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Zookeys ; 1044: 783-796, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34183891


A new species of Callistege Hübner, [1823] (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Erebinae, Euclidiini) is described from Cuatrociénegas Protected Area and Biosphere Preserve in Coahuila, Mexico. Adult male and female moths are illustrated, including genitalia. Callistege clara Homziak & Metzler, sp. nov. is one of 27 new species of insects discovered during an inventory survey of arthropods of White Sands National Monument, USA, and Cuatrociénegas Protected Area (Mexico), funded by the U.S. National Park Service. The Cuatrociénegas Basin is known for high endemism of aquatic and wetland biota within the Chihuahuan Desert. Callistege clara Homziak & Metzler, sp. nov. was found in a wetland environment.

Zookeys ; 923: 51-63, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32292270


Two new species are described in the Neotropical genus Agaporomorphus Guignot from Suriname: A. hamatocoles sp. nov. and A. tortus sp. nov. The species are included in a phylogenetic parsimony analysis of 13 morphological characters and all 12 known species. Two equally parsimonious arrangements are found with the only difference a rearrangement among the A. knischi clade. Agaporomorphus tortus belongs to the A. dolichodactylus group based on presence of an elongate, club-like lobe on the dorsal, basal surface of the male median lobe and long, subsinuate male mesotarsal claws and a small lobe at the apex of male mesotarsomere V. Agaporomorphus hamatocoles does not belong to a known species group and is phylogenetically isolated lacking synapomorphies characterizing the other groups, so the species is placed in its own species group. Male genitalia are illustrated for the new species and redrawn for all the species of the A. dolichodactylus group, and male mesotarsal claws are illustrated for A. tortus and redrawn for other members of the A. dolichodactylus group. New distribution records are reported for Suriname for the species A. colberti Miller and Wheeler and A. pereirai Guignot.

ResumenSe describen dos nuevas especies en el género neotrópico Agaporomorphus Guignot de Surinam: A. hamatocoles sp. nov. y A. tortus sp. nov. Las especies se incluyen en un análisis de parsimonia filogenética de 13 carácteres morfológicos y las 12 especies conocidas. Se encuentran dos arreglos igualmente parsimoniosos, con la única diferencia de un reordenamiento entre el clado de A. knischi. Agaporomorphus tortus pertenece al grupo A. dolichodactylus basado en la presencia en el macho de un lóbulo alargado, que parece un palo en la superficie dorsal, al base del lóbulo mediano ; las largas garras mesotarsales subsinuosas; y un lóbulo pequeño en el ápice del mesotarsómero V. Agaporomorphus hamatocoles no pertenece a ningún grupo de especies conocidas, está aislada filogenéticamente y carece de sinapormorfias que caracterizan los otros grupos, así que la especie se coloca en su propio grupo . Los genitales de los machos se ilustran para las nuevas especies y también para todas las especies del grupo A. dolichodactylus. Las garras mesotarsales de los machosse ilustran para A. tortus y también para los otros miembros del grupo A. dolichodactylus. Se informan nuevos registros de distribución para Surinam para las especies A. colberti Miller y Wheeler y A. pereirai Guignot.

Zootaxa ; 4508(2): 288-300, 2018 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30485980


A new species of Hydrocanthus Say, 1823 is described and illustrated, H. zimmermanni sp. nov. from Peru. A distinct pattern of prosternum and prosternal process setation and aedeagal features differentiate the new species from all other members of Hydrocanthus. Two new synonyms are established: H. rubiginosus Guignot, 1942 as junior synonym of H. debilis Sharp, 1882 (syn. nov.) and H. paludimonstrus Miller, 2001 as junior synonym of H. paraguayensis Zimmermann, 1928 (syn. nov.). In addition, a key to Brazilian species of Hydrocanthus is provided.

Besouros , Animais , Brasil , Peru
Zookeys ; (623): 125-130, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27843392


Novadessus viracochagen. n. and sp. n. is described from Peru. The genus distinctly is characterized by having the following combination: (1) a transverse occipital line absent on the head; (2) the anterior clypeal margin not modified; (3) a pair of basal pronotal striae present; (4) the basal elytral stria absent; (5) the elytral sutural stria absent; (6) the elytron without longitudinal carinae; (7) the epipleuron without a transverse carina at the humeral angle; (8) the lateral lobes of the male aedeagus two-segmented; (9) the overall habitus elongate and oval, with lateral pronotal and elytral margins discontinuous; (10) without distinct denticles along the posterior margins of the abdominal sternites; (11) the male genitalia (both median lobe and lateral lobes) bilaterally symmetrical; and (12) the metatrochanter small relative to the metafemur, approximately 0.6 × the length of the metafemur. The genus is diagnostically similar to Fontidessus Miller and Spangler and Neobidessodes Hendrich and Balke, but is superficially more similar to Liodessus Guignot. The habitus and male genitalia are illustrated, and a distribution map is provided.

ResumenNovadessus viracochagen. n. y sp. n. se describe de Perú. El género se caracteriza especialmente por tener la siguiente combinación: (1) línea occipital transversal ausente en la cabeza; (2) margen anterior clipeal no modificado; (3) presencia de un par de estrías basales pronotales; (4) estría elitral basal ausente; (5) estría elitral sutural ausente; (6) élitro sin carenas longitudinales; (7) epipleuron sin carena transversal en el ángulo humeral; (8) lóbulos laterales del aedeagus del macho bisegmentados; (9) hábito alargado y oval, con márgenes laterales de pronoto y élitros discontinuos; (10) sin dentículos a lo largo de los márgenes posteriores de los esternitos abdominales; (11) órganos genitales del macho (lóbulo medio y lóbulos laterales) bilateralmente simétricos; y (12) metatrocánter pequeño en relación con el metafémur, aproximadamente 0.6 × de la longitud del metafémur. El género es diagnósticamente similar a Fontidessus Miller y Spangler y Neobidessodes Hendrich y Balke, pero es superficialmente similar a Liodessus Guignot. Se ilustran el hábito y los órganos genitales del macho, y se proporciona un mapa de distribución.

Zootaxa ; 4107(3): 447-50, 2016 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27394835


Hoedillus sexpunctatus Simon, 1898 was described from a single female specimen collected in Guatemala and is the type species of the monotypic genus Hoedillus Simon, 1898. This genus was originally placed in the family Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872, subfamily Heteropodinae Thorell, 1873. In a review of this subfamily, Jäger (2002) determined that Hoedillus was misplaced in Sparassidae due to the lack of metatarsal trilobate membranes. Hoedillus was transferred to the family Zoridae Pickard-Cambridge, 1893 by Jäger (2002), now a junior synonym of Miturgidae Simon, 1886 (Ramírez 2014). Ramírez (2014), suggested Hoedillus may be a member of the Xenoctenus group, but provisionally listed it as a Miturgidae, awaiting further investigation.

Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Aranhas/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Animais , Classificação , Feminino , Masculino , Nicarágua , Especificidade da Espécie
Zootaxa ; 3790: 177-84, 2014 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24869866


Agaporomorphus sharynae sp. n. is described from Amazonas, Venezuela. Agaporomorphus Zimmermann, 1921 now includes nine known species. The new species is part of the A. knishi species group since it has similarly convoluted male genitalia with rows of setae on the dorsal surface. Males can be separated from those of other members of the genus by the structure of the abdominal ventrites, shape of the antennae, and shape of the male median lobe. The cladistic analysis of K.B. Miller & Wheeler (2008) is modified to include the new species. The habitus and male and female genitalia are illustrated, and male genitalia of other species of the A. knishi species group are illustrated for comparison.

Biodiversidade , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Besouros/classificação , Ecossistema , Feminino , Masculino , Venezuela
Zootaxa ; 3659: 1-62, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25333085


The longhorned beetle genus Elytroleptus Dugés (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Trachyderini) is revised to include fifteen species. One new species is described: E. quadricostatus sp. nov. Grzymala & Miller. Three new synonymies are proposed: E. dichromaticus Linsley, 1961 syn. n. = E. divisus (LeConte, 1884); E. luteicollis Skiles & Chemsak, 1982 syn. n. = E. ignitus (LeConte, 1884); E. peninsularis Hovore, 1988 syn. n. = E. immaculipennis Knull, 1935. A lectotype is designated for E. scabricollis Bates, 1892. The genus is generally distributed throughout the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica) with one species, E. floridanus (LeConte), extending the range to the northeastern and southeastern United States. Elytroleptus is of interest to both naturalists and taxonomists as several species are lycid (Coleoptera: Lycidae) mimics with three recorded as predaceous on their own models (E. apicalis (LeConte), E. ignitus (LeConte), E. limpianus Skiles & Chemsak). Descriptions of all species are provided with an emphasis on clarifying intraspecific polychromatic variation. A key to the adult species, distribution maps, habitus images, and illustrations of mouthparts and genitalia are presented. A phylogenetic analysis of Elytroleptus is performed using twenty-one adult morphological characters. Six most parsimonious trees (L = 59; CI = 50; RI = 75) are recovered. Results suggest that Elytroleptus is monophyletic and is supported by four unambiguous synapomorphies.

Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Animais , América Central , Besouros/genética , Feminino , Masculino , Filogenia , Estados Unidos
Zootaxa ; 3609: 243-7, 2013 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24699587


Notomicrus josiahi sp. n. is described from a stream in southern Venezuela. The species differs from others in the genus in 1) large size for the genus (1.48-1.53mm), 2) smooth, shiny dorsal surface with indistinct punctation and mircroretic-ulation, 3) distinct coloration with head and pronotum yellow and elytron bicolored with basal portion black and apical portion brown, and 4) distinctive male genitalia. A checklist of the valid, known species of Notomicrus is given.

Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Animais , Ecossistema , Genitália Masculina/anatomia & histologia , Masculino , Rios , Venezuela