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Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 28(34): 47492-47502, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33893592


This work investigated the efficiency of bioremediation of heavy fuel oil (HFO) in aqueous solutions by living Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, also known as water hyacinth. Possibility of using post-biosorption macrophytes to produce briquettes was also studied. HFO was characterized by its density, viscosity, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Water hyacinth was characterized by scanning electron microscope, pH of zero point of charge, buoyancy, and wettability. Experiments were performed to evaluate effects of contact time and initial oil concentration on biosorption. E. crassipes presented a hydrophobic nature, ideal for the treatment of oily effluents. Hollow structures in macrophytes were also identified, which favor capillary rise and retention of oils of high density and viscosity. Biosorption efficiency of HFO reached 94.8% in tests with initial concentration of 160 mg.L-1. A calorific value of 4022 was obtained in briquettes made of water hyacinth post-biosorption. These results reinforce the great potential of E. crassipes as a sustainable and efficient alternative for treatment of oily effluents.

Eichhornia , Óleos Combustíveis , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Biodegradação Ambiental
ROBRAC ; 23(66)set 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-763966


Este relato de caso mostra o diagnóstico de uma patologia congênita rara: Síndrome de Apert. Paciente do sexo feminino, 12 anos, melanoderma, apresentou aos exames clínico e radiográfico: acrobraquicefalia, sindactilia em mãos e pés, acne facial, nariz disforme, retrusão maxilar, pseudoprognatismo, hipertelorismo, proptose ocular, depressão das fissuras palpebrais laterais, lábios em forma trapezoidal, lábio superior protruso, pseudomacroglossia, mordida aberta anterior, mordida cruzadaposterior, palato em arco bizantino, múltiplas anomalias dentárias de posição (apinhamento dental maxilar e giroversões) e forma (ponte de esmalte pronunciada em incisivos laterais e taurodontismo em segundos molares), e alongamento do processo estilóide bilateral. A qualidade de saúde bucal da paciente era insatisfatória, com excesso de biofilme oral, cárie, doença periodontal e comprometimento endodôntico. O teste AUQEI apontou que a criança possuía baixa a moderada qualidade de vida. Este caso destaca a importância do diagnóstico precoce para intervenções clínico-cirúrgicas mais eficazes e o valor da equipe multidisciplinar no acompanhamento contínuo e na melhora da qualidade de vida de pacientes infantis portadores de anomalias congênitas severas.

This case report shows the diagnosis of a rare congenital pathology: Apert syndrome. A 12-year-old female patient, melanoderm, presented in clinical and radiographic examinations: acrobraquicephalia, syndactilia in hands and feet, facial acne, unshapely nose, maxillary retrusion, pseudoprognatism, hypertelorism, ocular proptosis, depression of the lateral palpebral fissures, trapezoid shaped appearance to the lips, upper lip protrusion, pseudomacroglossia, anterior open bite, posterior crossbite,Byzantine-arch palate, multiple dental anomalies of position (maxillary dental crowding and dental rotation) and shape (pronounced enamel bridge in lateral incisors and taurodontism in second molar teeth) and bilateral elongated styloid process. The quality of oral health was unsatisfactory in the patient, with excessive oral biofilm, carie lesion, periodontal disease and endodontic involvement. The AUQEI test showed that the child had a low to moderate quality of life. This case highlight the importance of an early diagnosis for more effective clinical and surgical interventions and the value of a multidisciplinary team in the continuousmonitoring and improvement of quality of life in pediatric patients with severe congenital abnormalities.