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Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(3): 48-62, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351964


RESUMEN Introducción: Los estudiantes de educación superior son una población vulnerable a los trastornos mentales, más aún durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Su salud mental se ha visto afectada por el confinamiento, las dificultades en el desarrollo de las actividades académicas y las exigencias de las nuevas modalidades pedagógicas. Se planteó entonces la pregunta: en las instituciones de educación superior, ¿cuáles acciones en torno a a) promoción y prevención, b) atención a síntomas mentales y c) adaptaciones pedagógicas pueden desarrollarse con el fin de mejorar la salud mental de sus estudiantes? Métodos: Síntesis crítica a partir de la revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos de alcance descriptivo, analítico, experimental o evaluativo, así como recursos web de organizaciones relacionadas con el tema. Se realizó una síntesis en función de los 3 focos de la pregunta mediante comparación constante, hasta realizar la agrupación de acciones por similitud en los actores que las ejecutarían y recibirían. Se anticipó una baja calidad de la evidencia, por lo que no se realizó evaluación estandarizada. Resultados: Se exploraron 68 artículos y 99 recursos web. Después de la revisión del texto completo se incluyeron 12 artículos científicos y 11 recursos web. Como lineamentos generales, se encontró que la propuesta más frecuente es el diseño de un programa estructurado específico para el tema de salud mental en las instituciones educativas, que sea multidisciplinario, incluyente, dinámico y sensible a la cultura. Las acciones deben ser divulgadas periódicamente para que los estudiantes y demás miembros de la comunidad educativa las tengan claras, e idealmente se propone mantenerlas hasta el periodo pospandémico e incluir a los egresados. Para a) la promoción y prevención, se encontró la psicoeducación por vía electrónica, donde se expliquen estilos de vida saludable, reacciones emocionales en pandemia, estrategias de afrontamiento y signos de alarma. Se propone la participación de los pares como estrategia de apoyo y espacios de interacción social que no se enfoquen únicamente en aspectos académicos. Se reporta la necesidad de cribar síntomas mentales por medio de envío frecuente de formularios en línea o aplicaciones móviles, donde también se indague por la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas y tecnológicas. En cuanto a b) atención de síntomas mentales, una de las acciones que se encontró con mayor frecuencia es disponer de un centro de consultoría que sea capaz de realizar atención en salud mental por vía telefónica, por tecnologías e incluso presencial, con atención permanente las 24 h o equipos de respuesta rápida ante una situación de crisis, como la conducta suicida y la violencia doméstica. Para c) las adaptaciones pedagógicas, se señala como requisito indispensable la comunicación fluida para tener instrucciones claras sobre el desarrollo de las actividades académicas para disminuir la incertidumbre y, por ende, la ansiedad y favorecer la gestión del tiempo por el estudiante. Los profesores y pedagogos de la institución pueden ofrecer asesorías directas (por videollamadas o reuniones de grupos en línea) para proveer apoyo en hábitos de estudios, materias propias de cada carrera y salud mental. Conclusiones: Los recursos incluidos proponen que la institución educativa cree un programa que aborde específicamente la salud mental de los estudiantes. Esta síntesis puede proveer lineamientos que faciliten la toma de decisiones, sin perder de vista que la institución y el estudiante están inmersos en un contexto complejo, con circunstancias y otros actores en varios niveles que también intervienen en la salud mental. Se requieren investigaciones sobre la evolución de la situación de salud mental y el efecto de las acciones que se vayan tomando.

ABSTRACT Background: College and university students are a population vulnerable to mental disorders, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their mental health has been affected by confinement, difficulties in the development of academic activities, and the demands of new pedagogical modalities. We aimed to respond to the question: what are the actions around a) promotion and prevention, b) mental symptoms care, and c) pedagogical adaptations that can be developed in order to improve the mental health of college and university students? Methods: We conducted a critical synthesis from a systematic review of the literature. A search was made for scientific articles with descriptive, analytical, empirical or evaluative designs, as well as web resources of organizations related to the topic. A synthesis was carried out based on the three aspects of the question by means of a constant comparative method, until the aggregation of actions by similarity in the actors. We anticipated low evidence quality; therefore, a standardized evaluation was not performed. Results: We explored 68 articles and 99 web resources. After reviewing the full text, 12 scientific articles and 11 web resources were included. As general guidelines, we found that the most frequent suggestion is the design of a specific structured mental health program within universities, one that should be multidisciplinary, inclusive, dynamic and culturally sensitive. All actions taken by the university should be reported and published periodically so that students and other members of the university community are clear about them. Ideally, it is suggested to keep them until the post-pandemic period and include alumni. Regarding a) promotion and prevention, digital psychoeducation was recommended, with information about healthy lifestyles, common emotional reactions to epidemics, coping strategies and warning signs. Peer participation is suggested as a support strategy, as well as spaces for social interaction that focus not only on academic aspects but also on leisure. Screening for mental symptoms is suggested through frequent submission of online forms or mobile applications. In addition to mental health, it is important to inquire about the degree of satisfaction of basic and technology-related needs. For b) the care of mental symptoms, one of the actions commonly identified was a consulting centre that can provide mental health care by telephone, by technology, and even in person -if required -, with permanent availability with rapid response teams for crisis situations, such as suicidal behavior and domestic violence. For c) pedagogical adaptations, fluent communication is an indispensable requirement; having clear instructions on academic activities can reduce uncertainty and therefore anxiety. The teaching and pedagogical staff at the institution can offer direct advice (via video calls or online group meetings) to provide support in study habits, degree-specific material and mental health. Conclusions: Included resources suggest the creation of a program that specifically addresses the mental health of students. This synthesis can provide guidelines that facilitate decision-making by the university, without losing sight of the fact that the institution and the student are immersed in a complex context, with circumstances and other actors at various levels that also intervene in mental health. Research is required on the evolution of the mental health situation and the effect of the actions that are being taken.

Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 50(3): 199-213, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34158170


BACKGROUND: College and university students are a population vulnerable to mental disorders, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their mental health has been affected by confinement, difficulties in the development of academic activities, and the demands of new pedagogical modalities. We aimed to respond to the question: what are the actions around a) promotion and prevention, b) mental symptoms care, and c) pedagogical adaptations that can be developed in order to improve the mental health of college and university students? METHODS: We conducted a critical synthesis from a systematic review of the literature. A search was made for scientific articles with descriptive, analytical, empirical or evaluative designs, as well as web resources of organisations related to the topic. A synthesis was carried out based on the three aspects of the question by means of a constant comparative method, until the aggregation of actions by similarity in the actors. We anticipated low evidence quality; therefore, a standardised evaluation was not performed. RESULTS: We explored 68 articles and 99 web resources. After reviewing the full text, 12 scientific articles and 11 web resources were included. As general guidelines, we found that the most frequent suggestion is the design of a specific structured mental health programme within universities, one that should be multidisciplinary, inclusive, dynamic and culturally sensitive. All actions taken by the university should be reported and published periodically so that students and other members of the university community are clear about them. Ideally, it is suggested to keep them until the post-pandemic period and include alumni. Regarding a) promotion and prevention, digital psychoeducation was recommended, with information about healthy lifestyles, common emotional reactions to epidemics, coping strategies and warning signs. Peer participation is suggested as a support strategy, as well as spaces for social interaction that focus not only on academic aspects but also on leisure. Screening for mental symptoms is suggested through frequent submission of online forms or mobile applications. In addition to mental health, it is important to inquire about the degree of satisfaction of basic and technology-related needs. For b) the care of mental symptoms, one of the actions commonly identified was a consulting centre that can provide mental health care by telephone, by technology, and even in person --if required --, with permanent availability with rapid response teams for crisis situations, such as suicidal behaviour and domestic violence. For c) pedagogical adaptations, fluent communication is an indispensable requirement; having clear instructions on academic activities can reduce uncertainty and therefore anxiety. The teaching and pedagogical staff at the institution can offer direct advice (via video calls or online group meetings) to provide support in study habits, degree-specific material and mental health. CONCLUSIONS: Included resources suggest the creation of a programme that specifically addresses the mental health of students. This synthesis can provide guidelines that facilitate decision-making by the university, without losing sight of the fact that the institution and the student are immersed in a complex context, with circumstances and other actors at various levels that also intervene in mental health. Research is required on the evolution of the mental health situation and the effect of the actions that are being taken.