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Int. j. morphol ; 33(2): 507-513, jun. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-755502


El objetivo fue realizar una evaluación antropométrica de ambos hemisferios corporales en nadadores adolescentes. La muestra estuvo formada por 83 nadadores (52 hombres y 31 mujeres) con una edad media de 15,21±1,90 años. Sus valores antropométricos fueron analizados en función de las siguientes variables: edad, género, años de entrenamiento, estilo de nado (simultáneo o alternativo), lado dominante, lado no dominante, lado de respiración, peso y estatura, con el fin de determinar la existencia o no de diferencias en la composición de cada lado del cuerpo del nadador. Para evaluar la composición corporal se utilizaron: pliegues (tricipital, subescapular, bicipital, cresta iliaca, supraespinal, abdominal, anterior del muslo y pierna), longitudes (brazo, antebrazo, mano, muslo, pie y pierna), perímetros (brazo relajado, brazo flexionado, antebrazo, muñeca, muslo, pierna y tobillo) y diámetros (muñeca, mano, pie, bimaleolar, húmero y fémur). También fueron determinados otros valores como: la masa grasa, muscular, residual, ósea y sus porcentajes, así como el sumatorio de pliegues y el cálculo del somatotipo. Los datos obtenidos mostraron que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las medidas tomadas a cada lado corporal de los nadadores, incluso cuando éstas fueron analizadas desde las variables, años de entrenamiento y estilo de nado. La práctica continua e intensa de la natación durante las etapas de crecimiento, no provoca asimetrías corporales entre ambos lados de los nadadores, incluso con técnica de nado alternativo, corroborando que la natación es un deporte de trabajo muscular completo y de composición corporal equilibrada.

The purpose of this study was to conduct an anthropometric assessment of both sides of the body in adolescent swimmers. The sample comprised 83 swimmers (52 males and 31 females) with an average age of 15.21±1.90 years. Their anthropometric values were studied in relation to the variables of age, sex, years of training, swimming stroke (simultaneous or alternating), dominant side, non-dominant side, breathing side, weight and height to determine whether any differences existed in the composition of each side of the swimmers bodies. Body composition was assessed using skinfolds (tricipital, subscapular, bicipital, iliac crest, supraspinal, abdominal, anterior thigh and anterior lower leg), lengths (upper arm, forearm, hand, thigh, lower leg and foot), perimeters (relaxed arm, flexed arm, forearm, wrist, thigh, lower leg and ankle) and diameters (wrist, hand, foot, malleolus, humerus and femur). Other values determined were fat mass, muscle mass, residual mass and bone mass (including percentages), sum of skinfolds and calculation of somatotype. The data obtained showed no statistically significant differences between the measures taken on each side of the swimmers bodies, even when they were analysed using the variables of years of training and swimming stroke. Continuous, intensive swimming during the growth stages does not cause body asymmetry in swimmers, even when the swimming stroke is alternating, thus supporting the thesis that swimming is a sport that works all muscles and provides a balanced body composition.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Composição Corporal , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Somatotipos , Natação/fisiologia , Antropometria
Int. j. morphol ; 32(1): 22-28, Mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708717


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características antropométricas del jugador español (hombres y mujeres) de voley playa y comparar el perfil antropométrico de estos deportistas en las diferentes categorías en las que se organiza la competición: Sub-19, Sub-21 y Absoluto. Fueron evaluados 150 jugadores (79 hombres y 71 mujeres) participantes en el Campeonato de España de voley playa celebrado en 2011. La estatura presentó valores que responden, en los hombres, a patrones evolutivos propios de edad y morfotipo (Sub19M: 184,50±6,95 cm; Sub21M: 182,89±7,28 cm; AbsM: 186,93±6,58 cm). Este comportamiento no se repitió entre las mujeres (Sub19F: 169,84±6,46 cm; Sub21F: 173,43±5,98 cm; AbsF: 175,28±6,17 cm). El peso muscular aumentó por cada categoría con diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre AbsM vs. Sub19M (p=0,002), AbsM vs. Sub21M (p=0,001) y Sub21F vs. Sub19F (p=0,02). Los valores de peso corporal y porcentaje graso mostraron diferencias menos relevantes con diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo Sub21F (p=0,003) y el Sub19F (p=0,009). Los jugadores españoles de voley playa Absolutos, tanto hombres como mujeres, presentan un peso corporal y una estatura inferior a la de los jugadores de alto nivel internacional. El peso muscular y el peso graso muestran en ambos sexos, en valores absolutos, valores crecientes con cada categoría de edad, pero no se confirma esta tendencia cuando el parámetro se expresa en porcentajes respecto al peso corporal. El jugador de voley playa tiende a incrementar el valor de la mesomorfia con el cambio de categoría, tanto en hombres (3,33±1,09; 3,77±1,28; 4,28±1,07) como en mujeres (2,75±1,02; 2,86±1,21; 3,36±0,92).

The objective of this study was to determine the anthropometric characteristics of Spanish beach volleyball players (men and women) and compare their anthropometric profile across competition categories: Under 19, Under 21 and Senior. A total of 150 players (79 men and 71 women) participating in the 2011 Spanish Beach Volleyball Championship were assessed. Height values in male players corresponded to development patterns appropriate to age and morphotype (U19M: 184,50±6,95 cm; U21M: 182±7,28 cm; SenM: 186±6,58 cm). This pattern was not repeated in female players (U19W: 169,84±6,46 cm; U21W: 173,43±5,98 cm; SenW: 175,28±6,17 cm). Muscle weight increased by category, with statistically significant differences between SenM vs. U19M (p=0,002), SenM vs. U21M (p=0,001) and U21W vs. U19W (p=0,02). Body weight and fat percentage values showed less pronounced differences, with statistically significant differences between groups U21W (p=0,003) and U19W (p=0,009). Spanish Senior beach volleyball players, both men and women, have lower values for body weight and height than international players. In absolute values, muscle weight and fat weight in both sexes showed increasing values by age category, but this pattern was not confirmed when the parameter was expressed in percentages in relation to body weight. Beach volleyball players tend to increase their mesomorphy value with changes in category, both for men (3,33±1,09; 3,77±1,28; 4,28±1,07) and women (2,75±1,02; 2,86±1,21; 3,36±0,92).

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Somatotipos , Praias , Composição Corporal , Voleibol , Espanha , Peso Corporal , Antropometria , Distribuição por Sexo
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;18(2): 95-99, mar.-abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-638673


OBJETIVO: Esta investigação tem por objetivo coletar dados sobre rigidez muscular, as propriedades mecânicas e contráteis dos músculos utilizando a TMG em jogadores de vôlei de praia de alto nível, assim como demonstrar a utilidade deste método para a avaliação dos músculos responsáveis pela flexão e extensão do joelho. MÉTODOS: A investigação foi conduzida com um grupo de 24 jogadores de vôlei de praia os quais participaram do Torneio Europeu Nestea - Master Espanhol realizado nas Ilhas Grâ-Canárias em maio de 2009. O método de estudo utilizado foi comparação de casos individuais de vários atletas com a finalidade de verificar a utilidade deste método em esportes. Os músculos analisados foram: vasto lateral (VL), vasto medial (ML), reto femoral (RF) e bíceps femoral (BF). RESULTADOS: As informações coletadas nos certificam sobre o alto grau de utilidade deste método para avaliação da rigidez muscular e equilíbrio entre estruturas musculares de atletas. Contudo, a validade e reconstrução dos resultados estão condicionadas a um severo protocolo de avaliação. Além disso, os seguintes critérios devem ser considerados: individualidade (o perfil do atleta) e especificações (características do esporte). CONCLUSÕES: A aplicação da TMG em jogadores de alto nível revela a existência de importantes diferenças dependendo de suas funções em jogo (defesa, bloqueio ou alternância entre ambas as posições), as ações técnicas, a posição em quadra (direita-esquerda) e o histórico de lesões médicas.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation is to obtain information about muscle stiffness, the mechanic and contractile properties of the muscles using the TMG with high level beach volleyball players as well as to demonstrate the usefulness of this method to evaluate the muscles in charge of the knee flexion and extension. METHODS: The investigation was carried out with a group of 24 beach volleyball players who took part in the Nestea European Championship Tour - Spanish Master held in the Gran Canaria, May 2009. The method of study used was a comparison of the individual cases of various athletes to ascertain the usefulness of this method in sports. The muscles which were analyzed are: vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (ML), rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF). RESULTS: Thus, with the information collected we can state the high level of usefulness of this method for the evaluation of muscle stiffness and balance between muscle structures of athletes. However, the validity and reconstruction of the results are conditioned to a strict protocol of evaluation. Moreover, the following criteria should be considered: individuality (the athlete's profile) and specifications (sport characteristics). CONCLUSIONS: The application of the TMG to high level players reveals the existence of important differences depending on their different roles in the game (defence, blocker or alternating both roles), the technical actions, the position on court (right-left) and the medical history of injuries.