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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1573798


Introducción: Las fracturas de tibia son lesiones frecuentes. En los niños existe una mayor capacidad de curación debido al mayor grosor y mejor vascularización que presenta su periostio. Como resultado, la mayoría pueden tratarse de manera exitosa de forma no quirúrgica. Está descrito el tratamiento funcional para estas fracturas, siguiendo los principios desarrollados por Sarmiento. Dada la falta de evidencia actual acerca del tratamiento funcional en este grupo etario, realizamos el análisis del mismo mediante una serie de casos tratados siguiendo este método. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, tratados mediante tratamiento funcional siguiendo los principios desarrollados por Sarmiento. Se evaluaron clínica y radiográficamente. Se evaluó la técnica registrando tiempos para cada período en este grupo etario, así como la satisfacción con el tratamiento de los pacientes y padres y/o tutores. Todas las complicaciones relacionadas fueron documentadas. Resultados: Evaluamos un total de 15 pacientes, con al menos 6 meses de seguimiento. La edad promedio fue de 11.7 años. Todas las fracturas consolidaron, el tiempo promedio hasta la consolidación fue de 7.6 semanas. El período agudo de 3.4 semanas y el período funcional de 4.2 semanas promedio respectivamente. Todas las fracturas consolidaron con una reducción aceptable. Existió un 100% de satisfacción tanto de los pacientes como de los padres ó tutores con el tratamiento implementado. Dos pacientes presentaron complicaciones menores. Conclusión: El tratamiento funcional para las fracturas de pierna en niños entre 10 y 15 años es una técnica segura, reproducible, con buenos resultados funcionales, que le permite tanto a los pacientes y a sus cuidadores gran independencia durante el período de curación.

Introduction: Tibial fractures are frequent injuries. In children there is a greater healing capacity due to the greater thickness and better vascularization of their periosteum. As a result, most of them can be successfully treated non-surgically. Functional treatment for these fractures is described, following the principles developed by Sarmiento. Given the lack of current evidence on functional treatment in this age group, we analyzed a series of cases treated following this method. Materials and methods: We included patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, treated by functional treatment following the principles developed by Sarmiento. They were evaluated clinically and radiographically. The technique was evaluated by recording times for each period in this age group, as well as the satisfaction with the treatment of the patients and parents and/or guardians. All related complications were documented. Results: We evaluated a total of 15 patients, with at least 6 months of follow-up. The average age was 11.7 years. All fractures consolidated, the average time to consolidation was 7.6 weeks. The acute period of 3.4 weeks and the functional period of 4.2 weeks average respectively. All fractures healed with acceptable reduction. There was 100% satisfaction of both patients and parents or guardians with the treatment implemented. Two patients presented minor complications. Conclusion: Functional treatment for leg fractures in children between 10 and 15 years of age is a safe, reproducible technique, with good functional results, which allows both patients and their caregivers great independence during the healing period.

Introdução: As fracturas da tíbia são lesões comuns. Nas crianças existe uma maior capacidade de cicatrização devido à maior espessura e melhor vascularização do periósteo. Como resultado, a maioria pode ser tratada com sucesso de forma não cirúrgica. É descrito o tratamento funcional destas fracturas, seguindo os princípios desenvolvidos por Sarmiento. Dada a falta de evidência atual sobre o tratamento funcional neste grupo etário, procedeu-se à análise de uma série de casos tratados por este método. Material e métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, tratados por tratamento funcional seguindo os princípios desenvolvidos por Sarmiento. Foram avaliados clínica e radiograficamente. A técnica foi avaliada através do registro dos tempos para cada período nessa faixa etária, bem como a satisfação com o tratamento por parte dos pacientes e dos pais e/ou responsáveis. Todas as complicações relacionadas foram documentadas. Resultados: Avaliámos um total de 15 doentes, com pelo menos 6 meses de seguimento. A idade média foi de 11,7 anos. Todas as fracturas cicatrizaram, sendo o tempo médio de cicatrização de 7,6 semanas. O período agudo foi de 3,4 semanas e o período funcional de 4,2 semanas, em média, respetivamente. Todas as fracturas foram curadas com uma redução aceitável. Os doentes e os pais/encarregados de educação ficaram 100% satisfeitos com o tratamento efectuado. Dois doentes tiveram complicações ligeiras. Conclusão: O tratamento funcional das fracturas da perna em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 15 anos é uma técnica segura, reprodutível e com bons resultados funcionais, que permite aos doentes e aos seus cuidadores uma grande independência durante o período de cura.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 720-727, Septiembre 16, 2024. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571847


Introducción. Los pacientes con patología abdominal quirúrgica que requieren manejo con abdomen abierto son susceptibles a la pérdida de proteínas desde la cavidad expuesta. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la pérdida proteica a través de dos tipos de cierre temporal abdominal. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio decohorte prospectivo, con pacientes críticos manejados durante el año 2021 con abdomen abierto mediante dos tipos de cierre temporal: bolsa de Bogotá y ABThera™. Se recolectaron muestras intraoperatorias seriadas de líquido peritoneal (días 1, 3 y 5). Se calcularon frecuencias y promedios, y se compararon con las pruebas de Chi cuadrado y t de Student. Resultados. Se incluyeron 25 pacientes. El promedio de pérdida de proteínas en líquido peritoneal fue mayor con el sistema ABThera™ (44,38 g/L) comparado con la bolsa de Bogotá (25,18 g/L; p=0,0185). Durante el seguimiento se observó la tendencia a la disminución del promedio de proteínas perdidas por ambos sistemas, pero con ABThera™ se perdieron en promedio 15,47 gr/L más de proteínas, independientemente del estado nutricional y del aporte proteico recibido (p=0,042). No hubo diferencias según la etiología que llevó al manejo con abdomen abierto, los procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados o el estado de infección por COVID-19. Conclusiones. El abdomen abierto representa una fuente importante de pérdida de proteínas, que es diferente según el tipo de cierre temporal usado. Estas pérdidas deberían considerarse en los cálculos de soporte nutricional en la unidad de cuidado intensivo.

Introduction. Patients with surgical abdominal pathology requiring management with an open abdomen are susceptible to protein loss from the exposed cavity. The objective of this study was to characterize protein loss through two types of temporary abdominal closure. Methods. A prospective cohort study was carried out with critically ill patients managed during 2021 with an open abdomen using two types of temporary closure: Bogota bag and ABThera™. Serial intraoperative peritoneal fluid samples were collected (days 1, 3, and 5). Frequencies and averages were calculated and compared with the Chi square and Student's t tests. Results. Twenty-five patients were included. The average protein loss in peritoneal fluid was higher with the ABThera™ system (44.38 g/L) compared to the Bogota bag (25.18 g/L; p-value=0.0185). During follow-up, a tendency to decrease the average protein lost by both systems was observed, but with ABThera™ an average of 15.47 gr/L more protein was lost, regardless of the nutritional status and protein intake received (p=0.042). There were no differences based on etiology leading to open abdomen management, surgical procedures performed, or Covid-19 infection status. Conclusions. The open abdomen represents an important source of protein loss, which is different depending on the type of temporary closure used. These losses should be considered in calculations of nutritional support in the intensive care unit.

Humanos , Líquido Ascítico , Técnicas de Abdome Aberto , Cavidade Peritoneal , Programas de Nutrição , Proteínas , COVID-19
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(2): 126-132, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575900


RESUMEN Introducción. El síndrome post COVID (SPC), que se caracteriza por síntomas que se extienden superando las 4 semanas post-infección, podría desencadenar aumento en el riesgo cardiovascular. Las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL) presentan funciones antiaterogénicas, como su capacidad para promover el transporte inverso del colesterol (TIC) y su actividad antioxidante, en la que es clave la enzima paraoxonasa 1 (PON 1). Objetivo. Evaluar funcionalidad de HDL en pacientes con SPC comparados con pacientes asintomáticos (PA) y controles. Material y métodos. Se incluyeron 9 individuos con SPC, 18 PA y 10 controles. Se midieron el hemograma, el perfil lipoproteico básico, las apolipoproteínas A-I y B, y marcadores inflamatorios por métodos automatizados. La actividad de PON 1 se evaluó empleando un método espectrofotométrico y los 3 pasos del TIC, eflujo de colesterol (ECC), y actividades de lecitina:colesterol aciltransferasa (LCAT) y proteína transportadora de colesterol esterificado (CETP), por métodos radiométricos. Resultados. No se observaron diferencias en sexo, edad, ni parámetros generales. El grupo PA presentó mayor actividad PON que los controles (94±76 vs. 183±111 vs. 148±58 nmol/mL.min, en controles, PA y SPC, respectivamente; p=0,049). No se observaron diferencias en el TIC. El ECC (r=-0,45; p=0,049) y CETP (r=-0,38; p=0,028) correlacionaron negativamente con el índice neutrófilos/linfocitos. LCAT correlacionó inversamente con la ferritina (r=-0,34; p=0,046). Conclusiones. El incremento de PON 1 en el grupo PA representaría un mecanismo de defensa frente al estrés oxidativo post-infección. Todos los pasos del TIC mostraron una correlación negativa con marcadores inflamatorios. Nuestros resultados podrían explicar, en parte, el vínculo entre COVID y ateroesclerosis.

ABSTRACT Background. Post-COVID syndrome (PCS), characterized by symptoms that persist for more than 4 weeks after initial infection, could increase cardiovascular risk. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) have antiatherogenic functions, such as the ability to promote reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) and antioxidant activity. In this regard, paraoxonase 1 (PON 1) plays a key role. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate HDL functions in patients with PCS and compare them with asymptomatic patients (AP) and controls. Methods. The study included 9 patients with PCS, 18 AP and 10 controls. Complete blood count, basic lipoprotein profile, apolipoproteins A-I and B, and inflammatory markers were measured using automated methods. PON 1 activity was evaluated by a spectrophotometric assay, and the 3 steps of RCT, cellular cholesterol (efflux CCE), lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity were evaluated by radiometric assays. Results. There were no differences in sex, age, or general parameters. The AP group had higher PON activity than the control group (94±76 vs. 183±111 vs. 148±58 nmol/mL.min, in controls, AP and PCS, respectively; p=0.049). There were no differences in RCT. Cellular cholesterol efflux (r=-0.45; p=0.049) and CETP (r=- 0.38; p=0.028) had a negative correlation with neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio. LCAT had an inverse correlation with ferritin (r=-0.34; p=0.046). Conclusions . Increased antioxidant activity of PON 1 would represent a defensive mechanism against oxidative stress after infection. All the RCT steps had a negative correlation with inflammatory markers. Our findings may explain, at least in part, the link between COVID-19 and atherosclerosis.

Eat Behav ; 54: 101904, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111086


Intuitive eating is defined as being connected to internal hunger, satiety, and appetitive cues and flexibly using these cues to determine when, what, and how much to eat. The Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2) is a widely used measure of facets of intuitive eating. However, the scale has shown unstable factor structure in several validation studies and there is a lack of studies investigating the measurement invariance of the IES-2 beyond sex. We aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the IES-2, testing several factor structures among Brazilian and U.S. samples of men and women; to test measurement invariance across country of origin, ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation; and to evaluate its internal consistency. Three models of the latent structure of the IES-2 were tested using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in a total of 1072 young adults (452 Brazilians and 620 Americans), aged 18-35 years. Results demonstrated that only a 3-factor solution with 11 items of the IES-2 showed adequate fit to the data for both countries. This model demonstrated scalar invariance across sex and sexual orientation, but only configural invariance was found across country of origin and ethnicity. Good internal consistencies were found for both the Brazilian and American samples. The present study provides support for a 3-factor solution with 11 items of the IES-2, to Brazilian and American samples. The study also offers evidence of internal consistency, and invariance between sex (i.e., male and female) and sexual orientation (i.e., heterosexual participants and sexual minority participants).

Comparação Transcultural , Psicometria , Comportamento Sexual , Humanos , Masculino , Brasil/etnologia , Feminino , Adulto , Estados Unidos/etnologia , Adulto Jovem , Psicometria/instrumentação , Adolescente , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/etnologia , Análise Fatorial , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar/etnologia , Intuição , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fatores Sexuais
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 96(3): e20231175, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39046023


Variations in hematological profile in reptiles can be caused by multiple factors, including parasites presence. Our goals were to identify and morphologically describe blood cells of Liolaemus pacha and analyze their relationship with sex, body condition, individual reproductive/post-reproductive period and mite infestation. Blood smear analyses do not indicate the presence of hemoparasites, suggesting that the mites Neopterygosoma do not serve as vectors for these organisms, as has been proposed for other genera of ectoparasitic mites. In post-reproductive period, there was a reduction in specimens' body condition and a higher leukocyte count in uninfected lizards. This could be a consequence of the testosterone effects, in higher concentration during the reproductive season, which can increase the metabolic rate, decreasing feeding rate. Infested and non-infested lizards showed no differences in body condition, as well as in leukocyte count, hence the host's immune system could be developing infestation tolerance. Infested specimens had a higher count of monocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes. Based on cells function, mites' effect could be associated with inflammatory processes, allergic reactions or infectious diseases. These results suggested a complex interaction between lizards' hematological parameters and factors associated to ectoparasites or body conditions. We consider this work as a diagnostic tool for genus Liolaemus, to evaluate health quality, with relevance to the conservation or management of this lizard's genus.

Infestações por Ácaros , Reprodução , Animais , Infestações por Ácaros/veterinária , Infestações por Ácaros/parasitologia , Masculino , Feminino , Reprodução/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Iguanas/fisiologia , Iguanas/parasitologia , Iguanas/sangue , Ácaros/fisiologia , Ácaros/classificação , Lagartos/parasitologia , Lagartos/sangue , Lagartos/fisiologia
Curr Drug Saf ; 2024 Jul 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39075954


L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is an enzyme that shows targeted activity against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and similar lymphoid neoplasms by facilitating the breakdown of asparagine into L-aspartic acid, thereby reducing L-asparagine levels in leukemic cells. However, its therapeutic potential is hindered by its associated toxicity, leading to complications, such as thrombosis, hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, fibrinolysis, hypersensitivity reactions, and the development of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES). This review compiles documented cases of PRES linked to treating B and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children using L-ASNase. Although this pathology is rare, understanding its management is crucial within ASNase-based chemotherapy protocols. As PRES lacks a specific treatment, focusing on symptomatic management becomes pivotal. Therefore, comprehending the underlying causes during L-ASNase treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia is essential. Understanding the etiology and clinical symptoms of this illness is critical for early diagnosis and treatment. The cases of PRES described in this review include instances in which this syndrome has appeared after the administration of L-ASNase in children. In some cases, PRES developed during induction therapy, while in others, it occurred during the reinduction phase. These cases resolved days after discontinuation of L-ASNase. The findings suggest a close relationship between drug administration and the appearance of brain lesions, as evidenced by the disappearance or decrease of these lesions when the drug was eliminated from the bloodstream.

J Esthet Restor Dent ; 2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39076158


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of polishing and bleaching on the recovery of lightness, color, whiteness, and relative translucency parameter (RTP) in CAD/CAM materials and changes in these properties when another staining in coffee was conducted after the treatments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Disks of Lava Ultimate (LU), Vita Enamic (VE), IPS Empress CAD (EMP), IPS e.max CAD (EMAX), and Vita Suprinity (VS) were (1) not treated (control), (2) polished with Proxyt or (3) Ceramisté, (4) bleached with Opalescence PF or (5) Whiteness HP Blue, and (6) air polished with Clinpro Prophy Powder. CIE L*a*b* color coordinates were registered at baseline (R0), after staining with coffee for 30 min daily for 36.5 days and treatment (R1), and after another staining (R2). Differences (R1-R0 and R2-R0) in lightness (ΔL00), color (ΔE00), RTP (ΔRTP00), and whiteness (ΔWID) were evaluated by mixed repeated measures ANOVA and 95% confidence intervals (α = 0.05) and interpreted in function of their respective 50:50% PT and AT thresholds. Topography was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). RESULTS: In LU, Opalescence PF and Proxyt decreased Δ L 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , Δ E 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {\mathrm{R}}_0\right)} $$ , and ΔWI D R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{WI}}_{\mathrm{D}\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ and showed lower Δ L 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , Δ E 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , and ΔWI D R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{WI}}_{\mathrm{D}\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ . In VE, all treatments decreased Δ L 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , Δ E 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , and ΔWI D R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{WI}}_{\mathrm{D}\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , whereas Δ L 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , Δ E 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , and ΔWI D R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{WI}}_{\mathrm{D}\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ were lower in Opalescence PF than in the control group. In both moments, ΔE00 and ΔWID in EMP (also ΔL00) and EMAX were higher in Opalescence PF than in the control group, from which the other treatments did not differ in R1-R0. In EMP, Δ E 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ in Whiteness HP Blue (also Δ L 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ ) and Proxyt were also higher in comparison to the control group and in VS, Ceramisté decreased Δ L 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta L}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , Δ E 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , and Δ R T P 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ \varDelta RT{P}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ , whereas Opalescence PF increased ΔRTP 00 R 1 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{RTP}}_{00\left({R}_1\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ . Δ E 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta E}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ of Ceramisté and ΔWI D R 2 - R 0 $$ {\Delta \mathrm{WI}}_{\mathrm{D}\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ and Δ R T P 00 R 2 - R 0 $$ \varDelta RT{P}_{00\left({R}_2\hbox{--} {R}_0\right)} $$ of Proxyt were lower than those of the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The most suitable treatment to recover the lightness, color, whiteness, and RTP without changing these properties after another coffee exposure is material-dependent. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Although the effectiveness of the treatment was material-dependent, Proxyt was the only treatment that promoted clinically acceptable changes for both LU and VE, while for purely ceramic materials, this condition was observed with Ceramisté and Clinpro Prophy Powder.

Clin Transl Oncol ; 26(11): 2758-2770, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39008159


In recent years, the incorporation of new strategies to the therapeutic armamentarium has completely changed the outcomes of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). The identification of new predictive and prognostic biomarkers has also enabled the selection of those patients more likely to respond to targeted agents. Nevertheless, EOC is still a highly lethal disease and resistance to many of these new agents is common. The objective of this guideline is to summarize the most relevant strategies to manage EOC, to help the clinician throughout the challenging diagnostic and therapeutic processes and to provide evidence-based recommendations.

Carcinoma Epitelial do Ovário , Neoplasias Ovarianas , Humanos , Carcinoma Epitelial do Ovário/terapia , Carcinoma Epitelial do Ovário/patologia , Feminino , Neoplasias Ovarianas/terapia , Neoplasias Ovarianas/patologia , Neoplasias Ovarianas/diagnóstico , Prognóstico , Oncologia/normas , Oncologia/métodos
J Interferon Cytokine Res ; 44(10): 453-460, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949899


Metabolic alterations are a common problem in people living with HIV (PLHIV), as a result of a stage of chronic inflammation that affects the homeostasis of the organism. Prolonged exposure to antiretroviral therapy has been associated with developing lipodystrophies that modify lipoprotein metabolism and inflammatory markers such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), which are mediators of the immune response. The study aimed to associate TNF-α and IL-6 levels with their polymorphisms and metabolic alterations in PLIHV. We hypothesized that TNF-α and IL-6 levels and their polymorphisms are associated with metabolic alterations. In total, 185 PLHIV and 51 HIV-negative people were included. Biochemical parameters were determined by colorimetric assay, cytokine levels by immunoassay, and allelic discrimination by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. A correlation was found between TNF-α levels and the variables cholesterol (r = -0.171, P = 0.020) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (r = -0.245, P = 0.001). There are associations between HDL levels (P = 0.011) and GG genotype of rs1800629. The results suggest a metabolic alteration related to the constant immune response, especially the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6. It was observed that genetic factors may influence metabolism alteration, mainly in lipids.

Citocinas , Interleucina-6 , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Interleucina-6/genética , Interleucina-6/sangue , Interleucina-6/metabolismo , Citocinas/metabolismo , Infecções por HIV/genética , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/imunologia , Infecções por HIV/metabolismo , Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa/genética , Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa/metabolismo , Genótipo , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Mediadores da Inflamação/metabolismo , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/genética , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/imunologia , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/metabolismo
Health Phys ; 2024 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38975877


ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to describe the activities developed within the framework "Regional Workshop on Optimization of Protection in Pediatric Interventional Radiology in Latin American and Caribbean countries," developed between October 16th and 19th of the year 2023 in the city of San José, Costa Rica. The workshop was carried out as part of a joint work between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The main objective of the regional workshop was to gather the experiences and future work planning among participants in the Optimization of Protection in Pediatric Interventional Radiology in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPRIPALC) program. It involved professionals from 14 centers across 11 countries in the region, along with 4 experts from PAHO/WHO/IAEA. The work modalities during the workshop consisted of keynote presentations, individual presentations, group work, and general discussions. An online survey was carried out after the workshop, with the objective of knowing the opinion of the event participants and determining the impact and projection of the OPRIPALC program. During the workshop the centers had to present their experiences: the use of the DOLQA dose management system was presented and work was done on the consensus document on good practices. The activities, topics and organization of the workshop were valued positively by the participants. There is unanimity among the centers that the OPRIPALC program has had a positive impact and they wish to continue actively participating in the next biennium.

J Prosthet Dent ; 2024 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38971675


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: In-office bleaching has been widely researched. However, few studies have evaluated alternative protocols for this procedure. Moreover, information on the long-term stability of in-office whitening is limited. PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effectiveness and 1-year stability of in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (35%HP) and 37% carbamide peroxide (37%CP) using traditional and alternative protocols. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty human third molars were stained with tea and allocated to groups (n=10). Traditional protocols consisted of 3 applications of 35%HP for 15 minutes and 1 application of 37%CP for 45 minutes. Alternative protocols consisted of 1 application of 35%HP for 45 minutes and 3 applications of 37%CP for 45 minutes. Protocols were applied for 3 weeks. CIELab color coordinates were measured at baseline and weekly during treatment and at 1-week, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups. Effectiveness and stability of the bleaching treatments were interpreted using 50:50% perceptibility and acceptability thresholds. CIELab, chroma, hue angle, and whiteness index were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (α=.05). RESULTS: All protocols showed improvement in bleaching after the first week (P≤.005). All bleaching procedures presented excellent whitening outcomes. Alternative protocols showed a larger rebound effect after 1 year, indicating less stability. For the whiteness index, no differences between the completion of the treatments and 1-year follow-up was found for the bleaching treatments and protocols (P>.05), except for the 37%CP alternative protocol (P=.005). CONCLUSIONS: All tested protocols presented excellent effectiveness in bleaching. Traditional protocols exhibited a greater whiteness stability, while the alternative protocols showed a greater rebound effect after 1 year.

J Med Food ; 27(8): 758-774, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38910556


Chronic noncommunicable diseases are a global health problem causing increased rates of mortality and sick leaves, which can be reduced by controlling dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia. Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated the antidiabetic, lipid-lowering, antiobesogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive properties of cinnamon; therefore, its use in yogurt can help reverse the effects of these diseases. Our study aims to evaluate the effect of a microencapsulated aqueous extract of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) (MCE Cz) incorporated in a yogurt drink on metabolic syndrome (MS) in a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Physicochemical, microbiological, and proximal chemical characterization; total phenol, flavonoid, and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil activity quantification; intestinal bioaccessibility; sensory analysis; MS induction through diet; and treatment with 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg of flavonoids contained in the MCE Cz were performed to help evaluate morphological, biochemical, and lipid peroxidation measurements in the liver and heart. The results show that the addition of MCE Cz in the yogurt modified the yogurt texture, increased its adhesiveness and firmness, and imparted a characteristic cinnamon color and biological value by providing intestinally bioaccessible antioxidants with antioxidant potential by reducing lipoperoxidation in the liver and heart after treatment. MCE Cz reduced the weight of the animals by up to 38.5% and the abdominal circumference by 29%. Biochemically, it decreased glucose levels by 24.38%, total cholesterol levels by 69.2%, triglyceride levels by 72.69%, and low-density lipoprotein levels by 89.25%; it increased high-density lipoprotein levels by 67.08%. Therefore, adding MCE Cz in doses of 5 and 10 mg of flavonoids in drinkable yogurt can be an alternative to preparing functional foods with physicochemical attributes and biological properties that can be consumed at all stages of life without undesirable effects. Moreover, it can act as a potential adjuvant in the treatment of comorbidities related to MS.

Cinnamomum zeylanicum , Síndrome Metabólica , Extratos Vegetais , Iogurte , Animais , Coelhos , Cinnamomum zeylanicum/química , Síndrome Metabólica/dietoterapia , Iogurte/análise , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , Extratos Vegetais/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Masculino , Alimentos Fortificados/análise , Flavonoides/análise , Flavonoides/administração & dosagem , Composição de Medicamentos , Humanos
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(10)2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791230


The human microbiome exists throughout the body, and it is essential for maintaining various physiological processes, including immunity, and dysbiotic events, which are associated with autoimmunity. Peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) enzymes can citrullinate self-proteins related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that induce the production of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) and lead to inflammation and joint damage. The present investigation was carried out to demonstrate the expression of homologs of PADs or arginine deiminases (ADs) and citrullinated proteins in members of the human microbiota. To achieve the objective, we used 17 microbial strains and specific polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) of the synthetic peptide derived from residues 100-200 of human PAD2 (anti-PAD2 pAb), and the recombinant fragment of amino acids 326 and 611 of human PAD4 (anti-PAD4 pAb), a human anti-citrulline pAb, and affinity ACPAs of an RA patient. Western blot (WB), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), elution, and a test with Griess reagent were used. This is a cross-sectional case-control study on patients diagnosed with RA and control subjects. Inferential statistics were applied using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test generated in the SPSS program. Some members of phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria harbor homologs of PADs/ADs and citrullinated antigens that are reactive to the ACPAs of RA patients. Microbial citrullinome and homolog enzymes of PADs/ADs are extensive in the human microbiome and are involved in the production of ACPAs. Our findings suggest a molecular link between microorganisms of a dysbiotic microbiota and RA pathogenesis.

Anticorpos Antiproteína Citrulinada , Artrite Reumatoide , Citrulinação , Microbiota , Desiminases de Arginina em Proteínas , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Anticorpos Antiproteína Citrulinada/imunologia , Anticorpos Antiproteína Citrulinada/metabolismo , Artrite Reumatoide/imunologia , Artrite Reumatoide/microbiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Citrulina/metabolismo , Estudos Transversais , Hidrolases/metabolismo , Proteína-Arginina Desiminase do Tipo 2/metabolismo , Proteína-Arginina Desiminase do Tipo 4/metabolismo , Desiminases de Arginina em Proteínas/metabolismo , Desiminases de Arginina em Proteínas/genética
Vaccine ; 42(17): 3721-3732, 2024 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38719694


Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising avenue for enhancing the efficacy of vaccine delivery systems. This study investigates the utilization of nanogels as carriers for the model antigen ovalbumin, with a focus on in vivo assessments in equine and murine models. Nanogels, owing to their biocompatibility and tunable physicochemical properties, offer a versatile platform for efficient antigen encapsulation and controlled release. The encapsulation efficiency and physicochemical characteristics of ovalbumin-loaded nanogels were comprehensively characterized. In vitro biocompatibility was evaluated, finding excellent properties of these nanogels. In vivo evaluations were conducted on both equine and murine subjects, assessing immunogenicity through antibody and splenic cell response. Furthermore, the study propose the potential use of nanogels in tailoring immune responses through the modulation of antigen release kinetics. The results obtained in the in vitro assays showed an increase in the uptake of nanogels by APCs compared to free antigen (OVA). In mice, an absence of inflammatory response in the inoculation site was observed, without systemic damage in the evaluated organs. In addition, non-significant humoral response was found nor cellular proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine production, compared with a traditional adjuvant as aluminum hydroxide, in both animal models. These findings allow further insights into nanogel-based delivery systems and offer valuable insights into their application in various animal models. In conclusion, this research establishes the utility of nanogels as effective carriers for antigens-based vaccines, with interesting biocompatibility properties and highly taken affinity by antigen-presenting cells, without inducing inflammation at the injection site. The study underscores the potential of nanogel technology in revolutionizing vaccine design and highlights the importance of tailored approaches for diverse target species.

Ovalbumina , Animais , Camundongos , Ovalbumina/imunologia , Ovalbumina/administração & dosagem , Cavalos/imunologia , Nanogéis/química , Vacinas/imunologia , Vacinas/administração & dosagem , Feminino , Portadores de Fármacos/química , Antígenos/imunologia , Antígenos/administração & dosagem , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Materiais Biocompatíveis/química , Adjuvantes Imunológicos/administração & dosagem , Citocinas/metabolismo , Polietilenoglicóis/química , Sistemas de Liberação de Medicamentos , Polietilenoimina/química
Polymers (Basel) ; 16(9)2024 May 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38732758


Biopolymers are biodegradable and renewable and can significantly reduce environmental impacts. For this reason, biocomposites based on a plasticized starch and cross-linker matrix and with a microfibrillated OCC cardboard cellulose reinforcement were developed. Biocomposites were prepared by suspension casting with varied amounts of microfibrillated cellulose: 0, 4, 8, and 12 wt%. Polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE) was used as a cross-linking, water-soluble, and non-toxic agent. Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) from OCC cardboard showed appropriate properties and potential for good performance as a reinforcement. In general, microfiber incorporation and matrix cross-linking increased crystallization, reduced water adsorption, and improved the physical and tensile properties of the plasticized starch. Biocomposites cross-linked with PEGDE and reinforced with 12 wt% MFC showed the best properties. The chemical and structural changes induced by the cross-linking of starch chains and MFC reinforcement were confirmed by FTIR, NMR, and XRD. Biodegradation higher than 80% was achieved for most biocomposites in 15 days of laboratory compost.

Foods ; 13(7)2024 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38611287


Fungal infestations, particularly from Rhizopus stolonifer, pose significant post-harvest challenges for strawberries, compromising their shelf life and quality. Traditional preservation methods, including refrigeration, offer limited protection against such pathogens. This study introduces an innovative approach, utilizing edible films infused with Bacillus subtilis strains GOS 01 B-67748 and HFC 103, known for their antifungal properties. We demonstrate that these bioactive films not only inhibit fungal growth effectively but also enhance the preservation of strawberries at varying temperatures. The inclusion of Bacillus subtilis in edible films represents a significant advancement in extending the viability of strawberries, surpassing the efficacy of conventional methods. Our findings suggest a promising avenue for natural, safe food preservation techniques, aligning with current consumer preferences for additive-free products. This research contributes to the broader understanding of microbial-based food preservation strategies, offering potential applications across a range of perishable commodities.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 31(2): 99-105, mar.-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576236


Resumen Objetivo: describir las características de los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio sin lesiones coronarias obstructivas (MINOCA), así como sus desenlaces cardiovasculares a dieciocho meses. Materiales y método: estudio de cohortes, ambispectivo, de los pacientes que fueron llevados a angiografía coronaria por diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM), entre los años 2015 y 2019. Se seleccionó el grupo de MINOCA y obtuvieron datos de desenlaces como reconsultas y eventos cardiovasculares mayores a dieciocho meses. Resultados: de los 433 pacientes incluidos, 141 (33%) cumplían definición de MINOCA; el dolor torácico y los equivalentes anginosos fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más prevalentes (62 y 62.4% respectivamente). La mayoría se presentaron con IAM sin elevación del ST (92.1%), con FEVI ≥ 50% (42.6%). En el seguimiento a dieciocho meses, se obtuvieron datos de 102 pacientes, de los que el 22% reconsultó y 18% presentó reinfarto. La mortalidad durante el seguimiento fue del 12% por causa cardiovascular y del 36% por todas las causas. Conclusiones: se encontró una mayor proporción de MINOCA respecto a lo descrito en la literatura y con predominio de manifestaciones clínicas atípicas. Es llamativo, igualmente, el alto porcentaje importante de preinfartos y muerte de origen cardiovascular durante el seguimiento de esta cohorte.

Abstract Objective: to describe the characteristics of patients with acute myocardial infarction without obstructive coronary lesions (MINOCA), as well as their cardiovascular outcomes at 18 months. Materials and methods: ambispective cohort study that included patients who underwent coronary angiography after being diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) between 2015 and 2019. The MINOCA group was selected, and outcomes such as readmissions and major cardiovascular events were obtained at 18 months. Results: data form 433 patients who met the inclusion criteria were obtained, of which 141 (33%) met the criteria for MINOCA. The most prevalent clinical manifestations were chest pain and anginal equivalents (62% and 62.4% respectively), The majority presented with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (92.1%), with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥ 50% (42.6%). During the 18-month follow-up, data were obtained from 102 patients, of whom 22% had readmissions; 18% experienced reinfarction, mortality during the follow-up was 12% due to cardiovascular causes, and 36% due to all causes Conclusions: a higher proportion of MINOCA was found compared to what is described in the literature, with a predominance of atypical clinical manifestations. Equally striking is the significant percentage of pre-infarctions and cardiovascular deaths during the follow-up of this cohort.

Biosensors (Basel) ; 14(4)2024 Apr 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38667183


As technology advances, electronic tongues and noses are becoming increasingly important in various industries. These devices can accurately detect and identify different substances and gases based on their chemical composition. This can be incredibly useful in fields such as environmental monitoring and industrial food applications, where the quality and safety of products or ecosystems should be ensured through a precise analysis. Traditionally, this task is performed by an expert panel or by using laboratory tests but sometimes becomes a bottleneck because of time and other human factors that can be solved with technologies such as the provided by electronic tongue and nose devices. Additionally, these devices can be used in medical diagnosis, quality monitoring, and even in the automotive industry to detect gas leaks. The possibilities are endless, and as these technologies continue to improve, they will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in improving our lives and ensuring our safety. Because of the multiple applications and developments in this field in the last years, this work will present an overview of the electronic tongues and noses from the point of view of the approaches developed and the methodologies used in the data analysis and steps to this aim. In the same manner, this work shows some of the applications that can be found in the use of these devices and ends with some conclusions about the current state of these technologies.

Nariz Eletrônico , Técnicas Biossensoriais
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;58(1): 8-8, mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556657


Resumen La participación en programas de evaluación externa de la calidad (PEEC) dirigidos al diagnóstico de enfermedades genéticas permite obtener una medida objetiva del desempeño técnico y analítico de los laboratorios y es un requisito para la acreditación de los laboratorios clínicos bajo la norma ISO 15189. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar retrospectivamente el desempeño en los esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) y CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) en el período 2014-2022. Se participó en un total de 88 esquemas. Se recolectó la información de nuestros puntajes y las medias de los laboratorios participantes en las categorías genotipificación, interpretación y exactitud de la información del paciente/informe. Se informó en forma completa el 90,9% (n=80) de los esquemas. El desempeño en genotipificación mostró puntajes superiores a la media en el 89,3% de los esquemas; 0,8% de los informes correspondieron a falsos negativos. En interpretación, el 66,7% de los esquemas evidenció un desempeño superior a la media y el 33,3% debajo de la media. La exactitud de la información del paciente/informe presentó puntajes superiores a la media en el 97,6% de los esquemas. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el porcentaje de esquemas con puntaje por encima de la media en el año 2022 (10/12 esquemas) respecto al año 2014 (1/6 esquemas) en la categoría interpretación (p=0,0128). En conclusión, la participación regular en PEEC tuvo impacto positivo en la calidad de los estudios y permite realizar mejoras continuas a partir de las recomendaciones sugeridas por estos programas.

Abstract Participation in external quality assessment programmes focused on rare genetic diseases makes it possible to assess the laboratory technical and analytical performance and it is a prerequisite for accreditation according to ISO 15189. The objective of this study was to perform a retrospective evaluation of our performance in the EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) and the CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) programmes in the 2014-2022 period. The laboratory performance on genotyping, interpretation and clerical accuracy and patient identifiers in a total of 88 schemes were assessed. The information of our scores and the mean scores of all participating laboratories in the three categories were collected. A total of 90.9% of the schemes were fully completed. The performance in genotyping showed scores above the mean scores in 89.3% of the schemes; 0.8% of the reports correspond to false negative results. Regarding interpretation category, 66.7% of the schemes presented scores above the mean scores and 33.3% below the mean scores. The clerical accuracy and patient identifiers were above the mean scores in 97.6% of the schemes. A statistically significant difference in the percentage of schemes with a score above the mean for the interpretation category in the year 2022 (10/12 schemes) was observed compared to the year 2014 (1/6 schemes) (p=0.0128). In conclusion, regular participation in external quality assessment programmes had a positive impact on the quality of the studies and allows for continuous improvements based on the recommendations suggested by these programmes.

Resumo A participação em programas de avaliação externa da qualidade (PEECs) voltados para o diagnóstico de doenças genéticas permite obter uma mensuração objetiva do desempenho técnico e analítico dos laboratórios e é requisito para a acreditação dos laboratórios clínicos sob a norma ISO 15189. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente o desempenho nos esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) e CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) no período 2014-2022. Participou-se em um total de 88 esquemas. Foram coletadas informações de nossos escores e das médias dos laboratórios participantes nas categorias genotipagem, interpretação e precisão da informação do paciente/laudo. 90,9% (n=80) dos esquemas foram informados em sua totalidade. O desempenho na genotipagem apresentou escores acima da média em 89,3% dos esquemas; 0,8% dos laudos corresponderam a falsos negativos. Na interpretação, 66,7% dos esquemas apresentaram desempenho acima da média e 33,3% abaixo da média. A precisão das informações do paciente/laudo apresentou escores acima da média em 97,6% dos esquemas. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa no percentual de esquemas com pontuação acima da média no ano de 2022 (10/12 esquemas) em relação ao ano de 2014 (1/6 esquemas) na categoria interpretação (p=0,0128). Em conclusão, a participação regular em PEECs teve um impacto positivo na qualidade dos estudos e permite fazer melhorias contínuas com base nas recomendações sugeridas por esses programas.