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Salud ment ; Salud ment;45(4): 185-198, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410092


Abstract Introduction During COVID-19, health workers faced increased stress accentuated by gender roles, such as motherhood. Objective This study analyzed the characteristics of a group of physicians-mothers, its impact on mental health, and their experiences during this pandemic. Method Mixed methods study using an online survey to investigate sociodemographic, family, emotional, and professional aspects, in addition to the personal experience of 537 doctors-mothers during the first stage of COVID-19. Results Due to the pandemic, most of the participants changed their daily activities. The hours dedicated to professional work (HM = 5.08, p< .0001), childcare (HM = 3.74, p< .0001), and food planning and preparation (HM = -6.96, p< .0001) were increased, while the hours dedicated to physical exercise (MH = 8.67, p< .0001) and personal care (MH = 9.54, p< .0001) decreased. It has been pointed out that this pandemic has generated a lack of well-defined spaces, resulting in multitasking. Fear and guilt were two common words in the speeches of the participants. Fear of getting sick and dying, or fear of infecting their families. Guilt at feeling that they did not play a good role either as doctors or as mothers. Most common psychological symptoms were insomnia, sadness or discouragement, and constant worry or tension. Discussion and conclusion The pandemic evidenced and exacerbated both the disparities faced by these female doctors in the medical field, as well as the inequity in housework and home-care. The loss of boundaries between the public and the private showed the mothers-doctor struggling to reconcile their personal and professional life with substantial repercussions for their mental health.

Resumen Introducción Durante el COVID-19, los trabajadores de la salud enfrentaron mayor estrés, acentuado por los roles de género, como la maternidad. Objetivo Analizar las características de un grupo de madres médicas, su impacto en la salud mental, y sus experiencias durante esta pandemia. Método Estudio de métodos mixtos mediante una encuesta en línea que indagó aspectos familiares, emocionales, profesionales y la experiencia personal de 537 madres médicas durante la primera etapa del COVID-19. Resultados Por la pandemia, las participantes cambiaron sus actividades diarias. Asimismo, incrementaron el número de horas dedicadas al trabajo profesional (HM = 5.08, p< .0001), el cuidado de niños (HM = 3.74, p< .0001) y la planificación y preparación de alimentos (HM = -6.96, p< .0001). Disminuyeron las horas dedicadas al ejercicio físico (MH = 8.67, p< .0001) y al cuidado personal (MH = 9.54, p< .0001). Señalaron que esta pandemia generó una falta de espacios definidos, lo que favoreció el multitasking. Miedo y culpa fueron dos palabras habituales en los discursos de las participantes. También miedo a enfermarse y morir, o miedo a contagiar a sus familias. Culpabilidad por sentir que no desempeñaron un buen papel ni como médicas ni como madres. Los síntomas psicológicos más comunes fueron insomnio, tristeza y tensión constante. Discusión y conclusión La pandemia evidenció y exacerbó las disparidades que enfrentan estas doctoras en el campo de la medicina y la inequidad en las tareas del hogar. La pérdida de los límites entre lo público y lo privado mostró a las médicas madres conciliando su vida personal y profesional, con repercusiones sustanciales para su salud mental.

J Patient Exp ; 7(6): 1577-1588, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33457617


When a family member has depression at a level that generates disability in various functional spheres, the informal primary caregiver (IPC) is the individual who provides the majority of emotional and basic needs of the patient. This person is usually a relative and is extremely important in the health-disease-care process. This phenomenological qualitative study aimed to analyze the illness perception, in IPCs of undergraduate medical students previously diagnosed with mild depression. It was found that IPCs generate perceptions about depression based on a lack of knowledge of the disorder, which leads to feelings of sorrow, anger, frustration, and fear, that could interfere with the evolution of patients. Psychiatric disorders, such as depression, strongly impact both patients and people around them. For mental health professionals, in order to provide a more complete clinical approach, it is important to understand the illness perceptions not only of patients but of family IPCs as well.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;41(2): 65-72, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-962433


Abstract: Introduction: Monitoring child development includes the promotion of development in the healthy child and the detection of delays and early indicators of disorders that begin in the first five years of life through easy-to-use, easy to mark, and low-cost screening tests. Objective: To evaluate the internal reliability and inter-rater reliability of the ASQ-3 in Mexican preschool children. Method: The ASQ-3 was applied to parents and/or teachers of 33 - 60 month old children who attended the Centros de Desarrollo Infantil (Child Development Centers-CENDIS) in the public and private sectors of Mexico City. Results: A total of n = 1052 questionnaires were obtained, grouped into six age groups (33, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60 months of age) according to the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3). The levels of reliability of the ASQ-3 for each of the age groups were acceptable, with a range of α = .77 to α = .88. Regarding inter-rater reliability (parents vs. teachers), moderate correlation levels were observed. Discussion and conclusion: The results obtained suggest that this is a screening instrument that reliably evaluates the five areas of development that make up the ASQ-3 in pre-school children. This represents an opportunity to continue studying the psychometric characteristics of validity of this instrument in representative samples of Mexican children to optimize the process of early childhood development monitoring.

Resumen: Introducción: La vigilancia del desarrollo infantil contempla la promoción del desarrollo en el niño sano y la detección de retrasos e indicadores tempranos de trastornos que se inician en los primeros cinco años de vida por medio de pruebas de tamizaje de fácil aplicación, calificación y de bajo costo. Objetivo: Evaluar la fiabilidad interna y confiabilidad interevaluador del Cuestionario de Edades y Etapas-3 (ASQ-3) en preescolares mexicanos. Método: Se aplicó el ASQ-3 a padres y/o tutores de niños de edades entre 33 y 60 meses que asistían a Estancias de Desarrollo Infantil (CENDIS) del sector público y privado de la Ciudad de México. Resultados: Se obtuvieron un total de n = 1052 cuestionarios, agrupados en seis grupos de edad (33, 36, 42, 48, 54 y 60 meses de edad) de acuerdo con el ASQ-3. Los niveles de confiabilidad de los ASQ-3 para cada uno de los grupos de edad fueron aceptables con un rango de α =. 77 a α =. 88. Respecto a la confiabilidad interevaluador (padres vs. maestros), se observaron niveles de correlación moderados. Discusión y conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que es un instrumento de tamizaje que evalúa de forma fidedigna las cinco áreas del desarrollo que conforman el ASQ-3 en los preescolares. Ello representa una oportunidad para seguir estudiando las características psicométricas de validez de este instrumento en muestras representativas de niños mexicanos con la finalidad de optimizar el proceso de vigilancia del desarrollo en edades tempranas.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;34(3): 185-194, may.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-680596


In recent years, consumption of alcoholic beverages has become a common practice among young adults attending higher education institutions in Mexico. Over the past two decades, prevalence of alcohol consumption in this population has doubled. In campuses located in Mexico City, 70-90% of undergraduate students have consumed alcoholic beverages during the past year and approximately 25% have engaged in binge drinking. Past year prevalence of Alcohol Dependence (AD) has been estimated in 4.6% and 18.4%. Higher education institutions around the world have implemented programs aimed at reducing students' drinking that have included educational interventions and/or psychosocial treatments delivered individually or in group format. In this regard, the available evidence suggests that programs that have included elements of the Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) or components of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) have shown the greatest efficacy in reducing drinking problems in this population. Despite this, there are no studies examining the efficacy of these interventions in Mexico's college student population. In the report presented here, we aim at examining the efficacy of Individual or Group MET and CBT in reducing drinking among undergraduate students diagnosed with AD. We hypothesized that in comparison to CBT, MET would show evidence of a greater reduction in alcohol consumption. To evaluate this hypothesis we examined the treatment effects on the number of consumed drinks, on the number of drinking days, and on the number of drinks per drinking day during the preceding 30 days. Methods We prospectively evaluated during an 8-week treatment phase and during a 12-month follow-up period, 158 undergraduate students who received a diagnosis of AD (ICD-10) at the students' Mental Health and Counseling Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. Instruments. In order to screen and to establish the diagnosis of AD we respectively used the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) Mexican version and the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). We also used The Alcohol Time line Followback (TLFB) method to retrospectively record the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. Procedures. Students seeking services at the UNAM Mental Health and Counseling Center, and who had a diagnosis of AD, were invited to participate in the study. After informed consent was obtained, they were randomly assigned to one of four manualized treatment interventions: Individual or Group MET, or Individual or Group CBT. These were delivered in eight weekly sessions lasting one hour. The alcohol TLFB was administered at the beginning and at the end of the 8-week treatment phase, and subsequently monthly for the following 12 months. Statistical analysis. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures was used to examine the treatment effect on drinking during the treatment phase and separately during the 12-month follow-up period. A one-way ANOVA was used to examine differences between treatment groups at specific assessment points. Results Demographic characteristics. In the entire sample the majority of students were men (73.2%), while the mean age was 18.8 [± 2.9] years. There were no differences between intervention groups in their demographic characteristics. Baseline characteristics of alcohol consumption. In the entire sample and separately in each of the intervention groups there was a predominant pattern of weekly heavy drinking. There were no baseline differences between treatment groups in the monthly amount or frequency of drinking, or in the number of drinks consumed during drinking days (all comparisons P>0.50). The average number of Alcohol Dependence symptoms was 6.0 [± 2.6]. There were no differences among groups in the number of these symptoms (P=0.10). Patient Retention during the Treatment Phase and the Follow-up Period. At the end of the 8-week treatment phase, 92% of the students remained in treatment. During this phase, the Individual CBT group had the greatest number of dropouts with 18% of them leaving prematurely (Pearson X² = 15.7, df=3, P = 0.001). During the follow-up period, specifically at the 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up, the retention rates in the study were respectively 91%, 89% and 86%. There were no differences among groups in this variable at any of these follow up points. Alcohol consumption during the treatment phase. In the ANOVA for repeated measures we found that during the treatment phase there was a main effect of time over the three indicators of alcohol consumption (range of F: 7.59-11.81, df=1.142, range of P:0.001-0.007). This reflected the fact that at the end of the four interventions there was a reduction in the amount and frequency of monthly drinking and a reduction in the number of drinks during drinking days. There were no main effects of treatment (range of P:0.07- 0.56) or interactive time X treatment effects (range of P:0.55 to 0.79) on any of the drinking variables. However, at the level of a non-significant trend (F = 2.37, df=3.143, P = 0.07), there was a treatment effect reflecting that in comparison to Individual CBT, there was a trend toward a greater reduction in the frequency of monthly drinking in Group MET (one-way ANOVA: F=2.60, df=3.146, P=0.05, Tukey HSD P=0.07). Alcohol consumption during the follow-up period. In the ANOVA for repeated measures, there was a main effect of time on the amount and frequency of monthly alcohol consumption (range of F: 8.54-9.53, df=3.393, P range: 0.001-0.004), reflecting that during this period there was a reduction in these two drinking variables in the entire sample. This effect was observed mainly during the first six months of follow-up. During the following six months, there was a gradual increase in the amount and frequency of drinking (range of F for the quadratic component of Time: 5.36-10.36, df=1.131, range of P: 0.02-0.002) that approached the levels seen at the end of treatment. There were no main effects of time on the number of drinks consumed during drinking days (P=0.27). There was a treatment X time interaction (F=2.65, df=3.131, P=0.05) on monthly frequency of drinking, indicating that, in comparison to Individual CBT, there was a greater reduction in this drinking variable in Group MET. This effect was specifically observed during the first three months of follow-up (one-way ANOVA: F=3.63, df=3.142, P=0.02, Tukey HSD P=0.007). Subsequently, there were no differences among the intervention groups in this variable for the remaining nine months of follow-up. Finally, there were no main effects attributable to treatment or interactive effects of time X treatment on the number of monthly drinks (P range: 0.49 to 0.65) or on the number of drinks consumed per drinking day (P range: 0.55 to 0.79). Discussion In this sample of alcohol dependent college students, we found that at the end of the 8-week treatment phase there was a comparable reduction in the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption and in the number of drinks consumed during drinking days across the four intervention groups. However, we observed that at the level of a non significant trend (P=0.07), Group MET appeared to be more effective than Individual CBT in reducing the frequency of alcohol drinking.

Introducción Se ha descrito que entre los estudiantes de educación superior de nuestro país la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol se ha duplicado durante las últimas dos décadas. Se han estimado prevalencias durante los últimos 12 meses del diagnóstico de Dependencia al Alcohol (DA) de 4.6%. Aunque se desconoce la magnitud de las consecuencias de estos problemas entre los estudiantes universitarios mexicanos, en Estados Unidos han sido identificados como un problema de salud pública mayor y como el principal problema de salud en las universidades. Para reducir estos problemas, se ha evidenciado que las intervenciones como la Terapia de Incremento de la Motivación (TM) o la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC) podrían ser igualmente efectivas a largo plazo. Se ha observado una ligera ventaja del formato individual sobre el grupal. Pero al analizar el costo-beneficio, el formato grupal suele ser el más utilizado en las universidades. A pesar de la importancia de los problemas por consumo de alcohol en las universidades y no obstante la efectividad demostrada de estas intervenciones, no hay, hasta lo que sabemos, investigaciones publicadas que comparen la eficacia de la TM y la TCC en el tratamiento de los universitarios con problemas por consumo de alcohol en México o en otros países de habla hispana. Objetivo Examinar los efectos de las intervenciones TM y TCC tanto en su modalidad individual como grupal, en el tratamiento de estudiantes universitarios con diagnóstico de dependencia al alcohol. Material y métodos Se evaluó prospectiva y comparativamente a 158 estudiantes universitarios con diagnóstico de Dependencia al Alcohol. Instrumentos: 1. Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT); 2. Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI); 3. Línea Base Retrospectiva (LIBARE); 4. Cuestionario de Datos Demográficos. Procedimientos. A los estudiantes con problemas con su manera de beber, se les aplicó el AUDIT; a los que tuvieran respuestas positivas para Dependencia al Alcohol, se les aplicó la sección de <

Salud ment ; Salud ment;31(4): 291-297, jul.-ago. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632739


Introduction Tobacco use is considered a worldwide public health problem because of the amount of death and disease it causes. The WHO reports that 30% of the adult population in the world are cigarette smokers, and that nearly five million of these will die within one year. Prospective studies performed by the WHO show that if current tobacco use continues, in 2020 there will be 8.4 million deaths due to tobacco-related diseases every year; seven out of 10 of these deaths will occur in emergent countries, like Mexico. More than 53000 tobacco users die every year in Mexico because of tobacco-related diseases, and at least 147 of these die daily. Data from the National Addictions Survey (NAS) 2002 showed that 26.4% of the people between 12 and 65 years old were active tobacco consumers; this amounted to nearly 14 million individuals. Of these, 7.1% were under 18 years old. The number of tobacco consumers in Mexico has increased from nine million in 1988 to 14 million in 2002. According to the NAS, 52% of the users smoke on a daily basis, and 61.4% of them began smoking when they were minors. To know the actual consumption levels, it is important to consider some factors: the number of cigarettes a person smokes, the different situations where a person smokes, and the social and physical consequences of smoking. Thus, it would be possible to develop a consumer classification (i. e. soft consumers, mild consumers, and hard consumers). There may be numerous causes for a person to be ill. When speaking about the harmful effects of tobacco use, the literature is clear in stating that these begin with the first cigarette smoked. However, it can take up to 30 years for a consumer to notice the damage on his health after his/her consumption began; but within the first ten years there are problems in lung function and in physical endurance. When a person starts smoking there are acute and unpleasant side effects that are rarely associated with smoked tobacco use. Consumption creates a tolerance which makes unpleasant effects to stop or fade away, giving place to pleasant sensations produced by nicotine; concentration improves and psychomotor skills, alert, and activation get better and there is a reduction in anxiety and stress. The relationship between tobacco use and mental health is evident at the level of the emotional outcomes of suffering a chronic illness, such as lung cancer. On the other hand, nicotine use has been related to a reduction in the severity of depression. Chemical alternatives for reducing consumption, based on the substance physical effects that promote addiction, have not proven to be effective so far. There is also evidence that consumers that fail in quitting smoking or people that have dependence problems with nicotine show a high prevalence of mayor depression when compared to non-dependent consumers. This association was direct with the severity of nicotine dependence. It also has been observed that smoking interferes often with psychological learning tools, mainly when consumption starts at very early ages. Emotional distress can produce low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. Therefore, the chances to begin tobacco consumption increase when it is used as a crutch to cope with social pressure and acceptance. Since tobacco use is a conduct that has shown to have serious repercussions on physical health and an important relationship with mental health in human beings, and is therefore a growing public health problem, the objective of this study is to explore a possible link among smoked tobacco consumption, mental health and physical problems in male workers from a textile factory. Method A non-probabilistic convenience sample was used in the study. Subjects voluntarily agreed to complete the questionnaire: 279 male workers were interviewed; 54% were between 18 and 27 years old and 23% were between 28 and 37. Most of them had studied junior high school or higher (74%) and 65% were in a serious relationship (married or living with a couple). Data about tobacco use were collected using a questionnaire with questions from the NAS 2002. To explore mental health the five-item Mental Health Inventory was used (MHI-5). As it is a self-answered screening test, it does not give a diagnosis, but it does allow establishing if subjects have symptoms of a probable mental health problem. Information about physical distress was collected through an 11-item somatization sub-scale from the Symptoms Check List-90 (SCL-90). The number of physical troubles that subjects reported during the last month was considered. All instruments have good levels of reliability and validity. Finally, several socio-demographic questions were included. The questionnaire was answered in groups inside a training room. Trained interviewers participated in the process of collecting information. Subjects' participation was voluntary and their verbal acceptation was obtained before answering the questionnaires. Anonymity and confidentiality were guaranteed. Workers were told that no information would be given to the union or business authorities, and those who asked for their results received them personally. Neither invasive procedures nor intervention techniques were used. The union authorities received a global report so they could acknowledge the importance of smoked tobacco and mental health-related problems among their workers. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 11.

Introducción El consumo de tabaco es considerado un problema de salud pública en todo el mundo debido a la cantidad de enfermedades y muertes relacionadas con su uso. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) reporta que 30% de los adultos son fumadores y, de éstos, aproximadamente cinco millones de personas morirán en un año. También se estima que para 2020 habrá 8.4 millones de muertes anuales por enfermedades relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco, de las cuales siete de cada 10 ocurrirán en países en vías de desarrollo, como México, donde más de 53 mil personas fumadoras mueren al año por enfermedades asociadas al tabaquismo y al menos 147 personas mueren diariamente. Por otro lado, en la bibliografía se ha encontrado que el daño en el organismo por fumar comienza desde el primer cigarro, que a los 10 años se presentan síntomas sutiles en la función pulmonar y disminución de la tolerancia al ejercicio, y que es entre 20 y 30 años después cuando los síntomas hacen a un fumador tomar conciencia del daño a su salud. En cuanto a la relación entre el uso de tabaco y la salud mental, ésta se evidencia por las consecuencias emocionales que conlleva padecer una enfermedad crónica. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la relación de problemas emocionales y malestares físicos con el consumo de tabaco en hombres trabajadores de una empresa textil mexicana. Método La muestra estuvo conformada por 279 sujetos que laboraban en una empresa textil, en su mayoría jóvenes entre 18 y 27 años (54.5%), con escolaridad de secundaria (59.3%) y casados o en unión libre (65.6%). El instrumento utilizado incluyó las escalas de salud mental (MHI-5), malestares físicos (SCL-90) y consumo de tabaco. La aplicación del instrumento se realizó de manera grupal dentro de la empresa textil en que laboraban los sujetos. Resultados No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a problemas de salud mental y síntomas físicos entre fumadores y no fumadores. Mediante un modelo de análisis de trayectorias, se analizó la relación existente entre síntomas físicos, problemas de salud mental e indicadores de consumo de tabaco. Se encontró así que el principal predictor de los síntomas físicos en fumadores es el tiempo que llevan consumiendo y que los síntomas físicos son un importante predictor de problemas de salud mental. Discusión Sin importar la cantidad de cigarrillos consumidos, la frecuencia de consumo ni otros indicadores de consumo elevado, el tiempo que se lleva consumiendo es un predictor importante del número de síntomas físicos que se manifiestan, lo que puede deberse a los efectos dañinos que tiene el consumo prolongado del tabaco. De este modo se confirma lo mencionado en otras investigaciones de que, después de los primeros 10 años de consumo, se presentan malestares físicos sutiles y que a lo largo de 20 o 30 años se presentaran malestares importantes. Si bien no se encontró una relación directa entre consumo de tabaco y salud mental, se puede sugerir una relación indirecta derivada de la influencia que tiene el consumo sobre el plano del bienestar físico. En este sentido es de esperarse que, a medida que se continúe consumiendo tabaco y los malestares físicos aumenten, también se incrementen los problemas de salud mental. Por otro lado, el modelo aquí presentado requiere ser completado incluyendo otras áreas que puedan influir sobre el bienestar físico y mental. Sin embargo, se logró evidenciar la importancia que tiene el consumo de tabaco sobre el malestar físico, a la vez que aumenta la probabilidad de que se presenten más problemas en la salud mental de la población consumidora.