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Nat Prod Res ; : 1-6, 2023 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38073526


The leaves of Monteverdia ilicifolia (syn. Maytenus ilicifolia) are widely used in traditional South American medicine to treat gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis and ulcers. Several herbal products containing the leaves of M. ilicifolia can be found in the market. However, other species with similar leaf morphology are confounding materials, e.g. Monteverdia aquifolia (Celastraceae), Citronella gongonha (Cardiopteridaceae), Jodina rhombifolia (Santalaceae), Sorocea bonplandii (Moraceae) and Zollernia ilicifolia (Fabaceae). This study aimed to identify M. ilicifolia and distinguish it from its potential adulterants using high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) technique. Comprehensive HPTLC analysis revealed specific fingerprints that can be used to assess the minimum content of epicatechin and the quality of commercial espinheira-santa samples. The results of the study demonstrated that the HPTLC method is capable of detecting adulterations and distinguishing M. ilicifolia from all confounding materials in commercial products available on the market, showing that most of the products are of poor quality due to adulterations.

CoDAS ; 35(1): e20210178, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404345


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a percepção de alunos dos cursos de Fonoaudiologia e de Pedagogia a respeito de suas experiências e práticas de leitura e escrita de textos pertencentes ao gênero do discurso na esfera acadêmica. Método Pesquisa de caráter quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e do tipo analítico. Para o levantamento dos dados, foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas que abrangiam a relação dos alunos com a leitura e com a escrita de textos pertencentes ao gênero acadêmico e as dificuldades enfrentadas no uso desse gênero do discurso. Resultados Muitos alunos supõem que apresentam alguma dificuldade no uso dos gêneros discursivos usados na universidade, o que pode indicar lacunas no trabalho com a linguagem escrita nos níveis de ensino que antecederam sua entrada no Ensino Superior. Alguns discentes referiram que se sentem culpados por não acompanharem, de forma efetiva, as atividades de leitura e de escrita propostas em seus respectivos cursos universitários, subentendendo que isso se deve a um distúrbio inerente aos mesmos. Conclusão Apesar do aumento do número de alunos no Ensino Superior, muitos ainda sentem-se excluídos da vida acadêmica, especialmente, por não usarem, de maneira proficiente, textos próprios deste nível de ensino. Cabe à Universidade e a todos os atores envolvidos na formação superior promoverem ações que considerem o direito a educação de todos os alunos.

ABSTRACT Purpose to analyze the perception of Speech-Therapy and Education undergraduates regarding their experiences and practices in reading and writing texts from academic discourse genres. Methods It´s a mixed crosscut study, with data collected by the application of a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about students' relation towards reading and writing of academic texts, their difficulties in the use of these genres and how they cope with such difficulties. Results The results show that a significant number of the students assume that they have some difficulty in reading and writing these discourse genres in academic settings, which may be an indication of gaps in working with reading and writing during previous educational levels. Some of these students even blame themselves for not effectively following the reading and writing proposals in higher education, implying that this is due to an intrinsic disorder. Conclusion The data allow us to state that, despite the increase in the number of students in higher education, many still feel excluded from academic life, especially for not using academic discourse genres in a proficient way. It is the University responsibility, along with all actors involved in higher education, to promote actions that consider the right to education for all students.

Codas ; 35(1): e20210178, 2022.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36259819


PURPOSE: to analyze the perception of Speech-Therapy and Education undergraduates regarding their experiences and practices in reading and writing texts from academic discourse genres. METHODS: It´s a mixed crosscut study, with data collected by the application of a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about students' relation towards reading and writing of academic texts, their difficulties in the use of these genres and how they cope with such difficulties. RESULTS: The results show that a significant number of the students assume that they have some difficulty in reading and writing these discourse genres in academic settings, which may be an indication of gaps in working with reading and writing during previous educational levels. Some of these students even blame themselves for not effectively following the reading and writing proposals in higher education, implying that this is due to an intrinsic disorder. CONCLUSION: The data allow us to state that, despite the increase in the number of students in higher education, many still feel excluded from academic life, especially for not using academic discourse genres in a proficient way. It is the University responsibility, along with all actors involved in higher education, to promote actions that consider the right to education for all students.

OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de alunos dos cursos de Fonoaudiologia e de Pedagogia a respeito de suas experiências e práticas de leitura e escrita de textos pertencentes ao gênero do discurso na esfera acadêmica. MÉTODO: Pesquisa de caráter quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e do tipo analítico. Para o levantamento dos dados, foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas que abrangiam a relação dos alunos com a leitura e com a escrita de textos pertencentes ao gênero acadêmico e as dificuldades enfrentadas no uso desse gênero do discurso. RESULTADOS: Muitos alunos supõem que apresentam alguma dificuldade no uso dos gêneros discursivos usados na universidade, o que pode indicar lacunas no trabalho com a linguagem escrita nos níveis de ensino que antecederam sua entrada no Ensino Superior. Alguns discentes referiram que se sentem culpados por não acompanharem, de forma efetiva, as atividades de leitura e de escrita propostas em seus respectivos cursos universitários, subentendendo que isso se deve a um distúrbio inerente aos mesmos. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do aumento do número de alunos no Ensino Superior, muitos ainda sentem-se excluídos da vida acadêmica, especialmente, por não usarem, de maneira proficiente, textos próprios deste nível de ensino. Cabe à Universidade e a todos os atores envolvidos na formação superior promoverem ações que considerem o direito a educação de todos os alunos.

Leitura , Fonoterapia , Humanos , Redação , Estudantes , Percepção
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;23(5): 933-938, set.-out. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-975136


RESUMO O planeta terra é constituído por uma grande porcentagem de água, sendo apenas 3% doce. Dessa água doce, aproximadamente 0,3% está disponível para ser utilizada pelos habitantes do planeta. Para a avaliação das condições sanitárias da água, utilizam-se bactérias do grupo coliforme, cuja presença no ambiente aquático configura um potencial indicativo de poluição, bem como do risco da presença de organismos patogênicos. O Brasil possui a maior disponibilidade hídrica do planeta, porém, em várias regiões do país, muitos rios encontram-se poluídos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a análise microbiológica da água do Rio Bacacheri, localizado na cidade de Curitiba (PR) e incluído na seção das águas doces destinadas à preservação do equilíbrio natural das comunidades aquáticas, a fim de determinar o nível de poluição em cinco pontos pré-determinados, acompanhando o crescimento de colônias de coliformes fecais e coliformes totais através da técnica de membrana filtrante. Os resultados permitem verificar que, em todos os pontos de coleta, foi observada a proliferação de coliformes fecais e totais em valores acima do limite proposto pela resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005. Adicionalmente, nota-se que os pontos #P1, #P2 e #P5 são os mais afetados, enquanto #P3 e #P4 parecem ser os menos impactados, provavelmente pela presença de mata ciliar, bem como pela canalização de margens e fundo do rio.

ABSTRACT The planet Earth is made up of a large percentage of water, being only 3% of fresh water. Of this fresh water, approximately 0.3% is available to be used by the planet's inhabitants. For the evaluation of the health conditions of the water, bacteria of the coliform group are use, being their presence in the aquatic environment a potential indicative of pollution, as well as of the risk for presence of pathogenic organisms. Brazil has the highest availability of water on the planet, but in several parts of the country, many rivers are polluted. The objective of the study was to perform the microbiological analysis of the Bacacheri River water, located in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, which is included in the section of fresh waters, aimed at preserving the natural balance of aquatic communities, in order to determine the level of pollution in five pre-determined points, following the growth of colonies of fecal coliforms and total coliforms, through the membrane filter technique. The results show proliferation of fecal and total coliforms in values above the limit proposed by CONAMA no. 357/2005 Brazilian determination in all harvest points observed. In addition, points # P1, # P2, and # P5 are the most affected ones, whereas points # P3 and # P4 seem to be less affected, probably due to the presence of ciliary forest, as well as the channeling of the banks and the bottom of the river.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 25(4): 314-319, July-Aug. 2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-763207


AbstractBaccharis L. sect. Caulopterae, Asteraceae, comprises thirty species in Brazil that show stems represented by cladodes, which are very similar in morphology. These species are popularly known as “carqueja” in Brazil and Argentina and are used in popular medicine as diuretic and stomachic. The aim of this work was to examine the morpho-anatomical characters of cladodes of Baccharis pentaptera (Less.) DC. for diagnosis purposes. The plant material was prepared by light and scanning electron microscopy. B. pentaptera shows opposite and spread wings in the two-winged cladode axis and irregular arrangement in the three-winged cladode. The wings have a uniseriate epidermis with palisade parenchyma next to both sides of epidermis. The spongy parenchyma crossed by minor collateral vascular bundles is observed in the central region of wings. The glandular trichomes are capitate and biseriate and the non-glandular trichomes are uniseriate and flagelliform with 2–3 cells that extend from the base. In caulinar axis, there are uniseriate epidermis, chlorenchyma alternating with angular collenchyma and perivascular fiber caps adjoining the phloem which is outside the xylem. Prismatic and styloid crystals are verified in the perimedullary zone. These combined characters can assist the diagnosis of Baccharis species sect. Caulopterae.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;57(6): 867-873, Nov-Dec/2014. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-730396


The genus Calea belongs to the tribe Heliantheae and presents about 125 species. Calea serrata, popularly known as erva-de-cobra, chá-amargo and quebra-tudo, is an endemic species found in southern Brazil and is used in traditional medicine to treat ulcers and livers problems. The present work aimed to study the pharmacobotanical characters of leaves and stems of C. serrata for quality control purposes. The plant material was processed according to standard methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Glandular capitate-stalked and capitate-sessile, uniseriate multicellular non-glandular trichome with tapered apical cell, conical non-glandular trichome, isobilateral mesophyll, secretory ducts near the endoderm and circular shape with six ribs in the stem were important characters, which contributed to the identification of the species.