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Toxics ; 5(4)2017 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29140305


Due to their very low values, the complexity of comparing the contribution of nuclear power plants (NPPs) to environmental radioactivity with modeled values is recognized. In order to compare probabilistic prognosis of radioactivity concentrations with environmental measurement values, an exercise was performed using public data of radioactive routine discharges from three representative Spanish nuclear power plants. Specifically, data on liquid discharges from three Spanish NPPs: Almaraz, Vandellós II, and Ascó to three different aquatic bodies (river, lake, and coast) were used. Results modelled using generic conservative models together with Monte Carlo techniques used for uncertainties propagation were compared with values of radioactivity concentrations in the environment measured in the surroundings of these NPPs. Probability distribution functions were inferred for the source term, used as an input to the model to estimate the radioactivity concentrations in the environment due to discharges to the water bodies. Radioactivity concentrations measured in bottom sediments were used in the exercise due to their accumulation properties. Of all the radioisotopes measured in the environmental monitoring programs around the NPPs, only Cs-137, Sr-90, and Co-60 had positive values greater than their respective detection limits. Of those, Sr-90 and Cs-137 are easily measured in the environment, but significant contribution from the radioactive fall-out due to nuclear explosions in the atmosphere exists, and therefore their values cannot be attributed to the NPPs. On the contrary, Co-60 is especially useful as an indicator of the radioactive discharges from NPPs because its presence in the environment can solely be attributed to the impact of the closer nuclear facilities. All the modelled values for Co-60 showed a reasonable correspondence with measured environmental data in all cases, being conservative in two of them. The more conservative predictions obtained with the models were the activity concentrations in the sediments of a lake (Almaraz) where, on average, values two times higher were obtained. For the case of rivers (Ascó), calculated results were adequately conservative-up to 3.4 times on average. However, the results for coasts (Vandellos II) were in the same range as the environmental measurements, obtaining predictions that are only-at maximum-1.1 times higher than measured values. Only for this specific case of coasts could it be established that the models are not conservative enough, although the results, on average, are relatively close to the real values.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (49): 9-14, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738942


RESUMEN Los balnearios de aguas termales procedentes de capas geológicas profundas se han identificado como escenarios típicos de exposición a radiaciones de origen natural, tanto para los pacientes que se someten a los tratamientos como para los trabajadores de estas instalaciones, debido a la permanencia en lugares con niveles incrementados de radiación. Por ello se realizan en estos balnearios estudios de caracterización dirigidos a evaluar el impacto radiológico que producen sobre estas categorías poblacionales. El balneario de Elguea, ubicado en la costa norte de Villa Clara, está equipado para brindar servicios que emplean las aguas termales y los lodos en la zona del balneario. Las aguas de este balneario contienen niveles significativos de radón. En este trabajo se presentan las estimaciones de dosis realizadas a partir de la caracterización radiológica del balneario y su entorno, tanto para los trabajadores como para los pacientes que reciben tratamientos. Los valores de dosis estimados se encontraron en el intervalo de 1,01 a 180 μSv/año para los trabajadores, que resultó ser el grupo más irradiado, y no indicaron la necesidad de adoptar medidas o regulaciones especiales de protección.

ABSTRACT The use of hot spring waters from deep geologic layers in spas has been identified as typical scenarios of exposure to natural radiation. These scenarios can affect the patients under treatment, as well as the workers of these facilities. Therefore, characterization studies are being undertaken in these spas in order to evaluate the radiological impact they produce on these categories of population. The Elguea Spa, located on the northern coast of Villa Clara, Cuba, is equipped to provide services by using hot spring waters and mud existing in the zone of the spa. Its waters contain significant levels of radon. Present paper shows the dose estimates made from the radiological characterization of the spa and its surroundings, both for workers and the patients receiving treatment. The dose values are in the range of 1,01 to 180 μSv/year for workers, the most irradiated group, and these results suggest that there is no need for special protection measures or regulations.