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Hist. enferm., Rev. eletronica ; 11(esp): 7-14, 20200000.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1337913


Introducción: El arte enfermero implica cuidar al individuo sin distinciones, transformando y cambiando la persona cuidada, como Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) defendió en su modelo de cuidado holístico, modelo cuya estela puede vislumbrarse en el pensamiento de Concepción Arenal. Estas humanistas, abolicionistas y feministas, sostuvieron que el entorno social infl uye, positiva y negativamente, en la persona. Defendieron que las conductas delictivas se podían prevenir educando y cuidando de la persona con atención sanitaria justa, acciones que transformaban la realidad social de los barrios deprimidos. El objetivo general del estudio es analizar la biografía de Richard Speck através del modelo de cuidado de Florence Nightingale y el pensamiento reformista de Concepción Arenal. Metodología: Investigación histórica, exploratoria-descriptiva, con análisis e interpretación de información obtenida en fuentes primarias y secundarias. Resultados: Richard Speck vivió en un entorno familiar y social hostil, que le causó sufrimiento crónico y le condujo a desarrollar una personalidad delictiva. Conclusión: Si los profesionales que intervinieron con Richard Speck a lo largo de su vida hubiesen aplicado el modelo de cuidado de Florence Nightingale y el pensamiento reformista de Concepción Arenal, a lo mejor, los asesinatos de ocho estudiantes de enfermería enjulio de 1966 se hubiesen podido impedir.

Introdução: A arte da enfermagem implica em cuidar do indivíduo, sem distinção, transformando e mudando a pessoa cuidada, como Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) defendia em seu modelo de cuidado holístico, cujos sinais se pode perceber no pensamento de Concepción Arenal. Estas mulheres, humanistas, abolicionistas e feministas, defendiam que o contexto social influencia, positiva e negativamente, na pessoa. Defendiam que as condutas criminosas poderiam ser prevenidas ao se educar e cuidar da pessoa com uma atenção à saúde adequada, ações que transformavam a realidade social dos bairros pobres. O objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar a biografia de Richard Speck através do modelo de cuidado de Florence Nightingale e do pensamento reformista de Concepción Arenal. Metodologia: investigação histórica, exploratória-descritiva, com análise e interpretação das informações obtidas a partir de fontes primárias e secundárias. Resultados: Richard Speck viveu num contexto familiar e social hostil, que lhe causou sofrimento crônico e lhe levou a desenvolver uma personalidade criminosa. Conclusão: se os profissionais que intervieram com Richard Speck ao longo de sua vida houvessem aplicado o modelo de cuidado de Florence Nightingale e o pensamento Reformista de Concepción Arenal, na melhor das hipóteses, teria sido possível impedir o assassinato de oito estudantes de enfermagem em julho de 1966.

Introduction: The art of nursing implies in caring for each individual without distinction, transforming and changing the person being cared for, as Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) advocated in her holistic care model, whose signs can be perceived in the thought of Concepción Arenal. These humanist, abolitionist, and feminist women maintained that the social context has positive and negative influences on the person. They stated that criminal behavior could be prevented through education and care for people through appropriate health care attention, actions that could change the social reality of deprived neighborhoods. The general objective of this study is to analyze the biography of Richard Speck through the health care model created by Florence Nightingale and the reformist thought of Concepción Arenal. Methodology: Historical, exploratory, and descriptive investigation, with analysis and interpretation of the information obtained from primary and secondary sources. Results: Richard Speck was born in a hostile social and family environment, which led him to undergo chronic suffering and to develop a criminal personality. Conclusion: If the professionals who intervened with Richard Speck throughout his life had applied Florence Nightingale's health care model and the Reformist thought of Concepción Arenal, at best, the murder of eight nursing students in July 1966 might have been prevented.

História da Enfermagem , Enfermeiros , Personalidade
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 24(4): e20200053, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | BDENF - Enfermagem, LILACS | ID: biblio-1114756


RESUMEN OBJETIVO Conocer la evolución de la formación académica de la enfermería española (1850-1950), describiendo los cambios que la transformaron en profesión sanitaria. MÉTODO Investigación histórica en la modalidad exploratoria-descriptiva, con análisis e interpretación de información obtenida en bases de datos electrónicas, archivos nacionales, provinciales y municipales, Boletines Oficiales y Bibliotecas. RESULTADOS En 1850 coexistían diferentes categorías sanitarias, sin embargo, el título de enfermera no surgió hasta 1915. Con el auge que alcanzó la Salud Comunitaria durante esa época, en 1924, se funda la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, creándose en 1932 las especialidades de Enfermero Psiquiátrico, Enfermeras Pediátricas y Enfermeras Visitadoras. CONCLUSIONES E IMPLICACIÓN PARA LA PRÁCTICA Entre 1915 y 1950 los profesionales de enfermería poseían formación universitaria, por tanto, a través del conocimiento científico estos sanitarios adquirieron una identidad propia dentro de las profesiones de la salud. Se logró proporcionar una asistencia especializada para el cuidado de personas.

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To know the evolution of the academic formation of the Spanish infirmary (1850-1950), describing the changes that transformed it into sanitary profession. METHOD Historical research in the exploratory-descriptive modality, with analysis and interpretation of information obtained from electronic databases, national, provincial and municipal archives, official gazettes and libraries. RESULTS In 1850 different health categories coexisted, however, the title of nurse did not emerge until 1915. With the boom that Community Health reached during that time, in 1924, the National School of Health was founded, creating in 1932 the specialties of Psychiatric Nurse, Pediatric Nurse and Visiting Nurse of Mental Hygiene. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE Between 1915 and 1950 all nursing professionals had university training, therefore, through scientific knowledge these health professionals acquired their own identity within the health professions and they were able to provide specialized assistance for the care of people.

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To know the evolution of the academic formation of the Spanish infirmary (1850-1950), describing the changes that transformed it into sanitary profession. METHOD Historical research in the exploratory-descriptive modality, with analysis and interpretation of information obtained from electronic databases, national, provincial and municipal archives, official gazettes and libraries. RESULTS In 1850 different health categories coexisted, however, the title of nurse did not emerge until 1915. With the boom that Community Health reached during that time, in 1924, the National School of Health was founded, creating in 1932 the specialties of Psychiatric Nurse, Pediatric Nurse and Visiting Nurse of Mental Hygiene. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE Between 1915 and 1950 all nursing professionals had university training, therefore, through scientific knowledge these health professionals acquired their own identity within the health professions and they were able to provide specialized assistance for the care of people.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Enfermagem , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/legislação & jurisprudência , Espanha , Legislação de Enfermagem/história