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Aletheia ; 53(1): 56-67, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1278230


Introdu_No: A hemodi¼lise (HD) + o tratamento utilizado para insuficirncia renal aguda (IRA). Objetivo: Verificar o efeito da fisioterapia durante a HD no fluxo sanguTneo (FS) do sistema dialTtico, sinais vitais, ea seguran_a da sua realiza_No.M+todos: Ensaio clTnico randomizado cruzado, com pacientes dialTticos internados no Hospital Universit¼rio de Canoasentre2017e 2018. Foram randomizados em: Grupo I - atendimento durante a HD; e Grupo II - atendimento antes da HD. Na segunda HD houve o cruzamento.Resultados: Estudou-se 26 indivTduos.Houve intercorrrncias nos momentos avaliados, exceto durante a fisioterapia, com diferen_a significativa entre os grupos (p=0,025). O grupo I manteve oFSest¼vel na m¼quina de HD (p=0,649).Houve eleva_Noda frequrncia cardTaca (FC) (p=0,004) e satura_No perif+rica de oxigrnio (SpO2) (p<0,001). No grupo II houve aumento significativoda FC (p=0,009). ConclusNo: Os resultados sugerem seguran_a e viabilidadena realiza_No da fisioterapiadurante a HD nos pacientes hospitalizados.

Introduction: Hemodialysis (HD) is the treatment for acute renal failure (ARF). Objective: To verify the effect of physical therapy (PT) during HD on blood flow (BF), vital signs, and the safety of that. Methods: Crossover randomized clinical trial with patients in HD admitted to the University Hospital of Canoas between 2017 and 2018. They were randomized into: Group I - PT during HD; and Group II - PT before HD. In the second HD they were crossed. Results: 26 individuals were studied. There were complications in the evaluated moments, except during PT, with significant difference between groups (p=0,025). Group I kept the FS stable on the HD machine (p=0,649). There was an increase in heart rate (HR) (p=0,004) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) (p<0,001). In group II there was a significant increase in HR (p=0,009). Conclusion: The results suggest safety and feasibility in performing PT during HD in hospitalized patients.