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Saúde Soc ; 30(3): e200809, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290088


Resumen La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) constituye una de las principales causas de mortalidad a nivel mundial. Se calcula que en México existen alrededor de 140.000 pacientes con este padecimiento. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprender los factores que facilitan e inhiben la adherencia al tratamiento de los pacientes pediátricos con ERC, dando énfasis en el abordaje interdisciplinario y en la inclusión del/la psicólogo/a para favorecer la atención integral de los pacientes. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo cualitativo, por medio de la técnica de entrevista con análisis por categorías. Participaron cuatro profesionales: un médico, una enfermera, una nutrióloga y una psicóloga del Hospital Infantil y de la Clínica de Hemodiálisis Galeno en Morelia, Michoacán, México. Los resultados mostraron la importancia del acompañamiento psicológico al paciente para la aceptación del diagnóstico, el manejo emocional, la adherencia al tratamiento y apoyo social, en especial con su cuidador/a primario. Finalmente, se propone un modelo de atención al paciente con ERC desde un enfoque interdisciplinario.

Abstract Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. In Mexico there are around 140,000 patients with this condition. The aim of this research was understand the factors that facilitate and inhibit the adherence to treatment of pediatric patients with CKD, with interdisciplinary approach and the inclusion of the psychologist to promote comprehensive patient care. A descriptive qualitative study was carried out by the interview technique with analysis by categories. Four professionals participated: a doctor, a nurse, a nutritionist and a psychologist of the Children's Hospital and of Galeno Hemodialysis Clinic in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. The results showed the importance of psychological support to the patient for the acceptance of the diagnosis, emotional management, adherence to treatment and social support, especially with their primary caregiver. Finally, a model of CKD patient care is proposed from an interdisciplinary approach.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Psicologia , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Lactente
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(4): 359-371, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377029


Resumen Una de las principales causas de la obesidad es la alimentación. La alimentación forma parte del medio social, y algunas de las variables sociales vinculadas con el bienestar y la salud son el apoyo y las barreras sociales. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las diferencias en comportamiento alimentario, así como apoyo y barreras sociales recibidas y proporcionadas en mujeres con obesidad vs. normopeso en un contexto natural de alimentación. Participaron cinco mujeres con obesidad y cinco normopeso, quienes fueron videograbadas por cuatro días consecutivos durante el momento de la "comida" en su hogar. El alimento fue registrado y pesado; las conductas de alimentación, de apoyo y las barreras sociales fueron registradas a partir de catálogos de observación sistemática elaborados exprofeso. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres con obesidad ingirieron más frecuentemente, y en mayor cantidad, bebidas endulzadas, antojitos mexicanos fritos y comida rápida. Además, fueron objeto de más barreras instrumentales que les impedían alimentarse saludablemente. En conclusión, es necesario abordar el medio social en el que la alimentación tiene lugar, ya que el tipo de interacciones sociales pueden jugar un papel importante en la alimentación.

Abstract One of the main causes of obesity is food. Food is part of the social environment and some of the social variables that have been linked to well-being and health are support and social barriers. Therefore, the aim was to analyze the differences on eating behavior, support and social barriers received and given between obesity women vs. normal weight women in the natural feeding context. Five women with obesity and five with normal weight participated, who were videotaped with their consent four consecutive days during the feeding time of the "food" in their home; food was recorded and weighed. We recorded eating behaviors, and behaviors of support and social barriers from a systematic observation catalog prepared exprofeso. The results showed that women with obesity ingested a greater frequency and quantity of sweetened beverages, fried Mexican snacks and fast food. In addition, they received a greater frequency of instrumental barriers to eat healthy. In conclusion, it is necessary to address the social environment in which food takes place, since the type of social interactions may be playing an important role in food.

Univ. psychol ; 16(2): 80-89, abr.-jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-963250


Resumen El incremento en el consumo de alcohol y la disminución en la edad de inicio requieren del desarrollo de propuestas preventivas dirigidas a población en edad más temprana, sustentadas teórica y empíricamente, como la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada (TCP). Para ello se debe conocer la intención que tiene el sujeto de consumir esta sustancia, por lo que se vuelve necesario evaluar sus creencias de comportamiento, normativas y de control sobre la conducta de interés. Un medio para evaluar dichas creencias lo constituyen las escalas de medición. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el proceso que se siguió para construir un instrumento, válido y confiable, que mide la intención de los niños de consumir bebidas con alcohol desde la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada. A diferencia de los estudios reportados desde esta teoría con adultos, no se encontró diferencia entre las creencias normativas y la importancia que se les da. En cuanto al control conductual percibido, los niños no identifican barreras para el consumo en el cuestionario, solo facilitadores. Esto puede estar relacionado con que en esta edad, es una conducta experimental. Por lo tanto la forma de calificar el instrumento para obtener la puntación en intención tuvo que modificarse.

Abstract The increase in alcohol consumption and the decrease in the age of onset requires the development of preventive proposals aimed at younger age population, theoretically and empirically supported. Theory of Planned Behavior (TCP) has this base, for it must know the intention of the subject of doing, being necessary to assess their behavioral beliefs, normative and control on the behavior of interest. A means of assessing such beliefs is constituted by the measurement scales. The aim of this study was to describe the process followed to build a valid and reliable instrument, which measures the intention of children to consume alcoholic beverages from the The-ory of Planned Behavior. Unlike the reported studies from this theory with adults, there were no differences between normative beliefs and the importance they are given. In terms of perceived behavioral control, children did not identify barriers to consumption in the questionnaire, only facilitators. This may be related to the fact that at this age, this is an experimental behaviour, so the way to qualify the instrument to get a score in intention had to be modified.

Humanos , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Comportamento , Criança , México
Salud ment ; Salud ment;32(6): 469-477, nov.-dic. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632662


There are two main problems reported in the intervention programs addressing teenage substance users: 1) limited admission to treatment, 2) high drop out rates. Institutions in other countries working with teenage substance users report a dropout rate between 50 and 70% after the first session at early treatment stages. In Mexico, a study on dropout rates in a brief intervention program found rates of 53%, with teenagers dropping out between the first and second session. In the addictive behavior field, there is a factor involved in the lack of acceptance for treatment and the dropout rate during treatment. This factor is the perception of addiction treatment programs and teenagers' readiness for change their consumption. Particularly, it was proposed that the lack of agreement over the actions that the therapist and the user develop, jointly and individually, affects the admission to and permanence of users in treatment programs. In addition, Yahne & Miller consider that most of the people can be admitted to the program without any willingness or with a limited willingness to change their consumption. This suggests the need for strategies that increase teenagers' interest in modifying their substance consumption. That is why this study reports the results of an evaluation of an induction to treatment session as a part of the <> [BIPA]. This induction to treatment session uses some of the strategies from motivational interviewing that also includes the change stages of Prochaska and DiClemente. These strategies are based on four steps: a) give teenagers feedback on the impact of alcohol use on their lives according to the results of a previous evaluation, b) give direct counseling about the importance of change, c) suggest alternatives to achieve this change, d) describe the BIPA characteristics and clarify the therapist's and teenagers' role in the treatment. If they follow these steps, teenagers increase their readiness to change. In addition, this induction to treatment session may help to clarify the perception about the activities that both therapist and the teenager must develop during the intervention program. The objectives of the current study are: 1) Evaluate the impact of the induction to treatment session on the therapist and teenagers' perception, 2) Evaluate the impact of the induction to treatment session on the stage of teenagers' readiness willingness to change, and 3) Determine the effects of the induction to treatment session on teenage alcohol users' acceptance and permanence. In this study, a pre-post test design without a control group was used in a sample of 28 volunteer teenage students from Mexico City. The sample was non probabilistic and included volunteer participants meeting the following criteria: a) teenage alcohol users drinking more than 4 drinks on more than 5 occasions in the last 6 months; b) reports on alcohol-related problems without physical symptoms of alcohol dependence according to DSM-IV-TR; c) being aged between 14 to 18 years old; d) being a student. This study took place at the <> Center of Psychological Services and the Acasulco Center of the UNAM Psychology Faculty, as well as at a secondary and high school in Mexico City. The instruments used were: Initial Interview, Readiness to Change Scale, and the Perception of Therapist's and Teenager's Role Questionnaire. The principal characteristics related to teenage consumption were: the overall sample reported alcohol consumption as a preeminent substance; the majority reported moderate alcohol consumption (1-2 occasions per month) over the past 90 days, although 80% reported large amounts of alcohol (more than 5 drinks per occasion). On the other hand, the three main problems reported by teenagers were related to attending parties where alcohol was necessarily consumed, family or friend's arguments and consequences related to affective situations. Data analysis showed statistical differences before and after the induction according to perceptions about the therapist's role t(27) = -2.803, p <.05, but not about the teenagers' role t(27) = -1.793, p >.05, although the average group analysis before the induction session showed that the participants had a clear perception of the activities they perform during the program. On the other hand, the data analysis did not show significant statistical differences in the recognition t(27) = .000, p >.05 and action t(27) = -1.839, p >.05 subscales, both from the readiness for change scale. As for the acceptance and permanence percentage in the treatment, 100% of the teenagers agreed to join the treatment program after the induction session, 93% only attended the first session of treatment, and 62% finished their participation in the treatment program. Based on these results, the induction to treatment session represents a component that clarifies teenagers' perception about the therapist's actions during the treatment. Although there were no significant differences in the readiness to change scale, the induction session is thought to have helped in the teenagers' admission to treatment in addition to promoting progress to action. The induction session can also be one of the variables that contributed to acceptance of and permanence in treatment among teenagers. However, it is important to evaluate the effect that the induction to treatment session had by comparing it with a control group. It is also essential to consider the evaluation of the induction to treatment session with teenage drug users, as well as teenagers that do not go to school. Despite the limited sample, the results observed suggest the relevance of this kind of components in treatment for teenage substance users.

Entre los programas de intervención dirigidos a los adolescentes que abusan del alcohol y otras drogas se han reportado dos grandes problemas: 1. la escasa aceptación para ingresar a tratamiento y 2. las altas tasas de abandono. Instituciones de otros países que trabajan con adolescentes usuarios de sustancias, reportan una tasa de deserción después de un primer contacto de entre el 50% y el 70% en fases tempranas del tratamiento. En México, un estudio sobre la deserción de los adolescentes participantes en un programa de intervención breve determinó que el porcentaje de deserción fue del 53% y la deserción se presentó entre la primera y la segunda visita al terapeuta. Algunos de los factores implicados en la falta de aceptación del tratamiento y la deserción durante el tratamiento en el campo de las adicciones, son la etapa de disposición a cambiar su consumo en la que se encuentran los sujetos y su percepción acerca de los tratamientos de las adicciones. En este sentido, en este trabajo se reporta la evaluación de una sesión de inducción al tratamiento como parte del <> [PIBA]. La sesión de inducción al tratamiento desarrollada como parte del PIBA, utiliza algunas de las estrategias propuestas por la entrevista motivacional, las que se integran en cuatro pasos: a) retroalimentar al adolescente sobre el impacto del uso de alcohol en su vida de acuerdo a los resultados de una evaluación previa, b) dar consejo directo sobre la necesidad de cambio, c) sugerir alternativas para el cambio y d) describir las características del PIBA y aclarar las acciones que el terapeuta y el adolescente realizan en el tratamiento. Con estos pasos se busca que el adolescente avance en su etapa de disposición al cambio y aclare su percepción acerca de las actividades que él y el terapeuta realizan durante el tratamiento. De manera adicional, se planteó que la sesión de inducción al tratamiento puede resultar efectiva para promover la aceptación y permanencia en el tratamiento entre los adolescentes. Para tal efecto se utilizó un diseño de grupo pretest-postest sin grupo control, con una muestra de 28 adolescentes estudiantes voluntarios del Distrito Federal, quienes reportaron consumir alcohol y tener problemas relacionados. El análisis de los datos mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas antes y después de la sesión de inducción para la percepción del rol del terapeuta, pero no para la percepción del rol del adolescente, aunque el análisis del promedio grupal acerca de la percepción del adolescente sobre su rol en el tratamiento, antes de la sesión de inducción, arrojó que los participantes tenían una percepción clara acerca de las actividades que ellos realizan durante el tratamiento. Por otra parte, el análisis no mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas para la etapa de disposición al cambio de los adolescentes antes y después de la sesión de inducción al tratamiento, sin embargo, el análisis de las medias grupales para las dos subescalas del instrumento que midió esta variable mostró que en un inicio los adolescentes se encontraban preparados para el cambio. Finalmente, se reportó que el 100% de los jóvenes aceptaron ingresar a tratamiento, el 92% acudió por lo menos a la primera sesión del programa y el 62% lo concluyó. Se propone que la sesión de inducción al tratamiento representa una estrategia mediante la cual se puede clarificar la percepción de los adolescentes sobre las actividades que realizan los terapeutas en el tratamiento, además de que puede favorecer el avance de los adolescentes de la etapa de preparación al cambio a la etapa de acción. Finalmente se considera que puede ser una de las variables que favorezcan la aceptación y permanencia en tratamiento entre los adolescentes atendidos en el estudio.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;31(2): 119-127, Mar.-Apr. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632728


During the last two decades, alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug consumption among young people has come to be regarded as a serious public health problem, both in Mexico and internationally. This recognition has resulted from a trend toward higher levels of use, greater diversification of the types of drugs used and abused, and increased drug marketing. Epidemiological data show that most users initiate drug use when they are about 16 years old. However, the age of first drug experimentation appears to be decreasing, with recent reports indicating an average age 12 or 13 years at present. The societal costs of adolescent drug use cut across different domains including physical and mental health, car crashes, and morbidity and mortality related to substance misuse. The personal costs of teen drug use include school failure, drop-out, and truancy. Moreover, aggressive behavior and crime, risky sexual behaviour, and many other behavioural problems have been shown to be associated with adolescent drug use. Research from many different disciplines has increased knowledge about (a) important dimensions of adolescent substance use and (b) the processes and variables related to the origin and maintenance of addictive behavior among teenagers. Despite this growing body of knowledge, few current prevention and treatment programs are based on empirical investigation. Moreover, many current intervention programs have not been adequately evaluated in regard to effectiveness. A recent development in the addiction field is brief intervention (BI). BIs have been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of addictive behavior among adult problem drinkers, with the most successful programs based on the Theory of the Social Learning. Only recently have BIs been tried with adolescent populations. While promising, little empirical research exists about the effectiveness of brief treatment with adolescents. The primary goals of BIs are to (a) reduce or eliminate substance consumption and (b) to mitigate the adverse effects of using alcohol or other drugs (i.e., harm reduction). While the goals of BIs are clear, the effectiveness of such programs with adolescents, despite their promise, is not well researched. For this reason, it is important to develop and empirically test BI programs for adolescents demonstrating problematic alcohol or other drug consumption. Schools represent a particularly good place to access adolescents who would benefit from BIs, and BIs represent an attractive alternative to the typical strategies used by school to address student substance use (i.e., suspension or expulsion). The main goal of this investigation was to develop and to evaluate a brief intervention program for teenagers with substance abuse (but who have not developed substance dependence) between 14 and 18 years old. The intervention program tries to: (a) promote a change in drug consumption through establishing consumption goals (in the case of the alcohol, moderation or abstinence; in the case of illegal drugs, abstinence); (b) identify high-risk situations in which use is probable; and (c) develop alternative strategies to these situations. The theorical bases of the intervention include Self-control Theory, Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention and <>. Our brief intervention program consisted of six steps: 1. case detection, which involved the identification of adolescents who abuse alcohol or another drugs, by means of teacher's reports, legal and psychology personnel, trained by the investigators; 2. screening, which involved determining whether adolescents met inclusion criteria; 3. assessment, which addressed the frequency and amount of consumption and self-confidence to suitably face situation of probable drug; 4. induction to the program, the objective of which was to sensitize the adolescents about the importance of attending treatment; 5. intervention; and, 6. one, three and six months follow-up assessments. The intervention program consisted of four individual sessions with the participants in which they chose their own substance reduction goals, identified their high risk situations, developed coping plans for each high risk situation, and appraised the impact of their substance use on their own life-goals success. The researchers used a single-case design with 25 participants, 17 of whom had alcohol problems and eight of whom had marijuana problems. The age average of participants was 16 years (SD = 1.8), and 19 were male and six were female. The average age of first consumption was 14 years old (SD = 1.72); the average duration of substance use was 18 months. From the complete sample, 45% reported consumption one or twice per week, 22% reported daily consumption, and the remainder consumed once a month. Results indicated that from the 25 participants, 24 demonstrated changes from the baseline in their consumption pattern (measured by frequency and quantity) during intervention and at follow-up assessments. Self-efficacy levels (self-perceptions about the capability to abstain or use moderately in high risk situations) changed as well. Specifically, among the adolescents who consumed alcohol a one-way ANOVA revealed significant changes in average consumption between the baseline, treatment, and follow-up phases F(2.48) = 17.691, p < .001. Bonferroni's post-hoc tests showed differences between baseline ( = 8.89, SD = 3.55) and treatment ( = 4.46, SD = 3.27), and between baseline and the follow-up ( = 3.29, SD = 1.35). Student's t tests for each subject showed that 16 adolescents significantly reduced their alcohol consumption from the baseline to the follow-up. Only one participant demonstrated increased use (from five standard drinks per drinking occasion at the baseline to 5.90 standard drinks at the follow-up). Regarding consumers of marijuana, a one-way ANOVA showed significant changes in consumption across the baseline, treatment and follow-up phases F(2.21) = 8.219, p = .002. Bonferroni's post-hoc tests showed significant differences between the baseline ( = 18.23, SD = 16.62) treatment phases ( = 1.07, SD = 0.77), and between the baseline and the follow-up phases ( = 1.59, SD = 1.06). An additional one-way ANOVA revealed significant changes in self-efficacy. Specifically, participants demonstrated increased self-efficacy in situations including: Unpleasant emotions, Pleasant emotions, Testing personal control, Conflict with others, Social pressure, and Pleasant time with others (all p < .01), F(2.78) = 24.30, 12.47, 11.34, 11.02, 16.91 and 25.62, respectively. Self-efficacy in regard to Physical discomfort and Urges and temptations to drink also showed significant changes, but at p < .05 F(2.78) = 3.97 and 3.26, respectively. Finally, in order to evaluate the impact of the intervention on problems that participants associated with their alcohol use (or other drugs), seven areas were examined: School, Health, Cognitive, Interpersonal, Family, Legal and Economic. At the end of the treatment, there was a reduction in the number of problems related to these seven areas, compared with the baseline.

En las últimas décadas, el abuso de drogas legales e ilegales en los jóvenes ha sido considerado como un serio problema de salud pública, tanto en el ámbito internacional como en nuestro país. Los estudios epidemiológicos indican que la mayoría de los consumidores experimentan por primera vez con drogas alrededor de los 16 años, pero esta experimentación continúa disminuyendo presentándose en promedio a los 12 o 13 años. Esto representa altos costos para la sociedad y el individuo. Por ejemplo, en áreas de la salud se incrementan los costos de la atención médica, los servicios de salud mental y los tratamientos especializados, además de aumentar la probabilidad de accidentes y muertes relacionadas con el abuso; en el área escolar se presenta el fracaso y/o la deserción escolar, y la expulsión de los estudiantes por parte de las instituciones; y en el área social se pueden presentar conductas agresivas y/o delictivas, contacto sexual de riesgo y otros problemas de conducta relacionados con el consumo de sustancias. De los diferentes programas existentes, resaltan las intervenciones breves en el tratamiento de usuarios que abusan pero que no dependen de las sustancias. Este tipo de intervenciones se basan en la Teoría del Aprendizaje Social y están diseñadas para reducir los patrones de abuso de alcohol u otras drogas. Sin embargo, la aplicación de las intervenciones breves se ha realizado principalmente en adultos, y es hasta últimas fechas que éstas se han adaptado a población adolescente que abusa de las sustancias, sin tenerse todavía resultados concluyentes. Es por esto que es fundamental desarrollar programas de intervención breve como una alternativa para adolescentes que inician el abuso de alcohol u otras drogas. Otro punto que requiere atención es el desarrollo de estrategias para detectar los casos en las escuelas, con la finalidad de ofrecer los servicios de atención en las propias instituciones educativas sin que el adolescente tenga consecuencias como la suspensión o la expulsión. Ante este fenómeno se ha recomendado fortalecer acciones que se basan en la identificación temprana de patrones de consumo que ponen en riesgo al adolescente a diferentes problemas relacionados con el abuso de las drogas. Estos programas se deben caracterizar por ser costo-eficientes, breves y capaces de instrumentarse en una variedad de escenarios, así como de aplicarse a una variedad de culturas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y evaluar un programa de intervención breve para adolescentes de entre 14 y 18 años de edad, estudiantes de nivel medio y medio superior, que consumen alcohol en exceso u otras drogas, y que presentan problemas relacionados con este patrón de consumo pero sin cubrir los síntomas físicos de la dependencia. Para realizar la evaluación se utilizó un diseño de caso único con 25 réplicas, 17 casos de consumo de alcohol y 8 casos de consumo de mariguana. De los 25 adolescentes que participaron en el estudio, 24 mostraron una disminución en el patrón de consumo (cantidad y frecuencia de consumo), al comparar las mediciones de los datos recabados en las fases de línea base, tratamiento y seguimiento. Así mismo, se dieron cambios en el nivel de auto-eficacia (percepción de la capacidad de los sujetos para controlar sus situaciones de consumo), es decir, al finalizar el tratamiento los adolescentes se percibieron a sí mismos con mayor capacidad para controlar la cantidad de consumo en situaciones de riesgo. Además, al final del tratamiento los sujetos reportaron una reducción del número de problemas relacionados con su consumo. Esta investigación es uno de los primeros esfuerzos por demostrar el impacto de las intervenciones breves en el patrón de consumo de los adolescentes. Las limitaciones del estudio fueron que no se determinó el efecto específico de cada uno de los componentes del programa ni tampoco se evaluó la presencia de otras conductas problemáticas (comorbilidad). Sin embargo, esta investigación ofrece un apoyo empírico a los programas de intervención breve en población adolescente de nuestro país.