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ABCS health sci ; 41(1): 4-9, jan.-abr. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-782283


INTRODUÇÃO: O Transtorno de Asperger (TA) é considerado um distúrbio do neurodesenvolvimento, caracterizado por deficiências sociais, dificuldade de comunicação, padrões restritos e repetitivos de comportamento. OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho motor na realização de tarefa computacional com base na relação velocidade e precisão, entre pessoas com desenvolvimento típico e com TA, por meio do tempo de movimento. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo oito meninos com diagnóstico de TA e oito meninos com desenvolvimento típico, pareados por idade e sexo, para compor o grupo controle. A tarefa que utilizamos avalia a relação velocidade e precisão de movimento, que consiste na realização de movimentos manuais direcionados a um alvo, em três índices de dificuldade (ID). O tempo de movimento foi obtido por meio da divisão entre segundos pré-estabelecidos para a tarefa (10) e o número de toques realizados no alvo. A ANOVA para medidas repetidas foi utilizada para a comparação entre os ID e entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: Observamos que o tempo de movimento aumentou conforme o progresso dos ID. CONCLUSÃO: Os indivíduos com TA apresentaram um tempo de movimento significativamente maior quando comparados ao grupo controle, em todos os ID. Supõe-se que há dificuldades inerentes à doença, e condições motoras dos indivíduos com TA limitam o desempenho durante a tarefa.

INTRODUCTION: Asperger's Disorder (AD) is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social impairments, difficulty in communication and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. OBJECTIVE: To compare the motor performance in performing computational tasks with base on the relation speed and accuracy among people with typical development and AD, through the time of movement. METHODS: The study included eight boys diagnosed with AD and eight children with typical development, matched for age and sex, to compose the control group. The task used to assesses the relative movement speed and accuracy, consisting in making hand movements directed at a target in three levels of difficulty (DI). Movement time was obtained by dividing the seconds to preestablished between the task (10) and the number of rings made on the target. ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare the DI and between groups. RESULTS: We observed that the movement time increased with the progress of DI. CONCLUSION: Individuals with AD had a significantly increased movement time compared to the control group in all DI. It is assumed that the difficulties are inherent in motor pathology and conditions of the patients with MT limit performance during task.

Humanos , Masculino , Desempenho Psicomotor , Estudos de Tempo e Movimento , Lateralidade Funcional , Medição da Velocidade de Vazão , Síndrome de Asperger
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ; 12: 41-8, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26766911


AIMS: Two specific objectives were established to quantify computer task performance among people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). First, we compared simple computational task performance between subjects with DMD and age-matched typically developing (TD) subjects. Second, we examined correlations between the ability of subjects with DMD to learn the computational task and their motor functionality, age, and initial task performance. METHOD: The study included 84 individuals (42 with DMD, mean age of 18±5.5 years, and 42 age-matched controls). They executed a computer maze task; all participants performed the acquisition (20 attempts) and retention (five attempts) phases, repeating the same maze. A different maze was used to verify transfer performance (five attempts). The Motor Function Measure Scale was applied, and the results were compared with maze task performance. RESULTS: In the acquisition phase, a significant decrease was found in movement time (MT) between the first and last acquisition block, but only for the DMD group. For the DMD group, MT during transfer was shorter than during the first acquisition block, indicating improvement from the first acquisition block to transfer. In addition, the TD group showed shorter MT than the DMD group across the study. CONCLUSION: DMD participants improved their performance after practicing a computational task; however, the difference in MT was present in all attempts among DMD and control subjects. Computational task improvement was positively influenced by the initial performance of individuals with DMD. In turn, the initial performance was influenced by their distal functionality but not their age or overall functionality.

Arq. méd. ABC ; 32(Supl. 2): S42-S46, dez. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-508296


Introdução: Os filtros trocadores de calor e umidificadores (HMEs)higroscópicos, hidrofóbicos e mistos, que exercem as funções das viasaéreas superiores na ventilação mecânica, podem promover aumento daresistência no circuito aumentando o trabalho respiratório do paciente.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a resistência imposta entre osfiltros higroscópico (Medsize) e misto (Gibeck) ao sistema respiratórioartificial, durante a assistência ventilatória mecânica. Método: Os filtrosda marca Medsize e Gibeck foram testados entre o intermediário Y eo balão de teste, sendo analisada a pressão antes (Pmax) e após cadafiltro, com diferentes fluxos e quantidade de solução salina a 0,9% .Resultados: Observou-se resistência em ambos os filtros com aumentode no mínimo 1 cmH2O. O filtro da marca Gibeck apresentou maiorresistência, 10 cmH2O, em relação ao filtro da marca Medsize, 5 cmH2O.Conclusão: Os filtros conectados ao circuito ventilatório artificialapresentaram aumento de resistência relacionado com o incremento deinstilação de solução salina a 0,9 e com maiores valores de fluxo.

Introduction: Hygroscopic, hydrophobic and coed heat moistureexchangers (HMEs) that prevent the loss of moisture and heat duringprolonged mechanical ventilation may increase resistance and breathingworkload. The objective of this estudy was to compare the increaseof resistance between hygroscopic (Medsize) and coed filter (Gibeck)through an artificial circuit during mechanical ventilation assistance.Methods: Medsize and Gibeck filters were tested between the Yintermediary and the test balloon. The pressure before (Pmax) andafter the filter were analysed with different air flow and increments of 0.9% saline. Results: In both filters was observed a resistance increaseof 1 cmH2O. Gibeck filter showed higher resistance, 10 cmH2O, whencompared with Medsize filter, 5 cmH2O. Conclusion: This studyshowed that filters resistance were increased with increments of 0.9% saline and higher values was observed with air flows.

Respiração Artificial/instrumentação