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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 9(2): 79-90, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054719


Resumen La presente investigación plantea que las creencias irracionales descritas por Albert Ellis son afirmaciones anti empíricas que causan un malestar emocional en quienes las poseen. Por ello se busca analizar la presencia de estas en estudiantes de psicología y su asociación con el nivel de estudios, sexo y lugar de origen. Fueron seleccionados 278 estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. Se utilizó el Registro de Opiniones de Ellis. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes de psicología presentan la creencia 6 (se debe sentir miedo o ansiedad ante cualquier cosa desconocida o potencialmente peligrosa) de manera sumamente limitante, y las creencias 2 (uno debe ser indefectiblemente competente y casi perfecto en todo) y 8 (se necesita contar con algo más grande y fuerte que uno) de manera posiblemente limitante. Por otro lado, se encontró asociación con el nivel de estudios de las creencias 3 (ciertas personas son malas y deberían ser castigadas) y 8, donde, a mayor nivel de estudios, menos creencias. También se verifica asociación entre las creencias irracionales 1 (para un adulto es necesario tener el cariño y la aprobación de sus semejantes, familia y amigos), 3 y 10 (la felicidad aumenta con la inactividad) con sexo.

Abstract The research suggests that Albert Ellis irrational beliefs are antiempirical statements that cause emotional distress in people who possess them. In his theory A B C, argues that what we feel is not based on what happens around us, but on how we interpret that reality. Then, A would become the event that occurs, B the interpretation we make, and C the emotional and behavioral consequence. From this, Albert Ellis groups this idea generating ten final irrational beliefs and creates an instrument to measure them called Registro de Opiniones, which has 100 items, 10 for each of the beliefs. That is why I attempt to analyze the presence of irrational beliefs in psychology students and their correlation with educational level, sex and place of origin. I selected 282 university students getting their BA in psychology at a private university in Lima Metropolitana. The Albert Ellis Inventory, Registro de Opiniones, was applied after obtaining written informed consent. The hypothesis was that there is a correlation between the irrational beliefs of the students and their educational level, sex and place of origin. The results showed than psychology students that the sixth irrational belief is found in an (it should feel fear or anxiety to any unknown, uncertain or potentially dangerous thing) extremely limited way. Belief number 2 (must be unfailingly competent and almost perfect in everything I undertake) and 8 (you need to have something bigger and stronger than oneself) were found in a possibly limiting manner. Beliefs number 3 and 8 were found in a correlating manner with education level. Seeming that as higher level of education less strength of the belief. There was also an association between irrational beliefs 1 (for an adult is absolutely necessary to have the love and approval of their peers, family and friends), 3 and 10 (happiness increases with inactivity, passivity and leisure undefined) with sex. Finally, no association was found between irrational beliefs and place of origin.