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Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab;56(2): 1-20, jun. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125825


RESUMEN La vitamina D (VD), un esteroide pleiotrópico, ha sido relacionada con la función reproductiva masculina, pero aún no se ha estudiado la expresión de su receptor (RVD) en el desarrollo testicular. RVD regula la expresión de componentes del sistema histaminérgico, y la histamina (HA) modula la esteroidogénesis en células de Leydig (CL). Se ha relacionado a la deficiencia de VD con múltiples patologías, entre ellas cáncer. Los tumores de células de Leydig (TCL) son los más frecuentes del intersticio testicular, y al malignizar no responden a radio/quimioterapia. VD fue descripta como tratamiento para varios tumores, pero se desconoce su aplicación en TCL. Por lo expuesto, hemos estudiado la expresión de RVD en la ontogenia de testículo de rata, evaluando su correlación con los niveles de testosterona séricos (T) y el contenido de HA; y además evaluamos la expresión de RVD en testículo humano fetal, neonatal, prepuberal, TCL e hiperplasia de CL. En testículo de rata, se observó un aumento en la expresión de RVD en CL con la edad, en línea con el incremento de T, y en contraposición con la disminución del contenido de HA, lo cual fue consistente con la reducción en los niveles de la enzima que cataliza su síntesis, HDC. Esto sugiere que la VD podría ejercer una función en el desarrollo testicular normal, ya sea en forma directa sobre las CL o mediante la regulación de la expresión de componentes del sistema histaminérgico (HDC y/o receptores de HA). Por su parte, el TCL humano presentó sobreexpresión de RVD y HDC. Considerando que las hormonas esteroideas se encuentran aumentadas en esta patología y funcionan como factores de crecimiento, si el calcitriol pudiera modular la esteroidogénesis podría tener una aplicación terapéutica.

ABSTRACT Vitamin D (VD) is a steroid hormone traditionally related to bone health. However, several authors have associated VD with reproduction and steroidogenesis in males. The presence ofVD receptor (VDR) and the enzymes involved in its activation had been reported in several cell types of the testes. Until now, nobody has studied RVD expression during testicular development. In addition, VDR in association with its co-activators or co-repressors, regulates the expression of several genes, including those related to the histaminergic system. Previously, we demonstrated that histamine (HA) can modulate steroidogenesis in Leydig cells (LC) in a concentration-dependent manner. Also, we observed a decrease in the endogenous HA content, consistent with the previously described decrease of HDC (histidine decarboxylase, the enzyme responsible of HA synthesis) levels, during LC ontogeny. Epidemiologic studies strongly suggest that a relationship exists between VD deficiency and multiple pathologies, particularly cancer. Leydig cell tumors (LCT) are rare endocrine tumors ofunknown etiology, which originate in the testicular interstitium. The incidence worldwide is 1-3% in adults and 4% in prepubertal boys, but recent publications indicate that these figures have been increasing. While usually benign, approximately 10% of LCT in adults become malignant and do not respond to chemo or radiotherapy. It is imperative to deeply investigate the biology of LCT, to identify new therapeutic targets. The potential role of calcitriol (1a,25(OH)2-vitamin-D3) in cancer treatment has been described for several types of tumors, but it remains unexplored in LCT. Thus, as a first step, it is worth evaluating VDR expression in LCT.In view of the aforecited evidence, herein we studied VDR expression during the rat testicular ontogeny, evaluating a possible correlation withserum testosterone (T) levels in blood, endogenous levels of HA and the previously described HDC expression levels. We also analized VDR expression in human testes corresponding to three different stages of development (fetal, neonatal andjuvenile), in LCT and in LC hyperplasia. Methods: Rat testes of different ages (7, 21, 35, 90 y 240 days), human fetal, neonatal and pre pubertal testes, a human LCT and a human LC hyperplasia; were used for detection of VDR by immunohistochemistry. Results: In the rat testes, VDR expression increased with age in LC, in line with the increase in serum testosterone; and in contrast with the decrease in the endogenous content of HA and HDC levels. Likewise, we detected an increase in VDR expression with age in the human testes samples. LCT presentedVDR and HDC overexpression. We also detected VDR in LC hyperplasia. Conclusions: Given that VDR testicular expression increases with age in LC, as well as testosterone serum levels, it is reasonable to speculate thatVD may play a role in normal testicular development, either acting directly on LC or by regulating one of more components of the histaminergic system (HDC or HA receptors). Considering that VDR is overexpressed in LCT, and that steroids are increased in this pathology (and act like growth factors); if calcitriol could modulate steroidogenesis, it could have a therapeutic role.

Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab;55(4): 1-10, dic. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041748


Resumen Los tumores de células de Leydig (TCL) son tumores endócrinos del intersticio testicular, cuya incidencia se encuentra en aumento. Los síntomas incluyen feminización o virilización en pacientes prepuberales, y pérdida de libido, disfunción eréctil, infertilidad y/o ginecomastia en adultos. Si bien son usualmente benignos, cuando malignizan en adultos no responden a radio y quimioterapia. Múltiples trabajos han reportado que la histidina decarboxilasa (HDC), enzima que cataliza la conversión de L-histidina en histamina (HA), tiene un rol importante en el desarrollo de tumores. A su vez, en nuestro laboratorio demostramos que la HA induce la proliferación de células de Leydig tumorales (CLT) murinas, mientras que la inhibición de HDC disminuye su proliferación y capacidad esteroidogénica. Además, observamos elevada expresión de HDC en TCL pediátricos vs. controles de distintos estadios de madurez sexual; y se ha descrito que ratones knock out para HDC poseen una angiogénesis incompleta. Para evaluar el rol de HDC en la modulación de la angiogénesis se empleó la línea de CLT de rata R2C, principal modelo utilizado en estudios de Leydigioma. También se realizaron estudios en TCL pediátricos. Los medios condicionados por las CLT R2C estimularon la angiogénesis tanto in vitro como in vivo (empleando HUVEC y analizando el grado de vascularización de membranas corioalantoideas de codorniz, respectivamente). El efecto in vitro se revirtió al tratar previamente las CLT R2C con α-metil-DL-histidinadihidrocloruro, inhibidor específico de HDC. A su vez, tanto la HA como los medios condicionados provenientes de TCL pediátricos, produjeron un aumento en la proliferación de las HUVEC. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las CLT producen HA y otros factores proangiogénicos, y que la inhibición selectiva de HDC atenúa la capacidad proangiogénica de las CLT. En base a estos resultados y evidencias previas del laboratorio, inhibidores específicos de HDC podrían ser utilizados como potencial terapia neoadyuvante en TCL.

ABSTRACT Leydig Cell tumors (LCT) are a rare group of endocrine tumors in the testicular interstitium. Between 1 and 3% of testicular malignances in adults and 4% in prepubertal children belong to LCT. An increasing incidence of this type of neoplasia has been reported recently all around the world. Particularly, a strong relationship between LCT and the use of anabolic steroids (which are commonly used nowadays) has been reported recently. In prepubertal boys, symptoms include feminization or virilization, depending on the major circulating steroid (estradiol or testosterone respectively). Adult patients show loss of libido, penile dysfunction, infertility and/or gynecomastia. Although the etiology still is unknown, several studies indicate that tumoral Leydig cells have an excessive production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), as well as aromatase (CYP19) overexpression, which causes an enormous amount of estrogens (particularly estradiol, E2), and both factors play an important role in tumorigenesis. While usually benign, when LCT became malignant in adults they respond poorly to radio and chemotherapy. Likewise, it has been reported that both therapies increase the incidence of several tumors. All these data imply the need of new therapeutic targets to avoid the chirurgical dissection of the testes and the consequences of the hormonal therapies associated, which implicate not only the loss in reproductive function, but also psychological disorders. Several publications have reported that histidine decarboxylase (HDC), the only enzyme capable of catalyzing the conversion from L-histidine to histamine (HA) in mammals, has an important role in the development of several types of tumors, such as colorectal, breast and melanoma. At the same time, in our laboratory we have reported that HA induces cell proliferation of murine Leydig cells, and complementary, this cell proliferation decreases when inhibiting selectively HDC, as well as steroid synthesis (progesterone and E2). Also, we observed a higher expression of HDC in pediatric LCT (n = 3) than normal controls corresponding to different stages of sexual maturation (n = 9). It has been described that HDC knock out mice have an incomplete angiogenesis, and also that MA-10 Leydig cells HDC expression correlates with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge about the role of HDC in LCT biology, particularly, the angiogenesis modulation. We used the R2C Leydig cell line, the most used model for in vitro studies of Leydigioma, because it overexpresses CYP19 and constitutively produces high levels of IGF-1 and E2, as well as human LCT. R2C and pediatric LCT angiogenic capability was evaluated in vitro by measuring proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). In addition, we verified R2C cells angiogenic capability in vivo, using quail embryo vasculature (chorioallantoic membrane assay). Both models have been validated for the study of angiogenesis. Conditioned medium obtained from R2C cell culture stimulated angiogenesis in vitro (p <0.001) as well as in vivo (p <0.001). The in vitro effect was reverted with a previous treatment on the R2C cell culture using α-methyl-DL-histidine hydrochloride (α-MHD, 10 µM), a specific HDC activity inhibitor (p <0.001). Finally, human conditioned medium from pediatric LCT increased HUVEC proliferation (p <0.01). In the same way, the analyzed patients showed higher testosterone and estradiol levels than normal serum concentrations, which was in concordance to phenotypical features observed in presence of LCT. Our results indicate that tumoral Leydig cells (TLC) produce HA, as well as other angiogenic factors, and it could be stimulating the vascular endothelium. The selective inhibition of HDC attenuates the pro-angiogenic capability in TLC. Considering all these results and previous observations of our laboratory, specific inhibitors of HDC could be used, in the future, as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of LCT.