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J Phys Condens Matter ; 36(1)2023 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37703900


The magnetization reversal (MR) of the layered Ni4-xZnxNb2O9ferrimagnetic compounds, withx=0,0.25,0.50and 0.75, is studied in this work using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and mean field (MF) calculations. First, we analyze the parent compound to set the parameters of our simulations; testing together MC simulations, MF calculations, and MR experiments reported by Bollettaet al(2022J. Appl. Phys.132153901). Then using two different approaches we fit the MR curves of the series of compounds finding a quite good agreement between MC simulations and the experiments. According to these results, Zn substitutions change the relative contribution to the magnetization of the different layers. Here we present two possible hypotheses to explain this effect; one involving a heterogeneous distribution of Zn2+among the layers, and the other related to distortions of the NiO6octahedra.

Phys Rev E ; 108(6-1): 064605, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38243543


Integral equation theories (IETs) based on the Ornstein-Zernike (OZ) relation can be used as an analytical tool to predict structural and thermodynamic properties and phase behavior of fluids with low numerical cost. However, there are no studies of the IETs for the dipolar density interaction potential in two-dimensional systems, a relevant interdomain interaction in lipid monolayers with phase coexistence. This repulsive interaction arises due to the excess dipole density of the domains, which are aligned perpendicular to the interface. This work studies the performance of three closures of the OZ equation for this novel system: Rogers-Young (RY), modified hypernetted chain (MHNC), and variational modified hypernetted chain (VMHNC). For the last two closures the bridge function of a reference system is required, with the hard disk being the most convenient reference system. Given that in two dimensions there is no analytical expressions for the hard disk correlation functions, two different approximations are proposed: one based on the Percus-Yevick (PY) approximation, and the other based on an extension of the hard spheres Verlet-Weis-Henderson-Grundke (LB) parametrization. The accuracy of the five approaches is evaluated by comparison of the pair correlation function and the structure factor with Monte Carlo simulation data. The results show that RY closure is satisfactory only for low-structured regimes. MHNC and VMHNC closures perform globally well, and there are no significant differences between them. However, the reference system in some cases affects their performance; when the pair correlation function serves as the measure, the LB-based closures quantitatively outperform the PY ones. From the point of view of its applicability, LB-based closures do not have a solution for all studied interaction strength parameters, and, in general, PY-based closures are numerically preferable.

J Chem Phys ; 152(5): 054707, 2020 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32035461


The line tension between two coexisting phases of a binary lipid monolayer in its fluid state has contributions not only from the chemical mismatch energy between the two different lipid types but also from the elastic deformation of the lipid tails. We investigate to what extent differences in the spontaneous curvature of the two lipids affect the line tension. To this end, we supplement the standard Landau-Ginzburg model for the line tension between coexisting phases by an elastic energy that accounts for lipid splay and tilt. The spontaneous curvature of the two lipids enters into our model through the splay deformation energy. We calculate the structure of the interfacial region and the line tension between the coexisting domains numerically and analytically, the former based on the full non-linear model and the latter upon employing an approximation in the free energy that linearizes the resulting Euler-Lagrange equations. We demonstrate that our analytical approximation is in excellent agreement with the full non-linear model and use it to identify relevant length scales and two physical regimes of the interfacial profile, double-exponential decay, and damped oscillations. The dependence of the line tension on the spontaneous curvatures of the individual lipids is crucially dependent on how the bulk phases are affected. In the special case that the bulk phases remain inert, the line tension decreases when the difference between the spontaneous curvatures of the two lipid types grows.

Soft Matter ; 14(10): 1870-1878, 2018 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29457809


In lipid monolayers with phase coexistence, domains of the liquid-condensed phase always present size polydispersity. However, very few theoretical works consider size distribution effects on the monolayer properties. Because of the difference in surface densities, domains have excess dipolar density with respect to the surrounding liquid expanded phase, originating a dipolar inter-domain interaction. This interaction depends on the domain area, and hence the presence of a domain size distribution is associated with interaction polydispersity. Inter-domain interactions are fundamental to understanding the structure and dynamics of the monolayer. For this reason, it is expected that polydispersity significantly alters monolayer properties. By means of Brownian dynamics simulations, we study the radial distribution function (RDF), the average mean square displacement and the average time-dependent self-diffusion coefficient, D(t), of lipid monolayers with normally distributed size domains. For this purpose, we vary the relevant system parameters, polydispersity and interaction strength, within a range of experimental interest. We also analyze the consequences of using a monodisperse model to determine the interaction strength from an experimental RDF. We find that polydispersity strongly affects the value of the interaction strength, which is greatly underestimated if polydispersity is not considered. However, within a certain range of parameters, the RDF obtained from a polydisperse model can be well approximated by that of a monodisperse model, by suitably fitting the interaction strength, even for 40% polydispersities. For small interaction strengths or small polydispersities, the polydisperse systems obtained from fitting the experimental RDF have an average mean square displacement and D(t) in good agreement with that of the monodisperse system.

Soft Matter ; 12(21): 4769-77, 2016 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27139819


A great variety of biologically relevant monolayers present phase coexistence characterized by domains formed by lipids in an ordered phase state dispersed in a continuous, disordered phase. From the difference in surface densities between these phases, inter-domain dipolar interactions arise. These interactions are relevant for the determination of the spacial distribution of domains as well as their dynamics. In this work, we propose a novel way of estimating the dipolar repulsion using a passive method that involves the analysis of images of the monolayer with phase coexistence. This method is based on the comparison of the pair correlation function obtained from experiments with that obtained from Brownian dynamics simulations of a model system. As an example, we determined the difference in dipolar density of a binary monolayer of DSPC/DMPC at the air-water interface from the analysis of the radial distribution of domains, and the results are compared with those obtained by surface potential determinations. A systematic analysis for the experimentally relevant parameter range is given, which may be used as a working curve for obtaining the dipolar repulsion in different systems.