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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 355-371, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448499


Resumen Los modelos neurocognitivos actuales definen a la atención como un sistema de control cognitivo responsable de la activación y organización jerárquica de los procesos encargados de elaborar la información. La atención juega un rol clave en el desempeño cognitivo infantil y en el aprendizaje escolar. Por ello, resulta importante disponer de instrumentos de evaluación, válidos y confiables, que permitan valorar con mayor precisión el desempeño atencional en niños y niñas. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Test de Anillos (TA), un nuevo instrumento diseñado para evaluar atención visual en niños. El TA se ha construido utilizando el optotipo C de Landolt y sigue la estructura triestímulo propuesta por la prueba de percepción de similitudes y diferencias (CARAS). Es una prueba de papel y lápiz que se compone de 60 bloques de estímulos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 86 escolares entre 8 y 10 años de edad. Para el estudio de las propiedades psicométricas se analizó la validez convergente entre el TA y el Test CARAS y se examinó la estabilidad temporal para analizar la confiabilidad del TA. Los resultados indicaron que el TA es un instrumento válido y confiable para la medición de la atención visual en niños y niñas. Presentó adecuados valores en validez convergente y una satisfactoria estabilidad temporal entre la primera y la segunda evaluación. Se concluye que el TA constituye un aporte a los instrumentos neuropsicológicos existentes para la evaluación de la atención visual en población infantil.

Abstract Current neurocognitive models define attention as a cognitive control system responsible for activation and hierarchical organization of the processes to elaborate information. It plays a key role in child cognitive performance and in school learning. It has been documented that children with greater attention capabilities show better performance in tasks that require cognitive control and better school performance. Therefore, it is important to have valid and reliable assessment instruments, which allow evaluating attentional performance in children with greater precision, and that are adapted to the sociocultural context of the target population. In line with these postulates, this paper presents a new instrument designed to evaluate visual attention in children called the Ring Test. The Ring Test is a visual discrimination test that has been constructed using Landolt's C optotype and following the tristimulus structure proposed by the Perception of Similarities and Differences (FACES) Test. Ring Test is a pencil and paper test that is made up of 60 blocks of stimuli each with triads of optotypes, where two optotypes are the same and one different. Subject's task is to find the different optotype in each stimulus triad and cross it out. This instrument brings into play focused and sustained attention and makes it possible to assess attentional effectiveness (AE), attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional performance (AP). Also, the Ring Test measures impulsivity (ICI) and net correct answers (NCA). The purpose of the study is to analyze psychometric properties for the Ring Test. Study's specific objectives were: (1) analyze the convergent validity between the Ring Test and the FACES Test, and (2) analyze the reliability of the Ring Test through the temporal stability. This study is framed in an instrumental design. The sample was composed of 86 schoolchildren, between 8 to 10 years. The results indicated that the Ring Test presented accurate values of convergent validity with the FACES test. The indicators of the Ring Test (AE, AF, AP, ICI and NCA) weighted for the complete execution of the test, showed the highest convergent validity indexes with the FACES Test (rho: from .55 to .62). AR and NCA for the complete execution of the test were the indicators that presented the highest validity (rho > .58), within the analyzed indicators. Also, the Ring Test presented a satisfactory temporal stability between the first and second measurement. It was observed that the most stable indicators are those that are calculated for the complete performance of the test (rho: from .56 to .76), and not for the partial times. AR and NCA calculated for the complete execution of the test were the indicators that denoted the greatest temporal stability (rho > .65). Another interesting aspect to highlight is that the Ring Test proved to be a valid and reliable instrument to measure attentional efficacy and impulsivity. AE evaluates the accuracy with which a child discriminates targeted stimuli within a set of similar stimuli and, consequently, can be considered a good indicator of attentional control. The ICI assesses the reflexivity or impulsiveness with which a subject performs a visual discrimination task. In sum, the results indicated that the Ring Test is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring visual attention in children. It is recommended to apply the complete test, not in time fractions, because the indicators calculated for the complete execution of the test showed greater convergent validity with the FACES test and greater temporal stability than the part-time indicators. It is concluded that the Ring Test is a contribution to the neuropsychological instruments available for the proper evaluation of visual attention in children.

Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 39-56, June 2017. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893317


La atención juega un rol clave en el desempeño escolar de los niños. Numerosas investigaciones han informado que la capacidad atencional se correlaciona positivamente con las competencias de lectura, escritura y habilidades matemáticas en escolares primarios. En este marco surge la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. El propósito del trabajo realizado fue elaborar los datos normativos del Test de Percepción de Semejanzas y Diferencias (CARAS) y sus indicadores de desempeño atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. La investigaciónfue descriptiva y se empleó un diseño no experimental, seccional-transversal. El análisis se hizo con una muestra estandarizada por muestreo aleatorio estratificado de 4.462 alumnos, de establecimientos escolares públicos de nivel primario del Gran Mendoza (República Argentina) de 7 a 12 años de edad. Como resultado se obtuvieron puntuaciones correspondientes al desempeño atencional:eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA), en tiempos parciales de evaluación (t1 y t2) y tiempo total (T), según sexo y edad. Luego se determinaron las frecuencias acumuladas que posteriormente fueron transformadas a rangos percentilares. Con este tipo de estudio normativo se pretende brindar en los diferentes indicadores de desempeño atencional, una mayor precisión diagnóstica en la evaluación del mecanismo atencional en niños.

Attention plays a key role in school performance of children. Different studies have reported that the attentional capacity is positively correlated with the skills of reading, writing and math in primary school. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. In this context, it is important evaluate the attentional abilities of children in education with valid, reliable and adapted instruments to the school population. The main perceptual-attentional skills used in assessing attentional tasks are: perception of differences, visual discrimination, visual integration and perceptual speed. These tasks can be characterized as simple, yet include a lot of tests, which requires a relatively large time to be realized. In this way become continuous performance tasks in which the subject must locate significant stimulus to a wider set of stimuli acting distracting way. The purpose of this work was the development of normative data of performance indicators in Perception Test Similarities and Differences or FACES. This test is used to evaluate the focused and sustained attention and the ability to perceive, quickly and correctly, similarities, differences and partially ordered stimulating patterns. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. The research was descriptive and cross-sectional non-experimental design was used. The analysis was performed on a standardized sample stratified random sample of 4.462 students between 7 and 12 years of public primary schools of Mendoza (República Argentina). As a result are obtained performance attentional scores: attentional efficacy (AE), attentional efficiency (AE) and attentional yield (AY) in partial evaluation time (t1 and t2) and total time (T), for each sex and age. These attentional assessment indicators are proposed by the authors in previous work. Mathematical expressions derived from these indicators, emerged from the chronological review of the progress made in this assessment tool and the need to know more accurately the capabilities of the subjects tested. In this context, the term attentional performance is introduced as an inclusive concept of attentional efficiency, attentional efficiency and attentional yield of a subject in visual search tasks. Attentional efficiency allows to evaluate the accuracy with which a child discriminate stimuli within a series of similar stimuli; attentional efficiency (AF) is defined as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Then, the cumulative frequencies, which were subsequently transformed to percentile ranks, were determined. With this kind of normative study is to provide, in different attentional performance indicators, greater diagnostic accuracy in assessing attentional mechanism in children. The attentional capacity is key to proper cognitive functioning, thus its evaluation is relevant for the purposes of precise diagnosis and adequate psycho-educational intervention programs that interrupt the cycle of failure and frustration helping to increase the feeling of self-efficacy in the school.

Rev. CES psicol ; 9(2): 68-79, jul.-dic. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956529


Resumen La iluminación es una de las características físicas más críticas en un espacio de aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar mediante dos instancias experimentales el desempeño atencional en una tarea de detección de detalles monocromáticos en aulas bajo diferentes condiciones de iluminación, contemplando las variables de temperatura de color correlacionada (TCC: 6500 ºK - 4000 ºK) e iluminancia horizontal (Eh: 300 lx - 500 lx). El diseño experimental empleado fue un experimento intra-sujetos y la muestra estuvo compuesta por 34 alumnos entre 8 y 9 años. Se administró el Test CARAS-R para evaluar eficacia (EA), eficiencia (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA). Los resultados evidencian diferencias en la FA (Z= -2.470; p= .013) y RA (Z= -2.385; p= 0.16) de los niños, según las condiciones de TCC. No se registraron diferencias en atención en función de Eh. Promover diseños de acondicionamientos lumínicos eficientes en las aulas es un modo de favorecer el desempeño cognitivo de sus ocupantes.

Abstract Lighting is one of the most critical physical characteristics in a learning space. This paper aims to evaluate by two experimental instances attentional performance in a detection task related to monochrome details in classrooms under different lighting conditions, considering correlated color temperature variables (CCT: 6500 ° K - 4000 ° K) and horizontal illuminance (Ehor: 300 lx - 500 lx). The experimental design was a within-subject design experiment and the sample consisted of 34 students between 8 and 9 years old. CARAS-R Test was administered to assess efficacy (EA), efficiency (FA) and attentional performance. In attentional efficiency (Z = 2470, p = .013) and attentional performance (Z = 2385, p = 0.16) of children, significant differences in the conditions of CCT were observed. No differences in Ehor occurred. It was found that providing efficient lighting designs in the classroom may promote its occupants cognitive performance.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 213-225, dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734357


En el ámbito educativo, las conductas problemas y los desórdenes atencionales son factores de riesgo que afectan el rendimiento académico y social del niño. La importancia del desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje genera la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. Desde la Neuropsicología del Desarrollo se proponen nuevos indicadores para la evaluación atencional a través del Test CARAS denominados: eficiencia atencional y rendimiento atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. Las expresiones matemáticas derivadas de los indicadores propuestos surgen de la revisión cronológica de los avances producidos en este instrumento de evaluación y la necesidad de conocer con mayor precisión las capacidades de los sujetos evaluados. Los indicadores propuestos han evidenciado en la prueba piloto con 48 sujetos una mayor representatividad de las habilidades atencionales y sus fluctuaciones, a partir del estudio de éstas en diferentes tiempos de evaluación. El trabajo que se informa permite introducir el término desempeño atencional como resultante de integrar los conceptos de eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA) en tareas de búsqueda visual. Con este tipo de estudio se pretende brindar una modalidad de análisis que contemple los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en tareas de búsqueda visual utilizadas para evaluar el desempeño atencional.

In the educational field the behavior problems and attentional disorders are risk factors, which affect the academic performance of the child. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. The importance of the development of learning processes requires the evaluation of the children's attentional abilities in the educational field as valid and reliable instruments adapted to the school population. This work, focused from the Development Neuropsychology approach, proposes two new indices called attentional efficiency and attentional yield for the evaluation of attention through the Perception of Differences Test - CARAS. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. These proposed indicators arise with new modes of administration of the Test CARAS and the need for greater accuracy in evaluating attentional. Attentional efficiency is defined (AF) as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Mathematical expressions derived from the proposed indicators, arising from the chronological review of developments since the original technique to methods and scores currently used today. We believe that the progress made in this work have enriched the analysis in the evaluation of attention and use of the CARAS Test. Although, attentional efficiency, produced advances in the interpretation of the results, new developments in the application of the test methods, that is, analyzing the execution after 3 minutes, have proposed new challenges. Currently with these contributions not only have the chance to meet attentional efficacy (AE) in a period of focused attention mainly, but also its attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in periods of sustained attention (after three minutes until completion of the task). The proposed indicators have been evident in the pilot test with 48 children greater representation of attentional skills and fluctuations, from the study of different evaluation times. The pilot test was conducted in the institution primary school, located in the city of Mendoza (Argentina). This paper presents the limitation of being a pilot study on a small sample of students. However, it served to apply in real cases the proposed concepts. These results come from children in urban public schools so the interpretation of the results must be contextualized. It must also recognize the importance of further assessments for adequate attentional diagnosis. Currently being developed complementary to regional scale attentional efficacy (AE) with attentional efficiency indicators (AF) and attentional yield (AY) from a random sample of 5000 students in first through seventh grade belonging to marginal - urban and urban primary schools state of Mendoza. This work allows introducing the term attentional performance as the result of integrating the concepts of attentional efficiency (AE), attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in visual search tasks. With this type of study is to provide a form of analysis, which considers the different aspects involved in visual search tasks used to assess attentional performance.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 213-225, dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-131470


En el ámbito educativo, las conductas problemas y los desórdenes atencionales son factores de riesgo que afectan el rendimiento académico y social del niño. La importancia del desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje genera la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. Desde la Neuropsicología del Desarrollo se proponen nuevos indicadores para la evaluación atencional a través del Test CARAS denominados: eficiencia atencional y rendimiento atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. Las expresiones matemáticas derivadas de los indicadores propuestos surgen de la revisión cronológica de los avances producidos en este instrumento de evaluación y la necesidad de conocer con mayor precisión las capacidades de los sujetos evaluados. Los indicadores propuestos han evidenciado en la prueba piloto con 48 sujetos una mayor representatividad de las habilidades atencionales y sus fluctuaciones, a partir del estudio de éstas en diferentes tiempos de evaluación. El trabajo que se informa permite introducir el término desempeño atencional como resultante de integrar los conceptos de eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA) en tareas de búsqueda visual. Con este tipo de estudio se pretende brindar una modalidad de análisis que contemple los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en tareas de búsqueda visual utilizadas para evaluar el desempeño atencional.(AU)

In the educational field the behavior problems and attentional disorders are risk factors, which affect the academic performance of the child. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. The importance of the development of learning processes requires the evaluation of the childrens attentional abilities in the educational field as valid and reliable instruments adapted to the school population. This work, focused from the Development Neuropsychology approach, proposes two new indices called attentional efficiency and attentional yield for the evaluation of attention through the Perception of Differences Test - CARAS. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. These proposed indicators arise with new modes of administration of the Test CARAS and the need for greater accuracy in evaluating attentional. Attentional efficiency is defined (AF) as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Mathematical expressions derived from the proposed indicators, arising from the chronological review of developments since the original technique to methods and scores currently used today. We believe that the progress made in this work have enriched the analysis in the evaluation of attention and use of the CARAS Test. Although, attentional efficiency, produced advances in the interpretation of the results, new developments in the application of the test methods, that is, analyzing the execution after 3 minutes, have proposed new challenges. Currently with these contributions not only have the chance to meet attentional efficacy (AE) in a period of focused attention mainly, but also its attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in periods of sustained attention (after three minutes until completion of the task). The proposed indicators have been evident in the pilot test with 48 children greater representation of attentional skills and fluctuations, from the study of different evaluation times. The pilot test was conducted in the institution primary school, located in the city of Mendoza (Argentina). This paper presents the limitation of being a pilot study on a small sample of students. However, it served to apply in real cases the proposed concepts. These results come from children in urban public schools so the interpretation of the results must be contextualized. It must also recognize the importance of further assessments for adequate attentional diagnosis. Currently being developed complementary to regional scale attentional efficacy (AE) with attentional efficiency indicators (AF) and attentional yield (AY) from a random sample of 5000 students in first through seventh grade belonging to marginal - urban and urban primary schools state of Mendoza. This work allows introducing the term attentional performance as the result of integrating the concepts of attentional efficiency (AE), attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in visual search tasks. With this type of study is to provide a form of analysis, which considers the different aspects involved in visual search tasks used to assess attentional performance.(AU)