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Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 59(supl.1): 3-11, Apr.-June 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-636950


Antecedentes. Los hábitos alimentarios de esta población no ha sido materia de una amplia investigación, incluso concibiendo la importancia que tiene el estado nutricional en la evolución de la enfermedad y que este puede retardar el periodo de transición de la misma a etapas sintomáticas o la fase SIDA. Objetivo. Describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas alimentarias de los pacientes diagnosticados con la infección por VIH, asintomáticos, en fase clínica con tratamiento farmacológico. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio descriptivo utilizando una encuesta de CAP que diligenciaron voluntariamente 108 pacientes en consulta externa ambulatoria de dos instituciones privadas de Bogotá. Resultados. Se analizaron 108 encuestas en tres componentes. Conocimientos: el 58,7% refirió haber recibido información acerca de cómo debe ser su alimentación; el 32,3% fue suministrado por nutricionista. La fibra es el principal componente que tienen en cuenta a la hora de escoger alimentos (65%) y la proteína la consideran como el nutriente más benéfico (52%). Actitudes: el 61,8% manifestaron que el diagnóstico dificulta la selección y compra de alimentos por falta de información. El apetito, luego de reflexionar sobre el diagnóstico no ha sufrido cambios en el 49,5% de los participantes. Prácticas: el 75% reconoció la importancia de consumir suplementos y complementos; tan solo el 35,7% los consume. Cuando compran alimentos industrializados, el 66,4% verifica la fecha de vencimiento y el rotulado nutricional. Conclusiones. Los alimentos que más consumen son aquellos que hacen parte de la canasta básica para la población colombiana; sus hábitos no difieren significativamente del resto de población. La información en alimentación y nutrición la obtienen de fuentes no profesionales. Se evidencia una regular remisión por el médico general o tratante hacia el profesional nutricionista. Es común la práctica de automedicación y dosificación en el uso y consumo de complementos y suplementos alimenticios.

Background. Research related to nutritional habits during the asymptomatic phase of HIV has not been well documented or is very scarce; this would include understanding the importance of nutritional status regarding disease progression and that suitable nutritional status may slow transition to symptomatic stages or AIDS stage. No studies have yet been carried out in Colombia describing nutritional habits in HIV-positive patients who have been receiving pharmacological treatment; no records have thus been kept and no advances have been made regarding this topic. Objective. Describing nutritional knowledge, attitudes and practice in asymptomatic patients diagnosed as suffering from clinical phase HIV infection receiving pharmacological treatment. Materials and methods. A descriptive exploratory study was carried out using a care and prevention (CAP)-based approach; the survey was voluntarily filled out by 108 patients who were attending outpatient consultation in two private institutions in Bogotá. Results. Three components were analysed in the 108 surveys. Knowledge. 58.7% of the patients referred to having received information about what their diet should have been like; 32.3% had their diet supplied by a nutritionist. Fibre was the main component taken into account when choosing food (65%) and protein was considered to be the most beneficial nutrient (52%). Attitude: 61.8% of the patients stated that their diagnosis hampered selecting and buying food due to a lack of information. Appetite had not undergone changes in 49.5% of the participants following reflecting on their diagnosis. Practice. 75% of the patients recognised the importance of consuming nutritional supplements and complements; however, only 35.7% of them took them. When buying industrialised/processed food, 66.4% of the patients verified the products' expiry date and/or nutritional data on the label. Conclusions. The food customarily consumed by the patients was that forming part of the average Colombian population's basic weekly food basket; their habits did not significantly differ from those of the rest of the population. Dietary and nutritional information was being obtained from non-professional sources. General practitioners or specialists were referring patients to professional nutritionists; however, self-medication and dosage were common regarding the use and consumption of nutritional complements and supplements.