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Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 11(3): e167, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38287998


Introduction: The evaluation of skeletal age is an important factor in orthodontic planning to anticipate changes in growth, with the analysis of hand and wrist radiographs showing the degree of bone and facial growth potential. The objective was to evaluate the relationship between skeletal maturation of the hand and wrist and ossification of the midpalatal suture (MPS) in adolescents. Materials and methods: A search was carried out in four databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct and Embase were reviewed until December 13, 2022. The included studies were descriptive and comparative articles on the skeletal maturation of the hand and wrist and ossification of the midpalatal suture of patients aged 7 to 18 years. Two researchers carefully selected the articles evaluated and analyzed the different key topics related to the topic. Results: Four articles were included in this study; According to the studies, it was found that the greater the degree of bone maturation there is an increase in the approximation of the SMP, especially in late stages, with high and positive correlations; Furthermore, there were greater evaluation results with the Fishman analysis method as opposed to the Hagg and Taranger and Björk methods. The critical limit stages in SMI7-9, a greater approach to the closure of SMP compatible with stage D-E was found. The completion of maturation in women occurs up to 2 years earlier than in men. Conclusions: Diagnostic evaluation methods using carpal analysis can be used for predictive evaluations of the maturation stage of SMP; However, the results were not absolute in all cases so they cannot be generalized.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 10(3): e118, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38389549


The aim of this review was to determine the incidence of different types of treatment and the prevalence of root resorption in incisors induced by orthodontic treatment in patients with open bite. Libraries and electronic databases were searched, with 322 articles being selected and 55 articles considered regarding PRISMA checklist. It has been shown that apical root resorption of the incisors is more frequent in patients with premolar extractions than in those treated without extractions, due to greater apical displacement during retraction of the anterior teeth in the space closure phase. On the other hand, it has been described that intrusion of posterior teeth is four times more likely to cause root resorption than extrusion movement, thereby increasing the risk of root resorption in posterior teeth compared to conventional orthodontic treatment not requiring molar intrusions. Finally, aligners, such as orthodontic treatments with fixed appliances, have not been shown to induce clinically significant root resorption in open bite individuals. Literature on root resorption in open bite treatments is scarce making difficult conclusions difficult. However, the amount of root loss in cases of open bite seems to be similar to that of individuals without open bite.

El objetivo de esta revisión fue determinar la incidencia de los diferentes tipos de tratamiento y la prevalencia de la reabsorción radicular en los incisivos inducida por el tratamiento de ortodoncia en pacientes con mordida abierta. Se realizaron búsquedas en bibliotecas y bases de datos electrónicas, se seleccionaron 322 artículos y se consideraron 55 artículos de acuerdo con las guías PRISMA. Se ha demostrado que la reabsorción radicular apical de los incisivos es más frecuente en pacientes con extracciones de premolares que en los tratados sin extracciones, debido al mayor desplazamiento apical durante la retracción de los dientes anteriores en la fase de cierre de espacios. Por otro lado, se ha descrito que la intrusión de los dientes posteriores tiene cuatro veces más probabilidades de causar reabsorción radicular que el movimiento de extrusión, lo que aumenta el riesgo de reabsorción radicular en los dientes posteriores en comparación con el tratamiento de ortodoncia convencional que no requiere intrusiones molares. Finalmente, no se ha demostrado que los alineadores, como los tratamientos de ortodoncia con aparatos fijos, induzcan una reabsorción radicular clínicamente significativa en individuos con mordida abierta. La literatura sobre reabsorción radicular en tratamientos de mordida abierta es escasa, lo que dificulta conclusiones definitivas. Sin embargo, la cantidad de pérdida de raíz en los casos de mordida abierta parece ser similar a la de las personas sin mordida abierta.