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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 17770, 2023 10 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37853031


Text mining enables search, extraction, categorisation and information visualisation. This study aimed to identify oral manifestations in patients with COVID-19 using text mining to facilitate extracting relevant clinical information from a large set of publications. A list of publications from the open-access COVID-19 Open Research Dataset was downloaded using keywords related to oral health and dentistry. A total of 694,366 documents were retrieved. Filtering the articles using text mining yielded 1,554 oral health/dentistry papers. The list of articles was classified into five topics after applying a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. This classification was compared to the author's classification which yielded 17 categories. After a full-text review of articles in the category "Oral manifestations in patients with COVID-19", eight papers were selected to extract data. The most frequent oral manifestations were xerostomia (n = 405, 17.8%) and mouth pain or swelling (n = 289, 12.7%). These oral manifestations in patients with COVID-19 must be considered with other symptoms to diminish the risk of dentist-patient infection.

COVID-19 , Envio de Mensagens de Texto , Humanos , Mineração de Dados
Jpn Dent Sci Rev ; 59: 8-22, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654677


The mechanisms modulated by periodontal pathogens in atherosclerosis are not fully understood. Aim: to perform an integrative analysis of gene and protein expression modulated by periodontal pathogens in cells and animal models for atherosclerosis. Methods: Cochrane, PRISMA and AMSTAR2 guidelines for systematic reviews were followed. Data search was conducted in Pub-med, LILACS and Science Direct databases. Gene and protein expression data were collected from the included papers to perform an overrepresentation analysis using the Reactome Pathway Analysis tool and the KEGG database. Results: Thirty-two papers were included in the review, they analyzed the effect of Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Streptococcus anginosus, Streptococcus sanguinis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola or/and their virulent factors on gene and protein expression in human cells and animal models of atherosclerosis. Some of the modulated pathways include the immune system, programmed cell death, cellular responses to external stimuli, transport of small molecules, and signal transduction (p < 0.05). Those pathways are known to be involved in different stages of atherosclerosis progression. Conclusion: Based on the performed analysis, it is possible to state that periodontal pathogens have the potential to be a contributing factor for atherosclerosis even in absence of a high-fat diet or high shear stress.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 1241, 2022 01 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35075206


It has been hypothesised that oral bacteria can migrate, through the blood, from the mouth to the arterial plaques, thus exacerbating atherosclerosis. This study compared bacteria present in the peripheral blood of individuals with and without coronary artery disease (CAD). RNA sequences obtained from blood were downloaded from GEO (GSE58150). Eight patients with coronary artery calcification (CAC) scoring > 500 and eight healthy individuals were analysed. After conducting quality control, the sequences were aligned to the hg38 reference genome using Hisat2. Bacterial taxa were analysed by inputting the unmapped sequences into Kraken. Ecological indices were calculated using Vegan. The package DESeq2 was used to compare the counts of bacteria per standard rank between groups. A total of 51 species were found only in patients with CAD and 41 were exclusively present in healthy individuals. The counts of one phylum, one class, three orders, two families and one genus were significantly different between the analysed groups (p < 0.00032, FDR < 10%), including the orders Cardiobacteriales, Corynebacteriales and Fusobacteriales. Twenty-three bacterial species belonging to the subgingival plaque bacterial complexes were also identified in the blood of individuals from both the groups; Fusobacterium nucleatum was significantly less frequent in patients with CAD (p = 0.0012, FDR = 4.8%). Furthermore, the frequency of another 11 bacteria differed significantly among patients with CAD than that among healthy individuals (p < 0.0030, FDR < 10%). These bacteria have not been previously reported in patients with atherosclerosis and periodontitis. The presence of members of the subgingival plaque bacterial complexes in the blood of patients with CAC supports the hypothesis that the periodontopathogens can be disseminated through the blood flow to other body parts where they may enhance inflammatory processes that can lead to the development or exacerbation of atherosclerosis.

Sangue/microbiologia , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/microbiologia , Placa Dentária/microbiologia , Doenças Periodontais/complicações , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Periodontais/microbiologia
BioData Min ; 14(1): 35, 2021 Jul 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34301292


BACKGROUND: Calcific aortic valve stenosis (CAVS) is a fatal disease and there is no pharmacological treatment to prevent the progression of CAVS. This study aims to identify genes potentially implicated with CAVS in patients with congenital bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) in comparison with patients having normal valves, using a knowledge-slanted random forest (RF). RESULTS: This study implemented a knowledge-slanted random forest (RF) using information extracted from a protein-protein interactions network to rank genes in order to modify their selection probability to draw the candidate split-variables. A total of 15,191 genes were assessed in 19 valves with CAVS (BAV, n = 10; TAV, n = 9) and 8 normal valves. The performance of the model was evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity to discriminate cases with CAVS. A comparison with conventional RF was also performed. The performance of this proposed approach reported improved accuracy in comparison with conventional RF to classify cases separately with BAV and TAV (Slanted RF: 59.3% versus 40.7%). When patients with BAV and TAV were grouped against patients with normal valves, the addition of prior biological information was not relevant with an accuracy of 92.6%. CONCLUSION: The knowledge-slanted RF approach reflected prior biological knowledge, leading to better precision in distinguishing between cases with BAV, TAV, and normal valves. The results of this study suggest that the integration of biological knowledge can be useful during difficult classification tasks.

Acta Stomatol Croat ; 52(4): 330-339, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30666064


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the ICDAS-II caries status and caries-related factors among children from rural and urban schools in Pasto, Colombia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 120 children (4 - 6 year- old children) from rural (privileged) and urban (unprivileged) schools. Caries was evaluated using the ICDAS-II criteria. A survey about the factors related to the presence of caries was applied. Chi-square and Fisher's tests were used to assess the differences in each study variable between the two groups. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the number of teeth, per ICDAS-II category, between the groups. Negative binomial regression was used to estimate the percentage change in the mean number of teeth, per ICDAS-II category, among the rural and urban students. RESULTS: Significant differences were found between the rural and urban students for the ICDAS-II 0 and 3-6 categories (p<0.001). The mean number of teeth with moderate-to-severe caries status increased 233% in children from the rural school compared to those attending the urban school (p=0.0). Toothbrushing frequency (p=0.006), cariogenic diet, time elapsed from last dental visit, socioeconomic status, and type of health regime (p<0.001) were among the significant factors related to the rural and urban schools. CONCLUSIONS: This was the first study to compare ICDAS-II caries status between rural and urban students in Colombia. A worse caries status was found in rural students. This study identified the socioeconomic and clinical factors to guide specific interventions for rural children by modifying the available oral health promotion and disease prevention programs.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 29(4): 469-473, dic. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-651164


Objetivo: estimar el nivel de dependencia funcional comomedida de la discapacidad en un grupo de mototaxistas enCartagena. Metodología: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo.Se revisaron 1123 expedientes correspondientes a losmototaxistas que sufrieron un accidente de tránsito enCartagena; de los cuales se determinó en 262 sujetosel nivel de dependencia funcional con respecto a larealización de algunas actividades básicas de la vidadiaria, mediante la escala de Barthel. Para el análisis delos resultados se utilizó la base de datos Epi Info versión3.5.1, las variables se presentan en frecuencias absolutasy relativas. Resultados: se encontró que el 53.4% delos sujetos presentan dependencia funcional leve y el15,6% presentan dependencia moderada. El 76% de losencuestados manifestaron no realizar actividades laborales.Conclusiones: la dependencia funcional como medida de ladiscapacidad es una consecuencia altamente probable de losaccidentes de tránsito entre los moto-taxistas.

Objective: to estimate the functional dependency as ameasure of disability in a group of motorcycle taxi driversfrom Cartagena, Colombia. Methods: a retrospectivedescriptive study in which researchers reviewed 1123 filesof motorcycle taxi drivers involved in traffic accidents inCartagena during 2006. The level of functional dependenceregarding performance of some basic activities of daily lifewas determined for 262 subjects using the Barthel scale.Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using the EpiInfo3.5.1 database, and variables are presented in absolute andrelative frequencies. Results: it was found that 53.4% ofsubjects had mild functional dependence and 15.6% hadmoderate dependence. 76% of the participants said they wereunemployed. Conclusions: functional dependence as a measureof disability is a highly probable result of traffic accidentsamong motorcycle taxi drivers.

Acidentes de Trânsito , Pessoas com Deficiência
Acta biol. colomb ; 15(2): 47-60, ago. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635028


Con el objetivo de estimar la diversidad, la estructura y el flujo génico de tres poblaciones afrodescendientes del suroccidente colombiano (Buenaventura, Mulaló y Tumaco), se analizaron los alelos revelados por ocho STR’s autosómicos en 78 indi-viduos no relacionados, mediante amplificación por PCR y comparación con escaleras alélicas de cada sistema corridas en geles de poliacrilamida al 8%. Los resultados se compararon con las poblaciones amerindias Awa-Kuaikier y Coyaima, y las mestizas del Valle del Cauca y de Cauca. Se encontró que las muestras afrodescendientes y amerindias fueron moderadamente diversas (h entre 0,768±0,414 y 0,796±0,424), mientras que las mestizas mostraron índices mayores (>0,803), lo que puede ser consecuencia del mestizaje con amerindios, el cual puede explicar la alta endogamia observada para éstas. El AMOVA exhibió estructuración moderada entre las poblaciones afrodescendientes (FST= 0,098; p<0,05), y alta entre los tres grupos étnicos comparados (FST=0,26723; p<0,05). Las distancias genéticas favorecieron la cercanía entre Tumaco y Buenaventura, soportada por la tasa de migración encontrada (34,298), al igual que al interior de las poblaciones amerindias y mestizas. Las diferencias observadas entre Mulaló y las otras poblaciones negras quizá se expliquen porque es un aislado poblacional más cerrado. El árbol NJ mostró la relación más cercana entre las poblaciones amerindias y mestizas, además del carácter ancestral de las afrodescendientes. Esto sustenta la idea del flujo genético mantenido entre las tres etnias, principalmente entre las poblaciones amerindias y mestizas analizadas, soportado por las distancias genéticas, las tasas de migración y la matrilinealidad amerindia reportada en la literatura.

To estimate the diversity, structure and genetic flow in three colombian southwest afrodescendent populations (Buenaventura, Mulaló y Tumaco), the alleles revealed by 8 autosomal STR’s were analyzed in 78 no related individuals, by the use of PCR and comparison with specific allelic ladders for every system resolved by polyacrylamide gel (8%). The results were compared with 2 amerindian populations (Awa-Kuaikier and Coyaima) and 2 mixed colombian populations (Valle del Cauca and Cauca). For the afrodescendent and amerindian populations was found moderate diversity (h between 0.768±0.414 and 0.796±0.424), in contrast, the mixed population showed higher rates (>0.803), which is probably caused by mixing with amerindians, that also can explain the high endogamy seen in mixed populations. The AMOVA exhibited moderate genetic structure between the afrodescendent populations (FST= 0.098; p<0.05), but higher between the three ethnical groups compared (FST=0.26723; p<0.05). The closer genetics distances are in favor of Tumaco and Buenaventura, supported for the migration rate found (34.298), which was the same inside of amerindian and mixed populations. Maybe, because Mulaló is a closed isolated population, its differences in front others afrodescendent populations are explained. The neighbor-joining tree showed nearest relations among amerindian and mixed populations, furthermore, the ancestral character for the afrodescendents. That sustains the idea of genetic flow maintained between the 3 ethnical groups, principally between amerindian and mixed populations, supported because the genetic differences, migration rates and amerindian matrilineality reported in the literature.