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Investig. desar ; 32(2): 157-183, jul.-dic. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575120


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the correlation between the organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout in the administrative staff of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University. Methodology: The research was designed as a quantitative study applied with a correlational approach. A cross-sectional non-experimental design was used, since the measurements of the variables were made at a single time. The study population corresponded to a total of430 employees of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, which is why a simple random sampling was applied, with a confidence level of 95 % and a margin of error of 5 %, which allowed to determine a sample of 157 employees. For data collection, the survey technique was applied, therefore, three questionnaires were designed as instruments, one for each variable, with a Likert-type response scale. In the case of the Organizational Climate variable, this was based on three dimensions, namely: a) Recognition, b) Teamwork and c) Innovation, which helped to configure a total of 15 items to be evaluated. For the Job Satisfaction variable, it was based on three dimensions, which were: a) Job satisfaction, b) Satisfaction with remuneration and c) Satisfaction with the physical environment, constituting in turn 15 items to be evaluated, while for the Burnout variable, three dimensions were considered: a) Personal exhaustion, b) Depersonalization and c) Demotivation, for a total of 15 items to be evaluated. The questionnaires were subjected to a validity process according to the opinion of experts, who considered that they were suitable in their construction for application, in addition a pilot test was applied with a sample of 85participants, who were not part of the one included in the study, which allowed to determine that these instruments had an internal consistency of Cronbachs Alpha of0.97, 0.95 and 0.89 for the organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout variables respectively. The data were systematized in an Excel spreadsheet to perform the descriptive statistical analysis, using measures of central tendency to check the frequency and behavior of the variables. Then, the SPSS version 22 program was used to perform inferential statistical calculations. the distribution of the normality of the data was statistically verified using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, since the number of the sample was greater than fifty. For the determination of the correlation between the variables, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used, because the sample presented a non-normal distribution. The significance of the correlation was established by a level of p<0.05 for hypothesis testing. Results: The results showed that between the Organizational climate variable and the Recognition dimension there is an average level of satisfaction (61.14 %), 35.67 % showed a high level of satisfaction and 3.19 % a very high level of satisfaction. Between the Organizational climate and the Teamwork dimension, a result of 2.23 was obtained, which indicates a perception that there is good teamwork. Regarding the Organizational climate and Innovation, it was found that 52.23 % of employees almost alwaysfeel stimulated to innovate, 33.12 % always feel motivated to innovate and 14.6 5 % sometimes feel that motivation. With respect to the variable Job Satisfaction and the dimension satisfaction with work, it was obtained that 60.5 % feel indifferent with respect to job satisfaction and 39.5 % are satisfied. For the Satisfaction with Remuneration dimension, 36.4 % of employees feel indifferent about their remuneration, 39.8 % feel satisfied and 13.1 % feel very satisfied with their remuneration. Regarding the dimension Satisfaction with the physical environment, 38.8 % declared themselves indifferent with respect to this dimension, 23.2 %o feel satisfied and 0.8 % of the samplefeel very satisfied with the physical environment. With respect to the Burnout variable and the Personal exhaustion dimension, 47.13 % of the employees presented a high level of personal burnout, 33.12 % revealed to have an average level of burnout and 19.75% showed a very high level of burnout. As for the aspect of Depersonalization, the results showed that the majority represented by 85.35% has a very high level of depersonalization, only 0.64 % presented a high level of depersonalization and 14.01 % presented an average level of depersonalization. As for the Demotivation dimension, it was obtained that 30.57 % of employees showed an average level of demotivation, while 69.43 % of workers showed a high level. Finally, the results revealed a positive and significant correlation (Spearman's Rho = 0.299) between organizational climate and job satisfaction. Likewise, a weak negative correlation (-0.153) was observed between organizational climate and burnout. In relation to the organizational climate and burnout variables, a weak negative correlation was observed with a coefficient of-0.153. While for the variables job satisfaction and burnout, a correlation coefficient of-0.024 was observed very close to zero. Conclusion: There is a positive and significant correlation between organizational climate and job satisfaction, and a negative and significant correlation between organizational climate and burnout, suggesting that a better organizational climate is associated with higher satisfaction and lower burnout in workers. This relationship highlights the importance of promoting a positive and conducive work environment to improve the job satisfaction of administrative staff. The need to focus on recognition as an essential component to promote greater job satisfaction is highlighted, it is also observed that teamwork and innovation are key aspects that contribute to the favorable organizational climate at the university. These conclusions emphasize the importance of implementing policies and practices that promote recognition, teamwork and the promotion of innovation as strategies to improve job satisfaction and prevent burnout in administrative staff. It is also highlighted that at higher levels of organizational climate, lower levels of administrative staff are observed, which is why it is important to create a healthy work environment and support the emotional well-being of employees to prevent job burnout. Ultimately, the relationship between organizational climate, job satisfaction and burnout are a multidimensional dynamic that requires a holistic approach. By continuing to research and apply effective approaches to improving the work climate, organizations can cultivate an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and able to contribute meaningfully. Doingso will not only benefit the workers and the organization, but also set a higher standardfor well-being in the overall work environment.