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Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 20(3): 235-240, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-796714


Determinar a prevalência de hipotireoidismo emidosos com idade superior a 60 anos no município de Taubaté-SP. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal,coletando informações dos resultados de amostrassanguíneas analisadas de 200 pessoas escolhidasaleatoriamente entre os pacientes de um laboratórioparticular, que foram selecionados por alternância entre ospacientes que se enquadram no estudo, sendo tanto homensquanto mulheres acima de 60 anos, residentes no municípiode Taubaté-SP, no período de 01 de junho a 30 de outubro de2014. Foi utilizado o aparelho IMMULITE – SIEMENS, com osKits da SIEMENS. Foram utilizados dois Kits: Kit T4 livre:Immulite Free T4 que é um imunoensaio competitivoquimioluminescente. Valores de referência: 0.89 a 1,76 (ng/dl) e o Kit TSH: Immulite TSH que tem como princípio oimunoensaio. Valores de referência: 0,4 a 4 (ulU/ml). Osresultados do TSH acima do valor de referência e o T4 livreabaixo do valor de referência foram considerados portadoresde Hipotireoidismo Clínico. Resultados: A prevalência dehipotireoidismo detectada foi de 26,5% (53 indivíduos), onde73,58% (39 indivíduos) apresentaram hipotireoidismosubclínico e 28,30% (14 indivíduos) apresentaramhipotireoidismo clínico. A incidência de hipotireoidismosubclínico no sexo feminino foi de 52,83% e de hipotireoidismoclínico foi de 16,98%; já no sexo masculino a incidência foide 20,75% de hipotireoidismo subclínico e de 9,43% dehipotireoidismo clínico. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou altaprevalência de hipotireoidismo na amostra pesquisada...

Objective: To determine the prevalence of hypothyroidismamong elderlies aged over 60 years from the city of Taubaté,SP, Brazil. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectionalstudy in which we collected information on blood sampleresults from 200 subjects randomly selected from a privatelaboratory. The study subjects were selected by rotationamong the eligible patients, being both males and femalesaged over 60 years, living in the city of Taubaté, SP, fromJune 1st to October 30th 2014. The IMMULITE – SIEMENS devicewas used, along with the following SIEMENS kits: Free T4 kit– Immulite Free T4, which is a chemoluminescent competitiveimmune-assay. Reference values: 0.89 to 1.76 (ng/dL); andthe TSH kit – Immulite TSH, which is based on an immuneassay.Reference values: 0.4 to 4 uIU/mL. The results of TSHabove the reference value and of the free T4 below thereference value were considered as indicatives of clinicalhypothyroidism. Results: The prevalence of hypothyroidismwas found to be 26.5% (53 subjects), of which 73.58% (39subjects) showed subclinical hypothyroidism and 28.30%(14 subjects) showed clinical hypothyroidism. The incidenceof subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism in women was52.83% and 16.98%, respectively. In men, the incidence ofsubclinical hypothyroidism was 20.75%, while clinicalhypothyroidism accounted for 9.43% of the cases.Conclusion: Our findings showed a high prevalence ofhypothyroidism in the studied sample...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso , Diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo
Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter;37(1): 43-47, Jan-Feb/2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-741872


Objective: To demonstrate the proportion of anemia and its association with demographic and clinical characteristics in a representative sample of elderly people from São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Methods: Demographic data and blood samples were collected from 398 over 65-year-old male and female individuals. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin concentration <12 g/dL in women and <13 g/dL in men. Anemic and non-anemic groups were compared using the chi-squared test and a multiple logistic regression model. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 18.6% (20.8% in men and 17.6% in women). The per- centages of anemia rose significantly across the age groups >75-80, >85-90 and >90-95 years (p-value = 0.0251). There were no significant differences in gender, ethnic background, place of residence, years of schooling, income, comorbidities and use of medications. Accord- ing to gender, the mean hemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular volume were 11.5 g/dL (range: 8.4-11.9 g/dL) and 90.7 fL (range: 63.0-111.7 fL) for women and 11.9 g/dL (range: 8.6-12.8 g/dL) and 92.1 fL (range: 59.8-100.1 fL) for men. The great majority of ane- mia cases were mild with less than 6% having hemoglobin concentrations below 10.9 g/dL. Mean corpuscular volume was lower than 80 fL in six cases (8%), between 80 and 100 fL in 65 cases (88%) and higher than 100 fL in three cases (4%). Conclusion: A total of 18.6% of elderly people from São José dos Campos had mild anemia with the majority being normocytic. The percentages of anemia rose as the age increased demonstrating an association between age and anemia. .

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Envelhecimento , Eritrócitos , Hematologia , Anemia
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 31(1): 7-12, jan.-mar. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-684769


Demonstrar as características demográficas clínicas e taxas de sobrevida geral (SG) de pacientes tratados com transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) autólogo no Vale do Paraíba-SP. Métodos - Análise retrospectiva de 129 pacientes atendidos no Hospital Pio XII de São José dos Campos entre 2005 e 2011. Coletaram-se registros de prontuário clínico, viabilidade das células CD34+ descongeladas,número de células CD34+ reinfundidas, reações adversas ao dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), tempo de recuperação de contagem de neutrófilos (>0.5x109/L) e plaquetas (>20x109/L) e antimicrobianos prescritos. A SG 5 anos após o TCTH autólogo foi estimada para pacientes com mieloma múltiplo (MM), linfoma Hodgkin (LH) e linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH). Resultados - Foram selecionados 129 pacientes (67 homense 62 mulheres). A mediana das idades foi de 51 anos (18-70), 63 pacientes apresentavam MM, 25 LH, 24 LNH, 9 tumor germinativo, 7 leucemia mielóide aguda e 1 leucemia linfoblástica aguda. A mediana do número de células CD34+ reinfundidas foi de 6,02x106/kg (2,23-15,7) com viabilidade celular após descongelamento de 79% (62-93). O tempo para recuperação foi de 12 dias (9-18) para neutrófilose 13 dias (10-21) para plaquetas. Três pacientes apresentaram reações adversas ao DMSO. Trinta e três pacientes (25,6%) receberam antifúngico em associação aos antibióticos de amplo espectro de ação. As taxas de SG foram 57,7% (IC 33,8-71,5), 76,8% (IC 52,5-89,7) e 69,2% (IC 46,9-83,6) para MM, LH e LNH respectivamente. Conclusões - As características apresentadas demonstram que o TCTH autólogo é factível nesta região e as taxas de SG observadas em pacientes com MM, LH e LNH comparam-se favoravelmente com a literatura disponível...

To demonstrate the demographic and clinical aspects as well as the overall survival (OS) rates of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in Vale do Paraíba-SP. Methods - Retrospective analysis of 129 patients from Pio XII Hospital of São José dos Campos that received treatment between 2005 and 2011. Data from the pronctuaries of the patients, number of CD34+ cells reinfused, viability of defrosted CD34+ cells, reactions induced by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), time to recover neutrophils and platelets count and antimicrobial agents prescribed were collected. Five-year OS was measured in patients with multiple myeloma (MM), Hodgkin´s lymphoma(HL) and non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma (NHL). Results - The median age was 51 years (18-70) among the 129 patients selected (67 male and 62 female). 63 had MM, 25 HL, 24 NHL, 9 germ cell tumors, 7 acute myeloid leukemia and 1 acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The median of number of CD34+ cells reinfused was 6.02 x 106/kg (2.23-15.7) with 79% (62-93%) of viable cells after defrost. Times to neutrophils and platelets count recovery were 12 (9-18) and 13 (10-21) days, respectively. Three patients showed DMSO-induced reactions. Thirty three patients(25.6%) were treated with antifungal in association with extended spectrum antibiotic. Five-year OS were 57.7% (CI 33.8-71.5) for MM patients, 76.8% (CI 52.5-89.7) for HL and 69.2% (CI 46.9-83.6) for NHL. Conclusions - The collected data provided evidence that the ASCT in Vale do Paraiba has favorable OS rates for patients with MM, HL and NHL in comparison to previously reported data from similar treatment in other regions...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Doença de Hodgkin , Linfoma não Hodgkin , Mieloma Múltiplo , Taxa de Sobrevida , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas