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J Anim Ecol ; 91(2): 428-442, 2022 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34808001


The interspecific interactions within and between adjacent ecosystems strongly depend on the changes in their abiotic and biotic components. However, little is known about how climate change and biodiversity loss in a specific ecosystem can impact the multiple trophic interactions of different biological groups within and across ecosystems. We used natural microecosystems (tank-bromeliads) as a model system to investigate the main and interactive effects of aquatic warming and aquatic top predator loss (i.e. trophic downgrading) on trophic relationships in three integrated food web compartments: (a) aquatic micro-organisms, (b) aquatic macro-organisms and (c) terrestrial predators (i.e. via cross-ecosystem effects). The aquatic top predator loss substantially impacted the three food web compartments. In the aquatic macrofauna compartment, trophic downgrading increased the filter feeder richness and abundance directly and indirectly via an increase in detritivore richness, likely through a facilitative interaction. For the microbiota compartment, aquatic top predator loss had a negative effect on algae richness, probably via decreasing the input of nutrients from predator biological activities. Furthermore, the more active terrestrial predators responded more to aquatic top predator loss, via an increase in some components of aquatic macrofauna, than more stationary terrestrial predators. The aquatic trophic downgrading indirectly altered the richness and abundance of cursorial terrestrial predators, but these effects had different direction according to the aquatic functional group, filter feeder or other detritivores. The web-building predators were indirectly affected by aquatic trophic downgrading due to increased filter feeder richness. Aquatic warming did not affect the aquatic micro- or macro-organisms but did positively affect the abundance of web-building terrestrial predators. These results allow us to raise a predictive framework of how different anthropogenic changes predicted for the next decades, such as aquatic warming and top predator loss, could differentially affect multiple biological groups through interactions within and across ecosystems.

As interações interespecíficas dentro e entre ecossistemas adjacentes dependem fortemente das mudanças de seus componentes abióticos e bióticos. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre como mudanças climáticas e a perda de biodiversidade em um ecossistema específico pode impactar as múltiplas interações tróficas de diferentes grupos biológicos dentro e entre ecossistemas. Nós utilizamos micro ecossistemas naturais (bromélias-tanque) como sistema modelo para investigar os efeitos individuais e interativos do aquecimento e da perda de predadores aquáticos (simplificação trófica) nas relações tróficas em três compartimentos integrados da teia alimentar: i) micro-organismos aquáticos, ii) macroorganismos aquáticos e iii) predadores terrestres (via efeito entre ecossistemas). A perda de predadores de topo aquáticos afetou substancialmente os três compartimentos da rede trófica. No compartimento da macrofauna aquática, a simplificação trófica aumentou a riqueza e abundância de filtradores, direta e indiretamente, por meio de um aumento da riqueza de espécies de detritívoros, provavelmente através de uma interação de facilitação. Para o compartimento da microbiota, a perda de predadores de topo aquáticos teve um efeito negativo sobre a riqueza de espécies de algas, provavelmente por meio da diminuição da entrada de nutrientes provenientes das atividades biológicas dos predadores. Além disso, os predadores terrestres mais ativos responderam mais à perda de predadores de topo aquáticos, por meio de um aumento de alguns componentes da macrofauna aquática, do que predadores terrestres mais estacionários. A simplificação trófica aquática alterou indiretamente a riqueza e abundância de predadores cursoriais terrestres, mas esses efeitos tiveram direção diferente de acordo com o grupo funcional aquático, filtradores ou outros detritívoros. Os predadores construtores de teias foram indiretamente afetados pela simplificação trófica aquática devido ao aumento da riqueza de filtradores. O aquecimento aquático não afetou os micro ou macro organismos aquáticos, mas afetou positivamente a abundância de predadores terrestres construtores de teias. Esses resultados nos permitem levantar um quadro preditivo de como diferentes mudanças antropogênicas preditas para as próximas décadas, como o aquecimento e a perda de predadores de topo aquáticos, podem afetar diferencialmente vários grupos biológicos por meio de interações dentro e entre os ecossistemas.

Ecossistema , Microbiota , Animais , Organismos Aquáticos , Biodiversidade , Cadeia Alimentar , Comportamento Predatório
Ecol Lett ; 24(12): 2660-2673, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34537987


Theory and some evidence suggest that biodiversity promotes stability. However, evidence of how trophic interactions and environmental changes modulate this relationship in multitrophic communities is lacking. Given the current scenario of biodiversity loss and climate changes, where top predators are disproportionately more affected, filling these knowledge gaps is crucial. We simulated climate warming and top predator loss in natural microcosms to investigate their direct and indirect effects on temporal stability of microbial communities and the role of underlying stabilising mechanisms. Community stability was insensitive to warming, but indirectly decreased due to top predator loss via increased mesopredator abundance and consequent reduction of species asynchrony and species stability. The magnitude of destabilising effects differed among trophic levels, being disproportionally higher at lower trophic levels (e.g. producers). Our study unravels major patterns and causal mechanisms by which trophic downgrading destabilises large food webs, regardless of climate warming scenarios.

Cadeia Alimentar , Microbiota , Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática , Estado Nutricional
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(8): 3715-3728, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29772087


Global biodiversity is eroding due to anthropogenic causes, such as climate change, habitat loss, and trophic simplification of biological communities. Most studies address only isolated causes within a single group of organisms; however, biological groups of different trophic levels may respond in particular ways to different environmental impacts. Our study used natural microcosms to investigate the predicted individual and interactive effects of warming, changes in top predator diversity, and habitat size on the alpha and beta diversity of macrofauna, microfauna, and bacteria. Alpha diversity (i.e., richness within each bromeliad) generally explained a larger proportion of the gamma diversity (partitioned in alpha and beta diversity). Overall, dissimilarity between communities occurred due to species turnover and not species loss (nestedness). Nevertheless, the three biological groups responded differently to each environmental stressor. Microfauna were the most sensitive group, with alpha and beta diversity being affected by environmental changes (warming and habitat size) and trophic structure (diversity of top predators). Macrofauna alpha and beta diversity was sensitive to changes in predator diversity and habitat size, but not warming. In contrast, the bacterial community was not influenced by the treatments. The community of each biological group was not mutually concordant with the environmental and trophic changes. Our results demonstrate that distinct anthropogenic impacts differentially affect the components of macro and microorganism diversity through direct and indirect effects (i.e., bottom-up and top-down effects). Therefore, a multitrophic and multispecies approach is necessary to assess the effects of different anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity.

Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática , Cadeia Alimentar , Água Doce , Comportamento Predatório , Animais
Ecol Lett ; 21(1): 72-82, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29098798


Global change affects ecosystem functioning both directly by modifications in physicochemical processes, and indirectly, via changes in biotic metabolism and interactions. Unclear, however, is how multiple anthropogenic drivers affect different components of community structure and the performance of multiple ecosystem functions (ecosystem multifunctionality). We manipulated small natural freshwater ecosystems to investigate how warming and top predator loss affect seven ecosystem functions representing two major dimensions of ecosystem functioning, productivity and metabolism. We investigated their direct and indirect effects on community diversity and standing stock of multitrophic macro and microorganisms. Warming directly increased multifunctional ecosystem productivity and metabolism. In contrast, top predator loss indirectly affected multifunctional ecosystem productivity via changes in the diversity of detritivorous macroinvertebrates, but did not affect ecosystem metabolism. In addition to demonstrating how multiple anthropogenic drivers have different impacts, via different pathways, on ecosystem multifunctionality components, our work should further spur advances in predicting responses of ecosystems to multiple simultaneous environmental changes.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Água Doce
Am Nat ; 184(5): 593-608, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25325744


How the relative importance of community assembly processes varies with spatial scale is the focus of intensive debate, in part because inferring the scales at which specific niche-based processes act is difficult. One obstacle is that standard phylogenetic and functional diversity metrics may integrate the signals of multiple processes when combining separate niche axes into one variable (multiple-niche-axis metrics), potentially obscuring overlapping niche-based processes. We use simulations to evaluate the power of these metrics to detect competition and habitat filtering when these processes operate across multiple niche axes and vary in their relative importance. We then test for both processes at a range of spatial scales in a Neotropical bird assemblage. Simulations revealed that multiple-niche-axis metrics had low power to detect competition and habitat filtering when a mix of both processes acts across niche axes, whereas metrics focused on single-niche axes were better able to deal with this complexity. We found the same contrast in bird communities, where both competition and habitat filtering were detected at the scale of individual territories, but only by single-niche-axis metrics focused on specific niche axes (e.g., foraging traits). Our results suggest that multiple-niche-axis metrics may produce misleading evidence that niche-based processes are partitioned, particularly across scales, and highlight the importance of analyzing functional diversity patterns on individual niche axes when testing assembly models.

Biodiversidade , Aves/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Filogenia , Animais , Modelos Biológicos , Peru