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Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 40(2)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387256


Resumen En este artículo se revisan las significaciones imaginarias sociales centrales de género, cuerpo e identidad a partir de la metodología característica de la psicología institucional. Esta es considera- da un campo profesional y una perspectiva de construcción de conocimiento aplicable a cualquier ámbito, lo que la convierte en especialmente apropiada para visibilizar la forma en que funciona la construcción colectiva de las significaciones imaginarias sociales, que influyen sobre los modos de hacer y entender la realidad. Se realiza un breve recorrido histórico sobre los conceptos tradicionales de género, cuerpo e identidad y también se intenta dar cuenta de algunas posibles derivas, que se plantean en la actualidad, a partir de su cuestionamiento y deconstrucción. Se trata de visibilizar cómo funcionan estos sentidos y las transformaciones que han sufrido a lo largo del tiempo. Al ser significaciones de primer orden, los sentidos asociados al género, cuerpo e identidad condicionan los modos de hacer en las prácticas profesionales y en la vida corriente. Si estos se sostienen sobre categorías sociales heteronormativas, binarias y cis-sexuales, se entiende cómo han influido en los modos particulares de concebir las conceptualizaciones básicas de la Psicología al patologizar la diferencia y vulnerar los derechos humanos de las disidencias sexuales. Es urgente la revisión de la disciplina desde una perspectiva de género. Este trabajo da el puntapié inicial e invita a que se continúe con otras conceptualizaciones básicas.

Abstract In this article, the central imaginary social meanings of gender, body, and identity are reviewed based on the characteristic methodology of institutional psychology. This is considered a professional field but also a knowledge-buil- ding perspective applicable to any milieu, appropriate for visualizing the way in which the social construction of imaginary social significations works and influences ways of being and understanding reality. The traditional concepts of gender, body, and identity are reviewed in a short historical overview, as well as current drifts from the questioning and deconstruction thereof. The aim is to visualize how these senses work and the transformations they have undergone over time. Being central significations, the ways of understanding gender, body, and identity determine behavior in professional practices and in everyday life. As sustained on heteronormative, binary, and cis-sexual social categories, it is understood how they have influenced the particular ways of conceiving the basic conceptualizations of psychology, pathologizing difference and violating the human rights of sexual diversity. There is an urgent need to review the discipline from a gender perspective. This monograph provides the starting point and invites a furtherance with other basic conceptualizations.

Identificação Social , Estudos de Gênero
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 227-237, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-131469


Se parte de la hipótesis de que la indumentaria funcionaría como metáfora de la propia personalidad y de los vínculos que establece el sujeto con su entorno y la sociedad en su conjunto. Se informa un recorrido bibliográfico proponiendo la creación y búsqueda de conceptos ordenadores. La construcción de yuxtaposiciones de conceptualizaciones provenientes de distintas disciplinas que dan cuenta de un fenómeno común, permitiría producir visiones novedosas sobre la temática estudiada. A partir del rastreo bibliográfico realizado se concluye que la indumentaria, en su relación con el cuerpo puede pensarse más que como una metáfora, como una dialéctica. Puede aventurarse que el vestido formaría parte constitutiva de la o las imágenes corporales que se tienen de sí mismo, por lo cual integraría la identidad de los sujetos e intervendría en la regulación de los intercambios sociales que los individuos establecen con otros y con su entorno.(AU)

The objective of this essay was to perform a bibliographic exploration that engages sources from different social science disciplines, aiming to establish some of the connections that occurs between culture and body images construction, and between the latter and clothing. Body and clothing are taken as object of study with the purpose of continuing the work already carried on in a previous paper (Velázquez, 2011). Although the preceding investigation takes the hypothesis that the dress would work as a metaphor for the personality and the connections the subject establishes with its immediate environment and society as a starting point, the traditional hypothetico - deductive method was not used. The social sciences, among which are included some of the disciplines that will be taken here as a reference, can be considered multi-paradigmatic. They are not regulated by a single theoretical paradigm as Kuhn (1971) praised, but instead they rely on multiple theories or logic-bubbles (de Bono, 1992) that achieve partial statements, or attempts at explanations, reduced to the portion of reality that each of them take as object of study. In this context, the multiple theories that coexist in social sciences overlap explanations, arise conceptual conflicts and let, most certainly, gaps and blind spots in the limits of their conceptions. It is therefore proposed, for the sake of scientific progress out of conflict and creativity, the search and creation of organizing concepts according to Saltalamacchia (1997). The articulation of theories from different disciplines, understood as overlapping metaphors that try to explain the same reality, enables the production of novel insights about the studied subject and the creation of new theories. Given the bibliographic research done, it can be visualized that subjectivity and society are in fact a network of relationships which effect on actual practice and daily life is structured by imaginary significations (Castoriadis, 1975) that configure the way we act and think. It can be also be stated that body and clothing can become a privileged observable for the study of the workings of this web of interrelationships. Therefore, studying the field in which clothing, inextricably related to the body, intervenes, and the ways in which it does, involves analyzing the discourses, practices and institutions that shape the representations of body, identity and society. Clothing, in its relation to the body, can be conceived as dialectic rather than as a metaphor. If, in opposition to substantialism (Carpio, 2003), things cannot be considered in themselves but only in terms of their relations, it is possible to conceive the biological body as the thesis and clothing as the anti-thesis, the synthesis of which would be body image or images. In this line of thought, it can be ventured that clothing may be a constituent part of the body image that we form of ourselves, reason because it also would integrate the identity of subjects and intervene in the regulation of social exchanges that individuals establish with others and with their environment. The study of the specific ways in which clothing is involved in the relationships that individuals establish with their surroundings and society can be enriched from different disciplinary perspectives and under the scrutiny of various methods of analysis. All these lines of analysis will be stimulating and appropriate for the planned study. In this respect, this assay attempts to register a particular bibliographic tour, among many possible others, that is concerned with the issue under study and report on the significant contributions that may be useful for investigations of this nature. Un doubtedly, this task has an initial character and will achieve its full significance once the contributions collected are tested in the fieldwork.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 227-237, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734358


Se parte de la hipótesis de que la indumentaria funcionaría como metáfora de la propia personalidad y de los vínculos que establece el sujeto con su entorno y la sociedad en su conjunto. Se informa un recorrido bibliográfico proponiendo la creación y búsqueda de conceptos ordenadores. La construcción de yuxtaposiciones de conceptualizaciones provenientes de distintas disciplinas que dan cuenta de un fenómeno común, permitiría producir visiones novedosas sobre la temática estudiada. A partir del rastreo bibliográfico realizado se concluye que la indumentaria, en su relación con el cuerpo puede pensarse más que como una metáfora, como una dialéctica. Puede aventurarse que el vestido formaría parte constitutiva de la o las imágenes corporales que se tienen de sí mismo, por lo cual integraría la identidad de los sujetos e intervendría en la regulación de los intercambios sociales que los individuos establecen con otros y con su entorno.

The objective of this essay was to perform a bibliographic exploration that engages sources from different social science disciplines, aiming to establish some of the connections that occurs between culture and body image's construction, and between the latter and clothing. Body and clothing are taken as object of study with the purpose of continuing the work already carried on in a previous paper (Velázquez, 2011). Although the preceding investigation takes the hypothesis that the dress would work as a metaphor for the personality and the connections the subject establishes with its immediate environment and society as a starting point, the traditional hypothetico - deductive method was not used. The social sciences, among which are included some of the disciplines that will be taken here as a reference, can be considered multi-paradigmatic. They are not regulated by a single theoretical paradigm as Kuhn (1971) praised, but instead they rely on multiple theories or logic-bubbles (de Bono, 1992) that achieve partial statements, or attempts at explanations, reduced to the portion of reality that each of them take as object of study. In this context, the multiple theories that coexist in social sciences overlap explanations, arise conceptual conflicts and let, most certainly, gaps and blind spots in the limits of their conceptions. It is therefore proposed, for the sake of scientific progress out of conflict and creativity, the search and creation of organizing concepts according to Saltalamacchia (1997). The articulation of theories from different disciplines, understood as overlapping metaphors that try to explain the same reality, enables the production of novel insights about the studied subject and the creation of new theories. Given the bibliographic research done, it can be visualized that subjectivity and society are in fact a network of relationships which effect on actual practice and daily life is structured by imaginary significations (Castoriadis, 1975) that configure the way we act and think. It can be also be stated that body and clothing can become a privileged observable for the study of the workings of this web of interrelationships. Therefore, studying the field in which clothing, inextricably related to the body, intervenes, and the ways in which it does, involves analyzing the discourses, practices and institutions that shape the representations of body, identity and society. Clothing, in its relation to the body, can be conceived as dialectic rather than as a metaphor. If, in opposition to substantialism (Carpio, 2003), things cannot be considered in themselves but only in terms of their relations, it is possible to conceive the biological body as the thesis and clothing as the anti-thesis, the synthesis of which would be body image or images. In this line of thought, it can be ventured that clothing may be a constituent part of the body image that we form of ourselves, reason because it also would integrate the identity of subjects and intervene in the regulation of social exchanges that individuals establish with others and with their environment. The study of the specific ways in which clothing is involved in the relationships that individuals establish with their surroundings and society can be enriched from different disciplinary perspectives and under the scrutiny of various methods of analysis. All these lines of analysis will be stimulating and appropriate for the planned study. In this respect, this assay attempts to register a particular bibliographic tour, among many possible others, that is concerned with the issue under study and report on the significant contributions that may be useful for investigations of this nature. Un doubtedly, this task has an initial character and will achieve its full significance once the contributions collected are tested in the fieldwork.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662085


El siguiente texto aparece contextualizado en el seno del proyecto de investigación Análisis de la práctica de la psicología jurídica en relación a los delitos contra la integridad sexual (ley 25087/99) y los derechos sexuales. Dimensiones institucional-organizacional, simbólico-imaginaria e histórico-genealógica (P423); Directora: Lic. Matilde de la Iglesia, UBACyT 2008-2010. En el intento de cartograiar (Guattari, 2000; Guattari-Rolnik, 2006) los imaginarios sociales acerca de los derechos sexuales, se trabajó en la indagación de fuentes gráicas -fotografías e internet- para determinar bajo qué operaciones de asignación de sentido los medios de comunicación construyen imágenes posibles en sus discursos, acerca de derechos sexuales, cuerpo; y sus efectos concretos en la constitución subjetiva de los individuos. En los catálogos de ropa infantil, que se han tomado como representativos y colaboradores activos en la construcción de significaciones culturales acerca de la infancia contemporánea, aparecen imágenes de niños con características adultas, o por lo menos modelos cuyos rasgos infantiles tratan de disimularse.

The following paper appears in the context of the works of the UBACYT P423, 2008/10, research group, Analysis of the practice on legal psychology in relation to crimes against sexual integrity (law nº 25087/99) and sexual rights: organizational-institutional, symbolical-imaginary, and genealogical-historical dimensions. Director: B.A. Matilde de la Iglesia. In the attempt of charting (Guattari, 2000; Guattari-Rolnik, 2006) the social imaginaries of social rights, graphics sources -photographs and internet- were used in order to determinate under which sense-giving operations the media constructs possible images of sex rights and body; and their effects on individual subjective constitution. In children's clothing catalogs, that have been taken as representatives and active collaborators of cultural signification of contemporary childhood, images of children with adults features are shown, or at least models whose childish features have to be dissimulated.

J Chem Phys ; 125(22): 224107, 2006 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17176134


The electrostatic interactions in dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations are calculated using the standard Ewald [Ann. Phys. 64, 253 (1921)] sum method. Charge distributions on DPD particles are included to prevent artificial ionic pair formation. This proposal is an alternative method to that introduced recently by Groot [J. Chem. Phys. 118, 11265 (2003)] where the electrostatic field was solved locally on a lattice. The Ewald method is applied to study a bulk electrolyte and polyelectrolyte-surfactant solutions. The structure of the fluid is analyzed through the radial distribution function between charged particles. The results are in good agreement with those reported by Groot for the same systems. We also calculated the radius of gyration of a polyelectrolyte in salt solution as a function of solution pH and degree of ionization of the chain. The radius of gyration increases with the net charge of the polymer in agreement with the trend found in static light scattering experiments of polystyrene sulfonate solutions.

J Chem Phys ; 124(8): 084104, 2006 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16512705


We have performed dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations to evaluate the effect that finite size of transversal area has on stress anisotropy and interfacial tension. The simulations were carried out in one phase and two phases in parallelepiped cells. In one-phase simulations there is no finite-size effect on stress anisotropy when the simulation is performed using repulsive forces. However, an oscillatory function of stress anisotropy is found for attractive-repulsive interactions. In the case of liquid-liquid interfaces with repulsive interaction between molecules, there is only a small effect of surface area on interfacial tension when the simulations are performed using the Monte Carlo method at constant temperature and normal pressure. An important but artificial finite-size effect of interfacial area on surface tension is found in simulations in the canonical ensemble. Reliable results of interfacial tension from DPD simulations can be obtained using small systems, less than 2000 particles, when they interact exclusively with repulsive forces.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 94(5): 583-6, Sept. 1999. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-241313


A cross-sectional study in Itagua, Paraguay tested 192 people for the presence, intensity and species of hookworm infection. Fifty-nine percent of these individuals were found to be infected. Intensity of infection was determined on 92 per cent of infected individuals by quantitative egg counts. The high intensity hookworm infections, which cause the greatest morbidity, were clustered between the ages of five and 14 years. No differences were seen between genders. The species of hookworm was determined for parasites reared from 72 per cent of infected individuals. Both Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale were identified, although the former species predominated. We conclude that hookworm infection continues to be a public health problem in Paraguay, particularly among children and adolescents who suffer from high intensity infections. A. duodenale continues to persist in the Western Hemisphere and has not been completely displaced by N. americanus.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ancylostoma/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Uncinaria/epidemiologia , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Paraguai/epidemiologia