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Int J Ment Health Syst ; 17(1): 9, 2023 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37076934


In recent decades, public policies of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil have structured a community mental health care network (RAPS) based on various community actions and services. This study carried out evaluative research on the implementation of the structure and process dimensions of this care network in Minas Gerais, the second most populous state of Brazil, generating indicators that can enhance the strategic management of the public health system in the strengthening the psychosocial care in the state. The application of a multidimensional instrument, previously validated (IMAI-RAPS), in 795 of the 853 municipalities in Minas Gerais was carried out between June and August 2020. Regarding the structural dimension, we noticed an adequate implementation of services like 'Family Health Strategy,' 'Expanded Family Health Center,' and 'Psychosocial Care Centers' but a lack of 'Beds in General Hospitals' destinated to mental health care, 'Unified Electronic Medical Records' and 'Mental Health Training Activities for Professionals.' In the process dimension, adequate implementation of actions such as 'Multidisciplinary and Joint Care,' 'Assistance to Common Mental Disorders by Primary Health Care,' 'Management of Psychiatric Crises in Psychosocial Care Centers,' 'Offer of Health Promotion Actions,' and 'Discussion of Cases by Mental Health Teams' point to a form of work consistent with the guidelines. However, we detected difficulties in the implementation of 'Psychosocial Rehabilitation Actions,' 'Productive Inclusion,' 'User Protagonism,' 'Network Integration,' and practical activities for the effectiveness of collaborative care. We found a better implementation of the mental health care network in more populous, demographically dense, and socioeconomically developed cities, which shows the importance of regional sharing of services that are not possible for small cities. The evaluation practices of mental health care networks are scarce throughout the Brazilian territory, a fact also found in Minas Gerais, highlighting the need for its expansion not only in the scientific sphere but also in the daily life of the various levels of management.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33004, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431082


Resumo Trata-se de um estudo metodológico para desenvolvimento e validação do Instrumento Multidimensional para Avaliação da Implantação da RAPS (IMAI-RAPS) em Minas Gerais (MG)/Brasil. O estudo foi executado em três etapas: estudo de avaliabilidade, desenvolvimento do IMAI-RAPS, aplicação da Técnica Delphi para validação de conteúdo e aparência das questões. Foram realizados a análise de documentos oficiais, revisão da literatura e um engajamento estruturado com membros do programa para esclarecer sua operacionalização e focalizar os aspectos centrais a serem avaliados. Um modelo teórico-lógico da RAPS foi construído de acordo com a tríade donabediana: estrutura, processo e resultado e organizado em: Unidades Mínimas (Assistência à Saúde Mental e Reabilitação Psicossocial), Conectividade (Articulação da Rede), Integração (Governança e Gestão do Cuidado), Normatividade (Política de Saúde Mental e Participação e Controle Social), Subjetividade e Estrutura (Serviços, Sistema Logístico e Educação em Saúde). Desse modelo derivou-se o IMAI-RAPS que foi validado por 44 experts da área indicando a abordagem de questões relevantes, úteis e viáveis para avaliação da estrutura e processo de implantação do programa em MG. A utilização da Técnica Delphi possibilitou que os produtos desenvolvidos fossem balizados por estudiosos ou profissionais da RAPS de diversas regiões do país aumentando o poder analítico da ferramenta.

Abstract This is a methodological study for the development and validation of the Multidimensional Instrument for Evaluating of the Implementation of Psychosocial Care Network (IMAI-RAPS) in Minas Gerais (MG)/Brazil. The study was carried out in three stages: evaluability study, development of the IMAIRAPS, application of the Delphi Technique for content and appearance validation of the questions. The analysis of official documents, literature review and a structured engagement with program members were carried out to clarify its operationalization and focus on the central aspects to be evaluated. A theoreticallogical model of RAPS was built according to the Donabedian triad: structure, process and result and organized into: Minimum Units (Mental Health Care and Psychosocial Rehabilitation), Connectivity (Network Articulation), Integration (Governance and Management of the Care), Normativity (Mental Health Policy and Participation and Social Control), Subjectivity and Structure (Services, Logistics System and Health Education). The IMAI-RAPS was derived from this model, which was validated by 44 experts in the field, indicating the approach of relevant, useful and viable questions for evaluating the structure and process of implementing the program in MG. The use of the Delphi Technique made it possible for the developed products to be marked out by Psychosocial Care Network scholars or professionals from different regions of the country, increasing the analytical power of the tool.