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Front Nutr ; 9: 904812, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35711558


Nowadays, the food industry faces paramount challenges in different areas, since worldwide consumers are increasing every day, and at the same time, they are demanding new convenient products. Recent studies show that the current food production system is unsustainable over time and therefore is necessary to create new alternatives of production. New food trends are focused on the consumption of natural products, that have an eco-friendly production approach, and a beneficial nutritional profile for the consumer's health. Hence, products are being created to not only have good organoleptic characteristics, but also to contain a wide variety of micro and macronutrients, and to be sustainable within their production. For this reason, the use of raw materials that satisfy the needs previously mentioned is being implemented. For instance, the use of insects as raw material, because they have a high protein content comparable to animal-based foods. Specifically, ants and crickets can contain between 9 and 77% protein of dry weight, while beef contains between 25 and 28%. On the other hand, insects present an ease and sustainable production system, compared to livestock farming, since some of them feed with food waste generated by humans. In addition, require less food for their upbringing; insects can convert 2 kg of feed into 1 kg of insect mass, while cattle use 8 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of body weight. On the other hand, there is evidence that insects produce fewer greenhouse gases during their production, for example, pigs produce between 10 and 100 times more greenhouse gases per kg of weight. United States, Mexico, Chile, Peru, and Argentina have begun to develop and consume these products; thus, promoting different and new ventures. Large-scale production of insect-based food products could help solve or even prevent the looming food problem and contribute to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. Thus, the aim of this review work was to compile and investigate the edible insect's alternatives in Latin America, as well as the commercially available or potential derivative products. We discussed the nutritional value of edible insects, and how they could contribute to food security.

Rev. luna azul ; 4601 enero 2018.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007105


La Serranía El Majuy ubicada en el municipio de Cota, Cundinamarca, es una formación montañosa con una alta relevancia ecológica, la cual debido al incesante crecimiento industrial en la sabana de Bogotá, principalmente en la sabana centro (sector de Siberia) puede sufrir alteraciones de tipo ambiental, paisajístico o sociocultural. El presente artículo explora la posible incidencia de la expansión industrial en el sector de Siberia, sobre las precipitaciones en inmediaciones del resguardo indígena de Cota, esto mediante pruebas fisicoquímicas (pH, nitritos, sulfatos y conductividad) y por medio de bioindicadores como los líquenes presentes en la zona (Cetrelia sp., Flavopunctelia sp., Usnea sp., hypotrachyna sp., Xanthoparmelia sp.,Acarospora socialis sp., Caloplaca chantolyta sp., Caloplaca socialis sp., Candelariella Xanthostigma sp.), con los cuales se calculó el Índice de Diversidad Liquénica (LDV), índice de Shannon e Índice de Pureza Atmosférica (IPA). También se realizó un mapa de dispersión para la incidencia de la emisión atmosférica, con el cual se determinó que la Serranía El Majuy se podría presentar una concentración de contaminantes considerable pero se requiere de más datos para confirmar dicha afectación. La principal conclusión de esta investigación es que en general no se presenta un comportamiento ácido en las precipitaciones en la serranía El Majuy en el período de tiempo evaluado.

Serrania El Majuy, located in the municipality of Cota, Cundinamarca, is a mountainous formation with high ecological significance, which, due to continuous industrial growth in the savannah of Bogotá, mainly in the central savannah (Siberia sector) can undergo environmental, scenic or cultural alterations. This article explores the potential impact of industrial expansion in the Siberia sector on rainfall in the vicinity of the indigenous reserve of Cota, carried out using physic-chemical tests (pH, nitrites, sulfates and conductivity) and through bio-indicators as lichens present in the area (Cetrelia sp., Flavopunctelia sp., Usnea sp., hypotrachyna sp., Xanthoparmelia sp.,Acarospora socialis sp., Caloplaca chantolyta sp., Caloplaca socialis sp., Candelariella Xanthostigma sp.), with which the Lichen Diversity Value (LDV) index, the Shannon index and the Atmospheric Purity Index (API) were calculated. A dispersion map was also made for the incidence of atmospheric emissions, with which it was determined that a significant pollutant concentration could be present in El Majuy mountain range but more data is required to confirm this affectation. The main conclusion of this research is that, in general, there is no acid behavior in rainfall in El Majuy mountain range in the period of time evaluated.

Poluição do Ar
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 19(3): 2467-2471, sept. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-529604


La tomografía computarizada helicoidal permite clasificar de manera precisa las fracturas acetabulares brindando al ortopedista la posibilidad de una planeación quirúrgica adecuada. En este artículo se revisan las lesiones traumáticas de la pelvis ósea, los mecanismos de fractura y su clasificación.

Humanos , Acetábulo , Fraturas do Quadril , Tomografia Computadorizada Espiral