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Acta biol. colomb ; 22(1): 67-76, ene.-abr. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-886044


ABSTRACT The citations contained in a recent literature review on the freshwater turtle and tortoise species of Colombia were analyzed. Publishing rates on these species have been increasing exponentially since the 1950s, although many of the publications would not be detected using internet-based literature searches. The most common topics of publications were systematics and phylogeography, nesting ecology, and management. In the 1970s and 1980s, the rate of publishing on the ecology and genetics of Colombian populations lagged behind the rate of publishing on these topics for populations of Colombian freshwater turtle and tortoise species located in other countries, but currently the production of the two regions is comparable. Also, in other countries there were trends towards publishing more over time in English and in journals with higher impact factors, but these trends were not significant for publications on Colombian populations. In Colombia, a disproportionate number of studies have been published on large-bodied species that face conservation problems. We argue that future studies of already well-studied Colombian species should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of management programs, and priority also should be given to increasing our knowledge of the many poorly-studied species in the country, especially those currently classified by the IUCN as data deficient (DD).

RESUMEN Analizamos las referencias incluidas en una reciente revisión literaria sobre el estado de conocimiento de las tortugas continentales de Colombia. La tasa de publicaciones sobre estas especies ha incrementado exponencialmente desde los años 1950s, aunque muchas de éstas no podrían haber sido detectadas usando búsquedas de literatura por internet. Los tópicos más comunes de las publicaciones fueron sistemática y filo-geografía, ecología de anidación, y manejo. En los años 1970s y 1980s, la tasa de publicaciones sobre temas de ecología y genética de poblaciones ocupando el territorio colombiano, estuvo por debajo de publicaciones sobre estos dos tópicos con poblaciones de las mismas especies en otras regiones de Suramérica. Sin embargo, actualmente la producción en ambas regiones es comparable. En otros países, detectamos una tendencia temporal significativa de publicar cada vez más en inglés y en revistas de mayor impacto; esta tendencia no fue significativa para las publicaciones sobre poblaciones de tortugas colombianas. En Colombia, un número desproporcionado de las publicaciones son sobre especies de tamaños grandes que enfrentan problemas de conservación. Argumentamos que estudios futuros de las especies de tortugas continentales de Colombia relativamente bien conocidas, se deberían enfocar en evaluar la efectividad de los programas de manejo, y también debemos dar prioridad a investigaciones que aumenten el estado de conocimiento de las especies de tortugas continentales poco estudiadas en el país, especialmente de aquellas que actualmente están categorizadas por la UICN como con datos deficientes (DD).

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 31(4): 0-0, oct.-dic. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-778101


Introducción: la violencia contra la mujer es considerada por organizaciones internacionales y gobiernos como un problema de salud pública de primer orden, que requiere de una voluntad política para establecer objetivos y estrategias eficaces en función de la prevención y un seguimiento constante. Objetivo: reflexionar sobre la necesidad de que los profesionales de la atención primaria en su accionar, tanto en consulta como en visita a terreno, utilicen los principios de la bioética como un instrumento esencial para la obtención de un diagnóstico integral y la imperiosa solución preventiva de los conflictos de valores morales que se puedan presentar o de transgresión de principios éticos en el abordaje de tal problemática. Métodos: revisión bibliográfica sobre aspectos éticos y bioéticos necesarios para el abordaje del problema de la violencia contra la mujer por parte de los profesionales de la Atención Primaria de Salud. Conclusiones: los conocimientos sobre violencia contra la mujer en los profesionales de la atención primaria tienen un limitado alcance para afrontar las disímiles manifestaciones de este fenómeno en función de un accionar comunitario transformador, a partir de la realización de acciones de prevención y promoción de salud que permitan análisis y comprensión de actividades de prevención con una visión intersectorial(AU)

Introduction: Violence against women is considered a public health problem of the first order by international organizations and governments. This problem requires political will establish effective goals and strategies in terms of prevention and constant monitoring. Objective: Reflect on the need for primary care professionals in their actions, both in consultation and field visits, using the bioethics principles as an essential tool for obtaining comprehensive diagnosis and urgent preventive solution on moral values conflicts that may arise and / or violation of ethical principles in addressing such issues. Methods: A literature review was conducted on ethical and bioethical aspects needed to address the problem of violence against women by the professionals of Primary Health Care. Conclusions: Knowledge on violence against women of primary care professionals are limited in scope to address the disparate manifestations of this phenomenon in terms of transforming community action, from performing prevention and health promotion, which allow analysis and understanding of prevention activities with a cross-cutting vision(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Bioética/educação , Promoção da Saúde/ética , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Atenção Primária à Saúde/ética , Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Violência contra a Mulher
Biodivers Data J ; (3): e1325, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25733961


Northwestern South America harbors one of the richest herpetofauna in the world. The connection among several biogeographic provinces along with climatic and orographic complexity makes this region an important contributor to the Neotropical biodiversity. Despite of this importance, the amphibian and reptile fauna in this area remains largely unknown as few herpetological collections has been made in recent decades. Motivated by this, the Herpetological Museum at the Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia) has been increasing the collection in the last 16 years to better understand the herpetofaunal diversity and thus contribute to ecological, systematic, biogeographic and conservation research in the Neotropics. Here, we present the results of this effort and highlight how future collection will impact our understanding of the Neotropical herpetofauna.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(3): 341-350, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-724864


Este estudio revisa la distribución para el Caribe colombiano de las especies Kinosternon scorpioides, Trachemys callirostris, Mesoclemmys dahli y Chelonoidis carbonaria y nuevas localidades en la distribución de dichas especies para la región. La especie K. scorpioides es registrada por primera vez en la cuenca del río Manzanares, en Santa Marta, Magdalena. Trachemys callirostris fue registrada en el río Cañas, La Guajira, constituyéndose en el primer registro para la especie en un riachuelo de la cara norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Chelonoidis carbonaria fue registrada en un humedal ubicado en la ciudad de Santa Marta. Se registró una hembra de M. dahli en el corregimiento Monterrubio, municipio Sabana de San Ángel, Magdalena. Tres de las cuatro especies incluidas en esta revisión se encuentran en alguna categoría de amenaza; la falta de conocimiento en la biología y distribución de estas especies podría incluirse como una amenaza para ellas, pues el desconocimiento impide conocer su estado de conservación y generar planes de manejo necesarios para su protección.

This research reviews the Colombian Caribbean distribution of the species Kinosternon scorpioides, Trachemys callirostris, Mesoclemmys dahli and Chelonoidis carbonaria, and to present new records for the region. The species K. scorpioides is reported for the first time in the Manzanares River drainage, Santa Marta, department of Magdalena. Trachemys callirostris was recorded in the Cañas River, department of La Guajira, being the first record for this species in a small river on the north side of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Chelonoidis carbonaria was recorded in a wetland in Santa Marta. We recorded a female M. dahli in the village of Monterrubio, municipality of Sabanas de San Angel, department of Magdalena. Three of the four species included in this account are listed in some category of threat. The lack of knowledge of the biology and distribution of these species could be considered a threat to them because ignorance precludes the establishment of their true conservation status and hinders the development of management plans required for their protection.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(3): 437-445, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-724872


The olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) is the most common sea turtle to nest in Colombia. El Valle beach is considered the most important nesting beach for this species in South America. Intensive direct capture of nesting females and egg poaching for consumption and local commercial purposes has been a common practice for years. We conducted an analysis of the nesting ecology of the olive ridley on El Valle beach in the northern Pacific of Colombia in 2008. A total of 164 clutches were transferred to an artificial hatchery for protection. The peak of nesting occurred from the second half of August until the end of September, accounting for 64.6 % of all nests. Along the beach, the section most frequently used was Section 3, with 26 % of the nests. The nests were laid mainly in zone 3.69 %. We encountered 55 nesting females and marked 46 of them. Mean CCL was 64.9 ± 2.4 cm and mean CCW was 68.6 ± 2.6 cm. Females laid on average of 87.3 ± 14.2 eggs per clutch. We recorded two nesting events per female, with a mean inter-nesting period of 18.8 ± 4.2 days. The reproductive output for the season was 181.5 ± 34.8 eggs / female. Mean hatching success was 81.1 ± 12.1 % and mean emergence success was 77.6 ± 12.7 %. The incubation period was 65 ± 4.7 days. Our study is a valuable contribution to knowledge of the reproductive ecology of the olive ridley population regionally and globally.

En Colombia, la tortuga golfina (Lepidochelys olivacea) es la más común de las tortugas anidantes. La playa El Valle es considerada la más importante para anidación en Suramérica. La intensa captura de hembras y saqueo de huevos para consumo y comercio local ha sido una práctica común por años. Realizamos un análisis de la ecología de anidación de la tortuga golfina en la Playa El Valle, Pacifico Norte, durante la temporada de 2008. Un total de 164 nidadas fueron transferidas a viveros de protección. El pico de anidación ocurrió durante la segunda quincena de agosto y septiembre con un 64,63 % de las posturas. A lo largo de la playa, el sector 3 presento la mayor frecuencia de anidación con 26 %. Los nidos fueron desovados principalmente en la zona 3, con 69 %. Encontramos 55 hembras y 46 fueron marcadas. El LCC fue (promedio± DE: 64,9 ± 2,4 cm) y ACC fue (promedio ± DE: 68,6 ± 2,6 cm). Las hembras desovaron 87,3 ± 14,2 huevos por nidada. Registramos dos eventos de anidación por hembra, con un intervalo de (promedio ± DE: 18,8 ± 4,2 días). El producto reproductivo fue (promedio ± DE: 181,5 ± 34,8 huevos por hembra). El promedio en éxito de eclosión fue 81,1 ±12,1 % y de emergencia 77,6 ± 12,7 %. El período de incubación fue (promedio ± DE: 65 ± 4,7 días). Nuestros datos son una valiosa contribución al conocimiento de la ecología reproductiva de la población de tortugas golfina regional y globalmente.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(3): 471-481, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-724875


En este estudio se implementó el modelaje de distribución de especies para establecer el rango de distribución potencial de Podocnemis lewyana, explorar los componentes del clima que pueden influenciar dicha distribución y evaluar posibles fluctuaciones de su distribución bajo escenarios de clima futuro. Los modelos obtenidos predicen una distribución continua de sur a norte por todo el río Magdalena, desde los municipios de Rivera y Palermo en el departamento de Huila, hasta los departamentos de Atlántico y Magdalena en el norte. La temperatura fue el elemento del clima que más influyó en la distribución de P. lewyana; esta especie tiende a estar presente en climas cálidos y con poca variabilidad en la temperatura. El modelo de distribución transferido a los escenarios de clima futuro predicen un aumento en el rango geográfico de P. lewyana. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta las preferencias de hábitat de esta especie y su fuerte asociación con los cuerpos de agua, este resultado debe tomarse con cautela, dado que el modelo solo tuvo en cuenta variables climáticas terrestres. Dadas las características de historia de vida de esta especie (presencia de determinación sexual dependiente de la temperatura, alta temperatura pivotal y un rango de transición de temperatura muy estrecho), y el efecto negativo de los cambios en los regímenes hidrológicos en la mortalidad embrionaria, la expansión del área potencial de P. lewyana en el futuro no significa que esta especie no vaya a verse afectada por el cambio climático global.

We implemented a species distribution modelling approach to establish the potential distribution of Podocnemis lewyana, to explore the climatic factors that may influence the species' distribution and to evaluate possible changes in distribution under future climate scenarios. The distribution models predicted a continuous distribution from south to north along the Magdalena River, from Rivera and Palermo in the department of Huila to the departments of Atlántico and Magdalena in the north. Temperature was the variable most influential in the distribution of P. lewyana; this species tends to be present in warm regions with low temperature variability. The distribution model predicted an increase in the geographic range of P. lewyana under climate change scenarios. However, taking into account the habitat preferences of this species and its strong association with water, this result should be treated with caution since the model considered only terrestrial climatic variables. Given the life history characteristics of this species (temperature-dependent sex determination, high pivotal temperature and a very narrow transition range) and the negative effect of changes in hydrological regimes on embryo survival, expansion of the potential distribution of P. lewyana in the future does not mean that the species will not be affected by global climate change.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(3): 499-506, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-724878


Cuantificamos la concentración total de mercurio en cáscaras, yemas y embriones de 16 nidos de hicotea (Trachemys callirostris). Los nidos fueron colectados en diferentes estadios de desarrollo embrionario. No hubo una correlación entre el tiempo estimado desde el desove y los niveles de mercurio en los huevos, sugiriendo que el metal no fue absorbido del substrato, sino que probablemente éste fue transferido a los huevos durante el proceso de foliculogénesis en las hembras reproductivas, las cuales bioacumularon el mercurio de fuentes ambientales. La concentración promedio de mercurio fue mayor en los embriones que en las cáscaras o yemas, indicando que los embriones también bioacumulan el metal presente en otros tejidos del huevo. La variación de la concentración de mercurio dentro de una misma nidada fue relativamente alta. Las concentraciones de mercurio en las yemas no estuvieron asociadas con ninguna de las medidas de fitness que fueron evaluadas (éxito de eclosión, tamaño inicial de los neonatos y tasas de crecimiento de los juveniles en el primer mes). Después de cinco meses de mantenimiento en cautiverio, en un ambiente libre de mercurio, 86 % de los juveniles había eliminado completamente este metal de sus tejidos.

We quantified total mercury concentrations in eggshells, egg yolks, and embryos from 16 nests of the Colombian Slider (Trachemys callirostris). Nests were collected in different stages of development, but estimated time of incubation in natural substrates was not correlated with mercury levels in the eggs, suggesting that mercury was not absorbed from the substrate, but more likely passed on to the embryos during folliculogenesis by the reproductive females who had bioaccumulated the mercury from environmental sources. Mean mercury concentrations were higher in embryos than in eggshells or egg yolks, indicating that embryos also bioaccumulate mercury present in other egg tissues. Intra-clutch variation in egg yolk mercury concentrations was relatively high. Egg yolk mercury concentrations were not associated with any of the fitness proxies we quantified for the nests (hatching success rates, initial neonate sizes and first-month juvenile growth rates). After five months of captive rearing in a mercury-free laboratory environment, 86 % of the juveniles had eliminated the mercury from their tissues.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-442568


Comparamos las sobrevivencias de los adultos en dos poblaciones de la lagartija Anolis mariarum con distintos promedio y asíntotas de sus tamaños corporales, para examinar una predicción de la teoría de mortalidad específica de edad; que las poblaciones que experimentan mayor mortalidad de los adultos deben exhibir maduración sexual más temprana y menores tamaños corporales en los adultos. Utilizamos la técnica de máxima verosimilitud para evaluar diferentes modelos de sobrevivencia y una técnica de modelopromediado para estimar sobrevivencia y probabilidades de recaptura para cada sexo y sitio. La longitud relativa de la cola no afectó las tasas de sobrevivencia de los adultos en estas poblaciones, pero el tamaño corporal estuvo relacionado con la sobrevivencia, siendo los individuos más grandes en el momento de la primera captura los que presentaron las tasas de sobrevivencia más bajas; por lo tanto, el tamaño corporal fue incluido como una covariable en algunos de los modelos examinados. Los análisis revelaron que los machos de ambos sitios presentan mayores sobrevivencias que las hembras, pero no encontramos diferencias entre los sitios entre las tasas de sobrevivencia o las probabilidades de captura para cada sexo. Aún así, las diferencias documentadas en los tamaños corporales entre estos sitios pueden representar adaptaciones en las historias de vida ante diferentes tasas de mortalidad en las clases de edad tempranas como huevos o juveniles en cada sitio, o por otra parte puede representar un caso de plasticidad fenotípica ante diferentes condiciones ambientales, las cuales no parecen estar relacionadas con diferencias en las sobrevivencias de los adultos. Los estimativos de sobrevivencia anual (11.7% a 21.2%) fueron altos para este Anolis continental de pequeño tamaño. Este es el primer reporte para el género en que la sobrevivencia de los machos excede a la de las hembras.

We compared adult survivorships in two populations of the lizard Anolis mariarum with different mean and asymptotic body sizes to examine one prediction of age-specific mortality theory; that populations that experience higher adult mortality should exhibit earlier maturation and smaller adult body sizes. We used a maximum likelihood approach to evaluate different survivorship models and model-averaging to estimate survivorship and capture probabilities for each site and sex. Relative tail length did not affect survivorship rates of adults in these two populations, but body size was related to survivorship, with the largest individuals at the time of first capture having lower survivorship rates, so body size was included as a covariate in some of the models examined. Analyses revealed that males at both sites had higher survivorships than females, but there were no differences among the sites in survivorship rates or capture probabilities for either sex. The differences in body sizes documented for these sites still could represent life history adaptations to differences among the sites in mortality rates in the egg or juvenile stages of the life cycle, or may represent a case of phenotypic plasticity to differing environmental conditions, but they appear not to be related to differences in adult survivorships. The estimates of annual survivorships (11.7% to 21.2%) were high for a small, mainland Anolis, and this is the first report of survivorships of male anoles exceeding those of females.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 50(3)2010.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1486558


Comparamos las sobrevivencias de los adultos en dos poblaciones de la lagartija Anolis mariarum con distintos promedio y asíntotas de sus tamaños corporales, para examinar una predicción de la teoría de mortalidad específica de edad; que las poblaciones que experimentan mayor mortalidad de los adultos deben exhibir maduración sexual más temprana y menores tamaños corporales en los adultos. Utilizamos la técnica de máxima verosimilitud para evaluar diferentes modelos de sobrevivencia y una técnica de modelopromediado para estimar sobrevivencia y probabilidades de recaptura para cada sexo y sitio. La longitud relativa de la cola no afectó las tasas de sobrevivencia de los adultos en estas poblaciones, pero el tamaño corporal estuvo relacionado con la sobrevivencia, siendo los individuos más grandes en el momento de la primera captura los que presentaron las tasas de sobrevivencia más bajas; por lo tanto, el tamaño corporal fue incluido como una covariable en algunos de los modelos examinados. Los análisis revelaron que los machos de ambos sitios presentan mayores sobrevivencias que las hembras, pero no encontramos diferencias entre los sitios entre las tasas de sobrevivencia o las probabilidades de captura para cada sexo. Aún así, las diferencias documentadas en los tamaños corporales entre estos sitios pueden representar adaptaciones en las historias de vida ante diferentes tasas de mortalidad en las clases de edad tempranas como huevos o juveniles en cada sitio, o por otra parte puede representar un caso de plasticidad fenotípica ante diferentes condiciones ambientales, las cuales no parecen estar relacionadas con diferencias en las sobrevivencias de los adultos. Los estimativos de sobrevivencia anual (11.7% a 21.2%) fueron altos para este Anolis continental de pequeño tamaño. Este es el primer reporte para el género en que la sobrevivencia de los machos excede a la de las hembras.

We compared adult survivorships in two populations of the lizard Anolis mariarum with different mean and asymptotic body sizes to examine one prediction of age-specific mortality theory; that populations that experience higher adult mortality should exhibit earlier maturation and smaller adult body sizes. We used a maximum likelihood approach to evaluate different survivorship models and model-averaging to estimate survivorship and capture probabilities for each site and sex. Relative tail length did not affect survivorship rates of adults in these two populations, but body size was related to survivorship, with the largest individuals at the time of first capture having lower survivorship rates, so body size was included as a covariate in some of the models examined. Analyses revealed that males at both sites had higher survivorships than females, but there were no differences among the sites in survivorship rates or capture probabilities for either sex. The differences in body sizes documented for these sites still could represent life history adaptations to differences among the sites in mortality rates in the egg or juvenile stages of the life cycle, or may represent a case of phenotypic plasticity to differing environmental conditions, but they appear not to be related to differences in adult survivorships. The estimates of annual survivorships (11.7% to 21.2%) were high for a small, mainland Anolis, and this is the first report of survivorships of male anoles exceeding those of females.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;57(4): 1253-1262, dic. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-637760


Intra-specific body size variation is common and often is assumed to be adaptive. Studies of body size variation among sites should include or consider environmental and ecological variables in their designs. Additionally, reciprocal transplant or common garden studies will support which variables are really contributing to the observed body size variation. This study analyzed the microgeographic body size variation in Anolis mariarum, a small lizard endemic to Antioquia, Colombia. Parameters such as body size, shape, and lepidosis variation were quantified in 217 adult A. mariarum, belonging to six populations separated by less than 80km. Results showed that significant body size variation was not related to differences among sites in mean annual temperature, but covaried with mean annual precipitation, with the largest individuals occurring in dryer sites. Mark-recapture data obtained from 115 individuals from both the wettest and dryest sites from October 2004 to April 2005 showed that growth rates were higher at the latter. Eight males from each site were captured at the end of the mark- recapture study and reared for two months under identical conditions in a common garden study. Individuals from both sites grew faster when reared in the laboratory with food provided ad libitum. Although growth rates of males from the two populations did not differ significantly in the laboratory, males from the dryest site still maintained a significantly larger asymptotic body size in their growth trajectories. Multivariate analyses also demonstrated that both males and females from the six populations differed in terms of body shape and lepidosis. However, only female body size was found to covary significantly with an environmental gradient (precipitation). A. mariarum does not conform to Bergmann’s rule, but the relationship found between mean body size and asympotic growth with mean annual precipitation at these sites needs further analysis. Generally, studies of intra-specific body size variation should consider a number of additional phenotypic traits to provide stronger baseline information on the degree of overall divergence among populations, including those likely to be selectively neutral, before interpreting results of analyses on the body size differences. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4): 1253-1262. Epub 2009 December 01.

Se reporta diferencias en el tamaño corporal entre individuos adultos de seis poblaciones de Anolis mariarum (Squamata: Polychrotidae), separadas por una distancia de hasta 80km. Esta variación no se relacionó con las diferencias en las temperaturas promedio anuales que existen entre los sitios analizados, pero sí covarió con la precipitación promedio anual, con los individuos de mayor talla habitando los sitios más secos. Datos de marca- recaptura del sitio más seco y más húmedo, mostraron que los individuos del sitio más seco tienen mayores tasas de crecimiento corporal. Bajo condiciones de laboratorio con alimento ad libitum, machos de ambos sitios crecieron más rápido que en condiciones naturales. Aunque las tasas de crecimiento de machos de las dos poblaciones no difirieron significativamente en el laboratorio, los machos del sitio más seco mantuvieron tamaños corporales asintóticos en sus trayectorias de crecimiento que fueron significativamente mayores. Análisis multivariados mostraron que tanto los machos como las hembras de las seis poblaciones difieren en la forma corporal y en lepiodosis, pero la única variable que covarió de manera significativa con un gradiente ambiental fue el tamaño corporal con la precipitación. Estudios de variación intraespecífica en el tamaño corporal deben considerar otras características fenotípicas adicionales para obtener una línea base sobre el grado de divergencia entre poblaciones, incluso aquellas que se consideran neutrales.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Tamanho Corporal , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Clima , Colômbia , Geografia
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 53(3): 653-67, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19643196


Lineage diversification in the Neotropics is an interesting topic in evolutionary biology but is also one of the least understood. The abiotic and biotic complexity of the region precludes generalizations that can be drawn regarding the historical evolutionary processes responsible for the diversity observed. The snake genus Leptodeira provides an excellent opportunity to investigate such processes because it spans the entire Neotropical region. In this study, we infer the phylogenetic position of Leptodeira within Dipsadinae, estimate evolutionary relationships among and within Leptodeira species, and estimate the diversification time and biogeography of the genus. Three mitochondrial gene regions were sequenced for individuals representing all the Leptodeira species and most subspecies currently recognized. Additionally, two nuclear protein-coding gene regions were sequenced for representatives of each species and several genera within the Dipsadinae. We infer that several Leptodeira species are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic as currently recognized, and that most recognized subspecies are not monophyletic lineages. Despite the taxonomic discordance with evolutionary relationships, clades appear to correspond very well to major biogeographic regions of Mexico, Central America and South America. Our results thus highlight the important role of the Miocene and Pliocene for lineage diversification in the Neotropics. Additionally, our time estimates suggest that recent intraspecific phylogeographic structure is likely the result of habitat and climatic fluctuations during the Pleistocene. Cumulatively, our inferences of lineage diversification within Leptodeira suggest a complex evolutionary scenario in the Mexican transition zone and a north to south expansion with a final colonization of the tropics in South America.

Colubridae/genética , Evolução Molecular , Filogenia , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Núcleo Celular/genética , América Central , Colubridae/classificação , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Especiação Genética , Geografia , Funções Verossimilhança , Cadeias de Markov , México , Modelos Genéticos , Método de Monte Carlo , Alinhamento de Sequência , Análise de Sequência de DNA , América do Sul , Clima Tropical
Rev Biol Trop ; 57(4): 1253-62, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20073350


Intra-specific body size variation is common and often is assumed to be adaptive. Studies of body size variation among sites should include or consider environmental and ecological variables in their designs. Additionally, reciprocal transplant or common garden studies will support which variables are really contributing to the observed body size variation. This study analyzed the microgeographic body size variation in Anolis mariarum, a small lizard endemic to Antioquia, Colombia. Parameters such as body size, shape, and lepidosis variation were quantified in 217 adult A. mariarum, belonging to six populations separated by less than 80km. Results showed that significant body size variation was not related to differences among sites in mean annual temperature, but covaried with mean annual precipitation, with the largest individuals occurring in dryer sites. Mark-recapture data obtained from 115 individuals from both the wettest and dryest sites from October 2004 to April 2005 showed that growth rates were higher at the latter. Eight males from each site were captured at the end of the mark-recapture study and reared for two months under identical conditions in a common garden study. Individuals from both sites grew faster when reared in the laboratory with food provided ad libitum. Although growth rates of males from the two populations did not differ significantly in the laboratory, males from the dryest site still maintained a significantly larger asymptotic body size in their growth trajectories. Multivariate analyses also demonstrated that both males and females from the six populations differed in terms of body shape and lepidosis. However, only female body size was found to covary significantly with an environmental gradient (precipitation). A. mariarum does not conform to Bergmann's rule, but the relationship found between mean body size and asympotic growth with mean annual precipitation at these sites needs further analysis. Generally, studies of intra-specific body size variation should consider a number of additional phenotypic traits to provide stronger baseline information on the degree of overall divergence among populations, including those likely to be selectively neutral, before interpreting results of analyses on the body size differences.

Tamanho Corporal , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Clima , Colômbia , Feminino , Geografia , Masculino
Rev Biol Trop ; 52(1): 229-38, 2004 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17357421


We studied the reproductive ecology of the slider turtle. Trachemys scripta callirostris, during the reproductive season of the year 2000, in an area of the Mompós Depression, northern Colombia. We examined the number of nests ovoposited in locations with different characteristics, their hatching success rates and the natural causes of egg mortality. We also determined the effects of exploitation of nesting females, in two populations with different levels of harvesting. The results showed that the majority of nests were laid along bodies of water, in the first 20 m of the shoreline, in sites with substrates of moderate humidity, sand and clayish texture, covered by creeping vegetation. Invertebrates produced the greatest mortality in the nests. Hatching success was high, compared to other reports for this species. Only in the site with the highest hunting pressure a negative correlation was found, between the harvest rate and the time elapsed since the start of the nesting period, suggesting that the excessive extraction decreased the number of nesting females. Also, the females from the highly exploited site were significantly smaller than those from the less exploited site. The females, neonates and nests of the entire area, exhibited sizes below that reported for other tropical populations of the genus. The continued hunting pressure in northern Colombia, appears to be a factor that has altered the structure and population dynamics of T. scripta callirostris.

Comportamento de Nidação/fisiologia , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Animais , Colômbia , Ecossistema , Feminino , Masculino , Dinâmica Populacional , Reprodução/fisiologia , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;51(1): 229-239, mar. 2003. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-365962


We studied the demography and nesting ecology of two populations of Iguana iguana that face heavy exploitation and habitat modification in the Momposina Depression, Colombia. Lineal transect data was analyzed using the Fourier model to provide estimates of social group densities, which was found to differ both within and among populations (1.05-6.0 groups/ha). Mean group size and overall iguana density estimates varied between populations as well (1.5-13.7 iguanas/ha). The density estimates were far lower than those reported from more protected areas in Panama and Venezuela. Iguana densities were consistently higher in sites located along rivers (2.5 iguanas/group) than in sites along the margin of marshes, probably due to vegetational differences (1.5 iguanas/group). There was no correlation between density estimates and estimates of relative abundance (number of iguanas seen/hour/person) due to differing detectabilities of iguana groups among sites. The adult sex ratio (1:2.5 males:females) agreed well with other reports in the literature based upon observation of adult social groups, and probably results from the polygynous mating system in this species rather than a real demographic skew. Nesting in this population occurs from the end of January through March and hatching occurs between April and May. We monitored 34 nests, which suffered little vertebrate predation, perhaps due to the lack of a complete vertebrate fauna in this densely inhabited area, but nests suffered from inundation, cattle trampling, and infestation by phorid fly larvae. Clutch sizes in these populations were lower than all other published reports except for the iguana population on the highly xeric island of Curaçao, implying that adult females in our area are unusually small. We argue that this is more likely the result of the exploitation of these populations rather than an adaptive response to environmentally extreme conditions.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Iguanas , Comportamento de Nidação , Colômbia , Densidade Demográfica , Reprodução , Estações do Ano
Rev Biol Trop ; 51(1): 229-39, 2003 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15162698


We studied the demography and nesting ecology of two populations of Iguana iguana that face heavy exploitation and habitat modification in the Momposina Depression, Colombia. Lineal transect data was analyzed using the Fourier model to provide estimates of social group densities, which was found to differ both within and among populations (1.05-6.0 groups/ha). Mean group size and overall iguana density estimates varied between populations as well (1.5-13.7 iguanas/ha). The density estimates were far lower than those reported from more protected areas in Panama and Venezuela. Iguana densities were consistently higher in sites located along rivers (2.5 iguanas/group) than in sites along the margin of marshes, probably due to vegetational differences (1.5 iguanas/group). There was no correlation between density estimates and estimates of relative abundance (number of iguanas seen/hour/person) due to differing detectabilities of iguana groups among sites. The adult sex ratio (1:2.5 males:females) agreed well with other reports in the literature based upon observation of adult social groups, and probably results from the polygynous mating system in this species rather than a real demographic skew. Nesting in this population occurs from the end of January through March and hatching occurs between April and May. We monitored 34 nests, which suffered little vertebrate predation, perhaps due to the lack of a complete vertebrate fauna in this densely inhabited area, but nests suffered from inundation, cattle trampling, and infestation by phorid fly larvae. Clutch sizes in these populations were lower than all other published reports except for the iguana population on the highly xeric island of Curaçao, implying that adult females in our area are unusually small. We argue that this is more likely the result of the exploitation of these populations rather than an adaptive response to environmentally extreme conditions.

Iguanas/fisiologia , Comportamento de Nidação/fisiologia , Animais , Colômbia , Feminino , Masculino , Densidade Demográfica , Reprodução , Estações do Ano