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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(9): e00138023, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574315


Efforts are needed to better understand what are the effective pathways that can optimize success in school-based physical activity interventions. This study aimed to investigate the mediators of a school-based intervention in the practice of physical activity in Brazilian students. The Fortaleça sua Saúde [Strengthen Your Health] program followed 1,085 students (11-18 years) over a semester. This multi-component intervention included training teachers, offering physical activity opportunities, and health education. Self-reported moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and potential mediators (attitude, self-efficacy, social support, perceived neighborhood environment, and physical activity facilities at school) were assessed. The product of coefficient analysis was performed. The sample was composed of 1,085 students (51.5% boys). The total effect of the intervention was 0.706 (95%CI: 0.276; 1.136). A total of 40% of the intervention effect on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was explained by attitude towards physical activity and social support from friends and teachers. Social support from friends was a significant mediator only among boys (ab: 0.113, 95%CI: 0.027; 0.256), and social support from teachers only among girls (ab: 0.135, 95%CI: 0.019; 0.328); indicating a statistically significant indirect effect of the program on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity via these mediators. A relevant part of the effect of a multicomponent intervention on physical activity among students from vulnerable areas is explained by changes via variables at different levels of the socioecological model, including social support from friends and teachers, and attitude towards physical activity. These results should be considered in public policies.

São necessárias esforços para melhor entender quais são os caminhos efetivos que podem otimizar o sucesso em intervenções de atividade física escolares. Este estudo investigou os mediadores de uma intervenção escolar na prática de atividade física entre estudantes brasileiros. O programa Fortaleça sua Saúde matriculou 1.085 alunos (11-18 anos) ao longo de um semestre. Essa intervenção multicomponente incluiu a capacitação de professores, a oferta de oportunidades de atividade física e a educação em saúde. Atividade física moderada a vigorosa autorrelatada e potenciais mediadores (atitude, autoeficácia, suporte social, ambiente da vizinhança percebido e instalações de atividade física na escola) foram avaliados. Foi realizada a análise do produto do coeficiente. A amostra foi composta por 1.085 estudantes (51,5% meninos). O efeito total da intervenção foi de 0,706 (IC95%: 0,276; 1,136). No total, 40% do efeito da intervenção sobre atividade física moderada a vigorosa foi explicado pela atitude em relação à atividade física dos participantes e apoio social de amigos e professores. O apoio social dos amigos foi um mediador significativo apenas entre os meninos (ab: 0,113, IC95%: 0,027; 0,256) e apoio social dos professores apenas entre as meninas (ab: 0,135, IC95%: 0,019; 0,328), indicando um efeito indireto estatisticamente significativo do programa sobre a atividade física moderada a vigorosa por meio destes mediadores. Parte relevante do efeito de uma intervenção multicomponente sobre atividade física entre estudantes de regiões vulneráveis é explicada por mudanças por meio de variáveis em diferentes níveis do modelo socioecológico, incluindo apoio social de amigos e professores e atitude em relação à atividade física. Estes resultados devem ser considerados nas políticas públicas.

Se necesitan esfuerzos para comprender mejor cuáles son las opciones efectivas para optimizar el éxito en las intervenciones de actividad física escolares. Este estudio investigó los mediadores de una intervención escolar en la práctica de actividad física entre estudiantes brasileños. El programa Fortaleça sua Saúde [Fortalece tu Salud] inscribió a 1.085 estudiantes (11-18 años) a lo largo de un semestre. Esta intervención multicomponente incluyó la capacitación docente, la oferta de oportunidades de actividad física y la educación en salud. Se evaluaron la actividad física de moderada a vigorosa autoinformada y los potenciales mediadores (actitud, autoeficacia, apoyo social, entorno residencial percibido e instalaciones de actividad física en la escuela). Se realizó el análisis del producto del coeficiente. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.085 estudiantes (51,5% niños). El efecto total de la intervención fue de 0,706 (IC95%: 0,276; 1,136). En total, el 40% del efecto de la intervención sobre actividad física de moderada a vigorosa se explicó por la actitud de los participantes con relación a la actividad física y el apoyo social de amigos y profesores. El apoyo social de los amigos fue un mediador significativo solo entre los niños (ab: 0,113, IC95%: 0,027; 0,256) y el apoyo social de los docentes solo entre las niñas (ab: 0,135, IC95%: 0,019; 0,328), lo que indica un efecto indirecto estadísticamente significativo del programa sobre la actividad física de moderada a vigorosa a través de estos mediadores. Una parte relevante del efecto de una intervención multicomponente sobre la actividad física entre estudiantes de regiones vulnerables se explica por cambios a través de variables en diferentes niveles del modelo socioecológico, incluido el apoyo social de amigos y profesores y la actitud con relación a la actividad física. Estos resultados deben tenerse en cuenta en las políticas públicas.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410745


Investigar grupos de pesquisa (GPs) possibilita visualizar como está o desenvolvimento científico de uma área do conhecimento. Este estudo objetivou descrever a trajetória dos GPs da educação física no Brasil, caracterizando sua distribuição geográfica e vinculação nas linhas de pesquisa Escola, Saúde e Esporte. Foi realizada busca parametrizada no painel Lattes do Diretório de GPs. Desde 1993 houve crescimento no número de GP. Houve maior concentração nas regiões sudeste (n=250), sul (n=181) e nos estados de São Paulo (n=126) e Paraná (n=72). Alocou-se maior número de GPs na temática Esporte (n=247), seguido da Escola (n=122) e Saúde (n=113). Incentiva-se a nucleação de GPs nas regiões com menor número, de modo a promover o desenvolvimento científico em todo o país.

To investigate research groups (RG) enable to visualize how is going the scientific development of a knowledge area. The aim of this study was to analyze the trajectory of physical education RG in Brazil, and characterize its geography distribution, and its distribution by research line (school, health and sports). A parameterized search at the DGOB Lattes was made. Since 1993 increase the number of RG. Higher concentration were found in southeast (n=250), South (n=181) and in São Paulo (n=126) and Paraná (72) state. Higher number of RG were found in Sport (n=247), follow by school (n=122) and health (n=113). Incentive is needed to increase the RG number in regions with lower numbers with the aim to develop the science in all country.

Investigar grupos de investigación (GI) permite visualizar el desarrollo científico de un área de conocimiento. O el propósito de la investigación fue analizar la trayectoria de los GI de educación física en Brasil, caracterizando su distribución geográfica y lo vínculo con las líneas de investigación Escuela, Salud y Deporte. Se realizó una búsqueda paramétrica en el DGPB Lattes. Desde 1993, aumentado el número de GI. Mayor número en las regiones Sureste (n=250) y Sur (n=181) en los estados de São Paulo (n=126) y Paraná (72). Mayor número en los temas deporte (n=247), Escuela (n=122) y Salud (n=113). Se fomenta el aumento de GP en las regiones con menor número para promover el desarrollo científico en todo el país.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-11, fev. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418210


Este estudo objetiva desenvolver e validar um instrumento para avaliar dimensões do planejamento e processo de implementação de um programa de intervenção voltado à promoção de atividade física em escolares. Foi conduzido um estudo metodológico realizado durante os meses de julho a dezembro de 2016, vinculado ao programa de intervenção intitulado de "Movimente". O estudo envolveu as fases teórica (construção do instrumento), empírica e analítica (validação de conteúdo por especialistas, com atribuição de pontuação para os itens e de semântica, por membros da comunidade escolar e alunos do 7º ao 9º ano). O instrumento é dividido em duas dimensões: planejamento e processo. Resultados mostram que a dimensão de planejamento foi composta por indicadores acerca da importância da discussão sobre temas de saúde no contexto escolar, interesse em participar do programa e de suas respectivas ações. A dimensão de processo englobou indicadores sobre conhecimento e avaliação do programa e de suas respectivas ações, bem como sobre o interesse em manter o mesmo. Todas as questões foram consideradas válidas (índices de validade acima de 0,90) e compreensíveis (escores acima de 0,82). Conclui-se que o instrumento apresentou qualidade satisfatória no que diz respeito a validade de conteúdo e semântica, sendo considerado apropriado para avaliação do Programa Movimente e programas e ou projetos similares

This study aims to develop and validate an instrument that evaluates dimensions of planning and im-plementation of an intervention program focused on physical activity promotion in schoolers. It was conducted a methodological study carried out during the months of July to December of 2016, part of the Movimente Program. The study included theoretical (instrument development), empirical and analytical phases (content validadion by specialists, with scores atribution to each item, and by par-ticipants with characteristics similar to those of the target population, including school community, and students from 7th to 9th grade school). The instrument is composed by two dimensions: planning and process. Results show that planning was composed by indicators related to the importance of discussing health topics on the school context; interest in take part of the Program and its respective actions. Dimension included indicatos related to awaraness and evaluation program, and interest on program maintenance. All questions were considered valid (validation scores greater then 0.90) and with a good semantic (scores greated than 0.82). In conclusion, the instrument showed a reasonable quality regarding semantic and content validity, being considered apropriate for evaluation of Movi-mente Program and similar programs of physical activitiy programs in schoolers

Exercício Físico , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Adolescente
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 25Fev. 2022. Tab, Ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392918


Investigar grupos de pesquisa (GPs) possibilita visualizar como está o desenvolvimento científico de uma área do conhecimento. Este estudo objetivou descrever a trajetória dos GPs da educação física no Brasil, caracterizando sua distribuição geográfica e vinculação nas linhas de pesquisa Escola, Saúde e Esporte. Foi realizada busca parametrizada no painel Lattes do Diretório de GPs. Desde 1993 houve crescimento no número de GP. Houve maior concentração nas regiões sudeste (n=250), sul (n=181) e nos estados de São Paulo (n=126) e Paraná (n=72). Alocou-se maior número de GPs na temática Esporte (n=247), seguido da Escola (n=122) e Saúde (n=113). Incentiva-se a nucleação de GPs nas regiões com menor número, de modo a promover o desenvolvimento científico em todo o país (AU).

o investigate research groups (RG) enable to visualize how is going the scientific development of a knowledge area. The aim of this study was to analyze the trajectory of physical education RG in Brazil, and characterize its geography distribution, and its distribution by research line (school, health and sports). A parameterized search at the DGOB Lattes was made. Since 1993 increase the number of RG. Higher concentration were found in southeast (n=250), South (n=181) and in São Paulo (n=126) and Paraná (72) state. Higher number of RG were found in Sport (n=247), follow by school (n=122) and health (n=113). Incentive is needed to increase the RG number in regions with lower numbers with the aim to develop the science in all country (AU).

Investigar grupos de investigación (GI) permite visualizar el desarrollo científico de un área de conocimiento. O el propósito de la investigación fue analizar la trayectoria de los GI de educación física en Brasil, caracterizando su distribución geográfica y lo vínculo con las líneas de investigación Escuela, Salud y Deporte. Se realizó una búsqueda paramétrica en el DGPB Lattes. Desde 1993, aumentado el número de GI. Mayor número en las regiones Sureste (n=250) y Sur (n=181) en los estados de São Paulo (n=126) y Paraná (72). Mayor número en los temas deporte (n=247), Escuela (n=122) y Salud (n=113). Se fomenta el aumento de GP en las regiones con menor número para promover el desarrollo científico en todo el país (AU).

Humanos , Educação Física e Treinamento , Instituições Acadêmicas , Esportes , Brasil , Saúde , Grupos de Pesquisa , Conhecimento
Health Promot Int ; 37(2)2022 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34297827


The effectiveness of physical activity interventions can be improved through examining the aspects related to their implementation. However, little such evidence has been collected, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of a school-based physical activity intervention with qualitative and quantitative data from different actors (students, teachers and parents) involved in developing the program. The program was conducted in 2017 with three main components: (i) teacher training, (ii) environmental changes and (iii) educational actions. Mixed-method evaluation was performed by an independent evaluation team using a validated indicator matrix for the implementation process, including the self-reported information of students, teachers and parents, as well as interviews with teachers. In the 3 eligible schools, 350 adolescents (51% girls) answered the implementation questionnaire, as did 45 parents (84% mothers), and 47 teachers (70% female). In the qualitative analysis, 18 teachers participated. Categorical analysis found that the intervention was considered feasible by teachers. In general, teachers had a more positive perception of the implementation than did students. The lack of engagement from the school community and parents and the busy schedule of teachers were indicated to be the main difficulties. In conclusion, despite the teachers' motivation, some barriers prevented the successful implementation of the program.

Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Capacitação de Professores , Adolescente , Brasil , Exercício Físico , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Instituições Acadêmicas , Capacitação de Professores/métodos
Medicine (Baltimore) ; 99(31): e21233, 2020 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32756101


BACKGROUND: A better understanding of how multicomponent school-based interventions work and their effects on health and education outcomes are needed. This paper described the methods of the Movimente Program, a school-based intervention that aims to increase physical activity (PA) and decrease sedentary behavior (SB) among Brazilian students. METHODS: This is a cluster randomized controlled trial with adolescents from 7th to 9th grade in public schools from Florianopolis, Southern Brazil. After agreement, 6 schools were randomly selected to intervention or control groups (3 schools each), and all eligible students were invited to the study. The Movimente intervention program was performed during a school year and included 3 main components: Teacher training (including face-to-face meeting, social media platform, and handbook with lesson plans); improvements in the PA environment in school; and educational strategies. Control schools continued with their traditional schedule. Baseline (March/April 2017), postintervention (November/December 2017), and maintenance (June/July 2018) evaluations included PA and SB as primary outcomes (assessed by self-report and accelerometry). Secondary outcomes included psychosocial factors related to PA and SB (e.g., social support and self-efficacy), as well as health (e.g., quality of life and nutritional status) and education (e.g., academic achievement) outcomes. A program evaluation was performed based on the RE-AIM framework. Participants, intervention staffs, and evaluators were not blinded to group assignment, but a standardized evaluation protocol was applied independently of the trial allocation. RESULTS: Statistical analyses will include a multilevel approach for repeated measurements and mediation analysis. Any side effects of the intervention will be recorded. The sample size close to that expected (n = 1090) was reached (n = 999). The results of this trial will involve valuable information about the effect and the evaluation of a multicomponent intervention carried out in a middle-income country. CONCLUSION: By creating opportunities for adolescents to be active at school using multicomponent strategies, the Movimente program has the potential to enhance students health and academic performance which may encourage the school community (e.g., teachers, principals) to adopt the program. Also, this trial will provide evidence for practitioners, policy makers, and researchers on how multicomponent program may be implemented in a school setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered at the Clinical Trial Registry (Trial ID: NCT02944318; date of registration: 18 October 2016).

Comportamento do Adolescente , Exercício Físico , Comportamento Sedentário , Estudantes , Adolescente , Brasil , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Educação Física e Treinamento , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Resultado do Tratamento
Cien Saude Colet ; 25(2): 613-621, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32022201


Understanding the changes in the trends of fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents is important in order to implement public health actions. The scope of this article is to investigate the changes over a ten-year period in the daily fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents from Santa Catarina, according to sex, age and housing area. It is a secondary analysis of a panel survey entitled "Lifestyle and Risk Behavior of Adolescents in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil (ComPAC)." Adolescents (15-19 years of age) of state schools in 2001 (n=5.028) and 2011 (n=6.529) answered a questionnaire about fruit and vegetable consumption as well as about sociodemographic aspects. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were applied, according to sex, age and housing area. There was a decrease in daily fruit (39.1% and 16.6%) and vegetable (40.1% and 20.6%) consumption. Different prevalence levels were observed when analyzing subgroups, mainly among girls. From 2001 to 2011, daily vegetable consumption among boys and adolescents in rural areas remained the same. The decrease in daily consumption of fruit and vegetables among adolescents aged 15 to 19 in Santa Catarina highlights the need for the development of strategies to reverse this scenario.

Compreender mudanças no consumo de frutas e verduras por adolescentes é importante para criação de ações de saúde pública. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar mudanças, em dez anos, no consumo diário de frutas e verduras por adolescentes, de acordo com sexo, idade e área de moradia. Estudo de painel (análise secundária) da pesquisa "Estilo de vida e comportamentos de risco de jovens catarinenses". Adolescentes (15-19 anos) de escolas estaduais, em 2001 (n = 5.028) e 2011 (n = 6.529), responderam questionário sobre consumo de frutas e verduras e aspectos sociodemográficos. Estatística descritiva e regressão logística (2001 vs 2011), estratificada para sexo, idade e área de moradia. Houve diminuição no consumo diário de frutas (39,1% e 16,6%) e de verduras (40,1% e 20,6%). Diferentes prevalências são observadas de acordo com subgrupos, principalmente entre moças. A chance para consumo diário de verduras entre rapazes e adolescentes de área rural continuou a mesma. A diminuição na prevalência do consumo diário de frutas e verduras por adolescentes catarinenses de 15 a 19 anos aponta necessidade de criação de estratégias para reversão deste cenário.

Comportamento do Adolescente , Comportamento Alimentar , Frutas , Verduras , Adolescente , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Dieta/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , População Rural/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Sexuais , Inquéritos e Questionários , População Urbana/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto Jovem
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);25(2): 613-621, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055829


Resumo Compreender mudanças no consumo de frutas e verduras por adolescentes é importante para criação de ações de saúde pública. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar mudanças, em dez anos, no consumo diário de frutas e verduras por adolescentes, de acordo com sexo, idade e área de moradia. Estudo de painel (análise secundária) da pesquisa "Estilo de vida e comportamentos de risco de jovens catarinenses". Adolescentes (15-19 anos) de escolas estaduais, em 2001 (n = 5.028) e 2011 (n = 6.529), responderam questionário sobre consumo de frutas e verduras e aspectos sociodemográficos. Estatística descritiva e regressão logística (2001 vs 2011), estratificada para sexo, idade e área de moradia. Houve diminuição no consumo diário de frutas (39,1% e 16,6%) e de verduras (40,1% e 20,6%). Diferentes prevalências são observadas de acordo com subgrupos, principalmente entre moças. A chance para consumo diário de verduras entre rapazes e adolescentes de área rural continuou a mesma. A diminuição na prevalência do consumo diário de frutas e verduras por adolescentes catarinenses de 15 a 19 anos aponta necessidade de criação de estratégias para reversão deste cenário.

Abstract Understanding the changes in the trends of fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents is important in order to implement public health actions. The scope of this article is to investigate the changes over a ten-year period in the daily fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents from Santa Catarina, according to sex, age and housing area. It is a secondary analysis of a panel survey entitled "Lifestyle and Risk Behavior of Adolescents in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil (ComPAC)." Adolescents (15-19 years of age) of state schools in 2001 (n=5.028) and 2011 (n=6.529) answered a questionnaire about fruit and vegetable consumption as well as about sociodemographic aspects. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were applied, according to sex, age and housing area. There was a decrease in daily fruit (39.1% and 16.6%) and vegetable (40.1% and 20.6%) consumption. Different prevalence levels were observed when analyzing subgroups, mainly among girls. From 2001 to 2011, daily vegetable consumption among boys and adolescents in rural areas remained the same. The decrease in daily consumption of fruit and vegetables among adolescents aged 15 to 19 in Santa Catarina highlights the need for the development of strategies to reverse this scenario.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Verduras , Comportamento do Adolescente , Comportamento Alimentar , Frutas , População Rural/estatística & dados numéricos , População Urbana/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil , Fatores Sexuais , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Dieta/estatística & dados numéricos
Eur J Clin Nutr ; 74(2): 314-321, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31253877


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: An in-depth understanding of the relationship between food consumption and physical activity is relevant since these behaviours could influence each other, while both have an effect on obesity and chronic diseases. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of various combinations of food consumption (fruits, vegetables, sweets and snacks) on the associations with PA domains (leisure and commute) among Brazilian industrial workers. SUBJECTS/METHODS: This is part of a cross-sectional national survey developed in Brazil using data from the "Lifestyle and Leisure Habits of Industrial Workers" project. A total of 52,774 workers (response rate: 90.6%) responded to a validated questionnaire about the frequency of their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweets and snacks, their practice of LTPA and active commuting. The answers were analysed by multilevel regression, controlled by sociodemographic behaviour and the presence of hypertension, diabetes and overweight. RESULTS: Workers with a simultaneously adequate consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweets and snacks were 2.29 (1.74; 2.99 p-value < 0.001) more likely to perform LTPA. In the full model, there was no association among any of the combinations of food consumption and active commuting. CONCLUSION: A better food consumption behaviour was reported among workers who practiced leisure physical activity when compared to those who did not.

Atividades de Lazer , Verduras , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Exercício Físico , Frutas , Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Meios de Transporte
Cien Saude Colet ; 24(9): 3335-3344, 2019 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508754


The aims were to examine changes in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students from 2001 to 2011, and to verify if these changes differ according to age group, area of residence, and family income. We analyzed two cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2001 and 2011 with brazilian adolescents. Sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics were self-reported using a questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze changes in overweight and obesity between the two surveys. The nutritional status was the outcome of the present study and the surveys (2001 and 2011) were the exposure. The odds of being overweight and obese were higher among boys and girls in urban areas in the 2011 survey compared to the 2001. Boys and girls with higher income were also more likely to present overweight and obesity in the second survey compared to the first. An increase of overweight and obesity was observed over a decade. We suggest that future interventions consider the area of residence and the family income to strengthen the effectiveness of actions developed to prevent and control these indicators among adolescents.

Estado Nutricional , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Sobrepeso/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Renda , Masculino , Obesidade/economia , Sobrepeso/economia , Prevalência , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Cien Saude Colet ; 24(9): 3443-3456, 2019 Sep 09.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508762


The analysis of physical activity (PA) assistance programs is of major importance to ensure progress in the area. The Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-AIM) tool has been broadly disseminated in the literature. This study set out to identify PA assistance programs among Brazilian students and analyze them using the RE-AIM tool. The search was conducted in the Lilacs, SportDiscus, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhot, PsycINFO and PubMed databases. After thoroughly researching titles, abstracts and studies, 15 articles (seven PA assistance programs) were included. The programs were conducted in the past decade at public schools in the South and Southeast of Brazil. Multicomponent (education and teacher training) strategies were used with positive results in the practice of PA. With respect to the results of the RE-AIM tool, it was found that the most reported dimensions were "reach" (74%), followed by "efficacy" (48%), "adoption" (43%), "implementation" (35%) and "maintenance" (5%). The indicators most frequently mentioned were those related to the internal validity of the program: demographic and behavioral information of the target population, method of identification of the target population, sample size, participation rate and number of organizational units involved.

Analisar programas de intervenção para atividade física (AF) é de grande importância para auxiliar o avanço na área. A ferramenta RE-AIM vem sendo amplamente difundida na literatura. Neste sentido, o presente estudo objetivou identificar programas de intervenção para AF em escolares brasileiros e analisá-los por meio da ferramenta RE-AIM. A busca foi realizada nas bases Lilacs, SportDiscus, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhot, Psycinfo e PubMed. Após leitura de títulos, resumos e estudos na íntegra, foram inclusos 15 artigos (sete programas de intervenção para AF). Verificou-se que os programas foram realizados nos últimos dez anos, em escolas públicas, com a maior parte nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram utilizadas estratégias multicomponentes (educativas e treinamento de professores), com resultados positivos na prática de AF. Quanto às dimensões do RE-AIM, verificou-se que "alcance" foi a mais relatada (74%), seguida de "efetividade/eficácia" (48%), "adoção" (43%), "implementação" (35%) e "manutenção" (5%). Os indicadores mais mencionados foram aqueles referentes à validade interna do programa: informação demográfica e comportamental da população alvo, método de identificação da população-alvo, tamanho da amostra, taxa de participação e número de unidades organizacionais envolvidas.

Exercício Físico , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Instituições Acadêmicas/organização & administração , Brasil , Humanos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(9): 3443-3456, set. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019683


Resumo Analisar programas de intervenção para atividade física (AF) é de grande importância para auxiliar o avanço na área. A ferramenta RE-AIM vem sendo amplamente difundida na literatura. Neste sentido, o presente estudo objetivou identificar programas de intervenção para AF em escolares brasileiros e analisá-los por meio da ferramenta RE-AIM. A busca foi realizada nas bases Lilacs, SportDiscus, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhot, Psycinfo e PubMed. Após leitura de títulos, resumos e estudos na íntegra, foram inclusos 15 artigos (sete programas de intervenção para AF). Verificou-se que os programas foram realizados nos últimos dez anos, em escolas públicas, com a maior parte nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram utilizadas estratégias multicomponentes (educativas e treinamento de professores), com resultados positivos na prática de AF. Quanto às dimensões do RE-AIM, verificou-se que "alcance" foi a mais relatada (74%), seguida de "efetividade/eficácia" (48%), "adoção" (43%), "implementação" (35%) e "manutenção" (5%). Os indicadores mais mencionados foram aqueles referentes à validade interna do programa: informação demográfica e comportamental da população alvo, método de identificação da população-alvo, tamanho da amostra, taxa de participação e número de unidades organizacionais envolvidas.

Abstract The analysis of physical activity (PA) assistance programs is of major importance to ensure progress in the area. The Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-AIM) tool has been broadly disseminated in the literature. This study set out to identify PA assistance programs among Brazilian students and analyze them using the RE-AIM tool. The search was conducted in the Lilacs, SportDiscus, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhot, PsycINFO and PubMed databases. After thoroughly researching titles, abstracts and studies, 15 articles (seven PA assistance programs) were included. The programs were conducted in the past decade at public schools in the South and Southeast of Brazil. Multicomponent (education and teacher training) strategies were used with positive results in the practice of PA. With respect to the results of the RE-AIM tool, it was found that the most reported dimensions were "reach" (74%), followed by "efficacy" (48%), "adoption" (43%), "implementation" (35%) and "maintenance" (5%). The indicators most frequently mentioned were those related to the internal validity of the program: demographic and behavioral information of the target population, method of identification of the target population, sample size, participation rate and number of organizational units involved.

Humanos , Instituições Acadêmicas/organização & administração , Exercício Físico , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(9): 3335-3344, set. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019693


Abstract The aims were to examine changes in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students from 2001 to 2011, and to verify if these changes differ according to age group, area of residence, and family income. We analyzed two cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2001 and 2011 with brazilian adolescents. Sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics were self-reported using a questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze changes in overweight and obesity between the two surveys. The nutritional status was the outcome of the present study and the surveys (2001 and 2011) were the exposure. The odds of being overweight and obese were higher among boys and girls in urban areas in the 2011 survey compared to the 2001. Boys and girls with higher income were also more likely to present overweight and obesity in the second survey compared to the first. An increase of overweight and obesity was observed over a decade. We suggest that future interventions consider the area of residence and the family income to strengthen the effectiveness of actions developed to prevent and control these indicators among adolescents.

Resumo Os objetivos do estudo foram examinar as mudanças na prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade entre os estudantes de 2001 a 2011 e verificar se essas alterações diferem de acordo com a faixa etária, a área de residência e a renda familiar. Analisamos dois levantamentos transversais realizados em 2001 e 2011 com adolescentes brasileiros. As características sociodemográficas e antropométricas foram autorrelatadas por meio de um questionário. Regressão logística multinomial foi utilizada para analisar as mudanças no sobrepeso e obesidade entre os dois inquéritos. O estado nutricional foi considerado o desfecho do presente estudo e os inquéritos (2001 e 2011) foram as exposições. As razões de chance de sobrepeso e obesidade foram maiores entre os meninos e meninas em áreas urbanas no inquérito de 2011 em comparação com 2001. Meninos e meninas com maior renda também apresentaram maior chance de sobrepeso e obesidade no segundo inquérito. Sugerimos que futuras intervenções considerem a área de residência e a renda familiar para fortalecer a eficácia das ações desenvolvidas para prevenir e controlar esses indicadores entre os adolescentes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Estado Nutricional , Sobrepeso/epidemiologia , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Sobrepeso/economia , Renda , Obesidade/economia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30669291


Promoting healthy lifestyle factors (e.g., physical activity, healthy eating, less screen time) among young people is a relevant and challenging step toward reducing non-communicable diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a multicomponent intervention on lifestyle factors among adolescents from schools in low Human Development Index (HDI < 0.500) areas. The Fortaleça sua Saúde program was conducted with 548 adolescents aged 11⁻18 years old in the intervention group and 537 in the control group. The four-month intervention included strategies focused on training teachers, new opportunities for physical activity in the school environment, and health education strategies for the school community (including parents). Moderate- to-vigorous physical activity level (≥420 min/week), TV watching and computer use/gaming (<2 h/day), daily consumption of fruit juice, fruit, vegetables, soft drinks, savory foods and sweets, and current alcohol and tobacco use were measured before and after intervention. McNemar's test and logistic regression (odds ratio [OR] and a 95% confidence interval [95% CI]) were used, considering p < 0.05. In the intervention schools, a significant increase occurred in the number of adolescents who met physical activity guidelines (5.3%; 95% CI = 0.8; 9.8) and who reported using computer for <2 h a day (8.6%; 95% CI = 3.8; 13.4) after intervention. No changes were observed in the control schools. At the end of the intervention, adolescents from intervention schools were more likely to practice physical activity at recommended levels (OR = 1.44; 95% CI = 1.00; 2.08) than adolescents from control schools. No significant change was observed for the other lifestyle factors. In conclusion, this multicomponent intervention was effective in promoting physical activity among adolescents from vulnerable areas. However, other lifestyle factors showed no significant change after intervention. This study is registered at NCT02439827.

Estilo de Vida Saudável , Serviços de Saúde Escolar/estatística & dados numéricos , Populações Vulneráveis , Adolescente , Brasil , Criança , Dieta Saudável , Exercício Físico , Feminino , Educação em Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Instituições Acadêmicas/estatística & dados numéricos , Tempo de Tela
J Sports Sci ; 37(5): 500-506, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30124376


This study evaluated whether the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is mediated by social support of peers and parents. A cross-sectional study included students (n = 1182) aged 11 to 18 years who were recruited in 2014 from public schools in Fortaleza, Brazil. Participants completed a questionnaire to assess all variables. Mediation analyses were performed to determine the role of parental support and peer support on the relationship between SES and MVPA. Also, moderated-mediation analyses with estimating of conditional indirect effects were performed in order to identify whether gender is a moderator of the mediating effect. A positive and significant association between SES and MVPA was found among Brazilian students, and social support of parents and peers were significant mediators of this relationship. Conditional indirect effects showed that both parental and peer support had a significant indirect effect among boys; only parental support had a significant indirect effect among girls. These results suggest that improving social support can help reduce the impact of SES on physical activity among Brazilian adolescents.

Exercício Físico/psicologia , Pais/psicologia , Grupo Associado , Classe Social , Apoio Social , Estudantes/psicologia , Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Brasil , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Renda , Masculino , Fatores Sexuais
BMC Public Health ; 18(1): 1283, 2018 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30463537


BACKGROUND: There is a lack of evidence regarding clusters of health-related behaviors among adolescents from low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries. This study aimed to identify clustering patterns of health-related behaviors (diet, physical activity [PA] and sedentary behavior [SB]) and association with sociodemographic variables among a population-based sample of Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from the 2015 National School-Based Health Survey (PeNSE). A total of 102,072 (females: 51.7%) students in ninth-grade (age: 14.3 ± 1.1 years-old) enrolled in public and private schools were investigated in this study. Healthy and unhealthy diet, PA and SB were measured using a validated questionnaire. Two-step cluster analysis was conducted to identify lifestyle patterns. The methodology for complex analysis and weighting was used to inferential statistical procedures. Multinomial logistic regression assessed associations between sociodemographic factors and the clusters. RESULTS: Three reliable and meaningful clusters were identified and labelled as follows: (1) health-promoting SB and diet (32.6%); (2) health-promoting PA and diet (44.9%), and (3) health-risk (22.5%). Compared to boys, girls were less likely to be in clusters 1 (OR = 0.85; 95% CI = 0.78-0.93, p < 0.001) and 2 (OR = 0.43; 95% CI = 0.40-0.46, p < 0.001) than the health-risk cluster. Higher socioeconomic status was positively associated with health-promoting PA and diet, and negatively related to health-promoting SB and diet. Older adolescents were more likely to be in cluster 1 than in cluster 3, compared to younger adolescents. CONCLUSION: Approximately one-quarter of the population (health-risk cluster) reported engaging in multiple risk behaviors. Interventions may need to be tailored to specific adolescent groups, especially considering sociodemographic differences.

Comportamento do Adolescente , Dieta/psicologia , Exercício Físico/psicologia , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Comportamento Sedentário , Adolescente , Brasil , Análise por Conglomerados , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Humanos , Masculino , Instituições Acadêmicas , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 524-539, jul.-set.2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-965922


Objetivou-se estimar as prevalências dos tipos e quantidades de atividade física (AF) no tempo de lazer em adolescentes, por sexo e idade. Estudantes (15-19 anos; n=6.529) de escolas estaduais de Santa Catarina responderam a um questionário validado sobre tipos de AF praticadas semanalmente no tempo de lazer. Medidas apresentadas em frequência relativa e intervalos de confiança de 95% indicaram que, ao comparar os sexos, rapazes apresentaram maior prevalência de prática de futebol, musculação e ciclismo, enquanto moças apresentaram maior prevalência de caminhada, dança e ginástica. Prevalência de caminhada foi maior nos adolescentes de 17 anos, em relação aos de 18 anos. Conclui-se que tipos de AF diferem de acordo com sexo e idade, enquanto a quantidade de AF diferiu entre sexos.

The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of types and quantity of physical activity (PA) performed during leisure time by adolescents, according to sex and age. Students (15-19 years; n=6,529) from public schools of Santa Catarina answered a validated questionnaire about types of PA weekly performed during leisure time. Data presented in relative frequency and 95% confidence interval showed that, when comparing sex, higher prevalence of practice in soccer, weight lifting, and cycling was observed among boys, while walking, dance and gymnastics were more prevalent among girls. The proportion of walking was higher in adolescents aged 17 years old, compared with those aged 18 years old. It is concluded that types of PA differ according to sex and age, whereas the amount of PA differs only by sex.

Se objetivó estimar las prevalencias de los tipos y cantidades de actividad física (AF) en el tiempo libre en adolescentes, por sexo y edad. Los estudiantes (15-19 años, n = 6.529) de escuelas estatales de Santa Catarina respondieron a un cuestionario validado sobre tipos de AF practicadas en el tiempo libre. Medidas presentadas en frecuencia relativa e intervalos de confianza del 95% indicaron que los niños presentaron mayor prevalencia de práctica de fútbol, musculación y ciclismo, mientras que las niñas practican más la caminata, la danza y la gimnasia. La prevalencia de caminata fue mayor en los adolescentes de 17 años, en relación a los de 18 años. Se concluye que los tipos de AF difieren según el sexo y la edad, mientras que la cantidad de AF se diferenció entre los sexos.

Humanos , Adolescente , Atividades de Lazer , Estilo de Vida , Atividade Motora , Estudos Transversais/métodos
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 34(4): 476-483, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-830747


Abstract Objective: Verify the prevalence and sociodemographic and economic factors associated with behavior change stages for habitual physical activity practice in adolescents from Santa Catarina. Methods: Secondary analysis of a study on the Behavior of Adolescents from Santa Catarina (CompAC 2). Cross-sectional school-based study of 6,529 high-school students (males, n=2,903) from the state of Santa Catarina public education system in 2011, aged 15 to 19 years. Multinomial logistic regression (crude and adjusted) was used to measure the association. Results: The highest and lowest prevalence rates were found in the maintenance (43.9%) and precontemplation stages (7.0%), respectively. The stages of action, preparation and contemplation showed similar results: 16.2%; 17.0% and 15.6%; respectively. Male adolescents show higher prevalence in the maintenance stage in relation to females and these show a higher prevalence in preparation, contemplation and precontemplation. All the assessed variables (gender, age, area of residence, employment status, family income, maternal education and school grade), with the exception of school shift, were associated with at least one of the stages. Conclusions: A large proportion of adolescents are in the pre-adoption stages and most of these have the intention to start regular physical activity. With the exception of school shift, the assessed variables were associated with stages in different ways, showing different profiles in relation to sociodemographic and economic characteristics in each subgroup.

Resumo Objetivo: Verificar as prevalências e os fatores sociodemográficos e econômicos associados aos estágios de mudança de comportamento para prática habitual de atividade física em adolescentes catarinenses. Métodos: Análise secundária de estudo sobre o Comportamento do Adolescente Catarinense (CompAC 2). Estudo transversal de base escolar composto por 6.529 escolares (sexo masculino, n=2.903) do ensino médio da rede pública estadual de Santa Catarina em 2011, entre 15 a 19 anos. Para medida de associação, usou-se regressão logística multinomial (bruta e ajustada). Resultados: As prevalências mais elevadas e mais baixas foram verificadas nos estágios de manutenção (43,9%) e pré-contemplação (7%), respectivamente. Os estágios de ação, preparação e contemplação apresentaram resultados semelhantes entre si: 16,2%, 17% e 15,6%, respectivamente. Adolescentes do sexo masculino estão em maior prevalência no estágio de manutenção em relação aos do sexo feminino e essas apresentam maior prevalência em preparação, contemplação e pré-contemplação. Todas as variáveis investigadas (sexo, idade, área de moradia, situação ocupacional, renda familiar, escolaridade materna e série escolar), com exceção do turno de estudo, apresentaram associação com pelo menos um dos estágios. Conclusões: Grande parcela dos adolescentes encontra-se nos estágios de pré-adoção e a maioria desses tem a intenção de iniciar a prática regular de atividade física. Com exceção do turno de estudo, as variáveis investigadas estiveram associadas aos estágios de diferentes formas, apresentaram perfis distintos em relação às características sociodemográficas e econômicas em cada subgrupo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Exercício Físico , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Brasil , Estudos Transversais
Rev Paul Pediatr ; 34(4): 476-483, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27181341


OBJECTIVE: Verify the prevalence and sociodemographic and economic factors associated with behavior change stages for habitual physical activity practice in adolescents from Santa Catarina. METHODS: Secondary analysis of a study on the Behavior of Adolescents from Santa Catarina (CompAC 2). Cross-sectional school-based study of 6,529 high-school students (males, n=2,903) from the state of Santa Catarina public education system in 2011, aged 15 to 19 years. Multinomial logistic regression (crude and adjusted) was used to measure the association. RESULTS: The highest and lowest prevalence rates were found in the maintenance (43.9%) and precontemplation stages (7.0%), respectively. The stages of action, preparation and contemplation showed similar results: 16.2%; 17.0% and 15.6%; respectively. Male adolescents show higher prevalence in the maintenance stage in relation to females and these show a higher prevalence in preparation, contemplation and precontemplation. All the assessed variables (gender, age, area of residence, employment status, family income, maternal education and school grade), with the exception of school shift, were associated with at least one of the stages. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of adolescents are in the pre-adoption stages and most of these have the intention to start regular physical activity. With the exception of school shift, the assessed variables were associated with stages in different ways, showing different profiles in relation to sociodemographic and economic characteristics in each subgroup.

Exercício Físico , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Adolescente , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Adulto Jovem
Prev Med ; 87: 51-56, 2016 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26876633


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the moderating effect of gross family income on the association between demographic indicators and active commuting to work in Brazilian adults. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the survey "Lifestyle and leisure habits of industry workers" (n=46,981), conducted in 24 Brazilian states (2006-2008). Self-reported information was collected with a previously tested questionnaire. Crude and adjusted logistic regression models were applied to analyze the association between sociodemographic variables (sex, age, marital status, number of children, education, country area and company size) and active commuting to work in different strata of gross family income. To test the moderating effect, an interaction analysis was applied. RESULTS: The proportion of active commuters among low-, medium- and high-income workers was 40.7% (95%CI:40.0%;41.5%), 27.0% (95%CI:26.3;27.6%) and 11.1%, (95%CI:10.5%;11.7%), respectively. The moderating effect of gross family income was confirmed. Men were more likely (OR:1.22 95%CI:1.12;1.32) to commute actively than women among low-income individuals. Active commuting was less likely among older workers in low-(OR30-39:0.90 95%CI: 0.83;0.98; OR≥40: 0.76 95%CI: 0.68;0.85) and medium-income strata (OR30-39:0.87 95%CI:0.80;0.95; OR≥40:0.84 95%CI:0.76;0.93) and among married individuals in high-income strata (OR:0.72 95%IC:0.61;0.84). Adults with lower education (ORhigh:10.80 95%CI:8.47;13.77), working in the south (ORhigh:1.93 95%CI:1.53;2.44) and in small companies (ORlow:2.50 95%CI:2.28;2.74) were more likely to commute actively; however, the magnitude of these associations differed at each income strata. CONCLUSION: There was an inverse association between gross family income and active commuting. Gross family income acts as a moderator of the association between demographic indicators and active commuting.

Renda/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Meios de Transporte/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Emprego , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários