicas sobre la Matemática, versión traducida y adaptada del instrumento de Walker (2007). Participaron 2023 alumnos de secundaria básica de la región central de Cuba. El 51.2 % pertenecía al sexo femenino y el 48.7 % al masculino. Se confirmó un modelo de creencias sobre la matemática de cuatro dimensiones relacionadas, que siguen un desarrollo asincrónico y valores aceptables de fiabilidad. Los índices de bondad de ajuste del modelo encontrados (GFI=.97; CFI=.94; RMSEA=.03) demostraron la validez del cuestionario para medir con 18 ítems las creencias epistemológicas sobre la matemática.

This study developed the construct validity of the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire on Mathematics, translated and adapted from Walker's instrument (2007).A total of 2023 students from secondary schools in the central region of Cuba participated. Of these students, 51.2% were female, and 48.7% were male. The study confirms a model of beliefs about mathematics of four related dimensions following an asynchronous development and acceptable values of reliability. The goodness of fit indices (GFI=.97; CFI=.94; RMSEA=.03) for the model demonstrate the validity of the questionnaire's use of 18 items for measuring epistemological beliefs about mathematics.

Este estudo desenvolveu a validação de constructo do Questionário de Crenças Epistemológicas sobre a Matemática, versão traduzida e adaptada do instrumento de Walker (2007). Participaram 2.023 alunos de secundária básica da região central de Cuba. 51,2% pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 48,7% ao masculino. Confirmou-se um modelo de crenças sobre a matemática de 4 dimensões relacionadas, que seguem um desenvolvimento assincrônico e valores aceitáveis de fiabilidade. Os índices de bondade de ajuste do modelo encontrados (GFI=.97; CFI=.94; RMSEA=.03) demonstraram a validade do questionário para medir com 18 itens as crenças epistemológicas sobre a matemática.