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An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 81(4): 757-768, Dec. 2009. graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-529935


Despite the indisputable significance of identification of modern analogs for Paleoecology research, relatively few studies attempted to integrate modern and fossil samples on paleoenvironmental reconstructions. In Palynology, this general pattern is not different from other fields of Paleoecology. This study demonstrates the practical application of modern pollen deposition data on paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on fossil pollen by using multivariate analysis. The main goal of this study was to use Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to compare pollen samples from two sediment cores collected at Lagoa Salgada, a coastal lagoon located at northeastern Rio de Janeiro State. Furthermore, modern surface samples were also statistically compared with samples from both cores, providing new paleoecological insights. DCA demonstrated that samples from both cores are more similar than previously expected, and that a strong pattern, related to a paleoenvironmental event, is present within the fossil data, clearly identifying in the scatter plot samples that represent pre- and post-environmental change. Additionally, it became apparent that modern vegetation and environmental conditions were established in this region 2500 years before present (BP). Multivariate Analysis allowed a more reliable integration of modern and fossil pollen data, proving to be a powerful tool in Paleoecology studies that should be employed more often on paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

Apesar da indiscutível importância da identificação de análogos modernos para estudos de Paleoecologia, relativamente poucos estudos procuraram integrar amostras modernas e fósseis em reconstruções paleoambientais. Na Palinologia este padrão não é diferente de outras áreas da Paleoecologia. Este estudo demonstra a aplicação prática de dados de deposição polínica atual em reconstruções paleoambientais baseadas em pólen fóssil utilizando análises multivariadas. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de usar a Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada (DCA) para comparar amostras palinoló-gicas de dois testemunhos coletados na Lagoa Salgada, uma laguna costeira localizada no nordeste do Rio de Janeiro. Além disso, amostras atuais foram comparadas estatisticamente com amostras de ambos os testemunhos, fornecendo novas interpretações paleoecológicas. DCA demonstrou que as amostras dos testemunhos são mais similares do que esperado inicialmente, e que existe um padrão consistente nos dados fósseis (relacionado a um evento paleoambiental), identificando claramente no diagrama de dispersão as amostras pré- e pós-distúrbio. Além do mais, tornou-se aparente que a vegetação atual se estabeleceu na região 2500 anos antes do presente (AP). A análise multivariada permitiu uma integração mais confiável dos dados polínicos fósseis e atuais, confirmando ser uma ferramenta poderosa para estudos em Paleoecologia, e que certamente deveria ser empregada com mais freqüência em reconstruções paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais.

Ecologia/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Pólen , Paleontologia/métodos , Brasil , Fósseis , Análise Multivariada
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 81(4): 757-68, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19893900


Despite the indisputable significance of identification of modern analogs for Paleoecology research, relatively few studies attempted to integrate modern and fossil samples on paleoenvironmental reconstructions. In Palynology, this general pattern is not different from other fields of Paleoecology. This study demonstrates the practical application of modern pollen deposition data on paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on fossil pollen by using multivariate analysis. The main goal of this study was to use Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to compare pollen samples from two sediment cores collected at Lagoa Salgada, a coastal lagoon located at northeastern Rio de Janeiro State. Furthermore, modern surface samples were also statistically compared with samples from both cores, providing new paleoecological insights. DCA demonstrated that samples from both cores are more similar than previously expected, and that a strong pattern, related to a paleoenvironmental event, is present within the fossil data, clearly identifying in the scatter plot samples that represent pre- and post-environmental change. Additionally, it became apparent that modern vegetation and environmental conditions were established in this region 2500 years before present (BP). Multivariate Analysis allowed a more reliable integration of modern and fossil pollen data, proving to be a powerful tool in Paleoecology studies that should be employed more often on paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

Ecologia/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Paleontologia/métodos , Pólen , Brasil , Fósseis , Análise Multivariada
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 80(2): 341-351, June 2008. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-482889


The main goal of this study was to investigate how climate and human activities may have influenced ecotonal areas of disjoint savannas within Brazilian Amazonia. The fossil pollen and charcoal records of Lake Márcio (Amapá) were used to provide a Holocene palaeoecological history of this region. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to enhance the patterns of sample distribution along the sediment core. A marked vegetation change from closed forests with swamp elements to open flooded savanna at c. 5000 yrs BP was evident from the pollen record. Charcoal analysis revealed a pattern of increased accumulation of particles coincident with the establishment of savannas, suggesting higher fire frequency and human impacts near the lake. A 550-year sedimentary hiatus suggests that the lake depended heavily on floodwaters from the Amazon River, and that it became suddenly isolated from it. When sedimentation restarted in the lake, the environment had changed. A combination of factors, such as reduced river flooding, palaeofires and human occupation may have had a tremendous impact on the environment. As there are no other major changes in vegetation, after 4700 yrs BP, it is plausible to assume that the modern mosaic vegetation formed at that time.

O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a influência do clima e atividades antrópicas em ecótonos de savanas da Amazônia Brasileira. Os registros palinológicos e de microcarvões do Lago Márcio (Amapá) foram utilizados a fim de fornecer a história paleoecológica desta região durante o Holoceno. Foi utilizada a técnica de DCA (Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada) para demonstrar os padrões de distribuição de amostras ao longo do testemunho. O registro palinológico evidenciou mudança na vegetação, passando de floresta com elementos brejosos para savana inundada há cerca de 5000 anos AP. A análise de microcarvões revelou um aumento na acumulação de partículas paralelo ao estabelecimento de savanas, indicando alta freqüência de queimadas e do impacto humano próximo ao lago. A ocorrência de um hiato sedimentar de 550 anos sugere que o lago dependia das enchentes sazonais do rio Amazonas, e que se tornou abruptamente isolado. Quando a deposição de sedimentos reiniciou no lago, o ambiente estava mudado. Uma combinação de fatores, tais como redução na freqüência de cheias fluviais, paleo-incêndios, e ocupação humana deve ter tido um tremendo impacto no ambiente. Como não foram observadas outras mudanças importantes na vegetação, após 4700 anos AP, é plausível supor que o mosaico da vegetação atual formou-se naquele período.

História Antiga , Humanos , Clima , Pólen , Árvores/fisiologia , Brasil , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Dinâmica Populacional
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 80(2): 341-51, 2008 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18506261


The main goal of this study was to investigate how climate and human activities may have influenced ecotonal areas of disjoint savannas within Brazilian Amazonia. The fossil pollen and charcoal records of Lake Márcio (Amapá) were used to provide a Holocene palaeoecological history of this region. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to enhance the patterns of sample distribution along the sediment core. A marked vegetation change from closed forests with swamp elements to open flooded savanna at c. 5000 yrs BP was evident from the pollen record. Charcoal analysis revealed a pattern of increased accumulation of particles coincident with the establishment of savannas, suggesting higher fire frequency and human impacts near the lake. A 550-year sedimentary hiatus suggests that the lake depended heavily on floodwaters from the Amazon River, and that it became suddenly isolated from it. When sedimentation restarted in the lake, the environment had changed. A combination of factors, such as reduced river flooding, palaeofires and human occupation may have had a tremendous impact on the environment. As there are no other major changes in vegetation, after 4700 yrs BP, it is plausible to assume that the modern mosaic vegetation formed at that time.

Clima , Pólen , Árvores/fisiologia , Brasil , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , História Antiga , Humanos , Dinâmica Populacional
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 80(1): 191-203, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18345387


Pollen, charcoal, and C14 analyses were performed on a sediment core obtained from Lake Tapera (Amapá) to provide the palaeoenvironmental history of this part of Amazonia. A multivariate analysis technique, Detrended Correspondence Analysis, was applied to the pollen data to improve visualization of sample distribution and similarity. A sedimentary hiatus lasting 5,500 years was identified in the Lake Tapera. Because the timing of the hiatus overlapped with the highest Holocene sea-level, which would have increased the local water table preventing the lake from drying out, it is clear that sea-level was not important in maintaining the lake level. Lake Tapera probably depended on riverine flood waters, and the sedimentary gap was caused by reduced Amazon River discharge, due to an extremely dry period in the Andes (8,000-5,000 years BP), when precipitation levels markedly decreased. The lack of Andean pollen (river transported) in the record after this event supports this interpretation. The pollen analysis shows that when sedimentation resumed in 1,620 cal. years BP, the vegetation around the lake was changed from forest into savanna. This record demonstrates the need to improve our understanding of climate changes and their associated impacts on vegetation dynamics.

Clima , Ecossistema , Pólen , Árvores , Movimentos da Água , Brasil , Radioisótopos de Carbono/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Humanos , Paleontologia/métodos , Dinâmica Populacional
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 80(1): 191-203, Mar. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-477426


Pollen, charcoal, and C14 analyses were performed on a sediment core obtained from Lake Tapera (Amapá) to provide the palaeoenvironmental history of this part of Amazonia. A multivariate analysis technique, Detrended Correspondence Analysis, was applied to the pollen data to improve visualization of sample distribution and similarity. A sedimentary hiatus lasting 5,500 years was identified in the Lake Tapera. Because the timing of the hiatus overlapped with the highest Holocene sea-level, which would have increased the local water table preventing the lake from drying out, it is clear that sea-level was not important in maintaining the lake level. Lake Tapera probably depended on riverine flood waters, and the sedimentary gap was caused by reduced Amazon River discharge, due to an extremely dry period in the Andes (8,000-5,000 years BP), when precipitation levels markedly decreased. The lack of Andean pollen (river transported) in the record after this event supports this interpretation. The pollen analysis shows that when sedimentation resumed in 1,620 cal. years BP, the vegetation around the lake was changed from forest into savanna. This record demonstrates the need to improve our understanding of climate changes and their associated impacts on vegetation dynamics.

Análises de pólen, carvões e datações C foram conduzidas em um testemunho coletado no lago Tapera (Amapá) com o objetivo de interpretar a história paleoambiental desta parte da Amazônia. Uma das técnicas de análises multivariadas, Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada (DCA), foi utilizada a fim de melhor visualizar a distribuição e similaridade das amostras. Foi identificado um hiato sedimentar com duração de 5.500 anos no lago Tapera. Como o hiato ocorreu simultaneamente ao nível do mar mais alto do Holoceno, o que deveria ter aumentado o lençol freático, impedindo assim o lago de secar, é evidente que variações do nível do mar não foram importantes na manutenção do nível do lago. O lago Tapera provavelmente dependia de água das cheias fluviais,e o hiato sedimentar foi causado por uma redução da descarga do Amazonas, devido a um período extremamente seco nos Andes (8.000-5.000 anos cal. AP), quando os níveis de precipitação diminuíram drasticamente. A ausência de pólen transportado dos Andes pelo rio Amazonas no registro sedimentar, após este evento, apóia esta interpretação. A análise palinológica demonstra que quando a sedimentação reiniciou, em 1.620 anos cal. AP, a vegetação em torno do lago havia mudado de floresta para savana. Este registro demonstra a necessidade de melhorar nosso entendimento sobre a extensão e os impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre a evolução da vegetação.

Humanos , Clima , Ecossistema , Pólen , Árvores , Movimentos da Água , Brasil , Radioisótopos de Carbono/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Dinâmica Populacional , Paleontologia/métodos