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Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0220, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441226


RESUMO Neste artigo, objetivou-se revisitar a história da Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial (RBEE), com um olhar voltado às construções expressas na organização e na estruturação da revista, no decorrer de três décadas de existência. Para isso, percorreram-se as publicações da RBEE de 1992 a 2021, de modo a coletar, organizar e analisar dados sistematizados por meio de unidades de análise. Metodologicamente, o trabalho foi organizado em dois momentos: inicialmente, foram objetos de estudo os sumários, os títulos, os editoriais, as erratas, os informes, as avaliações e os prêmios da revista; em um segundo momento, os títulos das pesquisas publicadas receberam atenção e suas expressões foram sistematizadas para a criação de nuvens de palavras. Desses movimentos, desprendeu-se a criação de três unidades de análise, as quais foram organizadas respeitando marcos históricos evidenciados na RBEE: I) Fase da Criação, a qual contemplou o período de 1992 até 2004, marcado pelo início da institucionalização da RBEE; II) Fase da Expansão, que envolveu o período de 2005 até 2012, no qual se visualizou a manutenção da periodicidade, assim como a indexação da RBEE no sistema Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); III) Fase de Consolidação, a qual compreendeu o período de 2013 até 2021, caracterizado, sobretudo, pela internacionalização da Revista e pelo alcance do Qualis Capes A1 em Educação.

ABSTRACT In this article, the aim was to revisit the history of the Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial [Brazilian Journal of Special Education] (RBEE), with a focus on the constructions expressed in the organization and structuring of the Journal, over its three decades of existence. For this, we went through the publications of the RBEE from 1992 to 2021, in order to collect, organize and analyze systematized data through units of analysis. Methodologically, the work was organized in two moments: initially, the Journal's contents, titles, editorials, errata, reports, evaluations and awards were objects of study; in a second moment, the titles of the published studies received attention and their expressions were systematized to create word clouds. From these movements, we created three units of analysis, which were organized respecting the historical landmarks evidenced in the RBEE: I) Creation Phase, which covered the period from 1992 to 2004, marked by the beginning of the institutionalization of RBEE; II) Expansion Phase, which involved the period from 2005 to 2012, in which we visualized the maintenance of the periodicity, as well as the indexing of the RBEE in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) system; III) Consolidation Phase, which comprised the period from 2013 to 2021, mainly characterized by the internationalization of the Journal and the reach of Qualis CAPES A1 in Education.

Telemed Rep ; 3(1): 79-92, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35720442


Background: The prevalence of prostate cancer (PC) is higher in older adults. Due to early diagnosis and treatment, there is an increase in the survival rate of these patients. The survival of patients with PC imposes the need for specific and effective care strategies. Objective: To identify and analyze eHealth intervention programs for older adults with PC. Methods: A quick review of evidence from the current literature was employed to address the objective of the study. The recommendations of the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group were used. The PubMed, Embase, Capes Journals, and Lilacs-BVS databases were searched, covering studies published from January 2010 to July 2021. The articles selected were classified considering the modalities and type of eHealth strategies. Results: A total of 10 articles were included in this review. Two types of modalities were identified and classified: the intervention that used the web-based platform (WBP) was the most used in the studies (n = 7), followed by the interactive smartphone application (ISA) (n = 3) and mixed (WBP + ISA) (n = 1). As for the classification, mixed interventions were the most used (n = 4), followed by self-monitoring (n = 3), educational (n = 2), and behavioral counseling (n = 1). The clustering of articles generated three groups for the presentation of results and discussion, being eHealth interventions: integrated care, detection of symptoms, and quality of life in older patients with PC, psychological eHealth interventions in older adults with PC, and physical activity eHealth interventions in older adults with PC. Conclusion: eHealth interventions for patients with PC are relatively new but promising in the support of current care options.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 25(3): 403-420, jul.-set. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042088


RESUMO Esta pesquisa busca conhecer o processo pedagógico educacional em um ambiente hospitalar, na atuação das professoras, considerando as especificidades de crianças em tratamento de saúde, na cidade de Palmas, estado do Tocantins, Brasil. A investigação desenvolveu-se a partir da abordagem qualitativa de cunho descritivo. Como estratégia metodológica, utilizou-se o estudo de caso; e, como técnica de coleta de dados, a entrevista semiestruturada. No desenvolvimento, a pesquisa foi construída dando voz às professoras, em um caminhar que perpassou questões relativas à regulamentação e à prática docente para o atendimento educacional à criança hospitalizada. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a educação hospitalar oferece diferentes possibilidades educativas para o atendimento a essa criança. No campo de pesquisa, identificou-se a existência da brinquedoteca, que, em sua dinâmica, possibilita desenvolver ações ludoterapêuticas, contribuindo para amenizar o sofrimento, diminuir a ansiedade e elevar a autoestima da criança e seus familiares. Percebeu-se, ainda, a importância de pensar sobre a implantação das classes hospitalares, um direito legal, mas ainda não efetivado no contexto pesquisado. Ao conhecer o processo pedagógico hospitalar também foi possível observar a necessidade de aproximação do hospital com as experiências escolares, buscando oportunizar para as crianças em tratamento o acesso às atividades típicas da infância.

ABSTRACT This research seeks to deepen knowledge on the pedagogical education process in a hospital environment, in the teacher's enactment, considering the specificities of children in healthcare treatment, in the city of Palmas, state of Tocantins, Brazil. This investigation was developed from a descriptive qualitative approach. As methodological strategy, a case study was used; and as a data collection technique, a semi-structured interview. In its development, the research was built giving voice to the teachers, following a path that covered issues related to the regulation of the health care system and teaching practice for the educational service to the children in hospital treatment. The results show that hospital education offers different educational possibilities for these children. In the research field, the existence of a toy library was identified, which, in its dynamics, allows to develop ludic-therapeutic actions, contributing to soften the suffering, reducing anxiety and raise the self-esteem of the children and their families. It was also noticed the importance of thinking about the implementation of hospital classes, a legal right, but not yet effective in the researched context. When knowing the hospital pedagogical process, it was also possible to observe the need for strengthening the bonds between hospital and school experiences, seeking to give children, in treatment, access to the typical activities of childhood.