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Materials (Basel) ; 17(7)2024 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612178


Advances in high-pressure grinding roll (HGPR) technology since its first commercial application in the cement industry include new roll wear protection techniques and new confinement systems. The latter contribute to reductions in the edge effects in an attempt to reach a more homogenous product size along the rolls. Additional advances in this technology have been made in recent years, while modeling and simulation tools are also reaching maturity and can now be used to subject such novel developments to detailed scrutiny. This work applies a hybrid approach combining advanced simulations using the discrete element method, the particle replacement model and multibody dynamics to a phenomenological population balance model to critically assess two recent advances in HPGR technology: spring-loaded cheek plates and the offset roller press. Force and torque controllers, included in the EDEM 2022.1 software, were used to describe the responses of the geometries in contact with the granular material processed. Simulations showed that while the former successfully reduced the lateral bypass of the material by as much as 65% when cheek plates became severely worn, the latter demonstrated lower throughput and higher potential wear but an ability to generate a finer product than the traditional design.

Heliyon ; 5(10): e02566, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31667406


This paper evaluated the feasibility of using residual sugar cane bagasse ash with a high carbon content (as-received SCBA) as raw material to produce a pozzolan after controlled recalcination and grinding. Initially, the as-received SCBA was re-burned using rotary (continuous) and muffle (batch) kilns, both at 600 °C for 1 h. Next, the resulting ash was ground in a closed-circuit ball mill with an air classifier system to obtain a product with 50% passing particle size of approximately 10 µm (SCBA600). SCBA600 was then characterized in terms of oxide composition, loss on ignition, density, specific surface area, and pozzolanic activity. A hydration study was carried out using isothermal calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Additionally, the performance of SCBA600 in mortars was evaluated by axial compression tests. The combination of recalcination at 600 °C, low-energy ultrafine grinding of the material and classification resulted in pozzolanic SCBA. The results also showed that including SCBA600 in cement mortars reduced total accumulated heat and portlandite content in cement-based pastes, in addition to refining pore structure and significantly increasing compressive strength after 3 days of curing.