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Trop Med Infect Dis ; 8(3)2023 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36977183


Cases of cryptococcosis have been reported in patients with COVID-19. The majority are in patients with severe symptoms or who received immunosuppressants. However, there is still no clear association between COVID-19 and cryptococcosis. We report eight cases of cerebral cryptococcosis associated with CD4+ T lymphocytopenia in non-HIV patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The median age was 57 years and 5/8 were male. In addition, 2/8 of patients had diabetes, and 8/8 had a history of mild COVID-19, with a median of 75 days before diagnosis of cerebral cryptococcosis. All patients denied having received prior immunosuppressive therapy. The most frequent symptoms were confusion (8/8), headache (7/8), vomiting (6/8), and nausea (6/8) All patients were diagnosed by isolating Cryptococcus in cerebrospinal fluid. The median CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes were 247 and 173.5, respectively. Other causes of immunosuppression, such as HIV or HTLV infection, were excluded in all patients. Finally, three patients died, and one presented long-term visual and auditory sequelae. The CD4+/CD8+ T lymphocyte count normalized during follow-up in those patients who survived. We hypothesize that CD4+ T lymphocytopenia in the patients in this case series could increase the risk of cryptococcosis after SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 78(2): 115-120, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-752361


La sífilis es una enfermedad sistémica causada por la espiroqueta Treponema pallidum que compromete al sistema nervioso central en cualquier etapa y cuyas presentaciones clínicas se modificaron en las últimas décadas. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 16 años con antecedentes de conducta sexual de riesgo y sífilis hace 3 años, sin recibir tratamiento. Acude por cefalea y disminución de visión hace 4 meses. Evaluación inicial objetiva hemianopsia homónima derecha, edema papilar bilateral y retinopatía exudativa izquierda. Pruebas serológicas de sífilis reactivas, VIH: no reactivo. Resonancia magnética de encéfalo: proceso expansivo en lóbulo occipital izquierdo captador de contraste. Recibió tratamiento para sífilis por 3 días y por sospecha inicial de proceso neoproliferativo se realizó biopsia que evidenció proceso granulomatosocrónico sifilítico. En su reingreso, mostró mayor compromiso de agudeza y defecto del campo visual. Potenciales evocados visuales: ausente en ambos ojos. Se inició Penicilina G sódica por 4 semanas (por evidencia de mejoría imagenológica) asociado a corticoides, encontrando disminución serológica y discreta mejoría clínica al término del tratamiento. La neurosífilis gomatosa esuna presentación infrecuente de la sífilis terciaria debiéndose considerar como diagnóstico diferencial en lesiones expansivas intracraneales en individuos VIHseronegativos con serología de sífilis reactiva.

Syphilis is a systemic disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum which can compromise the central nervous system at any stage and whose clinical presentations have been modified in recent decades. Were port the case of a 16 years old male with a 3-years history of sexual risk behavior and syphilis with no treatment who experienced headache and decreased vision for four months. Initial assessment showed right homonymous hemianopia, bilateral papilledema and left exudative retinopathy. Serological tests for syphilis: reactive HIV: non-reactive. Brain MRI revealed a single irregularly enhancing lesion in the left occipital lobe. He received treatment for syphilis for three days, and stereotactic biopsies were performed by the initial suspicion of brain tumour. Histological examination showed a chronic granulomatous consistent with neurosyphilis. In his read mission, greater affectation of acuity and visual field defect was evident. Visual evoked potentials: absent in both eyes. Penicillin G sodium was initiated for 4weeks (for evidence of improvement imagenological)associated with corticosteroids, showing serological and discrete clinical improvement at the end of treatment decreased. The gummatous neurosyphilisis a rare form of tertiary syphilis which ever considered as differential expansive intracranial lesions in HIV-seronegative individuals with reactive syphilis serology.