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Mol Neurobiol ; 2024 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38965171


Demyelination is among the most conspicuous neurological sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in both the central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) nervous systems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms underlying demyelination in COVID-19. However, none have considered the SARS-CoV-2's effects on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Therefore, our objective in this review is to evaluate how RAAS imbalance, caused by direct and indirect effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection, could contribute to myelin loss in the PNS and CNS. In the PNS, we propose that demyelination transpires from two significant changes induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection, which include upregulation of ADAM-17 and induction of lymphopenia. Whereas, in the CNS, demyelination could result from RAAS imbalance triggering two alterations: (1) a decrease in angiotensin type II receptor (AT2R) activity, responsible for restraining defense cells' action on myelin; (2) upregulation of ADAM-17 activity, leading to impaired maturation of oligodendrocytes and myelin formation. Thus, we hypothesize that increased ADAM-17 activity and decreased AT2R activity play roles in SARS-CoV-2 infection-mediated demyelination in the CNS.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1620-1624, dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528778


SUMMARY: Correct detailed description of the anatomy of the digastric muscle (DM) in different populations should be carried out to improve the teaching of anatomy, avoid misinterpretations and help to avoid intercurrences during surgical procedures in the region. The aim of this study was to carry out a study of the DM in adult Brazilian individuals. The sample consisted of 50 DM from adult individuals (22 right side and 28 left side) fixed in 10 % formaldehyde. The morphology of the DM was observed, identifying possible anatomical variations; these were characterized and classified according to the number of the muscle bellies, direction of the fibre, and points of origin and insertion. The morphometric measurements were performed using a digital calliper. Student's t-test for dependent samples was used to measure differences between sides; one-way ANOVA was used to analyse the different classifications, and the chi-squared test to analyse qualitative variables, with significance threshold of 5 %. The anterior belly of the DM was classified as Type I in 28 samples (56 %), Type II in 20 (40 %) and Type III in 2 (4 %). The mean length was 37.8 mm, width 12.1 mm and thickness 5.39 mm, with no statistically significant differences found for these variables. The intermediate tendon of the DM was classified as Type I in 31 samples (62 %), Type II in 10 (20 %) and Type III in 9 (18 %); its mean total length was 45.1 mm. The posterior belly of the DM was Type I in 50 samples (100 %), with mean length 70.8 mm and width 8.15 mm. Anatomical variations of the DM, particularly its anterior belly, in Brazilian adults are very frequent. They must therefore be carefully identified to help avoid intercurrences during surgical procedures in the region, and to help correct evaluation of swollen lymph nodes in the submental triangle.

Con el propósito de ayudar en la enseñanza de la Anatomía se debe realizar una descripción correcta y detallada del músculo digástrico (MD), evitando malas interpretaciones y contribuyendo a evitar intercurrencias durante procedimientos quirúrgicos en la región. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un estudio del MD en individuos brasileños. Fueron utilizadas 50 muestras de MD de individuos adultos (22 del lado derecho y 28 del lado izquierdo) fijadas en formaldehido al 10 %. Se analizó la morfología del MD, identificando las posibles variaciones anatómicas, que fueron clasificadas según el número de vientres musculares, dirección de las fibras y lugar de origen e inserción. Para el análisis estadístico las medidas fueron realizadas con un paquímetro digital. Para el análisis estadístico fueron utilizadas las pruebas de t de Student, ANOVA de una vía para variables continuas y la prueba de chi-cuadrado con ajuste de Bonferroni para las variables categóricas. Se utilizó el software SPSS v. 28.0, considerándo umbral de significación de 5 %. El vientre anterior del MD se clasificó como Tipo I en 28 muestras (56 %), como Tipo II en 20 (40 %) y como Tipo III en 2 (4 %). El promedio de longitud fue de 37,8 mm, la anchura de 12,1 mm y el espesor de 5,39 mm, no siendo encontradas diferencias estadísticas significativas para estas variables. El tendón intermedio del MD fue Tipo I en 31 muestras (62 %), Tipo II en 10 (20 %) y Tipo III en 9 (18 %). El promedio de su longitud total fue de 45,1 mm. El vientre posterior del MD fue de Tipo I en 50 muestras (100 %), con promedio de longitud de 70,8 mm y de ancho de 8,15 mm. Las variaciones anatómicas del MD, particularmente de su vientre anterior, son muy frecuentes en brasileños adultos, por lo que deben ser identificadas detalladamente contribuyendo a evitar intercurrencias durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos en la región y también para propiciar la correcta evaluación de las adenopatías del espacio submentoniano.

Humanos , Adulto , Variação Anatômica , Músculos do Pescoço/anatomia & histologia , Brasil , Análise de Variância
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1481-1483, dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421822


SUMMARY: The lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) is intimately related with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), playing an important role in its physiology. This makes it of interest to researchers who investigate temporomandibular disorders. The literature indicates that anatomical variations exist in the insertion of the superior fascicle of the LPM. Imaging and cadaver studies have revealed that the LPM may present an accessory fascicle. The study object was to carry out macroscopic analysis of the LPM, examining the origin and insertion of its superior and inferior fascicles. The study used 38 half-heads of adult individuals fixed in formaldehyde 10 %. To carry out macroscopic analysis of the LPM, an initial incision was made along the lower margin of the zygomatic arch; the origin of the masseter muscle was then dissected, separating its insertion on the lateral face of the mandibular ramus and retracting the muscle to posteroinferior. Two incisions were made on the zygomatic arch and the insertion of the temporal muscle on the coronoid process was identified with dissection pincers; it was dissected to gain access to the infratemporal fossa and the two fascicles of the LPM. The superior fascicle (SF) originated on the infratemporal face of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and on the superior third of the lateral face of the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid in 26 samples. In 12 samples, it originated on the greater wing of the sphenoid and the infratemporal crest of the sphenoid. Type I insertion was found in 20 samples, Type II in 6 samples and Type III in 12 samples. In all the samples analysed, the inferior fascicle (IF) originated on the inferior two thirds of the lateral face of the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process and on the lateral face of the pyramidal process of the palatine, with insertion on the pterygoid fovea. The accessory fascicle (AF) of the LPM was present in 6 samples. The AF originated on the greater wing of the sphenoid in 2 cases and inferior to the superior fascicle in 4 cases; its insertion was on the capsular disc complex in all cases. The results obtained in our study contribute anatomical data on the LPM in Brazilian adult individuals, with evaluation of its insertion points.

El músculo pterigoideo lateral (MPL) presenta íntima relación con la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) y desempeña un rol importante en la fisiología de esta articulación, despertando el interés de investigadores que se dedican al estudio de los trastornos temporomandibulares. La literatura señala que existen variaciones anatómicas del MPL, con respecto a la inserción del fascículo superior. Los estudios cadavéricos e imagenológicos han revelado que el MPL puede presentar un fascículo accesorio. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis macroscópico del MPL, examinando el origen e inserción de sus fascículos superior e inferior. Se utilizaron 38 hemicabezas de individuos adultos fijadas en formaldehído al 10 %. Para realizar el análisis macroscópico del MPL se realizó inicialmente una incisión a lo largo del margen inferior del arco cigomático, luego se seccionó el origen del músculo masétero separando su inserción en la cara lateral de la rama de la mandíbula, retrayendo al músculo en sentido posteroinferior. Se hicieron dos cortes en el arco cigomático y con pinzas de disección se identificó la inserción del músculo temporal en el proceso coronoides, el cual se seccionó para ingresar a la fosa infratemporal y acceder a ambos fascículos del MPL. El fascículo superior (FS) del MPL se originó en la cara infratemporal del ala mayor del esfenoides y en el tercio superior de la cara lateral de la lámina lateral del proceso pterigoides del esfenoides en 26 muestras. En 12 muestras se originó en el ala mayor del esfenoides y cresta infratemporal del esfenoides. Con relación a su inserción, se encontró el Tipo I en 20 muestras; el Tipo II en 6 muestras y el Tipo III en 12 muestras. En todas las muestras analizadas el origen del fascículo inferior (FI) del MPL fue en los dos tercios inferiores de la cara lateral de la lámina lateral del proceso pterigoides y en la cara lateral del proceso piramidal del palatino insertándose en la fóvea pterigoidea. El fascículo accesorio (FA) del MPL estuvo presente en 6 muestras. El FA se originó en el ala mayor del esfenoides en 2 casos e inferior al fascículo superior en 4 casos y su inserción, en el complejo disco capsular en todos los casos. Mediante los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio estamos aportando datos anatómicos en relación al MPL en individuos brasileños adultos, evaluándolo con respecto a sus lugares de inserción.

Humanos , Adulto , Músculos Pterigoides/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Cadáver
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1270-1273, oct. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385501


SUMMARY: The lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) is one of the muscles involved in jaw movements, and is therefore of great importance in the physiology of the temporomandibular joint. This muscle has classically been considered to have two heads, superior and inferior, however previous studies have indicated the presence of a third head (TH). The object of this research was therefore to evaluate, through a study in cadavers, the presence of the third head of the LPM and its relation with the joint disc of the TMJ in adult individuals. The study used 30 half-skulls of adult individuals, 11 right side and 19 left side. The number of heads on each LPM was analysed, with the length and thickness of each. The Chi-squared, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskall-Wallis and Spearman's correlation coefficient tests were applied, with a significance threshold of 5 %. The TH of the LPM was present in 20 % of the samples. Statistically significant differences were found in the thickness of the superior head (SH) vs. the inferior head (IH) (p<0.001) and between TH vs. SH and TH vs. IH (p=0.010). No correlation was found between the thickness of the heads or in their lengths. The LPM most frequently presents two heads, superior and inferior. The TH is an anatomical variation that may be present in 20 % of cases. The IH usually presents the greatest thickness. The use of cadavers is a good method for analysing the presence of the TH and the morphometry of the various heads of the LPM.

RESUMEN: El músculo pterigoideo lateral (MPL) es uno de los músculos involucrados en los movimientos mandibulares y por consiguiente tiene una gran importancia en la fisiología de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM). Clásicamente se ha considerado como un músculo que presenta dos cabezas, una superior y otra inferior, sin embargo estudios anteriores han señalado la presencia de una tercera cabeza (TC). El objetivo fue evaluar, mediante estudio en cadáveres, la presencia de la tercera cabeza del MPL y su relación con el disco articular de la ATM de individuos adultos. Se utilizaron 30 hemicabezas de individuos adultos, 11 del lado derecho y 19 en el lado izquierdo. Se analizó el número de cabezas, longitud y grosor de cada cabeza. Se aplicaron las pruebas de chi-cuadrado, U-Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Walis y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, con umbral de significación de 5 %. La TC del MPL estuvo presente en 20 % de las muestras. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas para el grosor del la cabeza superior (CS) vs. cabeza inferior (CI) (p<0,001) y entre TC vs. CS y TC vs. CI (p=0,010). No se encontró correlación entre el grosor de las cabezas o para la longitud de las cabezas. El MPL se presenta más frecuentemente con dos cabezas, una superior y otra inferior. La TC es una variación anatómica que puede estar presente en un 20 % de los casos. La CI suele ser la que presenta mayor grosor. En cuanto a los métodos para análisis de presencia de la TC y morfometría de las distintas cabezas del MPL el uso de cadáveres representa una buena alternativa.

Humanos , Adulto , Músculos Pterigoides/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Cadáver
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 67(3): 474-478, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34468617


INTRODUCTION: The rapid advance of Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has led to the incessant search for therapeutic and prophylactic measures to fight the pandemic. Because it is a viral infection, the safest long-term prophylactic form, in addition to social distance and hygiene, is the vaccine. OBJECTIVE: Thus, this study aimed at conducting a review of the efficacy and landscape of Covid-19 vaccines. METHODS: The following electronic databases were used MEDLINE via PubMed, SCIELO, LILACS, NEJM, and Clinical Trials. Our study includes the 7 vaccines (phase 3) that reported an efficacy rate for Covid-19, including characteristics inherent to each one of them. RESULTS: Preliminary studies have shown that, although an efficacy ≥70% is necessary to eliminate the infection, a prophylactic vaccine with efficacy <70% will still have an important impact and can contribute to the elimination of the virus, provided that appropriate measures of social distancing remain. CONCLUSIONS: The effectiveness of the vaccines obtained in this study varied between 50.38 and 95%, data that may represent a reduction in serious cases, hospitalizations, sequels, and deaths caused by Covid-19, respecting the panorama presented in this article.

Vacinas contra COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Humanos , Pandemias , Distanciamento Físico , SARS-CoV-2
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 66(10): 1444-1448, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33174941


OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of articles which have evaluated the relationship between vitamin D and cardioprotection in adult. METHODS: A literature search was performed in the Pubmed and Scielo databases. The results were extracted from primary and secondary sources and will be presented in the form of a bibliographic review. RESULTS: Twenty-three articles were identified from the electronic search that reported on physiological mechanisms relating the vitamin D axis and the cardiovascular system through receptors. Of the ten studies that evaluated the therapeutic effect of vitamin D in cardiovascular diseases, none reported significant results. CONCLUSION: The articles assessed in this review did not demonstrate a cardioprotective effect of vitamin D, despite the epidemiological correlation of vitamin D deficiency with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

Deficiência de Vitamina D , Adulto , Doenças Cardiovasculares/epidemiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Prevalência , Vitamina D , Deficiência de Vitamina D/complicações , Deficiência de Vitamina D/tratamento farmacológico , Deficiência de Vitamina D/prevenção & controle , Vitaminas/uso terapêutico
Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1235-1243, oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134431


RESUMEN: El nervio occipital mayor (NOM) se forma del ramo dorsal del nervio espinal C2 y asciende entre la musculatura cervical posterior para inervar la piel del cuero cabelludo. Diversos autores han descrito su recorrido, sin embargo, es escasa la información referente a la relación que presenta este nervio con el músculo oblicuo inferior de la cabeza (OIC) y su trayecto intramuscular. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el recorrido y relaciones que el NOM estableció en el intervalo existente entre los músculos OIC y músculo trapecio (T). Para ello, se midieron las distancias verticales y horizontales a la altura de la protuberancia occipital externa y línea mediana, y se dividió al músculo OIC en tercios para observar variaciones del recorrido de este nervio. Junto con medir el diámetro del NOM, se midieron las distancias vertical y horizontal de este nervio a través de cinco puntos de referencia muscular y un punto de referencia vascular. Estos puntos musculares fueron: a) sobre el vientre del músculo OIC (punto 1); b) en la cara profunda del músculo semiespinoso de la cabeza (SEC) (punto 2); c) en la cara superficial del músculo SEC (punto 3); d) en la cara profunda del músculo T (punto 4); y e) en la cara superficial del músculo T (punto 5). A este se sumó el punto 6, en el cual se establecieron las distancias vertical y horizontal con la arteria occipital a la altura de la cara superficial del músculo T. Para ello se disecaron 18 cabezas (36 triángulos suboccipitales) de cadáveres adultos brasileños pertenecientes al laboratorio de Anatomía de la Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Brasil. Las distancias verticales y horizontales obtenidas respecto de los seis puntos fueron: 63,67 y 27,15 mm (punto 1); 53,89 y 21,44 mm (punto 2); 30,61 y 14,49 mm (punto 3); 20,39 y 22,8 mm (punto 4); 5,86 y 33,46 mm (punto 5); 5,99 y 35,56 mm (punto 6), respectivamente. En relación al músculo OIC, el NOM se ubicó en un 72,22 % de las muestras en el tercio medio de este músculo, 19,44% en su tercio lateral y un 8,33 % en su tercio medial. Todos estos hallazgos deben ser considerados al momento de diagnosticar correctamente posibles atrapamientos del NOM en la región cervical profunda, siendo además, una contribución para el éxito de procedimientos quirúrgicos de esta región.

SUMMARY: The great occipital nerve (GON) is formed from the dorsal branch of the C2 spinal nerve and ascends between the posterior cervical musculature to innervate the skin of the scalp. Various authors have described its course, however, there is little information regarding the relationship that this nerve presents with the obliquus capitis inferior (OCI) and its intramuscular path. The objective of this study was to determine the route and relationships that the GON established in the interval between the OCI muscles and the trapezius muscle (T). For this, the vertical and horizontal distances were measured at the height of the external occipital protuberance and median line, and the OCI muscle was divided into thirds to observe variations in the path of this nerve. Along with measuring the diameter of the GON, the vertical and horizontal distances of this nerve were measured through five muscle reference points and one vascular reference point. These muscle points were: a) on the belly of the OCI muscle (point 1); b) in the deep face of the semispinalis capitis muscle (SCM) (point 2); c) on the surface of the SCM (point 3); d) on the deep face of the T (point 4); and e) on the surface face of the T (point 5). To this was added point 6, in which the vertical and horizontal distances were established with the occipital artery at the height of the superficial face of the T. For this, 18 heads (36 suboccipital triangles) of Brazilian adult corpses belonging to the Anatomy laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Brazil, were dissected. The vertical and horizontal distances obtained with respect to the six points were: 63.67 and 27.15 mm (point 1); 53.89 and 21.44 mm (point 2); 30.61 and 14.49 mm (point 3); 20.39 and 22.8 mm (point 4); 5.86 and 33.46 mm (point 5); 5.99 and 35.56 mm (point 6), respectively. In relation to the OCI, the GON was located in 72.22 % of the samples in the middle third of this muscle, 19.44 % in its lateral third and 8.33 % in its medial third. All these findings should be considered when correctly diagnosing possible entrapments of GON in the deep cervical region, being a contribution to the success of surgical procedures in this region.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Nervos Espinhais/anatomia & histologia , Músculos do Pescoço/inervação , Cadáver , Plexo Cervical , Variação Anatômica
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);66(10): 1444-1448, Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136162


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of articles which have evaluated the relationship between vitamin D and cardioprotection in adult. METHODS: A literature search was performed in the Pubmed and Scielo databases. The results were extracted from primary and secondary sources and will be presented in the form of a bibliographic review. RESULTS: Twenty-three articles were identified from the electronic search that reported on physiological mechanisms relating the vitamin D axis and the cardiovascular system through receptors. Of the ten studies that evaluated the therapeutic effect of vitamin D in cardiovascular diseases, none reported significant results. CONCLUSION: The articles assessed in this review did not demonstrate a cardioprotective effect of vitamin D, despite the epidemiological correlation of vitamin D deficiency with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

Humanos , Adulto , Deficiência de Vitamina D/complicações , Deficiência de Vitamina D/prevenção & controle , Deficiência de Vitamina D/tratamento farmacológico , Vitamina D , Vitaminas/uso terapêutico , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Doenças Cardiovasculares/epidemiologia , Prevalência
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 66(6): 838-841, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32696862


The etiological agent of COVID-19, which causes severe respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary insufficiency, has been confirmed as a new coronavirus, now known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). There is currently no authorized medication for the treatment of COVID-19. No vaccines have been authorized. Thus, this study aimed at conducting a review of the use of Remdesivir in patients with COVID-19. The following electronic databases were used MEDLINE, SCIELO, LILACS, and PUBMED. On May 1, Remdesivir received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. Remdesivir is currently the most promising molecule in the treatment of COVID-19, taking into account its broad antiviral spectrum (considering the genetic sequences of the virus, it is expected to maintain activity against SARS-CoV-2). There is in vitro and in vivo information available for coronaviruses, as well as an extensive clinical safety database (from a clinical trial of the Ebola virus and in the context of the Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions - MEURI). Further studies are relevant as available data on the efficacy and safety of Remdesivir against SARS-nCoV-2 are limited.

Monofosfato de Adenosina/análogos & derivados , Alanina/análogos & derivados , Antivirais , Infecções por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral , Monofosfato de Adenosina/uso terapêutico , Alanina/uso terapêutico , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Betacoronavirus , COVID-19 , Infecções por Coronavirus/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/tratamento farmacológico , SARS-CoV-2 , Tratamento Farmacológico da COVID-19
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 66(3): 370-374, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32520160


The present study aimed to review the epidemiology, clinical manifestation, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and future perspectives related to COVID-19 infections. The following electronic databases were used searched: MEDLINE, SCIELO, and LILACS. It became clear that COVID-19 infections occur through exposure to the virus, and both the immunosuppressed and healthy population appear susceptible. The clinical course of COVID-19 is still not clear, although the SARS-CoV-2 infection seems to develop with mild, influenza-like symptoms in the vast majority of subjects, i.e., 10%-15% of COVID-19 patients. Since rRT-PCR tests serve as the gold standard method to confirm a SARS-CoV-2 infection, false-negative results could hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic, particularly considering the test plays a key role in the decision for continued isolated medical observation or discharge. Our findings also indicate that a radical increase in the identification and isolation of currently undocumented infections would be needed to fully control SARS-CoV2.

Betacoronavirus , Infecções por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral , COVID-19 , Infecções por Coronavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/terapia , Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/diagnóstico , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Pneumonia Viral/terapia , SARS-CoV-2 , Análise Espacial
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);66(6): 838-841, June 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136277


SUMMARY The etiological agent of COVID-19, which causes severe respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary insufficiency, has been confirmed as a new coronavirus, now known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). There is currently no authorized medication for the treatment of COVID-19. No vaccines have been authorized. Thus, this study aimed at conducting a review of the use of Remdesivir in patients with COVID-19. The following electronic databases were used MEDLINE, SCIELO, LILACS, and PUBMED. On May 1, Remdesivir received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. Remdesivir is currently the most promising molecule in the treatment of COVID-19, taking into account its broad antiviral spectrum (considering the genetic sequences of the virus, it is expected to maintain activity against SARS-CoV-2). There is in vitro and in vivo information available for coronaviruses, as well as an extensive clinical safety database (from a clinical trial of the Ebola virus and in the context of the Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions - MEURI). Further studies are relevant as available data on the efficacy and safety of Remdesivir against SARS-nCoV-2 are limited.

RESUMO O agente etiológico da COVID-19, que causa doenças respiratórias graves, como pneumonia e insuficiência pulmonar, foi confirmado como um novo coronavírus, agora conhecido como coronavirus de síndrome respiratória aguda grave 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Não existem atualmente medicamentos autorizados para o tratamento de COVID-19, nem estão também autorizadas quaisquer vacinas. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre a utilização de Remdesivir em pacientes com COVID-19. As seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas foram utilizadas MEDLINE, SCIELO, LILACS e PUBMED. Em primeiro de maio, o Redemsivir recebeu autorização de uso de emergência da Food and Drug Administration. Remdesivir é presentemente a molécula promissora no tratamento da COVID-19 tendo em conta o seu largo espetro antiviral (considerando as sequências genéticas do vírus, é expectável que mantenha atividade contra o SARS-CoV-2). A informação in vitro e in vivo está disponível para os coronavírus, assim como a extensiva base de dados de segurança clínica (proveniente de ensaio clínico do vírus Ebola e no contexto do Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions - MEURI). A realização de novos estudos torna-se relevantes uma vez que os dados disponíveis são limitados sobre eficácia e segurança do Remdesivir contra SARS-nCoV-2.

Humanos , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Pneumonia Viral/tratamento farmacológico , Monofosfato de Adenosina/análogos & derivados , Infecções por Coronavirus/tratamento farmacológico , Alanina/análogos & derivados , Pandemias , Monofosfato de Adenosina/uso terapêutico , Infecções por Coronavirus , Alanina/uso terapêutico , Betacoronavirus
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);66(3): 370-374, Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136191


SUMMARY The present study aimed to review the epidemiology, clinical manifestation, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and future perspectives related to COVID-19 infections. The following electronic databases were used searched: MEDLINE, SCIELO, and LILACS. It became clear that COVID-19 infections occur through exposure to the virus, and both the immunosuppressed and healthy population appear susceptible. The clinical course of COVID-19 is still not clear, although the SARS-CoV-2 infection seems to develop with mild, influenza-like symptoms in the vast majority of subjects, i.e., 10%-15% of COVID-19 patients. Since rRT-PCR tests serve as the gold standard method to confirm a SARS-CoV-2 infection, false-negative results could hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic, particularly considering the test plays a key role in the decision for continued isolated medical observation or discharge. Our findings also indicate that a radical increase in the identification and isolation of currently undocumented infections would be needed to fully control SARS-CoV2.

RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico laboratorial, tratamento e perspectivas futuras relacionados à infecção pelo COVID-19. As seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas foram utilizadas MEDLINE, SCIELO e LILACS. Ficou claro que a infecção pelo COVID-19 ocorre por exposição ao vírus, e tanto a população imunossupressora quanto a normal parecem suscetíveis. O curso clínico do COVID-19 ainda não está claro, embora a infecção por SARS-CoV-2 pareça ocorrer com sintomas leves e semelhantes à gripe na grande maioria dos indivíduos, em 10%-15% dos pacientes com COVID-19. Uma vez que os testes rRT-PCR servem como o método padrão-ouro para confirmar a infecção do SARS-CoV-2, os resultados falso-negativos podem dificultar a prevenção e o controle da epidemia, particularmente quando este teste desempenha um papel de referência fundamental na decisão da necessidade de observação médica isolada ou alta. Nossos achados também indicam que seria necessário um aumento radical na identificação e isolamento de infecções não documentadas atualmente para controlar totalmente o SARS-CoV2.

Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/diagnóstico , Pneumonia Viral/terapia , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Coronavirus/terapia , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Betacoronavirus , Infecções por Coronavirus , Análise Espacial
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;82(5): 436-445, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019427


ABSTRACT This systematic review aimed to assess the effectiveness of using preservative-free artificial tears versus preserved lubricants for the treatment of dry eyes in Universidade Federal de Alagoas (PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018089933). Online databases were searched (LILACS, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and CENTRAL) from inception to April 2018; references from included papers were also searched. The following keywords were used: lubricants OR artificial tears OR artificial tears, lubricants AND dry eye OR dry eye syndrome OR syndromes, dry eye OR dry eyes. Among the 2028 electronic search results, 29 full papers were retrieved and four were considered relevant. The number of participants from these studies ranged from 15 to 76. Meta-analysis was possible for the following outcomes: score of symptoms according to the Ocular Surface Disease Index - Allergan (OSDI), tear secretion rate using the Schirmer test, tear evaporation rate using the tear film breakup time test, burning, foreign body sensation, and photophobia. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups, and no side effects were attributed to the interventions. Evidence proving that preservative-free artificial tears are more effective than preserved artificial tears is lacking.

RESUMO Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia do uso de lágrimas artificiais sem conservantes em comparação com lubrificantes preservados no tratamento do olho seco na Universidade Federal de Alagoas (PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018089933). As bases de dados online foram pesquisadas (LILACS, EMBASE, MEDLINE e CENTRAL) desde o início até abril de 2018; referências de artigos incluídos também foram pesquisadas. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: lubrificantes OU lágrimas artificiais OU lágrimas artificiais, lubrificantes E olho seco OU síndrome do olho seco OU síndromes, olho seco OU olhos secos. Dos 2028 resultados de busca eletrônica, 29 artigos completos foram recuperados, e quatro foram considerados relevantes. O número de participantes desses estudos variou de 15 e 76. A meta-análise foi possível para as seguintes variáveis: escore de desfecho dos sintomas de acordo com o Índice de Doença da Superfície Ocular - Allergan (OSDI), taxa de secreção lacrimal pelo teste de Schirmer, taxa de evaporação lacrimal usando o teste de tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal, queimação, sensação de corpo estranho e fotofobia. Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi observada entre os dois grupos, e nenhum efeito adverso foi atribuído às intervenções. Evidências provando que as lágrimas artificiais sem conservantes são mais eficazes do que as lágrimas artificiais preservadas estão faltando.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Soluções Oftálmicas/farmacologia , Conservantes Farmacêuticos/farmacologia , Síndromes do Olho Seco/tratamento farmacológico , Lubrificantes Oftálmicos/farmacologia , Soluções Oftálmicas/uso terapêutico , Conservantes Farmacêuticos/uso terapêutico , Lágrimas , Viés , Lubrificantes Oftálmicos/uso terapêutico
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;69(5): 493-501, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057452


Abstract Background and objectives: Low back pain is a prevalent disease in the adult population, whose quality of life is considerably affected. In order to solve this problem, several therapies have been developed, of which ozone therapy is an example. Our objective in this study was to determine the effectiveness of ozone therapy for lumbar pain relief in adult patients compared to other therapies (steroid and placebo). Method: We used randomized clinical trials to compare the effectiveness of ozone and other therapies for lumbar pain relief in adults (Prospero: CRD42018090807). Two independent reviewers searched the Medline (1966-April/2018), Scopus (2011-May/2018), Lilacs (1982-May/2018), and EMBASE (1974-March/2018) databases. We use the terms ozone and pain as descriptors. The primary variable was pain relief and the secondary ones were complication, degree of satisfaction, quality of life and recurrence of pain. Results: Of the 779 identified articles, six selected clinical trials show that ozone therapy is more effective for lumbar pain relief; however, they were mostly classified as having a high or uncertain risk of bias (Cochrane Handbook). The meta-analysis regarding the effectiveness of pain relief did not show a significant difference between groups in the three-month period (RR = 1.98, 95% CI: 0.46-8.42, p= 0.36; 366 participants). It also showed greater effectiveness of the ozone therapy at six months compared to other therapies (steroid and placebo) (RR = 2.2, 95% CI: 1.87-2.60, p< 0.00001; 717 participants). Conclusions: The systematic review has shown that ozone therapy used for six months for lumbar pain relief is more effective than other therapies; however, this result is not definitive as data from studies with moderate to high risk of bias were used.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A lombalgia é uma enfermidade prevalente na população adulta, que tem sua qualidade de vida afetada consideravelmente. Com intuito de resolver este problema, desenvolveram-se várias terapias. Um exemplo é a ozonioterapia. Objetivamos neste estudo determinar a efetividade da ozonioterapia para alívio da dor lombar em pacientes adultos, quando comparada a outras terapias (esteroide e placebo). Método: Usamos de ensaios clínicos randomizados para comparar a efetividade do ozônio e de outras terapias para o alívio da dor lombar em adultos (Prospero: CRD42018090807). Dois revisores independentes analisaram as bases Medline (1966-Abril/2018), Scopus (2011-Maio/2018), Lilacs (1982-Maio/2018) e Embase (1974-Março/2018). Como descritores, usamos termos ozone e pain. Temos como variável primária o alívio da dor e como variáveis secundárias: complicação, grau de satisfação, qualidade de vida e recorrência da dor. Resultados: Os seis ensaios clínicos selecionados, de 779 artigos identificados, mostram que o grupo do ozônio é mais efetivo para o alívio da dor lombar, porém, foram classificados em sua maioria com alto ou incerto risco de viés (Handbook Cochrane). A metanálise referente à efetividade no alívio da dor não apresentou diferença significante entre os grupos no período de três meses (RR = 1,98; 95% IC: 0,46-8,42; p= 0,36; 366 participantes). Também denotou maior efetividade em seis meses do grupo ozônio em relação a outras terapias (esteroide e placebo) (RR = 2,2; 95% IC: 1,87-2,60; p< 0,00001; 717 participantes). Conclusões: A revisão sistemática demonstrou que ozonioterapia usada por seis meses para alívio da dor lombar é mais efetiva do que outras terapias. Entretanto, esse resultado não é definitivo, visto que foram usados dados de estudos com moderado a alto risco de viés.

Humanos , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Dor Lombar/tratamento farmacológico , Resultado do Tratamento
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 69(5): 493-501, 2019.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31521383


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Low back pain is a prevalent disease in the adult population, whose quality of life is considerably affected. In order to solve this problem, several therapies have been developed, of which ozone therapy is an example. Our objective in this study was to determine the effectiveness of ozone therapy for lumbar pain relief in adult patients compared to other therapies (steroid and placebo). METHOD: We used randomized clinical trials to compare the effectiveness of ozone and other therapies for lumbar pain relief in adults (Prospero: CRD42018090807). Two independent reviewers searched the Medline (1966-April/2018), Scopus (2011-May/2018), Lilacs (1982-May/2018), and Embase (1974-March/2018) databases. We use the terms ozone and pain as descriptors. The primary variable was pain relief and the secondary ones were complication, degree of satisfaction, quality of life, and recurrence of pain. RESULTS: Of the 779 identified articles, six selected clinical trials show that ozone therapy is more effective for lumbar pain relief; however, they were mostly classified as having a high or uncertain risk of bias (Cochrane Handbook). The meta-analysis regarding the effectiveness of pain relief did not show a significant difference between groups in the three-month period (RR = 1.98, 95% CI: 0.46-8.42, p = 0.36; 366 participants). It also showed greater effectiveness of the ozone therapy at six months compared to other therapies (steroid and placebo) (RR = 2.2, 95% CI: 1.87-2.60, p < 0.00001; 717 participants). CONCLUSIONS: The systematic review has shown that ozone therapy used for six months for lumbar pain relief is more effective than other therapies; however, this result is not definitive as data from studies with moderate to high risk of bias were used.

Dor Lombar/tratamento farmacológico , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Humanos , Resultado do Tratamento
Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 82(5): 436-445, 2019 09 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508669


This systematic review aimed to assess the effectiveness of using preservative-free artificial tears versus preserved lubricants for the treatment of dry eyes in Universidade Federal de Alagoas (PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018089933). Online databases were searched (LILACS, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and CENTRAL) from inception to April 2018; references from included papers were also searched. The following keywords were used: lubricants OR artificial tears OR artificial tears, lubricants AND dry eye OR dry eye syndrome OR syndromes, dry eye OR dry eyes. Among the 2028 electronic search results, 29 full papers were retrieved and four were considered relevant. The number of participants from these studies ranged from 15 to 76. Meta-analysis was possible for the following outcomes: score of symptoms according to the Ocular Surface Disease Index - Allergan (OSDI), tear secretion rate using the Schirmer test, tear evaporation rate using the tear film breakup time test, burning, foreign body sensation, and photophobia. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups, and no side effects were attributed to the interventions. Evidence proving that preservative-free artificial tears are more effective than preserved artificial tears is lacking.

Síndromes do Olho Seco/tratamento farmacológico , Lubrificantes Oftálmicos/farmacologia , Soluções Oftálmicas/farmacologia , Conservantes Farmacêuticos/farmacologia , Viés , Feminino , Humanos , Lubrificantes Oftálmicos/uso terapêutico , Masculino , Soluções Oftálmicas/uso terapêutico , Conservantes Farmacêuticos/uso terapêutico , Lágrimas