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Environ Dev Sustain ; 23(8): 12233-12251, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33424425


Abstract: The first case of COVID-19 in Brazil was registered in the city of São Paulo on February 26, 2020; however, restrictive measures and social distancing were only determined in the city on March 17, 2020. A partial lockdown aimed to mitigate the advance of the virus by raising the social isolation rates, by limiting the operation of several services and the mobility of the population. Thus, this study aims to analyze the relationship between the social isolation index in the city of São Paulo and the emission levels of the main air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, NOx, NO, NO2, SO2 and CO), as well as air temperature. We analyzed the data collected from three urban air quality monitoring stations located in the city center of São Paulo from March 16, 2020 to July 20, 2020. The data for 2020 were compared with those of the previous period in 2020 and the same period in the previous 5 years (2015-2019), and also to the city's official indices of social isolation. The relationships between pollutant concentrations and the social isolation index showed that the decrease in mobility influenced the reduction in air pollution. Pollutants NO2, NOx, NO and CO had the strongest negative associations (Pearson's correlation = - 0.582; 0.481; - 0.433 and - 0.367, respectively). Our results showed that the partial lockdown (from March 17, 2020, to July 20, 2020) had a positive impact on air quality, with a reduction in the emission of pollutants NO (31.75%), NO2 (20.60%), NOx (27.21%) and CO (29.95%). The greatest reductions in the emission of pollutants were observed when the social isolation index reached an average of 52.20%. Small negative fluctuations in the social isolation index broke the most significant reductions observed at the beginning of social isolation.

Dement Neuropsychol ; 2(2): 114-118, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29213553


The Brief Cognitive Battery-Edu (BCB-Edu) contains nine tests, seven of which are related to the memory of drawings, and has good accuracy in the diagnosis of cognitive impairment. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of age, gender and educational level on the performance in tests related to memory of drawings of the BCB-Edu in healthy subjects. METHODS: Participants were adult volunteers; exclusion criteria were illiteracy, neurologic or psychiatric disorders, visual or hearing impairment, untreated chronic clinical conditions, alcoholism, use of drugs, and for those aged 65 or over, an informant report of cognitive or functional impairment. We evaluated 325 individuals (207 women), with a mean age of 47.1 (±16.8) years, ranging from 19 to 81, and a mean of 9.8 (±5.0) schooling-years. Univariate analyses, correlations and logistic regression were employed (α=0.05). RESULTS: There were significant negative correlations between age and the scores in four of the seven tests. However, schooling-years were positively correlated to the scores, where schooling-years decreased with age in this sample (rho= -0.323; p<0.001). Logistic regression confirmed that gender influenced the learning of drawings, where women performed better, while age influenced incidental memory, immediate memory, learning and delayed recall of the drawings, and schooling-years influenced visual identification, immediate memory, learning, delayed recall and recognition of the drawings. CONCLUSION: Gender, age and education influence the performance on the memory of drawings of the BCB-Edu, although the extent of these influences differs according to the nature of the test.

A Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo - Edu (BBRC-Edu) contém nove testes, sete dos quais relacionados à memória de desenhos. Tem uma boa acurácia no diagnóstico de comprometimento cognitivo. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a influência da idade, sexo e nível educacional no desempenho nos testes relacionados à memória de desenhos da BBRC-Edu em sujeitos saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Os participantes foram voluntários; os critérios de exclusão foram: analfabetismo, doenças neurológicas ou psiquiátricas, perda auditiva ou visual, condições clínicas descompensadas, etilismo, uso de drogas, e para aqueles com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, informação de acompanhante de presença de comprometimento cognitivo ou funcional. Foram avaliados 325 indivíduos (207 mulheres), com idade média de 47.1 (±16.8) anos, variando de 19 a 81 nos, média de 9.8 (±5.0) anos de escolaridade. Análise univariada, correlações e regressão logística foram empregadas (α=0.05). RESULTADOS: Houve correlações negativas significativas entre idade e os escores de quatro dos sete testes. A escolaridade correlacionou-se positivamente aos escores, embora a escolaridade diminua com a idade nesta amostra (rho= -0.323; p<0.001). Regressão Logística confirmou que o gênero tem influência no aprendizado, com melhor desempenho entre as mulheres, enquanto a idade influenciou a memória incidental, memória imediata, aprendizado e evocação das figuras; e a escolaridade influenciou a identificação, memória imediata, aprendizado, evocação e reconhecimento. CONCLUSÃO: Gênero, idade e educação tiveram influência no desempenho na memória de figuras da BBRC-Edu, embora de modo diferente entre os tipos de teste.