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Biodivers Data J ; 11: e98632, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38327355


Background: The Maranhão State harbours great fish diversity, but some areas are still undersampled or little known, such as the Munim River Basin in the northeast of the State. This lack of knowledge is critical when considering anthropogenic impacts on riverine systems especially in the face of major habitat destruction. These pressing threats mean that a comprehensive understanding of diversity is critical and fish checklists extremely relevant. Therefore, the present study provides a checklist of the fish species found in the Munim River Basin, Maranhão State, north-eastern Brazil, based on collected specimens. New information: A total of 123 species were recorded for the Munim River Basin, with only two non-native species, Oreochromisniloticus and Colossomamacropomum, showing that the fish assemblage has relatively high ecological integrity. In addition, 29 species could not be identified at the species level, indicating the presence of species that are probably new to science in the Basin. A predominance of species belonging to the fish orders Characiformes and Siluriformes, with Characidae being recovered as the most species-rich family (21 species) agrees with the general pattern for river basins in the Neotropical Region. The total fish diversity was estimated by extensive fieldwork, including several sampling gears, carried out in different seasons (dry and rainy) and exploring different environments with both daily and nocturnal sampling, from the Basin's source to its mouth. A total of 84 sites were sampled between 2010 and 2022, resulting in 12 years of fieldwork. Fish assemblages were distinct in the Estuary and Upper river basin sections and more similar in the Lower and Middle sections indicating environmental filtering processes. Species were weakly nested across basin sections, but unique species were found in each section (per Simpsons Index). High variability of species richness in the Middle river basin section is likely due to microhabitat heterogeneity supporting specialist fish communities.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(4): e20201116, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142465


Abstract: The Munim River basin is one of the main river drainages of the Hydrological unit Maranhão, but there are few published studies which focus on ichthyological surveys and taxonomic work within this basin. The present study aims to provide a fish species inventory of the Mata da Itamacaoca, one of the few urban protected areas from the upper Munim River basin, comparing the ichthyofauna with other lists by conducted at the upper Munim River basin. A total of 42 collection expeditions were conducted, the sampling was conducted at five collecting sites distributed within the boundaries of Mata de Itamacaoca, upper Munim River basin. Diversity indices were calculated and generalised linear models (GLMs) were employed to assess differences in species richness, diversity and evenness depending on season and location in relation to the reservoir dam wall. In order to visualize fish community differences, non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and a one-way PERMANOVA was used to understand whether factors of site, season and location to the dam wall had an effect on fish community compositions. A total of six orders, 13 families, and 23 fish species were found, and the order with the highest species richness, considering all reaches, was Characiformes followed by Cichliformes. The most abundant species was Nannostomus beckfordi, while Pimelodella parnahybae and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus were the rarer species sampled. There were no alien invasive species collected within the study area. Species richness was significantly higher below the dam wall, but there were no other significant differences in diversity indices with regards to season or location. Fish community composition was significantly different above and below the dam wall and was significantly affected by sampling site. Season did not have an effect on fish community. This study corroborates other studies conducted in the Unidade Hidrológica Maranhão sensu Hubbert and Renno (2006), that the ichthyofaunal composition and taxonomy of species within this region face major data deficits, anthropogenic impacts, this study may be a baseline for comparing similar environments throughout the region.

Resumo: A bacia do rio Munim é uma das principais drenagens da unidade Hidrológica do Maranhão, mas existem poucos estudos publicados que enfoquem levantamentos ictiológicos e trabalhos taxonômicos dentro desta bacia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo fornecer um inventário de espécies de peixes da Mata da Itamacaoca, uma das poucas áreas protegidas urbanas da bacia do alto rio Munim, comparando a ictiofauna com outras listas realizadas na bacia do alto rio Munim. Foram realizadas 42 expedições de coleta, a amostragem foi conduzida em cinco locais de coleta distribuídos dentro dos limites da Mata de Itamacaoca, bacia do alto rio Munim. Índices de diversidade foram calculados e modelos lineares generalizados (GLMs) foram empregados para avaliar diferenças na riqueza de espécies, diversidade e equitabilidade dependendo da estação e localização em relação à parede da barragem do reservatório. A fim de visualizar as diferenças da comunidade de peixes, escalonamento multidimensional não métrico (nMDS) e um PERMANOVA unilateral foi usado para entender se os fatores de local, estação e localização da parede da barragem afetavam a composição da comunidade de peixes. Um total de seis ordens, 13 famílias e 23 espécies de peixes foram encontradas, sendo que a ordem com maior riqueza de espécies, considerando todos os trechos, foi Characiformes seguida por Cichliformes. A espécie mais abundante foi Nannostomus beckfordi, enquanto Pimelodella parnahybae e Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus foram as espécies mais raras amostradas. Não houve espécies exóticas invasoras coletadas na área de estudo. A riqueza de espécies foi significativamente maior abaixo da parede da barragem, mas não houve outras diferenças significativas nos índices de diversidade em relação à estação do ano ou localização. A composição da comunidade de peixes foi significativamente diferente acima e abaixo da parede da barragem, e foi significativamente afetada pelo local de amostragem. A estação do ano não afetou a comunidade de peixes. Este estudo corrobora outros estudos realizados na Unidade Hidrológica Maranhão sensu Hubbert and Renno (2006), que a composição ictiofaunística e taxonomia das espécies desta região enfrentam grandes déficits de dados. Impactos antropogênicos, este estudo pode ser uma linha de base para comparar ambientes semelhantes em toda a região.