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J Otol ; 16(3): 178-184, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34220986


OBJECTIVE: To review the published literature related to the different obliteration and reconstruction techniques in the management of the canal wall down mastoidectomy. METHODS: A PubMed (Medline) and LILACS databases as well as crossed references search was performed with the following Mesh terms: "cholesteatoma", "cholesteatoma-middle ear", "otitis media", "otitis media, suppurative", "mastoiditis", "mastoidectomy", "canal wall down mastoidectomy", "radical mastoidectomy", "mastoid obliteration" and crossed references. Inclusion criteria were adult patients subject to mastoid cavity obliteration and posterior canal wall reconstruction. The technique and materials used, anatomic and functional results, complications, recurrence rates, and changes in quality of life, were analyzed. A total of 94 articles were screened, 38 were included for full-text detailed review. RESULTS: Twenty-one articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Techniques and materials used for canal wall reconstruction, tympanoplasty, and ossiculoplasty were varied and included autologous, biosynthetic, or both. Auditory results were reported in 16 studies and were inconsistent. Three studies reported improvement in the quality of life using the GBI scale. Follow-up time ranged from 1 to 83 months. Eleven articles used imaging studies to evaluate postoperative disease recurrence. The highest recurrence rate reported for cholesteatoma after obliteration was 19%. The most frequently reported complications were retraction pockets and transient otorrhea. CONCLUSION: Plenty of techniques combining grafts and other materials have been used to overcome mastoidectomy cavity problems. So far, it is still not possible to standardize an ideal procedure. The available level of evidence for this topic is low and limited.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 57(3): 5-8, may.-jun. 2014. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956990


Resumen Los efectos secundarios que puede tener el consumo de cocaína en el ser humano se han orientado, principalmente, al adulto. Sin embargo, aunque se ha estudiado lo que ocurre en la mujer embarazada y en el producto de la gestación, es muy probable que la información actual no sea considerada a plenitud por ginecólogos, obstetras y pediatras. Con el objeto de disminuir la morbilidad infantil y en algunos casos la muerte de estos niños, se presentan las posibilidades teratogénicos de la cocaína, las alteraciones en el crecimiento del feto, las alteraciones placentarias que favorecen la muerte in útero o la prematuridad, las dificultades para que el recién nacido se adapte a la vida extrauterina o algunas alteraciones del aprendizaje y comportamiento del menor en las diferentes etapas de la edad pediátrica. Es necesario que los futuros médicos y los especialistas que interactúan con la población señalada en esta revisión estén atentos a estas novedades.

Abstract The study of side effects of cocaine in humans has mainly been focused on the adult population. However, although such effects on pregnant women and the product of conception have also been studied, it is likely that the updated information about this is mostly dismissed by gynecologists, obstetricians and pediatricians. This review presents the teratogenic possibilities, and abnormalities in fetal growth and placentation leading to miscarriage or prematurity; as well as the difficulties for the newborn to adapt to extrauterine life; and some learning disabilities and behavior disorders of the child throughout the different stages of pediatric age; the aim is to decrease child morbidity and, in some cases, even the death of these children. It is necessary for future doctors and specialists who interact with the population identified in this review to be aware of the updates in this topic.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 57(1): 15-23, ene.-feb. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956975


En este artículo se presentan las características "visibles" e "invisibles" de las diferentes modalidades del maltrato Infantil (MI) con base en la experiencia de la Clínica de Atención Integral al Niño Maltratado del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (CAINM-INP). Se presenta y se enfatiza el cuadro clínico de las víctimas del "síndrome del niño sacudido" y se insiste en la necesidad de prevenirlo y diagnosticarlo a tiempo. También se exponen los problemas médicos que generan las manifestaciones clínicas desencadenantes de este síndrome como son: crisis de llanto inconsolable, irritabilidad y rechazo al alimento.

A presentation is made of the "visible" and "invisible" characteristics of the different forms of Child abuse (ChA) based on the experience of the Comprehensive Care Clinic of Abused Children of the National Institute of Pediatrics (CAINM-INP). We present and emphasize the clinical picture of the child victim of "shaken baby syndrome" and insist in the need to prevent and diagnose it in time. We also expose the medical conditions that generate the clinical manifestations that trigger the problem such as: inconsolable crying spells, irritability and refusal to eat.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 56(6): 5-23, nov.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956964


En la actualidad, los pediatras, los médicos familiares y generales, así como los internos y los pasantes en Servicio Social de la Facultad de Medicina encuentran un cambio en la epidemiología de las enfermedades en pediatría y en la disponibilidad de exámenes de laboratorio y gabinete. El maltrato infantil (MI) es un problema médico al que se enfrentarán cotidianamente. En este artículo se enfatiza la necesidad de entenderlo como un problema médico-social-legal. Se presenta la definición de MI empleada en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, la denominación actual de acuerdo al CIE-10, sus diversas modalidades, el diagnóstico diferencial, las características de los 3 elementos básicos para su desarrollo, así como las estrategias requeridas para su atención integral y conclusiones básicas.

Currently, pediatricians, family and general practitioners as well as interns and physisians doing their social service in the Faculty of Medicine are facing a change in the epidemiology of pediatric diseases and the availability of laboratory and imaging tests. A medical problem they will face daily, is child abuse (ChA). This article emphasizes the need to understand it as a medical social and legal problem. We present a definition used in the National Institute of Pediatrics, the current name of ChA according to ICD-10, the variants of this problem, the differential diagnosis, the characteristics of the three basic elements for its development as well as the strategies required to comprehensive care and basic conclusions.