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Stem Cells Cloning ; 14: 39-49, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34703247


INTRODUCTION: Intervertebral disc diseases (IVDD) represent the majority of neurological attendance and responsible for the most cases of paralysis in dogs. Treatments currently used do not show satisfactory results in patients with more severe and chronic neurological manifestations. METHODS: To promote nerve and muscular recovery, as well as improve quality of life, we aimed to create a double-blind test method, associating spinal decompression surgery and allogeneic transplantation of amniotic membrane-derived stem cells (AMSCs) in dogs with chronic IVDD. Cells were characterized as fetal mesenchymal cells and safe for application. Eight animals completed the experiment: stem cell applications were made in four animals that had previously undergone an unsuccessful surgical procedure ("SC group", n = 4); two animals were submitted to surgery, followed by applications of stem cells ("Surgery + SC", n = 2); two other animals were submitted to surgery, followed by the application of saline solution ("Surgery + placebo", n = 2). During the surgical procedure, a topical application was performed on the lesion and after fifteen and forty-five days another two applications were made via epidural. Animals were monitored biweekly and reassessed three months after surgery, by functional tests and magnetic resonance exams. RESULTS: Some animals presented significant neurological improvement, such as the recovery of nociception and ability to remain on station. Despite the need further studies, until the present moment, cell therapy has been feasible and has no harmful effects on animals. CONCLUSION: The protocol of preclinical trial showed the association with decompressive surgery and cell transplantation in dogs with thoracolumbar IVDD proved feasible, and it was possible to observe neurological improvement after treatment. No tissue improvement through MRI was found. The double-blind test guaranteed reliability of the evaluations and results obtained that, even with a small sample size, generated satisfactory results for the animals and owners.

Vet. Zoot. ; 23(2): 192-197, 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762779


Actualmente los caballos han sido incluidos en diversas actividades como el ocio, el deporte yla terapia. Entre los diversos sitios posibles de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en los caballos,las lesiones en la articulación metacarpofalángica son consideradas como una de lasprincipales causas de claudicación. La radiografía es uno de los métodos de diagnóstico demayor accesibilidad y contribuye al diagnóstico de las lesiones del aparato locomotor en laespecie equina. Muchas de las tareas asociadas a la gestión de los caballos durante elprocedimiento radiográfico, particularmente en las partes distales de las extremidades, puedenaumentar las reacciones de miedo, que conduce a la falta de cooperación del animal con elprocedimiento y, en consecuencia, la generación de situaciones adversas para el animal yprofesional involucrados. Esta revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo destacar laimportancia de la gestión racional asociado con el examen radiográfico del metacarpo /metatarso-falángica (menudillo), destacando las principales dificultades para llevar a cabo loexamen radiográfico y los métodos facilitadores para el éxito de las proyeccionesradiográficas esa región.

Currently the equines are being included in the most varied activities, such as leisure, sportand therapy. Among the various sites of musculoskeletal lesions in horses, themetacarpophalangeal joint injuries are considered as a major cause of lameness. Radiographicexamination is one of the diagnostic methods of greater accessibility and contributes to thediagnosis of locomotor injuries in the equine species. Many of the tasks associated with thehandling of equine during the radiographic procedure, particularly on the distal parts of thelimbs, can increase fear reactions, leading to non-cooperation of the animal to the procedureand, consequently, generating adverse situations to the animal and professionals involved.This literature review aims to highlight the importance of rational management associatedwith radiographic examination of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal (fetlock), highlighting he main difficulties for the realization of the radiographic exam and the facilitators methodsto success on radiographic projections of this region. 

Atualmente os equinos têm sido incluídos nas mais variadas atividades, como lazer, esporte eterapia. Entre os vários possíveis sítios de lesões musculoesqueléticas em cavalos, as injúriasna articulação metacarpofalângica são consideradas como uma das principais causas declaudicação. A radiografia é uma das metodologias diagnósticas de maior acessibilidade e quecontribui para o diagnóstico das lesões locomotoras na espécie equina. Muitas das tarefasassociadas ao manejo dos equinos durante o procedimento radiográfico, particularmente nasregiões distais dos membros, podem aumentar as reações de medo, levando a não cooperaçãodo animal para a realização do procedimento, gerando, consequentemente, situações adversaspara o animal e profissionais envolvidos. Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivodestacar a importância do manejo racional associado ao exame radiográfico da articulaçãometacarpo/metatarsofalângica (boleto), ressaltando as principais dificuldades enfrentadas paraa realização do exame radiográfico e os métodos facilitadores para o sucesso das projeçõesradiográficas dessa região.